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User Egypt95

stinky mummy

Known as Egypt
Gender take off the wraps and find out
Location Nothing permanent
Nationality Egyptian
DOB 2000-03-11
Occupation (Now Former) Steak Farm Slave
In Freedonia
First joined 02 April 2020
First building Egypt95's room in Catnip's palace
Donor level * Donor
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Egypt95, stinky mummy

Egypt95 is a lot of things. From a mummy to the ex-lover of Beeraeka (Fucker cheated on him), Egypt is a jack of all trades. He was used by Catnip to afk at his steak farm, but was freed from slavery. Egypt purposefully keeps himself unregistered and undonated to make sure newbies of the server don't assume his social status (Until Pretzel33 exposes him). For all they know, Egypt is simply the entire country of Egypt in 1995 playing MCO.

The Adventure

Egypt had a lovely date at Verico on the 23rd of June 2020 with Vecxin and Beeraeka until stinky caveman (At the time) Catnip and Dr_Vex_Ender ruined it.

Proof of Beeraeka cheating on Egypt. Source: The Republic of Verico Discord server, in #general on July 4th, 2020.

On July 4th, 2020, a very coincidental date, Egypt was freed of his unindentured servitude by 1Catnip. Vryam immediately started to swindle Egypt the day after, trying to make him his own slave. This was also the day Beeraeka publicly tried to cheat on Egypt, although he will claim this as fake news. He will claim the related photo is photoshopped. Henceforth, Egypt is no longer in a relationship with Beer. Beeraeka tfw egypt said no 1Catnip tfw you actively cheated on him

On July 5th, 2020, Vryam donated 4 pounds on Egypt's behalf, ending his no-star grayname venture. Oh well. Luckily a certain admin restored the gray name bit...

On July 16th, 2020, Vryam granted Egypt asylum in Crown's Landing to protect him from Beer. He was placed on surveillance 24/7 in watch of Beer and given a secure house (Vry seriously built an entire ass house with exotic materials for this bit, like what the fuck ahaha). The protections set in place were that if Beer steps foot within 30 feet of Egypt or enters his asylum house, beer would immediately lose his spot on the Crown's Landing counsel and be blacklisted. Beer went insane at this deal, pleading for Egypt to love him, even going as far as to change the Verico discord server name to "The Republic of Egypt95". (Note: Vry has since left MCO, leaving Egypt defenseless. Egypt is looking for a new place of asylum.)

On November 6, 2020, Egypt went to Beeraeka's birthday party. It sucked.

On November 28, 2020, Egypt went to Beeraeka's resignation party. It also sucked.

On May 5, 2021, Egypt becomes engaged! The bride is anonymous (TBA), and the wedding is still being planned.