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"I shed a tear whenever I gaze upon Jibtopia." - getplayerhead.sh?PlagueDoc1600&16.png PlagueDoc1600

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nexus_cities.png Jibtopia

1.12.2 Test Server Jibtopia

Founder getplayerhead.sh?Jibletz&16.png Jibletz
Contributors getplayerhead.sh?Krenath&16.png Krenath, getplayerhead.sh?Thaelo&16.png Thaelo,getplayerhead.sh?Excalibur_NUMNUM&16.png Excalibur_NUMNUM, getplayerhead.sh?WaffleNomster&16.png WaffleNomster, getplayerhead.sh?Anna_28&16.png Anna_28, getplayerhead.sh?FlyingJellyfish&16.png FlyingJellyfish, getplayerhead.sh?Rufas&16.png Rufas, getplayerhead.sh?MrSlimeDiamond&16.png MrSlimeDiamond, getplayerhead.sh?SailBird&16.png SailBird, getplayerhead.sh?mk59apr&16.png mk59apr and many others.
Category Cities
Underground? Partially
Fortified? Yes
Public access? Yes
Public build? No
Size north to south 1300m
Size west to east 1000m
Road link? No
Nexus link? Yes
Rail link? Jibtopia Metro System(decommissioned)
Boat link? Mushiana Route
Portal? No
Coordinates X=-12145
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Join the Jibtopia Discord at https://discord.gg/ADQ4P8s

Jibtopia Royalty

Emperor King getplayerhead.sh?Jibletz&16.png Jibletz |

Queen getplayerhead.sh?Thaelo&16.png Thaelo |

Prince getplayerhead.sh?Ztelbij&16.png Ztelbij |

Prince getplayerhead.sh?Jibletz_124&16.png Jibletz_124

Princess getplayerhead.sh?Anna_23&16.png Anna_23(Deceased)

Princess getplayerhead.sh?WaffleNomster&16.png WaffleNomster |

Jibtopia Landmarks

Jibtopia Castle

Jibtopia Castle, AKA Jibum Castle, was Created and Designed by Jibletz himself. Crafted solely of the finest of Iron Reef Stone and Godly REDstone. Jibum Castle marks the Skyline of Jibtopia like no other, leaving visitors with a sense of Astonishment.

The Bulk of Jibum Castle's construction was done solely by Jibletz in approximately 2 weeks time in late 2016. That being said, the castle remains unfinished even to this day and you can often find Jibletz afk there continuing on in his long standing tradition of never finishing his builds.


The many rooms of Jibum Castle however have been decorated by many players and staff on MCO. Some contributors include but are not limited to; getplayerhead.sh?Anna_28&16.png Anna_28, getplayerhead.sh?Excalibur_NUMNUM&16.png Excalibur_NUMNUM, getplayerhead.sh?PlagueDoc1600&16.png PlagueDoc1600, getplayerhead.sh?FlyingJellyfish&16.png FlyingJellyfish, and many more.

Jibtopia Nexus

The Jibtopia Nexus Building was the second building constructed by Jibletz himself. The nexus marks the skyline with its two bell towers shimmering in the sunlight.

The Rings of Jibtopia

The Rings of Jibtopia are truly a glory to behold. Brought forth by the God mk59apr, these monuments to the Emperor King Jibletz are some of the coolest sculptures in Jibtopia.

They even make for a great elytra flight as well.

Mount Jibmore

In paying homage to the Head Hill of old Jibtopia, there stands Mount Jibmore.

Aye Memorial Graveyard

Around the ruins of AyeMB's Treehouse remains the final resting place for many Jibtopian's and Freedonian's alike.

Jibz & Ztel's Casino

Currently the Tallest tower in Jibtopia City,

Jibtopia Port

Under Construction

getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72 featured the city in his 58th episode of Exploring Freedonia, as part of the third season.

Founding of Jibtopia

Jibtopia was founded by getplayerhead.sh?Jibletz&16.png Jibletz.

Classic Era Jibtopia

for future use
From left to right: getplayerhead.sh?AyeMockingBird&16.png AyeMockingBird, getplayerhead.sh?Anna_28&16.png Anna_28, getplayerhead.sh?ironman2795&16.png ironman2795. getplayerhead.sh?Creeper1552&16.png Creeper1552, getplayerhead.sh?Jibletz_124&16.png Jibletz_124, getplayerhead.sh?skybirdthing&16.png skybirdthing, getplayerhead.sh?Markrafter9&16.png Markrafter9, getplayerhead.sh?mrpro62&16.png mrpro62).