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User eleanorsilly


Known as Eleanor or Ellie or El Eanor or Elean or Elea or ealeanro or elenro or elecor or silly depends on you
Gender Woman
Location France
Nationality French
DOB -01-31
Occupation nothing. why am i even here. idk.
In Freedonia
First joined 22 February 2023
First building noob house, it didn't even have a fucking roof lmao
Donor level **** Donor IV
Kit level ***** Nether
View profile and statistics

"#PraiseTheDoors" eleanorsilly

eleanorsilly is a little player of MCO. She once trolled snakyman by making him discover the /spanw command.


  • Making cool screenshots with shaders (you can recruit me for your wiki page)
  • Making wiki pages (I contribute to the real Wikipedia)
  • Giving her Diamond Kit to new/random players
  • Making tunnels through hills



  • Boat link to my first house, which might become a private island

In the works

  • Translating some major pages of the Wiki to French


  • Any nice player (especially if they give stuff to new players)
  • Doorism
  • using :3


Laootr_'s Banhammer *rawr x3*

This was a great sword, all enchantments except Sweeping Edge. Made by myself. Lost during a PVP against NedHuman (if I recall correctly at least). The "*rawr x3*" references the song Antonymph.

Laootr_'s Banhammer *rawr x3* v2

Same as above, lost while I was AFK at the inauguration of Brick Mall.

Thanks Acesrt :3

A temporary sword gifted by Acesrt (it had a different name originally but I renamed it), with Sharpness 5, Mending, Looting 2, KB 1 and Fire Aspect 2. Used for a moment as a backup sword. Lost due to chorus fruit tping in blocks. Later regained thanks to abamacus finding back my stuff 1 year and a half later and kindly giving it back to me.

Moonside Howl x3

A sword gifted by bartek_kx, a maxed sword with KB 2 added. The name is a reference to the song Moonside Howl. Lost because of elytra lag. fuck MCO.

lao's revenge hammer (die x3)

A maxed sword made by myself (without KB 2). lost because someone thought it'd be funny to kill me when I was lagging very hard.

Penis Cutter :3

A maxed sword. Lost because Ned makes traps that he will never check because he's banned L bozo

Estradiol Injector :3

A maxed sword with kb 2 added. Lost due to an AFK kill.

Bigot Slayer :3

idk what happened to that one

eleanor cuts heads :3

got stolen by Bunsenbaker. ill find you.

Names that have been given to me

Reputation cookies

Tracking of eleanorsilly rep cookies (all UUID based)

  • 34 in ec
  • 1 given to parrot (it died)
  • 1 given to orchunter88

Tracking of eleanorthesow rep cookies (all UUID based)

Tracking of laootr_ rep cookies

  • ate 3
  • gave 4 (at least 3 not UUID based)
  • been stolen 3 (it was Ned but I think he sold them) (not UUID based)
  • 50 in ec (41 not UUID based)

Tracking of JCobbler2010 rep cookies (all UUID based)

  • gave 4
  • 7 in ec

Tracking of blahajlover_ rep cookies (all UUID based)