![]() | |
![]() Old Shackcity | |
About | |
Founder | ![]() |
Contributors | See residents |
Category | Cities |
Public access? | Yes |
Transport | |
Road link? | Yes |
Nexus link? | Yes |
Rail link? | Yes |
Boat link? | Yes |
Portal? | Yes |
Location | |
Coordinates | X=15710 Y=66 Z=-9542 |
Dimension | Overworld |
Map Link |
<FuzbolMC> s tier is shackcity for sure <
podd> shackcity beats all
Shackcity is a city that lies in the far north region of Freedonia. The city consists of several small noob huts/shacks of varying “quality”.

The trip here is a hazardous one. From the original central region of Freedonia, awaits a boat ride on the high seas. Thereafter you will find yourself on a treacherous journey on foot through the harsh lands, before you find yourself on some green plains. There lies the town of Shackcity. Or you could use our brand new Nexus connection through North-East (Red) 3, by following the Shack Route or using the Lava Town line.
NevadaDream> who tf built a chinese covid camp near shackcity
What is Shackcity?
Welcome to Shackcity! Shackcity is a city founded by E6V in the North-East part of the 1.12.2 map expansion. The original plan was to only build a small village in the style of the high density development of noob shacks just outside of the Spawn Wall and also the area around
TheFabo's house following the German Invasion. So on the 20th of December 2021, Shackcity was founded. However, the village didn't gain notoriety until January of 2023 when the population exploded going from just 1 to over 30 residents in just a few days. On the first day (5th of January) more than half of the server was building shacks in Shackcity.
<TheDemetri> none of the admins know what shackcity even is <
E6V> shackcity is a tax haven
The mayor's role is mostly ceremonial but also to appoint ambassadors whose main task is to promote the city's relations internationally.
After a 2023 new years population boom, Shackcity has found itself quite prosperous with over 50 residents as of March 25th.
On the 7th day of the 7th month, ClassicRock became the 69th resident of Shackcity!
l1npengtul became the 100th resident on the 20th of August, 2023.
List of residents:
E6V - Shackman / Supreme commander-in-chief
vortexpoop - Prime minister / Police Chief
goofy_man_lol - Chief Justice / Pope of Shackism
NevadaDream - Ambassador / Patron Saint of Shackcity
AthenaDaMemelord - Ambassador
Selimbits - Ambassador / Minister of Shacks (banned)
Flip33r - Ambassador / Minister of Sheds (banned)
internetuser10 - Resident / Official Shackcity real estate agent (banned)
snakyman - Resident / Ambassador from Newport
Kendon - Resident / Ambassador from Lake Callian
DanThePilot02 - Resident / Ambassador from Heese 69 (banned)
HY_Turkic - Resident / Ambassador from Takadokia
Kace_0 - Resident / Ambassador from Sandy Shades (banned)
biab - Resident / Ambassador from Sweden
NedHuman - Resident / Ambassador from Forest Valley (banned)
Clomik - Resident / Ambassador from E Town
Bustus2110 - Resident / Ambassador from Buston
dreambullenjoyer - Resident / Ambassador from Greece
OGvorva - Resident / Ambassador from Doorland
Egitto - Resident / Ambassador from Albourg
Java64Bit - Resident / Ambassador from Austania Nova
RileyManMassey - Resident / Ambassador from The Citadel
Cinnamonrollez - Resident / Ambassador from Timberforge
SiOtter - Resident / Ambassador from Kanal Federation
JulionasUrbonas - Resident / Ambassador from StrangeVille
guapathecat - Resident / Ambassador from Minnesota City
Lukemaster60 - Resident / Ambassador from Snowdonia
comradeaglarion - Resident / Ambassador from WatchTown
J4V2 - Resident / Ambassador from Hispania
E759 - Resident / Ambassador from Kalia
KingServal - Resident / Ambassador from Socorro
xmaragd - Resident
Azeur - Resident
yhoaa - Resident (banned)
diabolt - Resident
Caesena - Resident (banned)
WonkaOil420 - Resident (banned)
SadieSadie - Resident
DB_Frostmine - Resident
JCobbler2012 - Resident
Cake70 - Resident
AdoreKitten - Resident
Fraccu - Resident
Rani_Good_boy - Resident (banned)
UncleHunter15 - Resident
NightSteak9 - Resident
Mark_roti - Resident (banned)
cap2468 - Resident
EpicBaby - Resident
podd - Resident
DarkMatter3481 - Resident
Korbs699 - Resident
The_LonleyWolf - Resident
HistoriaEloton - Resident
Telepatok - Resident
Moxieskip - Resident
Xanpi3000 - Resident
43eba886699b0 - Resident
ChivalricCode - Resident
JCobbler2012 - Resident
ReaperSniper221 - Resident
4dre - Resident
8999389676 - Resident (banned)
akke303 - Resident
SholQut - Resident
Auspek - Resident
DinnerBear - Resident (banned)
neo176 - Resident (banned)
JesusMRS - Resident
ScenarioPlanet - Resident
Alyssa41096 - Resident
AndresTheMiner - Resident
Mihayrus - Resident
N_Jareau - Resident
DaRedJumper - Resident
pau_aventurer - Resident
xfude - Resident
ClassicRock - Resident
NickolasDiamond - Resident
LxMeister42 - Resident
_WizardDev_ - Resident
TEAJOONIE - Resident
NebulaFoxcrafter - Resident
SubikGames11 - Resident (banned)
KEVONE_ - Resident
1867665 - Resident (banned)
IanEatsChicken09 - Resident (banned)
neB2010 - Resident (banned)
Void42_ - Resident
MinecraftOnliner - Resident
Zinjou - Resident
Orusen - Resident
MpzCreapy - Resident (banned)
butternutbamboo - Resident
dg77098 - Resident
fluffythebunnyx - Resident
MisterBHomes - Resident
SleepyEson - Resident
runarlogi - Resident
pr0b4bly - Resident (banned)
Lydes - Resident (banned)
Darkphix - Resident
nikta_ - Resident
1Q12 - Resident
l1npengtul - Resident
ryo_underscore - Resident
Ernesto3322366 - Resident
Marcos42 - Resident
ECcorrupt - Resident
AzureFox97 - Resident
Duosoft - Resident
X1miya - Resident
HappyPlayer2011 - Resident
Octoringe - Resident
JoshyOnMC - Resident
CaptainIceman - Resident
vini55505 - Resident
Lion1014 - Resident
hugoemmanuel421 - Resident
Ghostis_ - Resident
mi_zukimoon - Resident
Brooklyn334 - Resident
Ghomik - Resident
model35 - Resident
Revcha - Resident
Anubis773 - Resident
roocwa - Resident
CommanderCack - Resident
Duran3838 - Resident
FudgeMonster28 - Resident (banned)
_supa_cracked - Resident
WillToPara - Resident
bloke_r - Resident
M_4_r_s - Resident
BuffaloBom - Resident
En1gma2x - Resident
EweesGaming - Resident
stecklyashka - Resident
Bunsenbaker - Resident
sm0ney5 - Resident
questionablehelo - Resident
ScarClaw72 - Resident
MrDanki_ - Resident
and some more...
<HY_Turkic> I will sacrifice myself for Shackcity <
ClassicRock> am i resident 69
Shackcity was not easy to get to before the Nexus connection came since one of the reasons the location was chosen was it's remoteness. The primary mode of travel used to be by boat or moderator taxi.
- The 1st connection for Shackcity was the nether portal and nether road established by
- The 2nd connection was a boat route marked by
E6V connecting Shackcity to Delta City on the mainland.
- The 3rd was a road to the nearest borderlands hub, paved by
- The 4th link for Shackcity was the Nexus pad given by
doublehelix457 on the 5th of March, on the 3 month anniversary of the population boom.
- The 5th link for Shackcity was a FRS station and rail built by
Marmo_D and completed February 16th, 2024.
- The 6th connection was a second boat route. On the day of
E6V's 3 year anniversary on the server he connected the Mosaic Route to Shackcity.
- The 7th link was the Alliance Line by the SCR team. Completed first of July, 2024.
- The 8th link is a railway that is currently in construction by
roocwa. It will when finished connect to the North-East (Red) 3 borderlands hub.
<Alyssa41096> shack city getting a nexus is an insult to every town <
FuzbolMC> we should have all roads lead to shackcity
- It took over a year for Shackcity to gain its first resident.
- Shackcity has had many builds removed by Admins;
DanThePilot02's diamond shack,
Selimbits's statue and some shacks made by
SadieSadie was banned after posting a screenshot of Shackcity for using an illegal minimap.
- The first shack in Shackcity was sold for 12 diamond blocks to
DinnerBear even though
AdoreKitten offered 32 (She wanted to demolish the building).
- The Church of the Shack in Shackcity was the primary location for
E6V and
Kendon's wedding before it moved on to Spawn.
- On the 19th of July,
goofy_man_lol traveled 30,000 blocks from New Gillamoor to Shackcity but died only 500 blocks from the city limits. He was then appointed Pope of the Shack religion. He would later try again with great success.
- The city was nominated for "Most Outstanding Settlement" in the 2023 MCO Awards.
- The city became a democracy and elected
vortexpoop as it's first prime minister on the 23rd of January, 2025.
<HY_Turkic> english teacher gonna have a field day with shackcity lore <
E6V> i need shackcity lore for wiki
- Shackcity - The central island. Features an industrial area at the northern tip.
- Shedfuckingcity - Looks like a POW camp.
- Hut city - Amazing castles... made of dirt.
- National park district - A national park (don't build here please).
- Pyramid hill - Named after the pyramid. Location of the famous Billionaires' row.
- Overwater bungalow city - Literally a
singular(Now three bungalows) house on the water. - The suburbs - The Northern part of the city, characterised by a lower density of buildings and more greenery.
- Government district - A district for government buildings.
- Venetian district - A canal district.
- Rathole City - New area in the South.
- Wjeat district - Named after the district's first builder.
<E6V> shackcity does not recognise shedcity's independence <
AthenaDaMemelord> theres gonna be a shacktown civil war
Notable buildings
Shacks of slightly higher significance. Feel free to add to this list (only buildings that are actually interesting).
Government buildings
- Shackcity City Hall
- Department of Foreign Affairs
- Shackcity Station (FRS)
- Shackcity Station (SCR)
- Shackcity Museum
- Bank of Shackcity
- Supreme Court of Shackcity
- Shackcity Police Department
- Shackcity Prison
Personal Shacks
Void42_'s shack
flip33r's tree
Mark_roti's Shack Tower
Xanpi3000's and
ChivalricCode's dirt castles
l1npengtul's lighthouse
Ghostis_'s dungeon shack
cnupdates' shack conglomerate
- Newport Embassy
- Cakeville Embassy (closed and demolished on April 11, 2024)
- Lake Callian Embassy
- Heese 69 Embassy
- Forest Valley Embassy
- Sandy Shades Embassy
- Takadokian Embassy
- E Town Embassy
- Mihastopol Embassy
- Doorland Embassy (with the Door Church)
- Albourg Embassy
- Buston Embassy
- Swedish Embassy
- Greek Embassy
- Serbian Embassy
- Timberforge Embassy
- The Citadel Embassy
- Austania Nova Embassy
- Kanal Federation Embassy
- StrangeVille Embassy
- Minnesota City Embassy
- CityTown Embassy
- Snowdonia Embassy
- WatchTown Embassy
- Hispania Embassy
- Kalia port Embassy
- Socorro Embassy
- CityTown Embassy
- Arponsucaelum Embassy
- Church of the Shack
- Door Church in Shackcity
- KFC by
- Shackcity Wheat Hotel
- Voyager by
- Dragon River Whiskey Shackcity Branch by
- The Pyramid by unknown
- Yacht and submarine by
- Shacked Tower by
- The Billionaires' row Stock Exchange, Pizzeria and Strip Club by
- Shackcity's stupid hotel by
- Shackcity bar by
- Second Doorism church by
- Shack Cathedral
- Shack Church in Rathole City
- Church of Yan by
- Timeswept Ruins by
WillToPara in memory of
<MonkeSniper221> why is snakymen in my shack in shackcity <
Flip33r> Anna_28 epu stuff have been removed, want to build house in shacktown?
Feel free to add quotes from in-game to this list:
<snakyman> shackcity is one of mcos greatest and most respected and most beautiful cities <
EMG81> buying Shackcity for 10 billion diamond blocks <
FuzbolMC> shackcity is not a noob town tho <
Selimbits> shack city might be the most powerful nation on the server <
Toadally> shackcity #1 <
NecropolisOfLove> If there is an embassy in Shackcity, waves of terrorist attacks will occur in the coming days. <
Xanpi3000> shackcity looks like Spawn on cocaine <
theschlozmeister> shackcity looks like a less unpleasant emucraft <
teaacup> We should nuke shackcity from orbit <
Egitto> Shackcity really sucks <
doublehelix457> lets take a look at shackcity <
ScarClaw72> Shackcity is a shitpost <
podd> join shackcity <
FuzbolMC> going to shackcity for the first time is like finding porn for the first time <
NevadaDream> Shackcity is based <
AdoreKitten> shackcity is silly lol <
Azeur> Anna_28 does shackcity need a nexus <
Flip33r> shackcity is a tax haven <
_WizardDev_> can i get trialed for griefing shackcity <
laootr_> E6V I'm removing my shack from shackcity <
Mihayrus> shackcity looks amazing <
jffmvortex> shackcity is so beatiful and epic i wish it was real!!1 so cool. <
goofy_man_lol> who put a fucking chicken in my shackcity house named silly <
JoshyOnMC> Didn’t ev6 buy shackcity <
snakymen> bro im in bustus fuck sexo shack city <
Clomik> no but shack city sucks <
N_Jareau> shack city looks like a bad builder and an abstract artist attempted to make a city <
Dianthia_> I thought dead killed shackcity <
snakyman> why is shackcity actually actyive lol <
fluffythebunnyx> advanced squatter situation in shackcity xd <
Anna_28> a city of shacks <
CervicalCanal> ah shackcity is a grower not a shower <
SiOtter> shackcity is a nice city <
snakyman> how is shackcity still funcioning <
vini55505> Everything is wrong in shackcity <
red_sporb> damn i flew into a lava river at shackcity <
Gimli016> shackcity is funny <
laootr_> god I hate shackcity <
Korbs699> blud is in shackcity <
poddcast> i hope shackcity bruns to dust <
Korbs699> CRACKCITY <
FudgeMonster28> anyone live in Shack City? i kinda wanna live here now <
ScarClaw72> Everybody wants to escape shack city :D <
Azeur> anyone caught not voting for shack city will be castrated <
CaptainIceman> why would you make shackcity 2 when the original is perfect <
Bunsenbaker> shackcity looks better than penn <
dunechan> shackcity fuckin sucks <
eleanorsilly> shackcity was so bad they needed to make another one as far as possible <
hugoemmanuel> i remember that one day when everyone was getting shacks on shackcity <
SADNESSX9> shackcity= next chongqing <
Revcha> the downfall of shackcity <
PVC1> shackcity looks like a mc trailer park but twisted alot <
Ghomik> (shackcity is the goat) <
Txkeykeeper> Clearly shack city is responsible <
CaptainIceman> cant have shit in shackcity <
blokeris> shackcity my beloved <
HY_Turkic> someone should make shackcity in real life <
BurnJuice> why is shackcity so ugly? <
BurnJuice> how is the owner of this city not permabanned already? <
_WizardDev_> shackcity is a great <
BurglarAlarm> so if i build a massive penis into shackcity, the owner can't remove it because its my build <
Major_Cozmic> Shackcity is a wonderful city <
Elextrast> I break shackcity <
_Daata> i feel like a shackcity bar isnt the finest establishment <
AMinecraftCow> best city is shackcity <
xseco> shackcity is overrated ngl <
Glow90> yea build a shack made of shacks in shackcity <
snakyman> did yall make a bootleg shackcity <
guapathecat> isnt shackcity that wierd ahh city on the world border full of noob huts <
model35> shackcity is the american dream <
RyRyCat> shackcity residents in shambles <
LordOfTheShadows> lol shackcity popping off <
NightSteak9> I can't even find my shackcity home smh <
snakyman> shackcity is a city filled with spammed noob huts and it has a lava ocean <
vini55505> Guys my giant anal plug house is done in Shackcity <
laootr_> god I hate shackcity <
SholQut> oh shackcity ist hier nah dran <
cnupdates> ShackCity should have won best settlement <
Elextrast> e6v i dont want a house in shack city
Some pictures of Shackcity:
Caesena becomes one of the first residents.
A dissapointed
E6V &
Kendon's wedding in the Church of the Shack.
The church and
Selimbits statue.
doublehelix457 giving Shackcity a Nexus connection.
snakymen visit Shackcity.
runarlogi's KFC.
<Fraccu> shackcity is beautiful <
Kendon> shackcity is pure art