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User E6V

Green Ice Climber

Gender Male
Location Sweden
Nationality Swedish
Occupation King of Freedonia
In Freedonia
First joined 19 February 2021
First building The first house in Sweden
Donor level *** Donor III
Kit level ***** Demigod
View profile and statistics
E6V's house
E6V ingame




Boat routes


All wiki pages that link to here


Click on the milestone to toggle chat logs for the event.

First join (2021-02-19)

(MCS) E6V joined the game.
(MCS) E6V is joining for the first time!
(MCS) E6V left the game.

Register (2021-02-19)

(MCS) E6V just registered!

10 hours of time played (2021-02-21)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 10 hours!
< runarlogi> gg
< Microcosms> gg
< Ertum_> gg
< Notmore1> gg
< Link03> gg
(DSC) < Ken_the_Fox> Gg
< ChivalricCode> gg
< TurtleCobra> gg
< iiFrostBit3sii> gg
< BlakeM27> ggs
< VanishTool> gg
< DarkColossus> gg
< ServL> gg
< E6V> gg
(DSC) < ibxtoydog> damn thats more ggs than when i reached 900 hours
(DSC) < ibxtoydog> gg
(DSC) < AlTheChan> more than I reached 1000

20 hours of time played (2021-02-22)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 20 hours!
< Ertum_> gg
< ThisApple> gg!
< alexgark> gg
< qberry22> gg
< DuckTelly> gg
< CharlotteUwU> g

30 hours of time played (2021-02-26)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 30 hours!
< xDanThePilot02> gg
< Sahull> gg
< ibxtoydog> gg

Donor I (2021-03-11)

(MCS) E6V just donated £4.00 for donor status!
< Link03> gg
< HY_Turkic> gg
< 93719> gg

40 hours of time played (2021-03-12)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 40 hours!
< ThisApple> gg!
< Hyperluminous> gg
< Link03> gg
< RobotReaction> gg
< CasperThePancake> gg

50 hours of time played (2021-03-14)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 50 hours!
< runarlogi> gg
< E6V> :)
< zoreilles0inc> gg
< nikta_> gg

60 hours of time played (2021-03-19)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 60 hours!
< OnionOnionOnion> gg

70 hours of time played (2021-03-19)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 70 hours!
(DSC) < Freskooo> GG e6
< Crimson_Aught> gg
< runarlogi> gg
< bawest> congratz E6V
< xDanThePilot02> GG
< Microcosms> gg
< E6V> :)
< The_Jackal_249> gg
< biab> gg
< Link03> gg
< skybirdthing> gg

80 hours of time played (2021-03-20)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 90 hours!
< Snicelory> gg
< HY_Turkic> gg
< Link03> gg
< xDanThePilot02> GG
< UnlikelyRyan> gg
< jriver_15> gg
< Filip0706> gg
< Petr5069> GG

90 hours of time played (2021-03-21)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 90 hours!
(DSC) < ibxtoydog> gg
< EneaX> gg
< ThisApple> nice
< NevadaDream> gg
< E6V> there we go
< bucketsofwasps> gg
< HY_Turkic> gg

100 hours of time played (2021-03-22)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 100 hours!
(MCS) E6V earned the right to build higher than 128!
< xDanThePilot02> GG
< Filip0706> gg
< IconPippi> gg
< ibxtoydog> gg!!!
(DSC) < runarlogi> Gg
< E6V> nice
< Drdrs> gg
< biab> gg
(DSC) < 1235_John> GG
< biab> finally build limit is no more

Stone Kit (2021-08-16)

(MCS) E6V just paid 28 Tokens for the Stone Kit!
< runarlogi> gg
< Ren> gg
< Lighterfly> gg
< AviationPro> gg
< LordOfTheShadows> gg
< _thresh_> i have only 7 tokens
(DSC) < EastDakota> gg

Iron Kit (2021-09-15)

(MCS) E6V just paid 29 Tokens to upgrade from the Stone Kit to the Iron Kit!
< NinjagoKristian> gg
< runarhunter> gg
(DSC) < a8g> gg
(DSC) < snthy> Najs E6
< E6V> najs

Gold Kit (2021-11-23)

(MCS) E6V just paid 71 Tokens to upgrade from the Iron Kit to the Gold Kit!
< EpicBaby> GG
< E6V> nice

Donor II (2021-11-29)

(MCS) E6V just donated £9.00 to upgrade from the donor kit to the donor II kit!
< runarlogi> gg
< Filip0706> gg
< Skillz808> gg
< r9q> gg
(DSC) < ClonLP> gg
< Filip0706> this 25% off is the only thing that made me able to  afford this
< E6V> finally i can wave at people my biggest dream
(MCS) E6V got 25% off for Black Friday and Cyber Monday!
(MCS) E6V just donated £9.00 to upgrade from the donor kit to the donor II kit!
< Filip0706> wtf
< Skillz808> ?
< E6V> what
< runarlogi> wtf
< Skillz808> lmao
< E6V> dubble donor 2

200 hours of time played (2021-12-12)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 200 hours!
< E6V> wow
< Lost_boyq> gg!
< vindieselGasLLC> GGGGGGGG
< vindieselGasLLC> mega gg
< Simmuel> amateurs, heh
< king568z> gg in the chat :)
(DSC) < TurtleCobra> amateurs huh?
(DSC) < TurtleCobra> $tp
(DSC) <Silly> TurtleCobra has been in game 63 days, 18:39:17 (1530.65 hours)
< Lost_boyq> I only have about 500 d:

300 hours of time played (2022-01-01)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 300 hours!
< Cosmic_potato_04> gg
< OPAgaming> gg
< Txkeykeeper> gg
< Plexit111> gg!
< Energheat> gg
< E6V> wow what a nerd
< AiacosMX> gg

400 hours of time played (2022-01-15)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 400 hours!
< Turi5> gg
< runarlogi> gg
< Ren> gg
< trapmix21> gg
< r9q> gg
< Cosmic_potato_04> gg

500 hours of time played (2022-02-14)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 500 hours!
< DosMiniDoc> gg
< E6V> nerd
< E6V> waste of 500 hours tbh
< essocx> nice

600 hours of time played (2022-04-06)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 600 hours!
< runarlogi> gg
< Selimbits> E600V

Diamond Kit (2022-07-13)

(MCS) E6V just paid 425 Tokens to upgrade from the Gold Kit to the Diamond Kit!
< E6V> finally
< fearadust> gg
< snthyx> gg
< Arodela> gg
< probablycrimson> gg
< Korbs699> gg
< burrochile> gg
< Shirikami_Fubuki> gg

Donor III (2022-08-04)

(MCS) E6V just donated £15.75 for unknown reasons (donated3fromdonated2)!
< E6V> wtf
< E6V> wheres my donor 3
< ScarClaw72> wow
(DSC) < Luigifan100> GAHAHAGA
< podd> SCAMMED
(DSC) < Selimbits> noob

700 hours of time played (2022-08-20)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 700 hours!
< AdoreKitten> no life
< lol1o1> no soul
< AdoreKitten> no girlfriend
< NickEter> $tp AdoreKitten
< CaptainIceman> $tp AdoreKitten
(DSC) <Silly> AdoreKitten has been in game 483 days, 20:51:01 (11612.85 hours)
(DSC) <Silly> AdoreKitten has been in game 483 days, 20:51:01 (11612.85 hours)
< NickEter> bruh
< lol1o1> LMAO
< CaptainIceman> how is that even possible

Obsidian Kit (2022-10-22)

(MCS) E6V just paid 184 Tokens to upgrade from the Diamond Kit to the Obsidian Kit!
< Cosmic_potato_04> gg
< Txkeykeeper> gg
< polyonymy> gg
< E6V> gg

800 hours of time played (2022-12-25)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 800 hours!
< Txkeykeeper> gg
< NightSteak9> gg dude!
< JimyHendricks> *~**GG**~*

Nether Kit (2023-02-23)

(MCS) E6V just paid 184 Tokens to upgrade from the Obsidian Kit to the Nether Kit!
< JesusMRS> GG
< HY_Turkic> gg
< ClonLP> gg
< WonkaOil420> GG
< Candarush> gg
< Egitto> GG
< WulfBloodfang> gg
< Crimson_Aught> gg
< Leo_Belgicus> gg
< igorex95> gg
< Clomik> gg
< Luigifan100> *~**GG**~*
< yourshadowdr> *~**GG**~*
< HACKEDBYDAMIEN> can you go to the nether now

900 hours of time played (2023-03-04)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 900 hours!
(MCS) lowfatsugar has played for over 30 hours!
< HY_Turkic> gg!
< JesusMRS> gg
< Revulose> nice
< Vikimarty> gg
< ClonLP> *~**GG**~*
< Ygt_92> ggs

Aether Kit (2023-06-22)

(MCS) E6V just paid 184 Tokens to upgrade from the Nether Kit to the Aether Kit!
< MonkeSniper221> GG
< SlothCubing> gg
< Mihayrus> GG
< DarkMatter3481> gg
< E6V> gg
< pau_aventurer> GG
< Acesrt> GG
(DSC) < Neokrai> GG
< Ghostis_s> *~**GG**~*
< E6V> now just 1101 tokens to demigod
(DSC) < laootr_> GL E6V

1000 hours of time played (2023-07-19)

(MCS) E6V has played for over 1000 hours!
< Mihayrus> gg
< goofy_man_lol> gg
< DarkMatter3481> gg
< _SkyFalls> *~**GG**~*
< EpicBaby> *~**GG**~*
< Luigifan100> *~**GG**~*
< E6V> nerd moment
< Chipoff> gg
< polyonymy> gg
< _where_> gg
< Acesrt> *~**GG**~*
< _where_> now get a life
(DSC) < HY_Turkic> gg shackman you are catching up to me
< E6V> ikr it sucks
< Aidan> oh damn E6V, congrats!

Demigod Kit (2025-03-09)

(MCS) E6V just paid 1103 Tokens to upgrade from the Aether Kit to the Demigod Kit!
< Ghomik> GGGGG
< Shub_b> gg
< maurermz> *~**GG**~*
< TheMek21> gg
< Pyrogliphics> GG
< leetly> ggggg
(DSC) < cnupdates> gg
< E6V> finally
< Pyrogliphics> MASSIVE GG
< Ren> *~**GG**~*
< Marwan> gg E6V
< En1gma2x> gg E6V
< E6V> gg
< Marwan> is demigirl kit the highest kit here?
< Ghomik> to the wiki
(IRC) < 13dre> i didnt notice, gg e6v