United Mistralian Federation

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Organisations United Mistralian Federation
Leadership CaptainIceman
Headquarters Mistral Valley
Founded 02/21/2022
Public? No
Status Inactive (Reformed)

The United Mistralian Federation was a project by getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman to Unite the remaining active cities and to repopulate the original Freedonian Continent.

The first nation to join was Mistral Valley when getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman created the project. On the 5th of March 2022 getplayerhead.sh?leetly&16.png leetly accepted the invitation for Thurston to join the United Mistralian Federation becoming the first settlement to join the alliance. With Floatsam and Kanal Town joining in Early 2024 getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman decided to rebrand the Alliance become the Freedonian Commonwealth now allowing more members all across Freedonia, cities are encouraged to ask any member nation for admittance.

Current Member Nations (5)

Non-Member Allied Nations (7)