7th November Dramas
On the 7th of November, 2020, a number of dramas happened that were either funny or annoying. This wiki page has all the dramas that happened at that day, and information is still being collected so this page can be as accurate as it can be.
The list is categorized in chronological order, i.e when it happened. Some of these dramas may have their roots in something that happened earlier in the year, and maybe those dramas are the culmination of the past events. It took some time and it will take more time collecting info for this page, so the page might change regularly until it is accurate enough! Have fun reading!
The Murder of Cigar Sheep
Read the articles Finland and The War of Finland for more information.
"cigar sheep is dead" - Chromaticals after the killing of Cigar Sheep, 3:18 AM
On 3:18 AM (GMT), the Finland Cigar Sheep, one of a group of other revered Cigar Sheep, was announced dead by Chromaticals. A little earlier before,
ickyacky came to visit Finland, where she, with the help of Chrom, promptly murdered the famous sheep. Chrom has been known for multiple other attempts to kill Cigar Sheep in the past. Later on,
TheGriffinLord saw that the Cigar Sheep was gone and presumably alerted the Finns. The citizens of Finland did not take kindly to the murder, and throughout the day they spend arguing with ickyacky, building up arms and mourning Cigar Sheep.
BrostrodYT was inside his emergency Finland bunker during the attack, where he was hunted to the point where he had to escape Finland by doing /spawn. As Brostrod had to hide in his emergency bunker, he could only speculate that they had killed Cigar Sheep.
The Finland citizens were told multiple times that, since Icky is a demigod donor rank, it would be almost impossible to kill her and Icky remarked how she would be impressed if they did manage to kill her. By the last hours of November 7th, the Finland citizens were 20 strong. In the end, the Finns gave up on fighting Icky due to pressure from others.
Inkstrike_12's Tantrum
"YOU N-----" - Inkstrike_12's first remarks after
1235_John killed him, 9:37 AM
During the Cigar Sheep drama, Inkstrike_12 assured ickyacky that he would defend her from the citizens of Finland.
1235_John, likely targeting Ink as he saw him as a threat, went to kill Inkstrike. On exactly 9:37 AM GMT, Inkstrike_12 was murdered. Inkstrike immediately got mad, shouting slurs and yelling at John for him to give his stuff back. John refused. This caused a long tantrum were Ink went insulting everybody in the server in his rage with slurs. Ink repeatedly tried to get his stuff back from John, but, with no armor or weapons, he died. He got banned from the McO Discord server afterwards.
Before this drama, Ink was known to be a wierd yet alright guy. Most people, after his tantrum, now think he's a toddler who cant handle dying in a block game. He is now especially hated after he insulted staff members in his rage. Some people hoped he was going to get banned but because he didnt quite break the rules ingame he wasnt banned there.
Suprafluid's Second "Conquest"
"I made this server wage a Cross Server War. [...] I am a bigger deal then you will ever be." Suprafluid boasting, 1:03 PM
"I declared wa on New Eden do make it more democratic." - Suprafluid, claiming he declared war on New Eden, 5:37 PM
This is not the first time this player has attempted something like this, and so this is named his second "conquest".
At 1:01 PM GMT, Suprafluid joined the game. For context, Supra claims to be in control of many towns across many servers and claims Sand Island as his territory and as a part of his nation. He began boasting about how he rediscovered ancient civilizations, how he built and took down borders and how he is worthy of the players' attention. Supra started claiming about how he fought Cross-Server wars and he represents a city on McO.
HY_Turkic then joined the conversation, where Supra urged him to affirm his statements about the war. HY confirmed the existence of a supposed Cross-Server war that Sand Island was part of. After a heated debate, mostly between
TheDemetri and Suprafluid, the conversation devolved further. Supra, upon hearing the existence of the great New Eden, set his eyes on the city, wanting to make it a "democratic haven" when he realized that it wasn't democratic.
Eclypto18 later talked with him, and decided to humor Supra by acting like a ruthless tyrant who executes the weak and invades land. Then he, along with
r9q (joined later by
Leah_Starcraft and HY), joined Supra's Discord server, where they started trolling, claiming that the Discord server now belonged to New Eden and that Supra was a tyrant. Most of the trolls were eventually kicked/banned, save for Leah and HY.
Due to the failure of his New Eden adventure, Supra planned to visit Finland, another town, to democratise it. Because of Supra's recent doings, some Finland residents planned an assault on him as soon as he got there. But due to how far away Finland is from basically anything, Supra ended up never coming. Supra continued to argue in chat before leaving for an alleged meeting.
On the 14th of November, Suprafluid was banned for spam. Many were overjoyed at him being finally banned, and thus his Third Conquest was no more.
The following Discord screenshots are from when Eclypto18 and others trolled on Suprafluid's Discord server.