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User Psychovis
Known as Psy/Ivory
Gender Female
Location United States (soon to change)
Nationality American
DOB -08-06
Occupation student
In Freedonia
First joined 20th february, 2021
First building Old house in Vanishtown
Donor level * Donor
Kit level *** Iron
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(formerly IHasToes and _Samurai_)

Co-founder and current mayor of VanishTown

history psychovis joined MCO on the 21st of February 2021 soon after watching a few youtube videos on it (joining under the name IHasToes) Soon after joining, she joined Georgetown, which she's never built in. At spawn, VanishTool killed her, then apologised and offered to make a town with her, which was dubbed VanishTown. While exploring, she broke a single spruce plank, immediately replacing it after (not knowing it was against the rules), and was banned by 1235_John. After a long while of being banned, she joined the mco discord, appealed, and was unbanned. She didn't play much on the server until september 2024, but has since been consistently active.

about her Psychovis is the current mayor of VanishTown. She has autism and minecraft is one of her favourite things, along with drawing. She is an avid builder with a love for older building styles such as ones from the victorian era.

what she likes

  • Minecraft
  • Her partner
  • Drawing
  • Building
  • Music
  • VanishTown
  • Architecture (specifically older styles)
  • Fashion
  • stone bricks
  • languages - she is currently learning norwegian
  • conlangs (otherwise known as constructed languages) - she currently has one she speaks with her partner known as 'Nevrish'
  • flag design/vexillology
  • reading

people she likes

what she dislikes