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nexus_cities.png Dubina
Dubean! xd.png

A beautiful View of Dubina!

Founder getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper
Contributors getplayerhead.sh?Feb1980&16.png Feb1980 getplayerhead.sh?gamerTM1234&16.png gamerTM1234 getplayerhead.sh?mango_podz&16.png mango_podz getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks

getplayerhead.sh?Cosmic_potato_04&16.png Cosmic_potato_04 getplayerhead.sh?HistoriaEloton&16.png HistoriaEloton getplayerhead.sh?usernamewill&16.png usernamewill getplayerhead.sh?UncleHunter15&16.png UncleHunter15 getplayerhead.sh?podd&16.png podd getplayerhead.sh?Azeur&16.png Azeur getplayerhead.sh?Le_Lorrain&16.png Le_Lorrain getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72 getplayerhead.sh?Daltalf&16.png Daltalf getplayerhead.sh?jestem_przemek&16.png jestem_przemek getplayerhead.sh?ChatGBT&16.png ChatGBT

Category Cities
Underground? No
Fortified? No
Public access? Yes
Public build? No
Road link? Yes
Nexus link? Yes
Rail link? Yes
Boat link? Yes
Portal? Yes
Coordinates X=15515
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Dubina (unofficially referred to as New Austin) was founded by getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper on February 23, 2022. It is the capital of a series of towns part of The United Texas Coalition founded and managed by Txkeykeeper. Some of these towns include: New Hope, Silverton and Eloto. The easiest way to travel there is by taking Nexus Southeast (Yellow) 1 to Dubina.


Having become frustrated with progress halting in his original town of Silverton due to addition grief by a banned player, getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper set out to scout for a location to create a capital for the United Texas Coalition he had founded earlier with getplayerhead.sh?4untochrist&16.png 4untochrist. Upon scouting the greater south east corner of the map a location was found located between a swamp and mountain range. Coalition chairman getplayerhead.sh?Feb1980&16.png Feb1980 was then invited out to help survey, torch and plan out the area and the city of Dubina was officially founded. Shortly afterwards the original city storage bunker was built, a nether ice route was built with help from getplayerhead.sh?GiannisN5&16.png GiannisN5, and terraforming began. In the early hours of December 21, 2022 Dubina was given a nexus by getplayerhead.sh?doublehelix457&16.png doublehelix457

In the years following, Dubina managed to accumulate "The greatest city staff team around" according to getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper and has grown to prominence as one of MCOs largest and most active cities.

City Rules

  • Building in a plot or anywhere in town without explicit permission from town staff is strictly prohibited and a bannable offense.
  • Keep to the theme of districts.
  • All builds are owned by getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper and are subject to his approval.
  • Be respectful to town members and staff.

Dubina County

Defined immediate area around Dubina with roads.

City Government

The elected government of Dubina (mayor and city council) are mainly just advisors, and have no actual perms or authority. City council members are elected every 4 months and a new mayor is elected every year.

City Council

Has the authority to create committees, introduce and vote on propositions, and create new city departments.


Can create a cabinet and appoint people to it, has one vote in city council propositions, and can also introduce propositions in the city council (essentially acts as a 5th city council member but with more authority outside of the council).

Parks Department

Manages/creates parks and other related sites.

Dubina Historical Society

More info on the wiki page: Dubina Historical Society

Founders Committee

Remnant of Dubina's old form of oligarchic-democracy, they are non-elected officials appointed by getplayerhead.sh?txkeykeeper&16.png txkeykeeper, mainly act as advisors to him. Have no power or authority in city council meetings and propositions.

Government Positions
City Head Mayor City Council Founder Committee
getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper


getplayerhead.sh?GamerTM1234&16.png GamerTM1234

(November 20, 2023-)

getplayerhead.sh?OutboardBag&16.png OutboardBag

(September 18, 2023-)

getplayerhead.sh?Kendon&16.png Kendon

(September 18, 2023-)

getplayerhead.sh?Cosmic_potato_04&16.png Cosmic_potato_04

(September 18, 2023-)

getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks

(September 18, 2023-)

getplayerhead.sh?Feb1980&16.png Feb1980

(September 10, 2023-)

getplayerhead.sh?gamerTM1234&16.png gamerTM1234

(September 10, 2023-)

getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks

(September 10, 2023-)


Dubina Proper Districts

Downtown District

The original heart of the city of Dubina! Home to the TxDOT Headquarters multiple high rises, Feb and Associates Bank, Texas Industries' headquarters, many other offices and of course Dubina Union Station, The transport hub for the city.

Industrial District

Home to the city's stone farm, oak/spruce/birch farms, steak farm and a mult-purpose industrial tower original to Aurum City containing Dubina's first (old) XP grinder

Government District/Embassy Row

Home to all of the Cities Embassies and the UTC's capitol building.

Newbury District

getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks' modeled after Boston's unique architecture. Located within Western Dubina, It is home to a Subway built by JimyHendricks on behalf of getplayerhead.sh?Fraccu&16.png Fraccu. There is also a small restaurant named Texas Pizza next door to the Subway. Various (free) apartments are located all throughout the district. If you are interested in owning an apartment in Newbury contact JimyHendricks in game or on Discord.

Housing District

A peaceful mountain neighborhood which has no building skill requirement. Contact Dubina staff if you would like a plot!

Feb's Domain

Contains Feb's "Cueva Dubina" and some secrets hidden about the area. Can you find them all?

Brewery District/Stillwater Prairie

Originally claimed by getplayerhead.sh?Azeur&16.png Azeur, this area contains the site of the Eastern Frontier Beverage INC brewery which is under construction.

Cultural District

Contains Dubina's China Town


The center of the western portion of the city. This district contains the new XP grinder and many buildings and head art scenes by getplayerhead.sh?OutboardBag&16.png OutboardBag

Neches Bend

A peaceful riverwalk winds through a beautiful lower portion of the city. Be sure to also check out the award winning cheeto nearby!

Cedar Ridge

WIP row houses follow the waterline eventually to be accompanied by a marina

Chat's Cyber City

Cyberpunk city(Circuit city) built bygetplayerhead.sh?ChatGBT&16.png ChatGBT this area contains Chorus farm and other hotels as such.

Stadium District

Name TBD. Contains getplayerhead.sh?Cookiegamer500&16.png Cookiegamer500s amazing stadium and is planned to contain some hotels and resturants

Dubina National Park

WIP national park to contain a campground and hiking trails

Spruce River District

Reserved area for future use near downtown.

Contselar Heights

A district by getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper that is partially art deco inspired.



getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper

City Staff

getplayerhead.sh?feb1980&16.png feb1980

getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks

getplayerhead.sh?gamerTM1234&16.png gamerTM1234 (Current Mayor)

getplayerhead.sh?HistoriaEloton&16.png HistoriaEloton

getplayerhead.sh?Kendon&16.png Kendon

getplayerhead.sh?usernamewill&16.png usernamewill

getplayerhead.sh?jestem_przemek&16.png jestem_przemek

getplayerhead.sh?OutboardBag&16.png OutboardBag

getplayerhead.sh?jesev&16.png jesev

getplayerhead.sh?ChatGBT&16.png ChatGBT


getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper - Town infrastructure, various farms, the Railway station, four small highrises located on East 2nd Street and South Congress Avenue, a train station, the majority of roads in Dubina county, and the Texas Industries INC headquarters.

getplayerhead.sh?feb1980&16.png feb1980 - Town infrastructure, Feb's Domain, wanderer, and creator of Dubina's [Redacted].

getplayerhead.sh?gamerTM1234&16.png gamerTM1234 - Three stone brick towers on East 3rd Street in Downtown Dubina.

getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks - All the buildings in the Newbury District, a post office in the Downtown District, multiple small apartment complexes, a modern highrise located behind the Texas Industries INC headquarters, a train station, and street signs throughout Dubina.

getplayerhead.sh?HistoriaEloton&16.png HistoriaEloton - The TxDOT Headquarters.

getplayerhead.sh?UncleHunter15&16.png UncleHunter15 - An old style McDonalds, an unfinished supermarket, a hotel, some bottom floor interiors in Newbury, and an unfinished tower located on South Congress Avenue.

getplayerhead.sh?Mango_podz&16.png Mango_podz (banned) - Moved his Newport tower to Dubina

getplayerhead.sh?Azeur&16.png Azeur - Built a tower at spawn eventually moved to Dubina by Admins.

getplayerhead.sh?podd&16.png podd - Responsible for building a library located behind the TxDOT headquarters.

getplayerhead.sh?jestem_przemek&16.png jestem_przemek - built "dubina's courthouse" in outboard district

getplayerhead.sh?ChatGBT&16.png ChatGBT- Built cyber punk area and tower and other smaller builds.

getplayerhead.sh?usernamewill&16.png usernamewill - Building Dubina Nuclear Power Plant, 432 Park Avenue in downtown, and many more projects.

getplayerhead.sh?J4V2&16.png J4V2 - Spanish embassy in Dubina

getplayerhead.sh?miaoler&16.png miaoler

getplayerhead.sh?Cake70&16.png Cake70

getplayerhead.sh?UncleHunter15&16.png UncleHunter15

getplayerhead.sh?Kendon&16.png Kendon

getplayerhead.sh?OutboardBag&16.png OutboardBag

getplayerhead.sh?Cosmic_potato_04&16.png Cosmic_potato_04

Embassy Holders

getplayerhead.sh?Daltalf&16.png Daltalf

getplayerhead.sh?Link03&16.png Link03

getplayerhead.sh?leetly&16.png leetly

getplayerhead.sh?GiannisN5&16.png GiannisN5

getplayerhead.sh?STL_Ninja17&16.png STL_Ninja17

getplayerhead.sh?Azeur&16.png Azeur

getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks

getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman

Town Residents (And where they live)


getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72

getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks

getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper

getplayerhead.sh?Teaacup&16.png Teaacup

getplayerhead.sh?UncleHunter15&16.png UncleHunter15

getplayerhead.sh?Warbee06&16.png Warbee06

getplayerhead.sh?Azeur&16.png Azeur

getplayerhead.sh?Fraccu&16.png Fraccu

getplayerhead.sh?podd&16.png podd

getplayerhead.sh?helpimdeadinside&16.png helpimdeadinside

getplayerhead.sh?WonkaOil420&16.png WonkaOil420 (banned)

getplayerhead.sh?UncleHunter15&16.png UncleHunter15

getplayerhead.sh?Sobble816&16.png Sobble816

getplayerhead.sh?SlothCubing&16.png SlothCubing

getplayerhead.sh?AzureFox97&16.png AzureFox97

Housing District

getplayerhead.sh?IronMonkAwesomO&16.png IronMonkAwesomO

getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren

getplayerhead.sh?JCobbler2012&16.png JCobbler2012

getplayerhead.sh?commmonnn&16.png commmonnn (no build on plot yet)


getplayerhead.sh?Xanpi3000&16.png Xanpi3000

getplayerhead.sh?ChivalricCode&16.png ChivalricCode

getplayerhead.sh?lol1o1&16.png lol1o1

getplayerhead.sh?eevee_27&16.png eevee_27

getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks

getplayerhead.sh?Kendon&16.png Kendon

getplayerhead.sh?Cosmic_potato_04&16.png Cosmic_potato_04

Misc. Trivia/Fun Facts

  • Local wanderer getplayerhead.sh?Feb1980&16.png Feb1980 is sometimes seen in the area.
  • Originally founded because getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper wanted to try creating some large buildings for fun.
  • There is a large ravine under the Downtown District. It can be seen through glass in several spots.
  • Not wanting to name the city something too cliché and expected, such as Houston, Dallas, or Austin, Txkeykeykeeper chose the name Dubina. This was some what of a personal reference of his heritage as Dubina was the first Czech settlement in Texas
  • Special thanks to getplayerhead.sh?GIJoseph1979&16.png GIJoseph1979 for allowing a previously placed bed to be removed in the area to allow for terraforming in the early days.
  • Dubina is often assumed to be enemies with Newport , as Dubina is one of the servers other active prominent cities. While the cities do maintain a rivalry between staff members, which serves to promote and inspire progress in both parties, in reality the two cities are on typically friendly and positive terms.
  • When getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper asked chatgpt about Dubina in a discord server, the AI incorrectly replied calling it "a traditional czech village"

Quotes (Feel Free to Add Your Own)

*"I saw Dubina on the map. It is 90% skyscraper 10% floor" getplayerhead.sh?Fraccu&16.png Fraccu
*"HOLY COW this was worth the hike" [REDACTED]
*"Hands down my favorite town to have been apart of very excited to see it grow more" getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks
*"Feb1980 is here. Feb1980 was always here. Feb1980 is maybe eternal in some way without being eternal eternal." getplayerhead.sh?Feb1980&16.png Feb1980
*"Why do I keep hearing about this Town in Chat." - getplayerhead.sh?MSWindows&16.png MSWindows
*"we up dubina up - getplayerhead.sh?Java64Bit&16.png Java64Bit
*"OMG THEY HAVE A SUBWAY I'M SOLD." - getplayerhead.sh?SuchDarkness&16.png SuchDarkness
*"One of the most beautiful cities on mco" - getplayerhead.sh?Kendon&16.png Kendon