Nexus Cake
The Nexus Cake is a cake located in the Spawn Visitor Center, which takes players to the Nexus if they follow it. The Nexus Cake is an infamous part of the history of the server spawn. It moves from the entrance to the Spawn Visitor Center all the way to the Nexus Portal, hence why it received the name Nexus Cake. It was created by MCO admins Anna_28 and
Krenath on June 27th 2021.
Controversy in the Media
The Nexus Cake is highly controversial due to constantly glitching out and stopping in the middle of the carpet in the Spawn Visitor Center. If the Nexus Cake does not move, is it truly a Nexus Cake? According to fans of the Nexus Cake, the cake is a symbol of hope that we will all one day have the motivation to move. The cake has become popular in religion, as it was the spawn of the official religion of Maltapple, known as Nexus Cakeism.
Staff Opinions on Nexus Cake
"It go slow, but it also go rly fas" - Jaysax_
"Nexus Cake" - ScarClaw72
"Thumbs Up Emoji" - Anna_28
"More than meets the eye" - txkeykeeper
"whar?" - 1Catnip
"A symbol of Iconography" - MSWindows
Mysterious Disappearance
On June 10th 2022, the Nexus Cake mysteriously vanished from Spawn, and has not been seen since. It is unknown if the holy and one and only Nexus Cake is going to make a big reveal sometime in the future, however the wait for its return is highly anticipated and hyped by members of the Nexus Cakeism cult.
Reappearance of the Nexus Cake
On July 30th 2022, Anna 28 put back the Nexus Cake after Fraccu repeatedly requested it.
Re-disappearance of Nexus Cake
On August 14th 2022, Anna 28 changed the Nexus Cake into a Tour Cake, completely repurposing the cake for people to find the Tour instead.
Re-Reappearance of Nexus Cake
On December 1st 2022, Nexus Cake was added back with a new orange text, but shortly after turned into a Dungeon cake for the 2022 Winterthorn Dungeon Event.