Emerald Mall

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nexus_commercial.png Emerald Mall
Emerald Mall Build.png

View of the Emerald Mall from outside

Founder getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren
Contributors getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren, getplayerhead.sh?Nofleet&16.png Nofleet
Category Commercial
Underground? No
Fortified? No
Public access? Yes
Public build? No
Size north to south 250m
Size west to east 250m
Road link? Yes
Nexus link? Yes
Rail link? Yes
Boat link? Yes
Portal? Yes
Coordinates X=2687
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

What is the Emerald Mall?

The Emerald Mall is a public shop that allows anyone BUY and SELL almost any item in the game. This design allows for the community to help keep the mall stocked, making the mall sustainable and reliable for trade. As of 2025, if someone bought every item for sale in the Emerald Mall it would cost approximately 14293 Diamond Blocks. We have some of the deepest liquidity pools to trade items anywhere on the server.

The Emerald Mall build began construction on 3rd September 2021 and completed on the 3rd January 2022, when the Nexus destination was added.

Ren Standing with Emerald Mall.jpg

Emerald Mall Prices

Lobby Prices
ID Buy Pay with Sell Net Liquidity
22 5 Lapis Lazuli Block 1 Diamond 677 Diamond
152 16 Block of Redstone 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
155 4 Block of Quartz 1 Diamond 848 Diamond
172 24 Terracotta 1 Diamond 141.33 Diamond
42 32 Block of Iron 1 Diamond Block 106 Diamond Block
265 32 Iron Ingot 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
41 32 Block of Gold 1 Diamond Block 106 Diamond Block
266 32 Gold Ingot 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
52 9 Mob Spawner 10 Diamond Block 1 Diamond Block for 1 Mob Spawner 804 Diamond Block
450 1 Shulker Shell 1 Diamond 3392 Diamond
133 16 Block of Emerald 1 Diamond Block 212 Diamond Block
388 16 Emerald 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 16036.23 Diamond
24 Shop signs = Cost of 120 Diamond
Dye Prices
ID Buy Pay with Net Liquidity
351:1 64 Red Dye 1 Diamond 53
351:14 64 Orange Dye 1 Diamond 53
351:11 64 Yellow Dye 1 Diamond 53
351:10 64 Lime Dye 1 Diamond 53
351:2 64 Green Dye 1 Diamond 53
351:12 32 Light Blue Dye 1 Diamond 106
351:6 32 Cyan Dye 1 Diamond 106
351:4 32 Lapis Lazuli 1 Diamond 106
351:9 64 Pink Dye 1 Diamond 53
351:13 64 Magenta Dye 1 Diamond 53
351:5 24 Purple Dye 1 Diamond 141
351:15 128 Bone Meal 1 Diamond 26
351:7 32 Light Gray Dye 1 Diamond 106
351:8 16 Gray Dye 1 Diamond 212
351 12 Ink Sac 1 Diamond 282.66
351:3 64 Coco Beans 1 Diamond 53
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 1509.66 Diamond
32 Shop signs = Cost of 160 Diamond
Concrete Prices
ID Buy Pay with Net Liquidity
254:14 48 Red Concrete 1 Diamond 70
251:1 48 Orange Concrete 1 Diamond 141.33
251:4 48 Yellow Concrete 1 Diamond 140.66
251:5 32 Lime Concrete 1 Diamond 212
251:13 32 Green Concrete 1 Diamond 212
251:3 32 Light Blue Concrete 1 Diamond 212
251:9 32 Cyan Concrete 1 Diamond 212
251:11 32 Blue Concrete 1 Diamond 212
251:6 48 Pink Concrete 1 Diamond 140.99
251:2 48 Magenta Concrete 1 Diamond 140.66
251:10 32 Purple Concrete 1 Diamond 212
251:0 48 White Concrete 1 Diamond 140.66
251:8 24 Light Gray Concrete 1 Diamond 282.66
251:7 24 Gray Concrete 1 Diamond 282.66
251:15 24 Black Concrete 1 Diamond 282.33
251:12 48 Brown Concrete 1 Diamond 70.33
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 2965.28 Diamond
60 Shop signs = Cost of 300 Diamond
Brewing Floor Prices
ID Buy Pay with Sell Net Liquidity
376 8 Fermented Spider Eye 1 Diamond 424
370 1 Ghast Tear 3 Diamond 2.5 Diamond 2153
353 128 Sugar 1 Diamond 26
289 192 Gunpowder 1 Diamond 17
331 96 Redstone 1 Diamond 35.33
348 48 Glowstone Dust 1 Diamond 70.66
372 128 & 64 Nether Wart 1 Diamond 26 & 53
369 2 Blaze Rod 1 Diamond 1696
377 4 Blaze Powder 1 Diamond 847.5
396 32 Golden Carrot 1 Diamond 106
349:3 16 Pufferfish 1 Diamond 212
378 24 Magma Cream 1 Diamond 141
382 8 Glistering Melon 1 Diamond 424
335 3 Milk Bucket 1 Diamond 17
375 16 Spider Eye 1 Diamond 212
414 8 Rabbit Foot 1 Diamond 424
437 6 Dragon Breath 1 Diamond 8 Dragon Breath 310
374 128 & 64 Glass Bottle 1 Diamond 26 & 106
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 7326.49 Diamond
42 Shop signs = Cost of 210 Diamond
Wood Prices
ID Buy Pay with Net Liquidity
17 128 Oak Log 1 Diamond 52
17:2 128 Birch Log 1 Diamond 52
162 128 Acacia Log 1 Diamond 52
17:3 128 Jungle Log 1 Diamond 52
17:1 128 Spruce Log 1 Diamond 52
162:1 128 Dark Oak Log 1 Diamond 26
18:2 48 Birch Leaves 1 Diamond 141.33
18:1 48 Spruce Leaves 1 Diamond 141.33
18:3 48 Jungle Leaves 1 Diamond 141.33
18 48 Oak Leaves 1 Diamond 141.33
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 851.32 Diamond
40 Shop signs = Cost of 200 Diamond
Stone Prices
ID Buy Pay with Sell Net Liquidity
121 24 End Stone 1 Diamond 423.99
112 32 Nether Brick 1 Diamond 318
4 256 Cobblestone 1 Diamond 39
139 192 Cobblestone Fence 1 Diamond 13
48 16 Mossy Cobblestone 1 Diamond 424
98:3 96 Chiseled Stone Bricks 1 Diamond 105.99
98 192 Stone Bricks 1 Diamond 85
98:2 64 Cracked Stone Bricks 1 Diamond 106
98:1 12 Mossy Stone Bricks 1 Diamond 16 Mossy Stone Bricks 210
1 256 Stone 1 Diamond 39
1:3 192 Diorite 1 Diamond 35.32
1:5 192 Andesite 1 Diamond 34
1:1 192 Granite 1 Diamond 34
44 256 Stone Slab 1 Diamond 26
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 1893.3 Diamond
72 Shop signs = Cost of 360 Diamond
Black Market Prices
ID Buy Pay with Sell Net Liquidity
443 1 Elytra 1 & 2 & 3 Diamond Block 53 & 106 & 159 Diamond Block
322:1 1 Golden Apple (Enchanted) 4 & 5 Diamond Block 3 & 4 Diamond Block 192 & 1229 Diamond Block
52 1 Mob Spawner 1 Diamond Block 9 Diamond Block for 10 Mob Spawner 449 & 544 Diamond Block
450 1 Shulker Shell 1 & 1.5 Diamond 6473 Diamond
130 2 Ender Chest 3 Diamond 1 Diamond for 1 Enderchest 568 Diamond
426 1 End Crystal 3 & 4 Diamond 3 & 3.5 Diamond 4214 Diamond
322 4 Golden Apple (Regular) 1 Diamond 848 Diamond
397:4 1 Creeper Head 18 Diamond 12 Diamond 531 Diamond
397:2 1 Zombie Head 18 Diamond 12 Diamond 236 Diamond
397:0 1 Skeleton Head 9 Diamond 6 Diamond 450 Diamond
397:5 1 Dragon Head 3 Diamond Block 2 Diamond Block 175 Diamond Block
42 32 Iron Block 1 Diamond Block 106 Diamond Block
41 32 Gold Block 1 Diamond Block 106 Diamond Block
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 39618 Diamond
42 Shop signs = Cost of 210 Diamond
Redstone Prices
ID Buy Pay with Sell Net Liquidity
152 16 & 12 Redstone Block 1 Diamond 16 & 12 Redstone Block 1059.98 Diamond
66 64 Rail 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
27 24 Powered Rail 1 Diamond 32 Powered Rail 92 Diamond
28 16 Detector Rail 1 Diamond 24 Detector Rail 13 Diamond
157 16 Activator Rail 1 Diamond 24 Activator Rail 12 Diamond
328 3 Minecart 1 Diamond 17.66 Diamond
76 64 Redstone Torch 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
406 12 Quartz 1 Diamond 565.32 Diamond
25 16 Noteblock 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
151 2 Daylight Sensor 1 Diamond 3 Daylight Sensor 193.5 Diamond
287 16 String 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
131 12 Tripwire Hook 1 Diamond 16 Tripwire Hook 60.75 Diamond
70 96 Stone Pressure Plate 1 Diamond 35.33 Diamond
148 12 Heavy Pressure Plate 1 Diamond 18 Heavy Pressure Plate 4.41 Diamond
147 18 Light Pressure Plate 1 Diamond 188.44 Diamond
69 64 Lever 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
143 128 Wooden Button 1 Diamond 26 Diamond
46 16 TNT 1 DIamond 212 Diamond
123 12 Redstone Lamp 1 Diamond 282.66 Diamond
218 8 Observer 1 DIamond 10 Observer 95.75 Diamond
158 32 Dropper 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
23 16 Dispencer 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
154 6 Hopper 1 Diamond 8 Hopper 111.33 Diamond
33 16 Piston 1 Diamond 24 Piston 52.06 Diamond
29 16 Sticky Piston 1 Diamond 24 Sticky Piston 56.62 Diamond
165 24 Slime Block 1 Diamond 24 Slime Block 141.33 Diamond
356 32 Redstone Repeater 1 Diamond 32 Redstone Repeater 106 Diamond
404 8 Redstone Comparator 1 Diamond 10 Redstone Comparator 85.25 Diamond
146 12 Trapped Chest 1 Diamond 16 Trapped Chest 26.08 Diamond
Total Net Liquidity (20th March 2025) = 4299.47 Diamond
68 Shop signs = Cost of 340 Diamond
Item & Decoration Prices
ID Buy Pay with Sell Net Liquidity
329 3 Saddle 1 Diamond 17.33 Diamond
419 1 Diamond Horse Armor 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
84 2 Juke Box 3 Diamond 1 Diamond for 1 Juke Box 84.5 Diamond
25 16 Note Block 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
379 1 Brewing Stand 1 Diamond 3392 Diamond
385 12 Fire Charge 1 Diamond 282.66 Diamond
416 32 Armor Stand 1 Diamond 26.50 Diamond
354 3 Cake 2 Diamond 33.66 Diamond
2263 C418 - Stal 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
2257 C418 - Cat 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
2258 C418 - Blocks 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
2259 C418 - Chirp 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
2265 C418 - Ward 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
2256 C418 - 13 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
2261 C418 - Mall 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
2262 C418 - Mellohi 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
2266 C418 - 11 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
2267 C418 - Wait 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
2260 C418 - Far 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
2264 C418 - Strad 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
390 6 Flower Pot 1 Diamond 9 Flower Pot 272.33 Diamond
384 8 Bottle o' Enchanting 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
420 6 Lead 1 Diamond 376.88 Diamond
399 1 Nether Star 3 Diamond 5 Diamond for 2 Nether Star 408.33 Diamond
327 4 Lava Bucket 1 Diamond 13.25 Diamond
325 8 Bucket 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
381 3 Eye of Ender 1 Diamond 4 Eye of Ender 219 Diamond
421 4 Name Tag 1 Diamond 848 Diamond
395 1 Empty Map 1 Diamond 2 Diamond for 3 Empty Map 345 Diamond
386 2 Book and Quill 1 Diamond 52 Diamond
345 3 Compass 1 Diamond 4 Compass 219.33 Diamond
347 3 Clock 1 Diamond 4 Clock 57.66 Diamond
380 3 Cauldron 1 Diamond 4 Cauldron 21 Diamond
330 12 Iron Door 1 Diamond 16 Iron Door 8.66 Diamond
340 32 Books 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
321 32 Painting 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
389 32 Item Frame 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 8427.09 Diamond
78 Shop signs = Cost of 390 Diamond
Flower Prices
ID Buy Pay with Net Liquidity
38:1 8 Blue Orchid 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
38:2 8 Allium 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
175:1 32 Lilac 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
38:7 8 Pink Tulip 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
175:5 32 Peony 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
38:8 8 Oxeye Daisy 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
38:6 8 White Tulip 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
38:3 8 Azure Bluet 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
175:4 32 Rose Bush 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
38:4 8 Red Tulip 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
38 16 Poppy 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
38:5 8 Orange Tulip 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
175 32 Sunflower 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
37 16 Dandelion 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
39 16 Brown Mushroom 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
40 16 Red Mushroom 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
6:5 16 Dark Oak Sapling 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
6:4 16 Acacia Sapling 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
6 16 Oak Sapling 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
6:2 16 Birch Sapling 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
6:3 16 Jungle Sapling 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
32 64 Dead Bush 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
31:2 8 Fern 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 6201 Diamond
46 Shop signs = Cost of 230 Diamond
Crops & Farmables Prices
ID Buy Pay with Net Liquidity
351:3 64 Coco Beans 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
435 96 Beetroot Seeds 1 Diamond 35 Diamond
434 128 Beetroot 1 Diamond 26.5 Diamond
297 36 Bread 1 Diamond 94.44 Diamond
357 64 Cookie 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
392 128 Potato 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
432 16 Chorus Fruit 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
200 8 Chorus Flower 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
433 48 Popped Chorus Fruit 1 Diamond 70.66 Diamond
372 64 Nether Wart 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
260 24 Apple 1 Diamond 141.5 Diamond
86 16 Pumpkin 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
400 18 Pumpkin Pie 1 Diamond 187.77 Diamond
391 128 Carrot 1 Diamond 79.50 Diamond
170 8 Hay Bale 1 Diamond 282.66 Diamond
338 192 Sugar Canes 1 Diamond 35.32 Diamond
103 16 Melon Block 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
295 128 Seeds 1 Diamond 26 Diamond
81 128 Cactus 1 Diamond 78 Diamond
111 15 Lily Pad 1 Diamond 848 Diamond
106 16 Vine 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 3230.35 Diamond
60 Shop signs = Cost of 300 Diamond
Natural Block Prices
ID Buy Pay with Sell Net Liquidity
1:1 192 Granite 1 Diamond 26 Diamond
24 48 Sandstone 1 Diamond 420 Diamond
12 128 Sand 1 Diamond 26 Diamond
13 48 Gravel 1 Diamond 282.64 Diamond
82 12 & 16 Clay 1 Diamond 494.66 Diamond
110 16 Mycelium 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
3:2 16 Podzol 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
3:1 48 Coarse Dirt 1 Diamond 70.66 Diamond
3 128 Dirt 1 Diamond 78 Diamond
2 64 & 128 Grass Block 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
79 64 Ice 1 Diamond 70.66 Diamond
174 16 Packed Ice 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
80 64 Snow 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
112 32 Nether Brick 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
88 64 Soul Sand 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
213 24 Magma Block 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
87 192 Netherrack 1 Diamond 17 Diamond
153 8 Nether Quartz Ore 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
129 1 Emerald Ore 4 Diamond 3 Diamond for 1 Emerald Ore 3464 Diamond
56 2 Diamond Ore 5 Diamond 4622.5 Diamond
21 3 Lapis Ore 1 Diamond 5 Lapis Ore 265.33 Diamond
73 24 Redstone Ore 1 Diamond 24 Redstone Ore 140.66 Diamond
14 16 Gold Ore 1 Diamond 24 Gold Ore 72.25 Diamond
15 24 Iron Ore 1 Diamond 24 Iron Ore 141.66 Diamond
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 12029.02 Diamond
84 Shop signs = Cost of 420 Diamond
Fancy Block Prices
ID Buy Pay with Sell Net Liquidity
22 4 & 6 Lapis Lazuli Block 1 Diamond 1413 Diamond
89 12 & 16 Glowstone 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
30 12 & 32 Cobweb 1 Diamond 18 & 32 Cobweb 110 Diamond
45 12 & 16 Brick 1 Diamond 494 Diamond
49 24 & 16 Obsidian 1 Diamond 565.33 Diamond
155 3 & 4 & 5 Block of Quartz 1 Diamond 1130 & 848 & 848 & 677 Diamond
168 64 Prismarine 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
168:1 24 Prismarine Bricks 1 Diamond 141.25 Diamond
168:2 12 Dark Prismarine 1 Diamond 282.66 Diamond
169 16 & 32 Sea Lantern 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
47 12 Bookshelf 1 Diamond 283.66 Diamond
165 24 Slime Block 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
100 16 Red Mushroom Block 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
99 16 Brown Mushroom Block 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
20 96 Glass 1 Diamond 70.66 Diamond
173 16 Coal Block 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
201 24 Purpur Block 1 Diamond 282.66 Diamond
46 16 TNT 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
91 32 Jack o'Lantern 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
214 64 Nether Wart Block 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
215 32 Red Nether Brick 1 Diamond 106 Diamond
19 8 Sponge 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
198 16 End Rod 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
216 192 Bone Block 1 Diamond 17.66 Diamond
397:1 3 Wither Skeleton Skull 1 Diamond 1130.66 Diamond
138 1 Beacon 3 Diamond 5 Diamond for 2 Beacon 3372 Diamond
145 1 Anvil 4 Diamond 3 Diamond for 1 Anvil 115 Diamond
116 1 Enchantment Table 4 Diamond 3 Diamond for 1 Enchantment Table 96 Diamond
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 14497.54 Diamond
82 Shop signs = Cost of 410 Diamond
Mob Drop Prices
ID Buy Pay with Sell Net Liquidity
287 16 String 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
288 96 Feather 1 Diamond 35.33 Diamond
352 256 Bone 1 Diamond 13.25 Diamond
289 256 Gunpowder 1 Diamond 13 Diamond
334 192 Leather 1 Diamond 26.5 Diamond
369 2 Blaze Rod 1 Diamond 1 Diamond for 3 Blaze Rod 385 Diamond
368 8 Ender Pearl 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
351 8 Ink Sac 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
344 16 Egg 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
349 16 Raw Salmon 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
364 192 Cooked Beef 1 Diamond 17.66 Diamond
367 192 Rotten Flesh 1 Diamond 17 Diamond
341 128 Slime Ball 1 Diamond 26.5 Diamond
375 16 Spider Eye 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
320 192 Cooked Porkchop 1 Diamond 17 Diamond
365 128 Raw Chicken 1 Diamond 26 Diamond
350 128 Cooked Fish 1 Diamond 26 Diamond
349:2 1 Clownfish 1 Diamond 1 Diamond for 2 Clownfish 564 Diamond
262 256 Arrow 1 Diamond 13.25 Diamond
363 128 Raw Beef 1 Diamond 26 Diamond
319 128 Raw Porkchop 1 Diamond 128 Raw Porkchop 26 Diamond
335 3 Milk Bucket 1 Diamond 17.33 Diamond
370 1 Ghast Tear 3 Diamond 5 Diamond for 2 Ghast Tear 1195 Diamond
409 64 Prismarine Shard 1 Diamond 53 Diamond
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 3823.82 Diamond
50 Shop signs = Cost of 250 Diamond
Wool Prices
ID Buy Pay with Net Liquidity
35 192 White Wool 1 Diamond 35.33 Diamond
35:15 32 Black Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:7 32 Dark Gray Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:8 32 Light Gray Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:6 32 Pink Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:2 32 Magenta Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:10 32 Purple Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:11 32 Dark Blue Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:3 32 Light Blue Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:9 32 Cyan Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:13 32 Green Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:5 32 Lime Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:4 32 Yellow Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:1 32 Orange Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:14 32 Red Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
35:12 32 Brown Wool 1 Diamond 212 Diamond
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 3215.33 Diamond
62 Shop signs = Cost of 310 Diamond
Terracotta Prices
ID Buy Pay with Net Liquidity
172 24 Terracotta 1 Diamond 424 Diamond
159:15 24 Black Terracotta 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
159:7 24 Gray Terracotta 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
159:8 24 Light Gray Terracotta 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
159 24 White Terracotta 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
159:6 24 Pink Terracotta 1 Diamond 141.33 Diamond
159:2 24 Magenta Terracotta 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
159:10 24 Purple Terracotta 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
159:11 24 Blue Terracotta 1 Diamond 141.33 Diamond
159:3 24 Light Blue Terracotta 1 Diamond 141.33 Diamond
159:9 24 Cyan Terracotta 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
159:13 24 Green Terracotta 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
159:5 24 Lime Terracotta 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
159:4 24 Yellow Terracotta 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
159:1 24 Orange Terracotta 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
159:14 24 Red Terracotta 1 Diamond 141.33 Diamond
159:12 24 Brown Terracotta 1 Diamond 141 Diamond
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 2681.32 Diamond
38 Shop signs = Cost of 190 Diamond
Tool & Armor Prices
ID Buy Pay with Net Liquidity
279 2 Diamond Axe 1 Diamond 26.5 Diamond
276 2 Diamond Sword 1 Diamond 26.5 Diamond
278 2 Diamond Pickaxe 1 Diamond 26.5 Diamond
277 2 Diamond Shovel 1 Diamond 26 Diamond
310 2 Diamond Helmet 1 Diamond 26.5 Diamond
311 2 Diamond Chestplate 1 Diamond 26.5 Diamond
312 2 Diamond Leggings 1 Diamond 26.5 Diamond
313 2 Diamond Boots 1 Diamond 26.5 Diamond
261 3 Bow 1 Diamond 17 Diamond
259 5 Flint and Steel 1 Diamond 10 Diamond
262 256 Arrow 1 Diamond 12.75 Diamond
Total Net Liquidity (16th March 2025) = 251.25 Diamond
22 Shop signs = Cost of 110 Diamond

Note: Net liquidity is calculated by dividing all content in chest by the BUY price, and then adding up any diamonds. Example: BUY 3 ghast tear = 1 diamond. With 500 ghast tear in chest AND 1500 diamond in chest. (500*3)+1500=3000 diamond liquidity. (SELL price is irrelevant).

What do the floors look like?

How do I visit the Emerald Mall?


The Emerald Mall benefits from quick access through Lime Nexus 1, which is recommended as the quickest travel method for any new player searching for the mall.

Nether Link

Primary: There is a tunnel connection to the Nether South Ice Highway, if you make a turning at x:0 y:120 z:2500, you will find the Main Emerald Mall Nether Portal at x:350 y:120 z:2500. This road was constructed by getplayerhead.sh?Nofleet&16.png Nofleet and finished on 12th December 2021.

Secondary: You can also travel to the Emerald Mall by taking the Nether South Highway and making a turning at Y:52 X:2500. The secondary nether nether portal is at x:352 y:78 z:2500.

Ice Road

You can also take one of the ice roads surrounding the mall. You can join the main Ice Road at Dragon River Peak City by travelling to the Ice Path. You can choose to travel in a boat on the ice for a fast travel experience!

Anyone is welcome to extend the roads further, but they MUST follow the design of the bridge.


There is a Railway link to Dragon River Peak City. You can join the railway at x:900 z:16950 (map view).


The boat route starts at X:2370 Z:19970 (map).

The locations connected to the Emerald Boat Route are:

The Emerald Mall Boat Route began construction on the the 21st November 2021. getplayerhead.sh?Erttum&16.png Erttum helped map out the best route along the frozen rivers and helped dig through one of the mountains. Ren then worked tirelessly through the extreme lag over the following days, placing a few hundred glowstone blocks each day, to melt the ice along the river. The build was completed on the 1st December 2021. Ren felt the amount of glowstone used was silly and that you'd be able to see the boat route from space!

The Emerald Boat Route began its first extension on the 26th December 2021, which was completed in the early hours of the 27th December. The route was planned by getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren, with help from getplayerhead.sh?Anna_28&16.png Anna_28. The Emerald Boat route is designed to help improve connectivity in the region and help the Emerald Mall obtain an elusive Nexus. The Emerald Boat Route connects to the Syrus Boat Route branch, which previously ended 5,000 blocks away from the Emerald Mall in Dragon River Peak City. The buoy design chosen was: Emerald Block / White Wool, which Ren felt was fitting as it leads to the Emerald Mall and is designed to be a symbol of prosperity the mall aims to create for everyone on the server. Lilly pads were used to place the buoys through the ocean, which was a super time saver, so any aspiring ocean boat route planners - take note! The map link to the start of the Emerald Boat Route in Dragon River Peak City can be found here. The original plans for the Boat Route can be found here.

Why was the Emerald Mall created?

Ren believed the economy of MCO was wildly inefficient and difficult to navigate. He was frustrated with the largest mall on the server at the time, the Diamond Mall. He was annoyed with the layout because he felt was confusing to understand for new players. He believed the shops also lacked standardisation, so some shops were very badly designed. He was shocked that 80% of shops at the Diamond Mall were consistently out of stock, which created a bad experience for players. Ren's first shop inside the Diamond Mall allowed players to both BUY and SELL items when he opened, which prevented the shop from going out of stock, as long as the price Ren set was a fair price. The design to both BUY and SELL any item was the bedrock of the Emerald Mall design. The Diamond Mall was also very difficult for the average player to be given a shop at, as you had to ask an Admin and not just any Admin, you needed to ask the correct Admin, which isn't specified anywhere. Not only this, but you also needed to pay 10 Diamond Blocks and have over 100 hours. This is to say, it was tricky for sellers to be able to establish a shop. If a new player wants to find a specific item to buy then good luck, as there is no easy way to find which shop will sell the item you are looking for, so you need to visit EVERY floor and memorise which floor stocks which items... who designed this! Ren felt this entire system needed to be re-engineered from the ground up, and so began building in pursuit of making his vision a reality.

How was the Emerald Mall designed?

Despite Ren's criticisms with the mechanics behind the Diamond Mall, the Emerald Mall's outer design was inspired by the Diamond Mall's outer design, as a way of paying respects to its history and success.


The Emerald Mall was designed with User Experience in mind from the beginning. The aim was to build a mall that was intuitive to use and easy for the player. This allows us to provide value and benefit to as many players as possible to help support players in their objectives.

  • The Nexus location puts the user directly in front of the Emerald Mall Lifts, with a sign explaining how to use the [Lift] signs.
  • The Floors are categorised by item type to make it super easy to find which floor sells which item you are looking for.
  • The Lift system uses item frames to show an item to represent the floor, so the Redstone floor uses Redstone dust. This means you don't need to read the signs, making it easier for players to understand.
  • All shops have an item frame, so you can quickly browse what items are for sale, without requiring the player to read signs.
  • In many cases the stalls are built from the material they are selling, so for example the Ice shop is built from Ice.
  • The shops allow EVERYONE to sell, so there is no need for every player to create their own shop. This means any player, new or old can immediately begin benefiting from the shop system without needing to ask an Admin.
  • Build with sustainability in mind, as there will always be items in stock on one side of the shop, so should stand the test of time and be a useful asset to the players of the server for the next 1, 3, 5 or even 10 years.
  • Prices for items will reach fair market value, which brings down the price of items for everyone, as there is more competition. Lower prices allow more players to stretch their diamonds further! This is achieved by Ren listening to the market and adjusts prices over time (If all diamonds run out, then Ren will need to make the price cheaper, so items begin selling, while also raising the sell amount. If no sales happen, then Ren will need to raise the price for the item, to incentive people to sell their items).
  • The Emerald Mall was designed with a huge radius surrounding it, to prevent others from building within render distance. The aim of this is to ensure players who visit the mall do not experience any increase in fps lag over time, as large structures cannot be added.


  • Ren currently makes a profit from every transaction, as he argues that this is designed to help increase the amount of liquidity for people to buy and sell over time. Ren is not wealthy enough to donate this liquidity himself. Ren also argues this profit helps offset losses from price fluctuations, as Ren is taking on the risk of price moving against him, especially in the first few months of the Emerald Mall, before prices stabilise. Ren will remove profit from most stalls once a good amount of liquidity is achieved, as his intentions are to build infrastructure to facilitate more efficient trade and improve player experience.
  • Some argue that because Ren owns all the shops that this means this is not a mall, but Ren disagrees. He feels this Mall is more inclusive and helpful, as it allows the community to run the shop.
  • Since Ren is the sole custodian of the shops, it creates a single point of failure, as if he stops playing then the shops will eventually fill up. However, Ren has a plan to mitigate this risk by changing all BUY and SELL to the same amount if he ever leaves the server, which would allow the shops to run forever.
  • The shop does not support the marketplace selling of items with custom NBT data such as custom maps, enchantments, player heads, unique event or collector items.
  • Prices are not dynamic, so don't change automatically with fluctuations in supply and demand. Any prices changes must be made manually. This may result in no trade happening for long periods of time for items whose demand or supply alters dramatically as time progresses.
  • Supply of an item is limited to one double chest per shop, which makes the mall most useful in small to medium-sized builds, however, may not have the quantities required for mega builds. There are some items such as dirt, grass, sand, and obsidian that have multiple shops to help provide more stock to try and accommodate those buyers who need vast quantities of these common blocks.

Who donated to the Emerald Mall?

The Emerald Mall was a wildly expensive venture, with the [Shop] sign creation costing 5 diamonds per sign in tax. There are 902 shop signs in operation at the mall, which cost 4510 Diamonds (over 500 DB) to create. Ren decided to do an investment round, to find any players interested in making a generous donation of 64 Diamond Blocks in return for 1 copy of Ren's head. On 2nd November 2021, Ren began to reach out to his contacts across the server to see if he could raise the funds to help fund the signs and provide starting liquidity for the hundreds of chests. Interest was high and many players pledged a donation toward the Emerald Mall. Without these generous donations, the Emerald Mall may never have been created. Each player that donated was given an exclusive honorary plaque on one of the floors, in recognition of their support. Those players were:

Dye Floor: getplayerhead.sh?SanityBGon&16.png SanityBGon

Black Market Floor: getplayerhead.sh?Filip0706&16.png Filip0706

Fancy Blocks Floor: getplayerhead.sh?snthy&16.png snthy

Redstone Floor: getplayerhead.sh?Selimbits&16.png Selimbits

Stone Floor: getplayerhead.sh?swissm4n&16.png swissm4n

Brewing Floor: getplayerhead.sh?GunCat2&16.png GunCat2

Wood Floor: getplayerhead.sh?Hornacious&16.png Hornacious

Mob Drops: getplayerhead.sh?Nofleet&16.png Nofleet

Item / Decoration Floor: getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten

Flower Floor: getplayerhead.sh?Anna_28&16.png Anna_28

Crops & Farmable Floor: getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper

Natural Floor: getplayerhead.sh?hjk321&16.png hjk321

Wool & Clay Floor: getplayerhead.sh?KingServal&16.png KingServal

Tools & Armor: getplayerhead.sh?Aquitted&16.png Aquitted

Map Art Floor: getplayerhead.sh?Xanpi3000&16.png Xanpi3000

Who built the Emerald Mall?

The Emerald Mall was constructed by getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren & getplayerhead.sh?Nofleet&16.png Nofleet.

Most of the terraforming and groundwork was done by getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten, getplayerhead.sh?abamacus&16.png abamacus getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren, getplayerhead.sh?Nofleet&16.png Nofleet with some assistance from getplayerhead.sh?GunCat2&16.png GunCat2, getplayerhead.sh?JCobbler2012&16.png JCobbler2012 & getplayerhead.sh?RainBd&16.png RainBd.

The Railway was constructed by getplayerhead.sh?Nofleet&16.png Nofleet, getplayerhead.sh?Okibdoki&16.png Okibdoki, getplayerhead.sh?Cosmic_potato_04&16.png Cosmic_potato_04, getplayerhead.sh?Leo_Belgicus&16.png Leo_Belgicus, getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper, getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten, getplayerhead.sh?Stevits1&16.png Stevits1, getplayerhead.sh?JCobbler2012&16.png JCobbler2012 and getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren


The sea lanterns & glass were bought from getplayerhead.sh?Hornacious&16.png Hornacious's shop.

The wool was purchased from getplayerhead.sh?swissm4n&16.png swissm4n, getplayerhead.sh?thesprazzzler&16.png thesprazzzler and getplayerhead.sh?SanityBGon&16.png SanityBGon's shop.

Who owns the Emerald Mall?

The Emerald Mall is owned by its founder getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren. Only Ren can appoint / remove Emerald Mall custodians and holds veto power over all mall rules.

There are 2 Emerald Mall custodians: getplayerhead.sh?abamacus&16.png abamacus & getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten. They both have permissions to edit any block in or around the mall, including editing shop signs, accessing shop chests, editing any of the rings around the Emerald Mall, with only one restriction:

  • The circumference of the main Emerald Mall shop building should never be expanded or increased, so permission is not granted to do this. If new items need to be added to the mall, mall custodians have full permission to add new floors to the Emerald Mall or change existing floor items to make room (example: removing cobblestone fences, or stone bricks on stone floor to make room for new stone in future update).

Who owns all the diamonds / stock in the Emerald Mall

getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren, getplayerhead.sh?abamacus&16.png abamacus & getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten collectively own all the diamonds & stock inside the Emerald Mall. I (Ren) fully trust both these players and would never expect any diamonds to be stolen from the mall.

Emerald Mall Custodian Guidance

The main aim of the Emerald Mall is to help players trade easily at fair prices.


  • Being an Emerald Mall Custodian is completely voluntary. Feel free to completely ignore the Emerald Mall and let it exist without any changes or updates, and be happy that I (Ren) am completely happy with this outcome. The main reason the position exists is so you have access and permission if you did want to make any changes or updates.
  • The Emerald Mall is neutral and any player can use the mall. No restrictions. Follow protocol (locking chest before access), to avoid theft.

Pricing items

  • The Emerald Mall should attempt to find the fair price for items and maintain a shop with zero profit to allow players to trade at a fair price.
  • HOWEVER The Emerald Mall prioritizes item availability over diamond availability, in the interest of focusing on reliability and utility. In an ideal world we would have enough liquidity for both diamonds or items to be available at all times, but the mall typically only has one chest for each item, which usually means we need to pick one. So in a low liquidity environment with the velocity of trade being low for most items, the Emerald Mall chooses item availability. So what does this mean? It means that it is okay or preferable for Emerald Mall shops to be slightly more expensive than other shops on the server (this isn't a profit-motivated decision, as it actually costs us more diamonds to operate this way. At 64 x per diamond, it costs us 53 diamonds to operate that chest, but at 128 x per diamond it only costs us 27 diamonds to operate).
  • Try to stick with prices that are proven unless you believe a new price will be sustained for the longer term (i.e., if the server updates to a new version and new farming becomes available, it's likely a new price will be sustainable).
  • Having a "good enough" price also reduces the amount of admin the mall needs, which is extremely desirable, as it's highly time consuming to keep up with prices week to week. It's okay to let independent player shops fill in the gaps when a few of the Emerald Mall prices fall out of balance temporarily. This is particularly important during events, which can distort prices.
  • If an item is out of stock for a prolonged period of time, it could indicate the price is too low (and vice versa). So the price could be adjusted if a Mall Custodian believes it is necessary (and profit turned back on if deemed necessary to regenerate any loss, in order to get the chest back to maximum capacity). Please remember that every price is an experiment, so don't worry too much about changing the price! Nobody really knows what the price should be, and the price of items change over time for any number of reasons, so every price is only temporary at best.
  • If profit does need to be turned back on at any of the mall shops, consider a profit margin between 25% and 33%, however this will depend on the item, so just use your best judgement.
  • Be wary of setting price based on a price that only a very small number of players can sell at. For example:
    1. Legacy villagers with insane exchange rates, that are private, unobtainable and no new players can access.
    2. Farms that are extremely complex to setup or operate, that most players cannot use. Or private farms that most players cannot access. You may argue that anyone can build a farm, but that's not the problem I see. The problem is that if one or two players who have exclusive access to an OP farm stop playing, it could drop the price back down to a more normal level (creating more work for custodians).
  • If you are not sure if a price should be updated or what a fair price might be, consider:
    1. Checking prices at other shops on the server. But make sure to test if they have items in stock, to ensure the price is valid.
    2. Consider asking players to get their opinions.
    3. Consider setting up multiple stalls in the Emerald Mall at different prices, so trade can continue if the price moves. For example spawners can be sold at 5 diamonds, 6 diamonds, 7 diamonds, 8 diamonds, 9 diamonds and 15 diamonds, allowing the price to move without mall custodians doing anything.
  • Despite the aim being to take zero profit, a few shops should always remain in profit mode in order to generate diamonds to help re-fix mall prices if / when required. As of March 2025 this is primarily spawners (with a small profit margin of approximately 10%). Sales of reputation cookies & heads are also great ways to generate diamonds to use for the mall.

Accessing Chests

  • If a Mall Custodian needs to access a chest which contains a lot of valuable content please lock the chest (/lwc -c private) and do /nearestplayer before opening to prevent any invisible players stealing the content. Once you have finished, remember to re-lock the chest again (/lwc -r container).

End Portal

The End Portal was found at the location on the 25th August 2021, several hours after the World Expansion happened. Ren was the first to open a new End Portal in the expansion. Ren decided to transform the portal room into an End Themed build! Progress was swift and the build was completed on the 31st August 2021. The black wool used was generously donated by getplayerhead.sh?Jmancino2&16.png Jmancino2. The portal is public and you can access the portal by traveling to the Emerald Mall and using the End Portal lift in the Emerald Mall lobby.


This section aims to capture any pictures people have taken at the Emerald Mall! Anyone is free to add pictures here :)

History Timeline

  • 2021-September: Emerald Mall Construction Begins.
  • 2022-January: Emerald Mall Nexus is added by <getplayerhead.sh?Anna_28&16.png Anna_28> marking the official opening of the Emerald Mall.
  • 2022-March: getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren adds colored concrete and colored terracotta to the Emerald Mall.
  • 2022-March: getplayerhead.sh?abamacus&16.png abamacus creates the plots around the Emerald Mall and they begin to be assigned to towns, cities or players.
  • 2022-April: getplayerhead.sh?abamacus&16.png abamacus creates a fourth ring around the Emerald Mall for future player-ran commercial shops, and dubs it Shulker Mall.
  • 2022-December: getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren asks for help in replacing the 10,000 wool blocks with snow, to fix the Emerald Mall Railway.
  • 2023-January: The Emerald Mall Railway fix is complete. Players who helped with this include getplayerhead.sh?Okibdoki&16.png Okibdoki, getplayerhead.sh?Cosmic_potato_04&16.png Cosmic_potato_04, getplayerhead.sh?Leo_Belgicus&16.png Leo_Belgicus, getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper, getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten, getplayerhead.sh?Stevits1&16.png Stevits1, getplayerhead.sh?JCobbler2012&16.png JCobbler2012 and getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren
  • 2023-Febuary: getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren begins Emerald Mall V2 , which involves lowering all floors by 1 block to accommodate a [ShopContent] sign under every shop. getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten, getplayerhead.sh?Magnap&16.png Magnap and getplayerhead.sh?abamacus&16.png abamacus were influential in this decision. The changes should help the economy function more efficiently by giving market participants better access to information. Prior to this change, only getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren could see the liquidity available in each shop. getplayerhead.sh?Luigifan100&16.png Luigifan100 & getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten helped with this upgrade and all the upgrade finished in February.
  • 2023-April: getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren assigns getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten and getplayerhead.sh?abamacus&16.png abamacus as mall custodians, who are able to change prices in getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren absence.
  • 2023-June getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren leaves the server
  • 2025-March getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren logs in again and re-balances a significant number of prices. He also used much of the profit generated over the last 2 years to set many popular shops to zero profit, in line with original mission of the mall.
  • 2025-March getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren does full audit of the Emerald Mall, spending over 10 hours adding all the prices to the wiki page. He also added the total liquidity in each chest (if all items sold out at the BUY price). As of 16th March 2025, there are 128641.16 Diamonds in the Emerald Mall, enabling players to trade every day. That's over 14293.46 Diamond Blocks or 223.33 Stacks of Diamond Blocks or 4.13 Double Chests of Diamond Blocks. Furthermore, data was gathered on how much all the shop signs cost to setup, which came to 4510 diamonds, with over 902 shop signs in operation.
  • 2025-March getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren changes the ownership of all diamond / stock in the mall to collective ownership between AdoreKitten and abamacus. Previously Ren owned all the diamonds / stock.


Anyone is welcome to add a comment here :)

<getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper> A Complete Revolution for the MCO economy.

<getplayerhead.sh?AviationPro&16.png AviationPro> Future of MCO 31/12/21.

<getplayerhead.sh?DosMiniDoc&16.png DosMiniDoc> coolio, mate absolute unit of a shop 23/12/21

<getplayerhead.sh?Energheat&16.png Energheat> Very Very Nice Shop ;D 04/11/2021

<getplayerhead.sh?Flamehaze97&16.png Flamehaze97>Emerald Mall was very helpful with my projects and I loved the abundance and availability of certain materials 8/30/2022  

<getplayerhead.sh?Hyperluminous&16.png Hyperluminous> my 7.5 stacks of white wool have come a long way. 5/12/2024