Custom Crafting Recipes

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As part of the 1.12.2 update, Freedonia has started to use the CraftingPlusPlus plugin to add a number of custom crafting recipes to improve the quality of life for players. Some resources that may be common in vanilla MC are disproportionately rare in Freedonia or are craftable only in future updates. Below is a list of recipes that are now available to remedy this. Each recipe works with CartCraft and is fully automatable.

Vanilla recipes in future versions

Name Description Recipe
Packed Ice A future recipe brought backwards into 1.12.2, this removes the need to destroy the limited ice spike biomes for nether highways and the like. Ice can be crafted as well in MCO. Crafting packedice.png 9 ice = 1 packed ice

Server exclusive recipes

Name Description Recipe
Diorite These recipes were added as a way to obtain what's normally a very common resource before the map expansion for 1.12 Crafting diorite.png 2 cobblestone + 2 bone meal = 2 diorite
Granite Crafting granite.png 1 diorite + 1 bone meal = 1 granite
Andesite Crafting andesite.png 1 cobblestone + 1 diorite = 2 andesite
Red Sand Allows for large volumes of red sand to be produced without needing to destroy the rare mesa biomes Crafting redsand dye.png 8 sand + 1 red dye = 8 red sand
Red Sand Craft your sandstone back into sand on a whim Crafting redsand.png 1 red sandstone = 4 red sand
Sand Crafting sand.png 1 sandstone = 4 sand
Dead Bush No need to clear out deserts and mesas for dead bushes Crafting deadbush.png 5 sticks = 1 dead bush
Podzol Removes the need to plunder the limited mega taiga biomes.
Arrangement of materials does not matter for this recipe.
Crafting podzol.png 1 dirt + 1 spruce leaf + 1 bone meal = 1 podzol
Ice Saves a lot of time, and removes the need for silk touch to obtain such a basic resource Smelting ice.png Snow -> Ice
Sponge Sponges made craftable from Slime Blocks and Yellow Wool and due to the extremely limited supply of ocean temples Crafting sponge.png 5 yellow wool + 4 slime blocks = 1 sponge
Blaze Rod Craft your blaze powder back into blaze rod
Arrangement of materials does not matter for this recipe.
Crafting blazerod.png 2 blaze powders + 1 stick = 1 blaze rod
Terracotta Re-dyeable terracotta (hardened clay) Crafting terracotta dye.png 8 terracotta + 1 dye = 8 terracotta of the colour of dye
Stained Glass Re-dyeable stained glass Crafting stainedglass dye.png 8 stained glass + 1 dye = 8 stained glass of the colour of dye
Concrete Crafting concrete is possible via this recipe along with pouring water on concrete powders in-game. The latter method was previously disabled because it messed up MCO's systems Crafting concrete.png 8 concrete powders of the same colour + 1 water bucket = 8 concrete of the same colour

Server exclusive items

Name Description Recipe
IC Debug Stick Fetch metadata for CraftBook ICs. Requires WorldEdit CUI mod to be used. Crafting icdebugstick.png 1 sign + 2 sticks = 1 IC Debug Stick
Gluten-free Bread Functions identically to regular bread but does not convert to Teleported Bread when teleported. Crafting glutenfreebread.png 3 wheat in a vertical line = 1 Gluten Free Bread
Daylight Ingot Obtain Daylight Nugget from using /goodnight. Crafting Daylight Ingot.png 9 Daylight Nuggets = 1 Daylight Ingot
Daylight Block Crafting Daylight Block.png 9 Daylight Ingots = 1 Daylight Block
"ToKEN BaR" "tOkEn" can be obtained by various reasons by admins. 9 "tOkEn" = 1 "ToKEN BaR"
Scrap Metal Tour of Terror dragon loot. Materials can be obtained indefinitely at Delta City. Crafting Scrap Metal.png 9 Shrapnel = 1 Scrap Metal
Metal Crystal 4 of these crystals can be used to summon the Robot Dragon in the End.
A Focusing Lens can be used instead of a Laser Eye. The Focusing Lens remains after crafting.
Crafting Metal Crystal.png 8 Scrap Metal + 1 Laser Eye = 1 Metal Crystal
Compact Terrain Petrifaction dragon loot. 4 Petrified Soil = 1 Compact Terrain
Terrain Crystal Petrifaction dragon loot. 4 of these crystals can be used to summon the Terrain Dragon in the End. 8 Coarse Dirt + 1 Compact Terrain = 1 Terrain Crystal
Snowflake Block 2022 The Fight Before Christmas loot. Materials can be obtained in the snow island of Shulker Ranch. Recipe displayed in northern Winterthorn. Crafting Snowflake Block.png 4 Snowflakes = 1 Snowflake Block
Snowflake Crystal Can be used to summon the Frost Golem boss in Winterthorn, a part of the Fight Before Christmas dungeon. The sample and the recipe are displayed in northern Winterthorn. Spawns four Frost Golems and a regular Ender Dragon when four of these crystals are used in the End. Crafting Snowflake Crystal.png 8 ice + 1 Snowflake Block = 1 Snowflake Crystal
Chocolate Crystal Spawns four Power Paws bosses and a regular Ender Dragon when four of these crystals are used in the End. Crafting Chocolate Crystal.png 8 Chocolate Candies + 1 Golden Cadbunny egg
Astral Crystal Spawns an Astral Dragon when four of these crystals are used in the End. AstralCrystalRecipe.png 7 Gold Blocks + 1 Ender Pearl + 1 Beacon
Bee Helmet Crafted using drops from killing Honey (slimes) in the Bee Dungeon. Crafting Bee Helmet.png 8 Manuka Honey + 1 Leather Cap (any color)
Bee Helmet Crafting nonbinary Bee Helmet.png 8 Nonbinary Honey + 1 Bee Helmet
Bee Chestplate Crafted using drops from killing Honey (slimes) in the Bee Dungeon. Crafting Bee Chestplate.png 8 Manuka Honey + 1 Leather Tunic (any color)
Bee Chestplate Crafting nonbinary Bee Chestplate.png 8 Nonbinary Honey + 1 Bee Chestplate
Bee Leggings Crafted using drops from killing Honey (slimes) in the Bee Dungeon. Crafting Bee Leggings.png 8 Manuka Honey + 1 Leather Pants (any color)
Bee Leggings Crafting nonbinary Bee Leggings.png 8 Nonbinary Honey + 1 Bee Leggings
Bee Boots Crafted using drops from killing Honey (slimes) in the Bee Dungeon. Crafting Bee Boots.png 8 Manuka Honey + 1 Leather Boots (any color)
Bee Boots Crafting nonbinary Bee Boots.png 8 Nonbinary Honey + 1 Bee Boots
Crown of Vines Crafted using drops from Delta City during the Halloween event. Crafting Crown of Vines.png 1 Slice of Pumpking pie + 4 Vine
Wrappings of Vines Crafted using drops from Delta City during the Halloween event. Crafting Wrappings of Vines.png 2 Slice of Pumpking pie + 1 Spooky Pumpkin (Furnace) + 5 Vine
Covering of Vines Crafted using drops from Delta City during the Halloween event. Crafting Covering of Vines.png 2 Slice of Pumpking pie + 5 Vine
Aglet of Vines Crafted using drops from Delta City during the Halloween event. Crafting Aglet of Vines.png 2 Slice of Pumpking pie + 2 Vine
Temporal Crystal Crafted to summon a dragon for the Temporal Rift event Crafting Temporal Crystal.png 7 Lapis Lazuli Block + Clock + Ghast Tear