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green_settlements.png Eternia
Founder TTuge
Category Settlements
Dimension Overworld
Please contribute the coordinates of this settlement.

Basic Information

Also described as "the vacation spot for MCO's rich and famous", Eternia is a low profile eternal building project.

  • Each citizen gets to choose a free private island to use as their base of operations.
  • New citizens can only join via private invitation, or apply for citizenship by instead of getting rewarded one for free, purchasing an island on sale and going through a tedious and time consuming procedure.

Note: Having an apartment/residence in Eternia does not automatically make you qualify for citizenship.

Rules of Residence

Anyone can buy personal real-estate in the most of Eternia. There are 2 ways:

  • 1. Making a deal with a player willing to sell.
  • 2. Making a personal deal with TTuge.


A player who owns an apartment has full rights to modify the air blocks inside or on a specified area unless otherwise explicitly stated.

That includes a right to change any wooden door to iron door and trapdoor to iron trapdoor.

All property can be refunded to TTuge for 100% of the initial purchase price, or resold for another player at any price.

Owning Land

A player who owns Eternian land has full rights to modify all of the specified blocks from bedrock to build limit.

All land can be resold to other players just like apartments.

Land that has been modified in any way from the state it was given in can no longer be refunded to TTuge.


Any resident can be evicted on the personal choice of TTuge anytime for any reason.

In a such case ALL of the personal items inside the property will be saved for the owner to pick up, and 100% of the possible initial diamond price will be refunded.

By receiving real-estate in the Eternian Federation from any source you agree to these terms.

All evictions will be publicly posted here on this page:

  • No evictions yet...

Note: Having an apartment/residence in Eternia does not automatically make you qualify for citizenship.

The current citizens in alphabetical order are:

Private Islands currently reserved for: (ask TTuge for redeemal!)

The territories of Eternia have a few unique features which make them attractive to build on:

  • Around Eternia has been built the densest Boat Route network on the server.
  • The price of land may increase over time. (Totally free economy!;)
  • "Natural" guardian spawns and other interesting stuff...

The build theme is not strictly specified, but:

  • A-list names have brought unimaginable wealth and development to the before barren area.
  • Most of the builds aim to mimic present time, or futuristic architecture with some creative freedoms.
  • To keep the area accessible to as many players as possible, building 100% automatic farms is not allowed.
  • Old big oak trees are considered as historical and are protected from being cut down, but exceptions can be made.
  • Unlike many other city builds, in Eternia there is no real infrastructure for cars.

There are cars, you can build cars and private driveways etc. But how do cars get around a continental archipelago? Don't ask me.

As alternative ways of transport there is a minecart rail in every county, and as mentioned boats can be used to get everywhere.

The boat route branch Eternia Detour is marked in waterways using wool blocks and redstone torches.

If you're rich you can also land your private jet in Eternia Private Airport, or come in your luxury yacht.

Political Entities

The newfound republic of Eternia consists of different self governing counties, each with their own history, political status and lore.

Eternian Federation

is the most influential entity in the area. It's mission is to keep all of the counties united and in check.

The Eternian Federation has big holdings in the Mega-Market company, which make it completely debt free and an economic powerhouse.

Eternian values are to think of everyone's best interests in all matters.

  • has the best rail network: completely owns The First Line, which is the intersection point for the rails of all other counties.
  • has a big international level Spleef arena free to use for anyone. (more info:Spleef Arenas)
  • has the Museum of Eternia.
  • has the beloved amusement park: Funkyland.

Paradise County

With a population of 0, the county consists entirely of incredibly well preserved tropical Beta terrain.

The government of Paradise County currently works in close co-operation with the Eternian Federation.

The county is currently designated as a 100% nature reserve, but things might change in the future...

Gravel Plain County

Being located inside The First Line, the biggest rail line, falls under the Eternian Federation's strong influence. The area still being so undeveloped, makes it impossible to fight for more independent rights. but maybe some day.

Oasis County

With a 51% to 49% vote, the Eternian Federation passed a bill to make gambling in the Oasis County legal, which started an age of unseen economic growth.

Today the Oasis County is a big and powerful governance with some imperialist and money blinded agendas.

Being located in the south makes it a mostly barren desert with the currently biggest city in all of Eternia: The Oasis, financed by gambling and other recreational activities.

  • has The Oasis Casino, a server wide attraction.
  • has an industrial scale concrete factory, free for all citizens.
  • has the Eternia Private Airport, the only airport in Eternia.
  • has the Eternia Nuclear Power Plant.

The territory of Oasis County has been suffering from mass desertification due to pollution and climate change.

Historical map of the Oasis County

White County

is a county of mostly uncharted wilderness in the snowy north of Eternia.

It has a decent population and a long rail line, could be regarded as the underdog county.

For the time being in close co-operation with the Eternian Federation for economic development.