Mount Craftmore

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green_monuments.png Mount Craftmore
Mount Craftmore December 2021.jpg

Mount Craftmore, December 2021

Owner Tinowyn
Category Monuments
Underground? No
Public? Yes
Started August 2010
Completed September 2010
Size north to south 28m
Size west to east 70m
Height 23m
Coordinates X=166
Dimension Overworld
Settlement Spawn
Map Link

Mount Craftmore is a monument, built in a mountain in southeast part of Spawn. Its name refers to Mount Rushmore, National Memorial in South Dakota, USA. As its granite original, Craftmore has four faces of Minecraft well known mobs carved in stone: Cow, Steve, Creeper and Pig. Sculptor is Tinowyn, author of Cathedral and Satellite. Back in 2010-2011 mount had a warp.

Between summers of 2016 and 2017 a player built the fifth head representing Anna_28 near Pig. It had remained there till one of Spawn cleanouts in the second half of 2020, and was rebuilt on December 16, 2021, then later removed again.
