Item farms

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Thanks to the server's use of CraftBook and Custom Crafting Recipes, many common building materials and other items are easily farmable in large quantities, allowing you to focus more on the actual planning and construction of your builds.

This page will serve a resource and a guide on everything about these farms.

Table of public farms

The server has many public farms maintained by its various members. See below for a table of some of the farms, including information about what they produce and how to access them (use Ctrl+F to find what you're looking for!).

For more context, the majority of the item farms listed are automatic (which means you don't have to do anything to harvest them). However, some farms are manual or semi-automatic, and will be specific in the "Notes" section if they are such.

This table is downloadable from CryptPad and generated by a Python script embedded in that spreadsheet; contact Butternutbamboo for edit access or to submit a farm!

Table of farms found throughout Freedonia
Items Location Coordinates Closest Nexus Directions Notes
acacia log, birch log, dark oak log, jungle log, oak log, spruce log
charcoal, stone
andesite, arrow, bone block, diorite, experience, granite, gunpower, sugarcane
glass, sand
Newport Industrial District -10784, 64, 18890

-10783, 105, 18925

-10811, 8, 18947

-10811, 68, 18922

-10702, 16, 19057

-10261, 66, 19125

Newport (Light Blue 1) Directions to each farm are provided on the map for the Newport Industrial District page Very quick to access from Spawn

Often used by newer players when they first figure out the nexus system

cactus, ghast tear, gold ingot, rotten flesh Ghast Farm -1456, 161, 2383
Newport (Light Blue 1) See Ghast Farm
arrow, bone, gravel
ice, packed ice, snow
slime block
Emerald Mall gravel farm

Emerald Mall snow farm

Emerald Mall slime farm

2675, 65, 19741

2735, 63, 19739

2419, 71, 200848

Emerald Mall (Lime 1) From Emerald Mall, head north, then click the stone button on the gravel near the prismarine building

From Emerald Mall, head north, then click the stone button in the cave at the base of the snowman

From Emerald Mall, head west-southwest

Commonly used by players, as Emerald mall is a hub for commerce and an end portal location

The gravel farm also has a concrete crafter machine inside

blaze rod Blaze Balloon 2087, 56, -116
Orange Borderlands 2 See Blaze Balloon
acacia log, acacia sapling, apple, black wool, brown wool, cobblestone, cooked mutton, cooked pork, cooked steak, dark oak log, dark oak sapling, gray wool, jungle log, jungle sapling, light gray wool, oak log, oak sapling, spruce log, spruce sapling, stone, white wool Iron Reef -8400, 26, 4947 Winterthorn (Light Blue 3) From the Winterthorn warp, head north to the Farmer's House, then take the stairs down
cactus, ender pearl Enderwheel 384, 57, 0
Emerald Mall (Lime 1) From Emerald Mall, enter The End then head east
acacia leaves, acacia log, acacia plank, acacia sapling, apple, birch leaves, birch log, birch plank, birch sapling, charcoal, chest, cooked chicken, cooked mutton, cooked pork chop, cooked rabbit, cooked steak, dark oak leaves, dark oak log, dark oak plank, dark oak sapling, jungle leaves, jungle log, jungle plank, jungle sapling, leather, lilac, oak boat, oak leaves, oak log, oak plank, oak sapling, paper, peony, rose bush, sign, spruce leaves, spruce log, spruce plank, spruce sapling, stick, sugarcane, sunflower, torch Kitten Inc 275, 14, 12775 Automata (Lime 1) From Automata, head west (bring a boat!)
Sea Lantern, Prismarine Bricks, Prismarine, Raw Fish, Sea Lantern; sometimes (depending on Squid cap) Ink Sac, Clay, Dark Prismarine Rimini guardian farm -19337, 6, 4871 Blue 1 Borderlands Hub From Blue 1 Borderlands Hub, go east and take the lift down to the Nether portal, then follow the prismarine path to the Rimini Nether portal, then take the lift right next to the portal

Possible farmable items on Freedonia

Due to the ease of creating farms with CraftBook, there are a plethora of possible farms to be made!

Below is a list of possible farmable items, as well as an explanation of the terms for each category.

Explanation of Terms

These are the terms used when categorizing farms.

Automation Level:

This is the extent to which a farm is (or isn't) automatic.

Automatic Farm can run without player intervention (ignoring the player emptying storage and doing any repairs)
Semiautomatic Farm can run with minial player intervention, specifically by occasional refills
Manual Farm can only run with player intervention, either by breaking, placing, or interacting with blocks/items

Dependency Level:

This is the extent to which a farm is dependent on other farms to work.

This becomes a greater concern when farms require the use of other farmable items (like bone meal or crops).

Independant Farm can run by itself, no other farm needed for it to work
Single Sourced Farm needs at least one other farm source to run as intended
Multisourced Farm required multiple other farms to run as intended

Item obtaining method:

These are the various ways an item is actually obtained in-game, as items have a variety of methods to be dropped and some are more complicated than others.

Item Drop Item is dropped or spawned in via a block mechanic
Mob Drop Item is dropped after a certain mob is killed
Mob Item Item is spawned/dropped/placed by a living mob
Crafting Item must be crafted
Block Harvesting Item is obtained by breaking a block
Block Interaction Item is obtained by right clicking a block with something
Player Tools Item can only be obtained by using certain tools or enchants


This is the speed (or rate of producing an output per tick) for the farm.

Extremely Fast Produces something faster than a tick
Very Fast Produces something every few ticks
Fast Produces something every few seconds
Medium Produces something every few minutes
Slow Produces something every 10 minutes
Extremely Slow Barely produces something in 30 minutes, if not even longer

Production Level:

This is the amount of stuff produced within a single action (which is what "at a time" refers to)

Double Chest Creates at least a double chest worth of items at a time
Chest Creates a chest worth of items at a time
Half Chest Creates half a chest worth of items at a time
Chest Line Creates at least one chest's line worth of items at a time
Couple Slots Creates a few slots worth of items at a time
Stack Creates a full stack worth of items at a time
Half Stack Creates half a stack worth of items at a time
Several Items Creates several items (less than 32) at a time
Couple Items Creates a couple items (less than 10) at a time
Single Item Creates one item at a time

Miscellaneous Requirements:

These are other requirements that a farm might need

Biome Specific Farm only works in a particular biome(s)
Light Specific Farm only works within a specific light level
Sky Needed Farm only with direct access to sky
Table of possible farmable items
Item Automation Level Dependency Level Production Level Speed Item obtaining method Miscellaneous Requirements

Useful tables

This section contains tables that may be useful when designing your own farms.

Tree farms

All saplings must be at least 2 blocks away from other solid block (excluding logs).

Table of important tree farm parameters
Tree type MCZ215 Planter 3rd line MCX213_Harvester 3rd Line Minimum distance from other treesNote 1 Optimal height above saplingNote 2
Oak 6@0 17 0 6Note 3
Spruce 6@1 17:1 2 7
Giant Spruce 6@1 17:1 0 15Note 4
Birch 6@2 17:2 0 6
Jungle 6@3 17:3 0 6
Acacia 6@4 162 0 6
Dark Oak 6@5 162:1 0 7


  1. Expressed as the number of empty blocks between nearby saplings. For example, a value of 0 indicates that saplings can be placed directly next to each other.
  2. Expressed as the number of empty blocks between the sapling and the roof. For example, a value of 6 indicates that the farm will have a total height of 9: 1 for the dirt, 1 for the sapling, 6 empty layers, and 1 roof layer.
  3. Oak trees can grow through and remove dirt blocks. These larger oak trees will also contain horizontal logs which cannot be as easily harvested. To prevent this, use some other solid block as the roof layer, such as stone.
  4. Like oak trees, spruce trees can grow through dirt blocks; however, they do not replace dirt blocks. This can be exploited by stacking 2x2 spruce sapling platforms only 7 blocks apart rather than 15, substantially improving farm growth rates. Then, for example, when the bottom saplings grow, it will spawn logs both below and above the second layer of saplings. In vanilla Minecraft, this would be problematic, but thanks to Craftbook, the logs above the second layer of saplings can be harvested fairly quickly, allowing the second layer of spruce saplings to grow into another giant spruce tree.

Due to note 4, a stacked giant spruce farm is likely the fastest way to obtain logs.

Tips for making your own farms

This section will compile notes about how to set up your own farms, common pitfalls to avoid, ways to optimize production, handling item overflow, etc. More coming soon!

Setting up farms for specific items


Tree farms are fairly simple and quick to set up. You only need a few saplings to start a large tree farm; new saplings dropped by the floating leaves left behind after the logs are harvested will be enough to sustain and grow the farm.


  • Saplings
  • Chests
  • Dirt
  • Signs
  • Levers


  1. Set up dirt and MCZ215 Area Planter ICs to plant saplings in the areas you want. See the Minecraft wiki page on saplings for tree growth requirements. Note that oak saplings ignore nearby oak logs but other saplings do not.
  2. Drop a few trees on the floor to make sure the planters are working, then break them once they are planted (we don't want trees growing during building and debugging).
  3. Set up MCX213_Harvester ICs to cover the area that the MCZ215 Area Planter ICs will be planting. Note that other blocks can be in the harvesting area (just not logs at the time of setup). Also note that the max height of the harvesting area is 30 blocks - you can minimize the diameter / number of chests and signs of your farm by building your farm vertically instead of horizontally.
  4. Place a chest nearby for the logs to be collected in.
  5. Use a lever to activate the IC and make sure that the setup is valid.
  6. Place logs in the harvesting area and activate it again to make sure it works.
  7. Set up a MC0420 Clock IC to periodically activate the MCX213 Harvester ICs. To avoid setting up multiple MC0420 Clock ICs, you can use redstone or MC1110 Wireless Transmitter and MC1111 Wireless Receiver ICs to carry the signal to multiple MCX213 Harvester ICs.
  8. Optionally set up MCZ203 Automatic Chest Collector ICs to collect apples. To collect saplings, use MC0420 Clock ICs paired with MCX203 Chest Collector ICs so that the saplings don't get harvested before they can be planted.

Extension: Charcoal

Being a renewable resource, charcoal is an extremely effective fuel for smelting or material for making torches compared to coal. A tree farm can easily be converted into a charcoal farm by having the collected logs feed into both the input and fuel slots of furnaces (i.e. having hoppers feeding into the tops and sides of furnaces). For large-scale charcoal farms, hopper minecarts may be more effective than plain hoppers because they can pull items faster and distribute the pulled items over a row of hoppers.

Wheat and root crops

Crops that grow in the ground can also easily be harvested. Crops require a light level of 7, so we can easily farm crops automatically by switching on and off the lights.


  • Crops
  • Chests
  • Dirt
  • Signs
  • Levers
  • Dispensers?
  • Bone meal?
  1. Set up dirt and MCZ215 Area Planter ICs to plant the crops in the areas you want. Remember that crops grow fastest when water is nearby.
  2. Set up a chest and MCZ203 Automatic Chest Collector ICs to collect the crops.
  3. Throw down more crops than the MCZ215 Area Planter ICs can handle to make sure both of the Craftbook ICs are working properly.
  4. Set up a light toggling system. This can be an array of redstone lamps, pistons, or MCX207 Advanced Bridge ICs that cover up the crops completely.
  5. Set up a trigger for the light toggling system. This can be either a MCZ205 Automatic Block Detector IC, or you can use the crop growth rate information on the Minecraft wiki to calibrate a MC0420 Clock IC.
  6. Optionally connect dispensers with bone meal on a fast clock to help the crops grow faster.

Alternative: micro crop farm

Instead of a wide-area crop farm, you can build one or several micro crop farms that only focus on a single piece of farmland. This heavily reduces the amount of resources you need but is heavily dependent on being fed by bone meal.

Watermelon and pumpkin

Watermelons and pumpkins drop into items when pushed by pistons. The most straightforward way to automatically harvest these en masse is to have a large amount of pistons facing downward onto the farmland where pumpkins will grow. These pistons can be triggered using either observers (vanilla redstone) or MC0420 Clock ICs (Craftbook). From there, the items can be collected into a nearby chest with the MCX203 Chest Collector IC.

Transporting items

You may want to transport items away from the primary farm location for aesthetic or functional purposes (e.g. to feed autocrafters). There are a few ways to go about doing this:

  • Hopper arrays: The most straightforward way to transport items is through the use of large amounts of hoppers linked to each other. Hoppers can also be manipulated with redstone, opening the path for things like feed splitting and item oveflow. However, this is very expensive! Each hopper requires 8 wood planks and 5 iron ingots.
  • Ice tubes and bubble columns: Using droppers, you convert items within chests to dropped entities which can then be moved horizontally using ice and, although not available in the server's current version (1.12.2), vertically using magma cube bubble columns or vertical drops. This method is very cheap to set up but has some significant drawbacks. The items will stop moving once out of render distance, there is also a very small possibility that the items may get stuck and despawn, and the items may also be collected by players if the tubes are not protected.
  • Minecarts: Hopper or chest minecarts are a very efficient method of moving items, especially when paired with Craftbook cart ICs, which can sort minecarts or move them vertically by large distances instantaneously. However, this is also somewhat expensive due to the need for iron and gold for rails, and the minecarts may become stuck for various reasons or taken by players.
  • Craftbook ICs: various Craftbook ICs, such as MCX207 Advanced Bridge and MCX208 Advanced Door can also be used to transport items. The principle is that one IC will be set up to place items at a specific location from which another IC (connected to the same signal but through an inverter, and maybe with a delay) will collect. This is probably the most reliable way of moving items as the items are never dropped and the chests can be protected, but it can be difficult to do correctly.

Item overflow

Some farms may produce many more items than are needed which can clog up your feed lines or litter the area with entities. Tree farms are an example of this: tree farms produce logs, saplings, and sometimes apples, but logs are often the main goal; though logs harvested via MCX213 Harvester will eventually stop being produced once the receiving chest is full, saplings and apples are dropped items and will not.

A straightforward way to address this issue is through the use of overflow protection. The basic principle is to split your primary output feed into two feeds: a collection feed and an overflow feed. Once the chest that receives items from the collection feed is full, a comparator will activate the overflow feed, which will throw the items into lava, a cactus, or something similar.

Here are a few ways to go about doing this:

  • With vanilla redstone: this video by Cuzza88 on YouTube illustrates a flexible design that splits a chest into a collection feed and an overflow feed.
  • With Craftbook: If you are using MCZ203 Automatic Chest Collector ICs, then MC0420 Clock ICs can be set to a long clock cycle in order to periodically activate nearby MCX203 Chest Collector ICs. This creates a race condition where the MCZ203 ICs must collect the items before the MCX203 ICs are triggered by the MC0420 ICs, but the majority of your items will still be fed into the collection feed first.
  • With rails: Using rails, you can pass a minecart with a chest or hopper over a row of hoppers, where the last hopper (or few hoppers) connects to your overflow feed and the other hoppers connect to your output feed. This way, any items not sent to collection are sent to the overflow feed. However, this method is very expensive and the collection hoppers may not be able to empty the chest before it reaches the overflow section.

Things to avoid