Happy Ghast

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green_statues.png Happy Ghast

Entrance of Happy Ghast Film Studios

Owner getplayerhead.sh?nosefish&16.png nosefish
Contributors Glen Team (materials), getplayerhead.sh?SlowRiot&16.png SlowRiot
Category Statues
Underground? No
Public? Yes
Started 5 October 2011
Size north to south 16m
Size west to east 16m
Height 30m
Coordinates X=225
Dimension Overworld
Settlement Glenfiddich
Map Link

This slightly oversized Ghast is very happy, because it has escaped the unwelcoming Nether and is hovering in the sun above Glenfiddich instead. Right after arriving at Glenfiddich, it noticed getplayerhead.sh?fmxstick&16.png fmxstick /jumptoing all over the place. Out of fear the ghast shot a fireball without a second thought, killing getplayerhead.sh?fmxstick&16.png fmxstick.

The ghast houses Happy Ghast Film Studios, the place where the films for Glenfiddich Cinema are shot. The studios are open for visitors. You can see the makeup rooms, the studios, and the offices of getplayerhead.sh?nosefish&16.png nosefish and his secretary. You can also take a minecart tour (working, but incomplete at the time of writing) through the underground halls filled with the craftbook signs for the film CREEPER! that can be watched at Glenfiddich Cinema.

Every day at noon (minecraft time), the Happy Ghast shoots fireballs at a target on the city walls for one minecraft hour. The fireball can also be triggered by pressing one of the buttons in the offices. If you want to get killed by the Happy Ghast, climb the target and wait for noon or have someone press the button.

Screenshots from Construction