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About RileyManMassey joined the server in 2016 after seeing a YouTube video from ScarClaw72. He started off as every new MineCraftOnline player should, by reading the rules and a tour. Absolutely amazed by what he

saw, he set out to create his own creations with limited success. While he loves the server, being banned a couple of times really set back progress to be made. See Bans for more information.

User RileyManMassey

Zombie Cyborg

Known as Riley
Gender Male
Location The United States
Nationality American
DOB 2003-09-03
Occupation University Student
In Freedonia
First joined 2016-06-05
First building The Citadel
Kit level *** Iron
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Bans RileyManMassey has been banned twice over his stay in Freedonia. His first ban was in 2017 for "griefing diamond blocks near blobs thing at spawn". His ban was appealed shortly after. He was banned for the

second time in 2019 for "griefing lickalottas lock chest near spawn". He was absent for some time. On February 17th, 2024, he returned to the Discord channel requesting an appeal. Five years to the day he returned to finish

what he started. He has been on his best behavior as of late.

Deaths RileyManMassey hasn't died too many times. He has only died five times during his time in Freedonia. He was first killed December 20th, 2016 by AyeMB at spawn. He lost his streak February 19th, 2024 by falling in a trap near One Diamond Plaza. March 9th, 2024, he fell down a random hole outside of Timberforge and later that day he was killed by Ghomik on billionaires' row in Shackcity for "being poor". And finally, March 12th, 2024 by missing a landing in Freez0Matic's base.

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