User:Jestem przemek

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User jestem_przemek

Maid femboy

Known as people call me "jestem" but i prefer to be called my full username
Gender Male
Location Poland
Nationality Polish
DOB 2004-07-20
Occupation Carpenter in real life, builder in Minecraft
In Freedonia
First joined August 26, 2021
First building Birch victorian house at spawn, is still used to this day.
Donor level * Donor
Kit level **** Gold
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hello, welcome on my profile.

I'm just a regular minecraft player that spends some of his time playing on MCO and i

also translate books into Polish and build on MCO

books i translated:

- 5 tips for noobs : CMS Publishing

- MCO guide : MCO Guide (In-game written book)

towns im a member of:

- active member of dubina - staff

- member of Mistral Valley

- member of dustoria

- member of Kanal Town

- member of Noviy-Yorik

- member of Leninsk