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User Daltalf

A monochrome man

Known as Dalt, Dalta
Gender Male
Location United States
Nationality American; Irish and German heritage
DOB 2003-02-19
Occupation Tree nerd
In Freedonia
First joined 03 August 2020
First building A tombstone
Donor level *** Donor III
Kit level ***** Nether
View profile and statistics
Dalt spinning for eternity
< Jibletz> Daltalf, the cousin of Gandalf
< Darkerfly> I actually dont know much about datla

Daltalf is a registered player on MinecraftOnline.

Summarized History

He first stumbled into the rules hall on August 3rd, 2020. Merely hours later, he died on a beach near AmpCity. His tombstone is at -5386 -726. A few days later, he found land to settle in, beginning what would later become Mons Albus. Over time, he fell in love with the server through exploration. He came to befriend some great people and shared many merry memories with them.

From 12/29/2021 to 02/11/2023 he served the server as a Moderator. He then resigned from the team, citing a lack of motivation to carry on. Not too long after resigning, he took a break from the server, which lasted roughly a year. He had invested too much of his attention into the server's drama, which brought out the worst in him, and so needed time to find peace again.


Dalt generally spends his time at Mons Albus. If not, he is likely either traveling to see a friend or searching the map for his long-lost brain. If you find it, please /mail him the location!

More About Dalt


  • Music: is self-taught in piano and loves to improvise his own songs
  • Nature: knows a bit about trees, especially the ones native to where he lives. He loves to go hiking in forests, and loves to gaze into the stars on cloudless nights
  • Language: can write, read, and speak quite fluently in German. He intermittently takes further lessons, and is also learning a few other languages on a basic level
  • Architecture: is appreciative of the creative efforts put forth to design the amazing buildings that dot both the earth and Freedonia. Many of his builds on MCO were built with inspiration from gothic and romanesque architecture


  • Is very goofy but is serious when the occasion demands it >_<
  • Loves puns and dad jokes
  • Will generally be happy to see others happy
  • Is a relatively creative peep but unmotivated to carry out most long-term plans

Behold an emotional moment:

<McObot> Daltalf got the most griefed item on mco
<Raterft> torch?
<Daltalf> no, my heart
<Raterft> ;c
