Temporal Rift

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The Temporal Rift was the fourth event in the Flippeh Fam saga. In the wake of the Astral Fracture, getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh found himself astonished by his brother 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh's hubris a year prior, who in his final moments before death, overstepped his boundaries by attempting to manipulate time instead of his usual domain, space. The oblivious incompetence with which 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh attempted to manipulate time ultimately lead to his humiliating and untimely demise, where he not only gave rise to a paradox (with both a past and present version of himself being struck down by two different Freedonians), but also undid his late brother 16.png Ender_Lord_Flippeh's destruction by uniting the Legacy End with The End instead of rolling the dimension back to a time prior to any Freedonian activity as he intended. In an effort to save his family's reputation and reassert their authority, getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh carefully devised a plan over the course of the following year to put Freedonians in their place for once and for all by showing them how much damage can be done by a true demigod of time, all while attempting to cleverly deceive them with his quirky charm: a quality distinctly lacking in the three brothers by whom he was predeceased...

Events Temporal Rift
Temporal Rift.jpg

The Temporal Rift logo.

Creator Admin team
Start Date March 10th, 2025
End Date April 1st, 2025
Location Freedonia, The Nether, The End
Public? Yes


  • /dragon query can be used to check the location of the active Temporal Rift, or tell you how long until the next Temporal Dragon can be summoned if the latest Temporal Rift has collapsed.
  • /lightonia query (or /lightonia info) can be used to get more detailed information about the active Temporal Rift.
    • Hovering over the dark grey text that lists the regions will also yield the name of the backup being used, with the first part of the name being of the format freedonia-YYMMDD.
  • /lightonia list world can be used to see a list of points in time that are available to be visited.
    • Each item on this list can be clicked to get a preformatted version of the command below.
  • /lightonia select world can be used to calibrate a Temporal Crystal by channeling its energy towards a specific point in history.
  • /dragon summon can bring a Temporal Dragon to a nearby Temporal Crystal, or tell you how long until one will be available if the cooldown phase is still active.
    • The cooldown is currently four and a half hours.
    • Temporal Dragons can be lured to any location in Freedonia, The Nether, or The End, even if one had already been fought in the same location.
  • Upon defeating a Temporal Dragon, a Temporal Rift forms until another Temporal Dragon is available to fight.
    • A Temporal Rift collapses after four hours (thirty minutes before the next Temporal Dragon can be summoned).
    • The Temporal Rift is always centred around the Temporal Crystal's placement location, which is also where the Temporal Dragons perch during battle.
  • /dragon claim can be used by one of the players present after a Temporal Dragon is defeated in order to give everyone nearby a chance to obtain collectible participation rewards.
  • /dragon teleport can be used to travel through a Temporal Rift to the point in time configured before the fight.
  • /lightonia invite can be used to invite other players to the past without them having to travel to the Temporal Rift.
  • /lightonia accept can be used to accept invitations to the past.
  • /minecraft:time can be used by any player in the past to change the time of day.
  • /unstuck can be used by any player in the past so that they can save themself from scenarios where the Temporal Rift shoves them into a wall.
  • /lightonia return can be used to return to the present.
  • A Temporal Crystal can be crafted with the following recipe:
Crafting Temporal Crystal.png


Name Description Availability / Rolls / Drop Rate Base Item Info
Timeless Fragment It still emits a faint ticking sound... 50% Clock Given to those near a Temporal Dragon when it was killed
Temporal Dragon Eye 1 roll with +1 roll per Luck 50% Eye of Ender Dropped by Temporal Dragon upon death; can only be picked up by the player who dealt the final hit
Temporal Dragon Wings 11% with + 3% per level of Looting* Elytra

*Like other dragons, the Temporal Dragon will always drop an elytra, but it has a chance of being Temporal Dragon Wings. A regular Dragon Head will also always drop like other non-Ender dragons.



  • The dates below are based on UTC

January 25th, 2025

Chat Logs [Toggle]

<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh> Your time will soon run out. I will reverse all that you have done
<getplayerhead.sh?SlothCubing&16.png SlothCubing> wut
<getplayerhead.sh?Axilie&16.png Axilie> It was
<getplayerhead.sh?Ghostis_&16.png Ghostis_> oh shid
<getplayerhead.sh?Duran3838&16.png Duran3838> ah uhh
<getplayerhead.sh?Berselius33&16.png Berselius33> world map reset incoming
<getplayerhead.sh?CH3ETO&16.png CH3ETO> crazy thing happening
<getplayerhead.sh?Duran3838&16.png Duran3838> new event yay
<getplayerhead.sh?cnupdates&16.png cnupdates> captainflippeh?
<getplayerhead.sh?goofy_man_lol&16.png goofy_man_lol> events?!?!?1??!?!?!?
<getplayerhead.sh?Duran3838&16.png Duran3838> omg
<getplayerhead.sh?orchunter88&16.png orchunter88> is that the new dungeon opening?
<getplayerhead.sh?Duran3838&16.png Duran3838> where is astral
<getplayerhead.sh?goofy_man_lol&16.png goofy_man_lol> anyway duran
<getplayerhead.sh?Duran3838&16.png Duran3838> yeah
<getplayerhead.sh?goofy_man_lol&16.png goofy_man_lol> i need help on what to use these sub rooms for
<getplayerhead.sh?orchunter88&16.png orchunter88> astral was event in end dimension

February 1st, 2025

  • The event is teased a second time, with getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh repeating the same message as a week prior:

Chat Logs [Toggle]

<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh> Your time will soon run out. I will reverse all that you have done.
<getplayerhead.sh?FuzbolMC&16.png FuzbolMC> !
<getplayerhead.sh?XeonProductions&16.png XeonProductions> wut
<getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72> void stap it's hard to take pictures in the dark
<getplayerhead.sh?2024vike&16.png 2024vike> ....
<getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72> oh lawd
<getplayerhead.sh?2024vike&16.png 2024vike> what
<getplayerhead.sh?ChatGBT&16.png ChatGBT> what the
<getplayerhead.sh?cap2468&16.png cap2468> MCO map getting deleted confirmed
<getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72> flippeh coming
<getplayerhead.sh?Void42_&16.png Void42_> I'm not doing anything scar
<getplayerhead.sh?Cosmic_potato_04&16.png Cosmic_potato_04> They will be announced soon Chat
<getplayerhead.sh?XeonProductions&16.png XeonProductions> half life 3 confirmed!
<getplayerhead.sh?2024vike&16.png 2024vike> its over
<getplayerhead.sh?FuzbolMC&16.png FuzbolMC> mco map reset <3
<getplayerhead.sh?ChatGBT&16.png ChatGBT> thanks for letting me know
<getplayerhead.sh?DarkMatter3481&16.png DarkMatter3481> thyme
<getplayerhead.sh?2024vike&16.png 2024vike> GGs for real
<getplayerhead.sh?SoulCoyote&16.png SoulCoyote> too the moon! :D
<getplayerhead.sh?ChatGBT&16.png ChatGBT> overthrow the staff team
<getplayerhead.sh?DarkMatter3481&16.png DarkMatter3481> anyway thanks time flippeh for extra chance for nuggies
<getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72> imagine flippeh just wants to take a vacation to holidonia again
<getplayerhead.sh?DarkMatter3481&16.png DarkMatter3481> :(
<getplayerhead.sh?cap2468&16.png cap2468> has he considered playing singleplayer?
<getplayerhead.sh?Anna_28&16.png Anna_28> maybe he wants to take a vacation to a different donia
<getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72> Great roll of 2015 2.0
<getplayerhead.sh?DarkMatter3481&16.png DarkMatter3481> darkdonia when
<getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72> slavedonia when
<getplayerhead.sh?Anna_28&16.png Anna_28> bbl
<getplayerhead.sh?DarkMatter3481&16.png DarkMatter3481> the evil counterpart of lightonia
<getplayerhead.sh?ChatGBT&16.png ChatGBT> scar wth
<getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72> It's the opposite of freedonia
<getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72> nm
<getplayerhead.sh?DarkMatter3481&16.png DarkMatter3481> slaves should be free

March 9th, 2025

Chat Logs [Toggle]

<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh> Tick, tock, goes the clock. Soon your time shall stop.
<getplayerhead.sh?13dre&16.png 13dre> WHAT
<getplayerhead.sh?jriver_15&16.png jriver_15> :O
[DSC] <getplayerhead.sh?otake_&16.png otake_> i mine pretty mindlessly thats a fact
<getplayerhead.sh?comradeaglarion&16.png comradeaglarion> hm
<getplayerhead.sh?ExtreemToukan&16.png ExtreemToukan> yo
<getplayerhead.sh?Ghomik&16.png Ghomik> interessting
<getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT> what
<getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72> :d
<getplayerhead.sh?Durancell&16.png Durancell> AHAda
[DSC] <getplayerhead.sh?otake_&16.png otake_> put on some music and go
<getplayerhead.sh?dunechan&16.png dunechan> FUCK OFF FLIPPEH
<getplayerhead.sh?Durancell&16.png Durancell> HELp
<getplayerhead.sh?LogolWaffle&16.png LogolWaffle> ouch
<getplayerhead.sh?LogolWaffle&16.png LogolWaffle> OOOOOOO
<getplayerhead.sh?LogolWaffle&16.png LogolWaffle> ECHEST
<getplayerhead.sh?Ghomik&16.png Ghomik> now which admin ran that
<getplayerhead.sh?Modified_2T22&16.png Modified_2T22> hi flippeh
<getplayerhead.sh?LogolWaffle&16.png LogolWaffle> big thx! :D
<getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT> wonderful
<getplayerhead.sh?dunechan&16.png dunechan> FLIPPEH YOU ARE SEXY BUT SHUT UP
<getplayerhead.sh?comradeaglarion&16.png comradeaglarion> prob rtkwe
<getplayerhead.sh?jriver_15&16.png jriver_15> The Bedrocco Empire is timeless, therefore we shall survive
<getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT> joy
<getplayerhead.sh?Modified_2T22&16.png Modified_2T22> I got the screenshot
<getplayerhead.sh?Durancell&16.png Durancell> Rtk save us
[DSC] <getplayerhead.sh?otake_&16.png otake_> but still, all of them were mined in one area
<getplayerhead.sh?LogolWaffle&16.png LogolWaffle> brb
<getplayerhead.sh?jriver_15&16.png jriver_15> Rule Bedrocco
[DSC] <getplayerhead.sh?otake_&16.png otake_> and i surely missed some
<getplayerhead.sh?jriver_15&16.png jriver_15> Praise Bedrock
<getplayerhead.sh?maurermz&16.png maurermz> doesnt matter that its one area
<getplayerhead.sh?dunechan&16.png dunechan> god bless the utc
<getplayerhead.sh?rtkwe&16.png rtkwe> what's happening?
<getplayerhead.sh?orchunter88&16.png orchunter88> Filippeh is gonna do "temporal pincer movement" from Tenet movie!
<getplayerhead.sh?E6V&16.png E6V> whats temporal?
[IRC] <getplayerhead.sh?13dre&16.png 13dre> .q #minecraftonline
[IRC] l4mRbot 13dre: [2392/7365] 2019-09-09 <Ted1246> I'm going to go off for the night when the ban counter reaches 32k
<getplayerhead.sh?dunechan&16.png dunechan> imma get sent to guantanamo bay by flippeh ong
  • getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh revels in excitement at the thought of his Temporal Dragons disturbing the very fabric of time all across Freedonia:

Chat Logs [Toggle]

<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh> Much like time, my dragons shall soon fly!
<getplayerhead.sh?Durancell&16.png Durancell> Shut up
<getplayerhead.sh?13dre&16.png 13dre> oh no
<getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman> woah
<getplayerhead.sh?NotSleepyWillow&16.png NotSleepyWillow> WHY ARE YOU BLUE
<getplayerhead.sh?AMinecraftCow&16.png AMinecraftCow> yeah right
<getplayerhead.sh?Marmo_D&16.png Marmo_D> OH SHI
<getplayerhead.sh?Medi0cre&16.png Medi0cre> dragons?
<getplayerhead.sh?Durancell&16.png Durancell> Mf
<getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman> dragons where
<getplayerhead.sh?ScenarioPlanet&16.png ScenarioPlanet> why are you BLUE
<getplayerhead.sh?AMinecraftCow&16.png AMinecraftCow> captian sumons
<getplayerhead.sh?Marmo_D&16.png Marmo_D> Grab your bows people
<getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman> i already sent you one numbskull
<getplayerhead.sh?orchunter88&16.png orchunter88> imagine dragons
<getplayerhead.sh?Durancell&16.png Durancell> What a pussy doesn't show up but dares to threaten me
<getplayerhead.sh?E6V&16.png E6V> oh if you click the donkeys inventory you can see how long the name is
<getplayerhead.sh?AMinecraftCow&16.png AMinecraftCow> captain also summon sporb
<getplayerhead.sh?Durancell&16.png Durancell> Smh
<getplayerhead.sh?13dre&16.png 13dre> wait what the fuck is about to happen?
<getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman> im like 10 feet away
<getplayerhead.sh?AMinecraftCow&16.png AMinecraftCow> sporb is here
<getplayerhead.sh?E6V&16.png E6V> click the donkeys inventory
<getplayerhead.sh?orchunter88&16.png orchunter88> i think its lightdonia thing coming online soon

March 10th, 2025

  • Shortly before the beginning of the event, getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh attempts to instill fear in Freedonians by bragging about the sheer power of his Temporal Dragons:

Chat Logs [Toggle]

<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh> You think you've seen dragons? I'll show you what a real dragon looks like. My dragons are far more powerful than what you've seen previously.
<getplayerhead.sh?Matbot_&16.png Matbot_> tf cant use mco texture pack
<getplayerhead.sh?jestem_przemek&16.png jestem_przemek> also i think i found a bug, using /j after teleport cooldown droped down you still have to wait the same amout of time after using /j
<getplayerhead.sh?MonarchOfTheMoon&16.png MonarchOfTheMoon> ok cool
<getplayerhead.sh?Anna_28&16.png Anna_28> how so Matbot_?
<getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT> ok then
<getplayerhead.sh?bartek_kx&16.png bartek_kx> we are ded
<getplayerhead.sh?commmonnn&16.png commmonnn> hi temporal king flippeh
<getplayerhead.sh?Matbot_&16.png Matbot_> prob my fault, i use modrynth
<getplayerhead.sh?commmonnn&16.png commmonnn> FUCK YOU TEMPORAL KING FLIPPEH
<getplayerhead.sh?MonarchOfTheMoon&16.png MonarchOfTheMoon> my dick is a dragon if that counts
<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh> My Temporal Dragons are more powerful than ender dragons, they are not limited to a single dimension!
<getplayerhead.sh?jestem_przemek&16.png jestem_przemek> diamonds for what
<getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT> hello common
<getplayerhead.sh?Duxizon&16.png Duxizon> where can i buy one at
<getplayerhead.sh?MonarchOfTheMoon&16.png MonarchOfTheMoon> shut the fuck up
<getplayerhead.sh?jestem_przemek&16.png jestem_przemek> Teaacup!
<getplayerhead.sh?Baconkid4550&16.png Baconkid4550> just use bed to beat temporal dragon?
<getplayerhead.sh?FuzbolMC&16.png FuzbolMC> 💀
<getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT> bad mod, bad
<getplayerhead.sh?Anna_28&16.png Anna_28> I'm going to start calibrating the temporal crystal
<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh> My dragons shall restore Freedonia back to what it once was!
<getplayerhead.sh?Marmo_D&16.png Marmo_D> poor commm
<getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT> harrassment mods
<getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT> fr
<getplayerhead.sh?MonarchOfTheMoon&16.png MonarchOfTheMoon> shut the fuck up blueboy
<getplayerhead.sh?commmonnn&16.png commmonnn> FUCK YOU TEAA
<getplayerhead.sh?jestem_przemek&16.png jestem_przemek> imagine freedonia will be doomed if we wont kill the dragon

Chat Logs [Toggle]

<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh> You may have defeated this dragon, but this is not the last
<getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72> You can keep the cookie
<getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT> oh ok so we can do this bout again flippeh
<getplayerhead.sh?4dre&16.png 4dre> FUK u flippeh
<getplayerhead.sh?DarkMatter3481&16.png DarkMatter3481> yay ty for more loot time flippeh
<getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72> You got some of it fuz?
<getplayerhead.sh?DarkMatter3481&16.png DarkMatter3481> keep them coming
<getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT> thank you flippeh give me more collectables
<getplayerhead.sh?jestem_przemek&16.png jestem_przemek> are we in freakdonia?
<getplayerhead.sh?FuzbolMC&16.png FuzbolMC> some of ervoss stuff
<getplayerhead.sh?Anna_28&16.png Anna_28> so the energy that the dragon held was broken and caused a temporary rift that allows players to return to older versions of Freedonia
<getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten> bar
<getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten> wyd
<getplayerhead.sh?4dre&16.png 4dre> ah bartek my particles were disabled
<getplayerhead.sh?commmonnn&16.png commmonnn> can i get ontop of tower pls
<getplayerhead.sh?Anna_28&16.png Anna_28> while keeping the original Freedonia intact

Chat Logs [Toggle]

<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Temporal_King_Flippeh> Soon the clock will chime, and you'll be out of time!
<getplayerhead.sh?4dre&16.png 4dre> FUK U flippe
<getplayerhead.sh?bartek_kx&16.png bartek_kx> i agree Flippeh
<getplayerhead.sh?axletol&16.png axletol> somethin finna happen
<getplayerhead.sh?Acesrt&16.png Acesrt> Silly Flippeh!
<getplayerhead.sh?J4V2&16.png J4V2> whats thate?
<getplayerhead.sh?Marmo_D&16.png Marmo_D> Ok Flip, I already knew that I will day one day :/
<getplayerhead.sh?J4V2&16.png J4V2> flippeh is drunk again...
<getplayerhead.sh?4dre&16.png 4dre> soon he means like 2 weeks from now
<getplayerhead.sh?4dre&16.png 4dre> 3
<getplayerhead.sh?J4V2&16.png J4V2> mco end -_-

March 11th, 2025

March 12th, 2025