Stolen Town

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green_towns.png Stolen Town
Stolen Town Map View2.png

Map view

Founder rorhl
Contributors Headmate Moxieskip Kacpernigg Luigifan200 Luigifan100 ickyacky Monkesniper221 goofy_man_lol
Category Towns
Underground? No
Fortified? Yes
Public build? yes just ask
Road link? Heruvian South Corridor Highway
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? No
Portal? No
Coordinates X=-14380
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

maybe ill make a new town or maybe continue to live in it

I am Rorhl and i'm going to explain my town in my own way, and in the first person cuz im to lazy to right rorhl a million bajillion times

Stone age

Stolen Town is a town created by Rorhl. It all began on a mountain. The mountain that I built my first house on the server in which it still stands strong at the cords ( -14262, 16806 ), with that first house done I went around looking for materials to build my home base out of. Originally I was going to make my place themed around kings and castles but after my second house I decided not to do that because that's just boring. So while I thought about an idea for my town I looked through unlocked chests and stealing random bases for building blocks I could use for my town, that's when I got the brilliant idea of naming my town Stolen town because who else has built something entirely out of stolen items.


My Walls

Man I sure do love my walls, It keeps monsters out and my sanity in, it's a win win scenario ! Why do I have a huge wall holding millions of gallons of water in them ? and why is Stolen town underwater ? I'll explain that in my answers box below

The Bank

The bank is just a building with all my stolen items and blocks, good luck stealing from me because i'm smart and I put blocks over my chests.

That random stone pillar poking out of the water

That's just an unfinished building tower I was making for Icky, I'll should start finishing that shouldn't.

The quarts house

It's a house made entirely out of stolen quarts from dataa, or well it was going to be a house but now that place just gives me bad memories.

The Stolen Motel and Hotel

The stolen motel or ( TSM ) is honestly my favorite building in the whole town because of 1. how old it is 2. why I made it 3. and its history and how its seen stolen town change. The hotel is a building I made for Luigi and its pretty fun as it has a glass floor on the roof, to where you can look down below.

My Statues

You know one of my first statues was created out of coal ore, yea the actual coal ore. Crazy idea and no one seemed to have herd of such a thing so, why not do it ?

I keep my head collection in the head of my statue of my Minecraft skin. Anyways the reasons why my statues exist is just because i wanna look at myself and remind people who owned these lands far far in the future.

The random L's around the town

Just to show and remind the people I stole from how much of an L they are when they come visit the town, hah hah hah.

Buffer Builds/ Land fillers

These building are to make my place look lively and well populated even tho no one ever lived in those homes and structures, and also just so my land doesn't look so plane.


The home in which I used to live in with Headmate, also being the first building I made with someone who is a woman. How funny headmate hahahah hah, heh.

The giant pipe

This is the pipe that caused stolen town to flood, no one knows why this happened but i'm pretty sure its because I clogged the toilet.


I loved Stolen Town but it was time to move on and continue to build a new stolen town, a better one. A better place to hold my items, and also to see how much my building has changed since I flooded the place. I didn't flood it Moxie did, thanks for the help muh lady. Why did I flood stolen town, I'll answer that right down here.

please ask me questions so I can continue this.

Questions and Answers

Q ; Why did you flood Stolen town ?

A ; I wanted to because who else would do such a thing and also because I wanted to see my town under water, things look cool under water when there all abandoned like that.

People who helped me in Stolen town and well, as a whole















Have you helped me out ? tell me when i join the game so i can add You !