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Petrifaction, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is the process of petrifying.

Events Petrifaction
Creator Admin team
Start Date March 12th, 2022
End Date April 1st, 2022
Location Freedonia
Public? Yes

What is the Petrification Event?

The month of March 2022 is that time when 16.png Terrain_Master_Flippeh began to denounce those who stuck a claim on his land. During this period, Nexus Borderlands Hubs began appearing on the map in a broken down and destroyed state. Terrain_Master_Flippeh sent Terrain Dragons to these Borderland hubs, and once a dragon was vanquished, the respective Borderland hub was restored and became fully functional.

< Anna_28>: Freedonia and its players expanded in the new terrain and version as a result of EnderLordFlippeh's defeat
< Anna_28>: and so TerrainMasterFlippeh is here to defend his terrain with his dragons
< Anna_28>: and the nexus is a symbol of player expansion


Name Description Availability / Drop Rate Base Item Info
Compact Terrain Heavier than expected
MinecraftOnline Petrifaction Event
Hourly gift:
1.95% Polished Granite
Nexus Fragment A shard from a reality beyond our own
MinecraftOnline Petrifaction Event
1.95% Quartz
Petrified Cap Color: #D95E00
MinecraftOnline Petrifaction Event
1.95% Leather Helmet Unique orange dye colour
Petrified Chestplate Color: #D95E00
MinecraftOnline Petrifaction Event
1.95% Leather Chestplate
Petrified Pants Color: #D95E00
MinecraftOnline Petrifaction Event
1.95% Leather Pants
Petrified Boots Color: #D95E00
MinecraftOnline Petrifaction Event
1.95% Leather Boots
Petrified Soil Tainted by the touch of a Terrain Dragon
MinecraftOnline Petrifaction Event
Petrifaction Dirt Given to all those near a Terrain Dragon when it was killed
Terrain Dragon Eye Ender Eye Given for killing a Terrain Dragon


May 24th, 2021

Between August 21st and 30th, 2021

March 12th, 2022

  • 16.png Terrain_Master_Flippeh makes an in-game appearance on the server, possibly teasing a new event stating, "This flippeh is busy getting his plans together"
  • Nexus Borderlands Hubs began appearing across Freedonia in a dilapidated, broken down state.

March 13th, 2022

  • xerosmythe vanquishes the first Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub South-West (Light Blue) 3

March 16th, 2022

  • xerosmythe defeats the second Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub North-East (Red) 2

March 18th, 2022

  • Spawn lake begins to recede.

March 20th, 2022

  • techkid6 defeats the third Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub South (Lime) 1
  • 16.png Terrain_Master_Flippeh logs into MCO as a white name, leaves minutes later sporting an imperial yellow name
  • DanThePilot01 defeats the fourth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub North-West (Purple) 1

March 21st, 2022

  • 2b2tisFull defeats the fifth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub South-East (Yellow) 3
  • Broncoskip defeats the sixth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub North-East (Red) 1
  • Stedley vanquishes the seventh Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub South-West (Light Blue) 2

March 22nd, 2022

  • ScarClaw72 claims retribution from EnderLordFlippeh by slaying the eighth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub North (Pink) 2
  • runarlogi defeats the ninth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands South-East (Yellow) 2

March 24th, 2022

  • AdoreKitten defeats the tenth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands East (Orange) 3

March 25th, 2022

  • SketchyPixel defeats the eleventh Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub South (Lime) 2
  • All_Above defeats the twelfth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub North-East (Red) 3
  • RainBd defeats the thirteenth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub East (Orange) 1

March 26th, 2022

  • lol1o1 defeats the fourteenth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub North (Pink) 1
  • ClonLP defeats the fifteenth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub South-East (Yellow) 1

March 27th, 2022

  • GiannisN5 defeats the sixteenth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub North (Pink) 3
  • zymcn defeats the seventeenth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub North-West (Purple) 3
  • XxFIREDRAGONxX defeats the eighteenth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub North-West (Purple) 2

March 28th, 2022

  • Filip0706 defeats the nineteenth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub West (Blue) 1

March 29th, 2022

  • Filip0706 defeats the twentieth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub West (Blue) 2
  • Jaysax_ defeats the twenty-first Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub East (Orange) 2
  • Spawn lake completely dries up.

March 30th, 2022

  • xerosmythe defeats the twenty-second Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub West (Blue) 3
  • Jaysax_ defeats the twenty-third Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub South (Lime) 3
  • LordOfTheShadows slays the twenty-fourth Terrain Dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub South (Lime) 3

April 1st, 2022


Several people recorded videos during the event and posted them on YouTube. Some of these individuals included SketchyPixel, and ScarClaw72 for his Exploring Freedonia Series. LordOfTheShadows took a replay of the event using Replay Mod, and with the help of ScarClaw72 a cinematic version of the finale was released the day after it concluded.


Parts of this event happened thanks to SketchyPixel who asked the admin team about the unused borderlands hub locations. Thanks to this suggestion the admin team was able to insert the new borderlands hubs and new nexus designs into the event. As well as abamacus speculating about the channel renaming and connection to the nexus. Oddly enough, there were two dragons spawned at Nexus Borderlands Hub South (Lime) 3 in lieu of a dragon at Nexus Borderlands Hub South-West (Light Blue) 1; The reason for this is unknown

Channel Renaming

Along with the above changes in the game, the name of the Discord #general channel was changed multiple times for this event. The changed names recognizably match the runes from the Enchanting Table, although not very precisely since those characters are not part of the normal character set, and are synthesized here by Combining Diacritical Marks.

Here is the list of when each new name appeared, and what the word decoded to:

  • March 9th: OCTOGRAM
    • the raw text of the channel name was not captured before it had already been changed
  • March 11th: BEASTS
    • ʖᒷᔑᓭℸ-̣-ᓭ
  • March 13th: PROTECTORS
    • ¡∷𝙹ℸ-̣-ᒷᓵℸ-̣-𝙹∷ᓭ
  • March 15th: TWENTYFOUR
    • ℸ-̣-∴ᒷリℸ-̣-⎓𝙹⚍∷
  • March 21st: I WILL WIN
    • ╎-∴╎ꖎꖎ-∴╎リ
  • April 1st: FOOL'S
    • ⎓𝙹𝙹ꖎᓭ

There was some debate about some of the precise translations; after the second one was decoded, TheDarkrai85 spoke on the issue saying:

The translator isn't perfect, but she'll do. (Also discord handles some special/very uncommon characters poorly)
