Union of Kpan Settlements

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Organisations Union Of Kpan Settlements
UKS flag.png

Flag of the UKS

Leadership getplayerhead.sh?by_kpan&16.png by_kpan (former) getplayerhead.sh?ahri_29&16.png ahri_29 (former) getplayerhead.sh?alexa_29&16.png alexa_29 (former)
Headquarters Dragon River Peak City
Founded 1 February 2022
Public? No
Status Inactive, incorporated into the Heruvian Federation

The Union of Kpan Settlements (UKS) is a political union of all settlements that are made by any Kpan citizen on Freedonia.

As of March 6 2023, the UKS has been absorbed by the Heruvian Federation.


Kpan I era (getplayerhead.sh?by_kpan&16.png by_kpan)

The origin of the UKS was an idea of the first Kpan on Freedonia ; Augustus Kpan Ma' (getplayerhead.sh?by_kpan&16.png by_kpan) he founded the union to join New Amadani and the settlements located on Ahri Peninsula on February the 1st, 2022. Then, when Sara Ville, New Amber and Ahri Ville were built, he started to make settlements on the rest of Ovis'at making the trans Ovis'at road to connect all the islands before the constructions of Laura Ville, Port Laura, Rias Gremory Ville, Port Karla and Akeno Ville. Then by_kpan left Freedonia to give the leadership of the UKS to the next empress Kpan II.

Kpan II era (getplayerhead.sh?ahri_29&16.png ahri_29)

The era of the empress Kpan II (getplayerhead.sh?ahri_29&16.png ahri_29) was the one with the most expansions of the history of the Union of Kpan Settlements, she was the first empress to start building outside of Ovis'at and its surroundings, since ahri_29 was also involved in Mount Pespla leadership, the first settlement that she made was next to this town : Port Aida.

On September 2022, ahri_29 received all the settlements made by getplayerhead.sh?Flamehaze97&16.png Flamehaze97, making them part of the union.

On November 2022 she bought a village from getplayerhead.sh?ClonLP&16.png ClonLP for three diamonds and she saw that conquering unclaimed villages was a good idea to make new settlements.

On December 2022 she started to conquer all unclaimed villages on Freedonia, making one of the mayor annexations in MCO's history.


Build by getplayerhead.sh?by_kpan&16.png by_kpan

Build by getplayerhead.sh?ahri_29&16.png ahri_29

Build by getplayerhead.sh?_his4&16.png _his4

Build by getplayerhead.sh?Flamehaze97&16.png Flamehaze97

Build by getplayerhead.sh?Alexa_29&16.png Alexa_29



The current leader of the UKS is the empress Kpan III (getplayerhead.sh?Alexa_29&16.png Alexa_29) since January 2023.