Stolen Town

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green_towns.png Stolen Town
Stolen Town Rep.png

Map view

Founder rorhl
Contributors Moxieskip Kacpernigg Luigifan200 ickyacky Monkesniper221 Acesrt
Category Towns
Underground? No
Fortified? Yes
Public build? yes just ask
Road link? Heruvian South Corridor Highway
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? No
Portal? No
Coordinates X=-14380
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

About Stolen Town

The Stolen Town flag Est. July 14th 2023 Founded by : Rorhl Every block in this town is stolen, and every block is put to good use by building towers,statues, and buildings.

Stolen Town is a settlement founded by rorhl on July 10th 2023. Stolen Town is also a state in Stolandia which itself has 8 other states within itself forming the United States of Stolandia ( wiki not finished )

Rules & Guidelines

Just like every organized settlement, Stolen Town has it's fair share of rules; They remain simple in order to provide a great experience for its citizens and supportes alike! Your attention is needed to our set of guidelines as you must agree with these in order to be a citizen:

  1. Make sure to follow Minecraft's Guidelines and MCO / Freedonia's rules - No griefing, no cheating, no spamming.
  2. If you own a plot, you may build, edit and break blocks only within the area that was agreed upon with whoever provided you the plot.
  3. The buildings / structures inside the plot must not contain ANY communism within them.

Regardless, you must respect our citizens and permissions given to you and to others! The violation of any rules may result in penalties.

more will be added soon...