Korbs699 and JesusMRS wedding

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Weddings Korbs699's and JesusMRS' Wedding

Korbs and Jesus IRL

People getting married getplayerhead.sh?Korbs699&16.png Korbs699 and getplayerhead.sh?JesusMRS&16.png JesusMRS
Date 5th of May,2023
Location Valheim's church
Public? with invitation, yes


On Friday the 5th of may 2023 at 3pm UTC. users getplayerhead.sh?Korbs699&16.png Korbs699 and getplayerhead.sh?JesusMRS&16.png JesusMRS married in the Hill Church Valheim in modern day Avier.

getplayerhead.sh?NickolasDiamond&16.png NickolasDiamond was supposed to be the priest, but due to work reasons he could not attend the wedding at time and so they made getplayerhead.sh?NedHuman&16.png NedHuman the priest (worst priest).

They were also talking in McO's discord server main voice chat.



After both Jesus and Korbs agreed in getting married, Jesus spawned 3 withers, and the assistants took them down, while some died due to the withers and NedHuman who promised before the marriage to do a killing party, which JesusMRS agreed to. getplayerhead.sh?laootr_&16.png laootr_ brought one of the withers to the rule agreement of Valheim, before it was killed.

Someone brought a lot of slime to the wedding, so the assistants went home with free slime.

Reputation cookies were also given away after whe wedding.
