Dipre Platinum

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green_towns.png Dipre Platinum
2025-03-04 11.56.27 11zon.png

A view from a hill of the new expansion

Founder getplayerhead.sh?ninocaporizzuto&16.png ninocaporizzuto
Contributors getplayerhead.sh?Egitto&16.png Egitto (alliance)
Category Towns
Underground? No
Fortified? Partially
Public access? Yes
Public build? No
Size north to south 40m
Size west to east 40m
Road link? No
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? No
Portal? No
Coordinates X=3591
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Get your Plot Now!

To find us go to /warp caverns and use the new minecart rail system!

Dipre Platinum Town

Dipre Platinum Town started to exist in June 2017 and is growing now in 2025. The LandOwner getplayerhead.sh?ninocaporizzuto&16.png ninocaporizzuto built a town where players can have their own free plots.

Province of the Kingdom of Albourg. Alliance signed in 2025 with getplayerhead.sh?Egitto&16.png Egitto


  1. You can edit only your plots, anything else will be considered as griefing.
  2. Be respectful to other players nearby.
  3. We don't ask for no fee to own a plot anymore, instead we demands for little helps to grow the town and the community, if this rule won't be respected, or the plot will not be finished over a month, it will become Dipre Platinum possessions, as the same for the plots not visited over three months
  4. Have fun and help the community grows!

Here's what you can do.

-This Town is public to everyone, to pick up a plot contact the land owner getplayerhead.sh?ninocaporizzuto&16.png ninocaporizzuto or getplayerhead.sh?Egitto&16.png Egitto.

-We are not connected to the nexus for now, the only way to reach us is through /warp caverns and use our rail system, or to fly three thousands blocks from the spawn.

- The Platinum Mall will open asap.

-New plots always available, just contact the landlords.

See you all have a good time in Dipre Platinum Town!!