"Anyone here want a shot of my splash potion of speed? I don't like using splash potions alone" - TheMightyCheeze

Sitting is a feature on MinecraftOnline, added on 9 September 2011. It is possible to sit anywhere, but it is especially easy to sit on "chairs" and "sofas". Breaking blocks while sitting will always make them break on the first attempt. While it does take longer to break while sitting, it bypasses block lag!
Chairs and sofas
It is common to see Minecraft "chairs" created by placing a stair block, with signs on either side for the armrests. Similarly, sofas or benches are made the same way, only wider. It is possible to sit on these simply by right-clicking on them with an empty hand. You can get up by right-clicking them again, crouching or using the commands below.
It is also possible to sit anywhere, using the /sit command. You can stand back up by crouching or /stand.
You can also toggle sit-clicking using /sittogle; /sit will work regardless of this setting.
- When sitting on the ground, an invisible Armour Stand (previously an Eye of Ender and earlier something resembling a Fishing Bobber) supports the player. It has been hypothesised that each player carries a small portable inflatable stool to sit on, just for these occasions.
- The /sit command was broken entirely for many years, before being fixed sometime in 2020.
ger107 and
gm_bigcity sitting at Spawn, accompanied by
TurtleCobra standing.