Aether City

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green_cities.png Aether City
2024-08-03 19.17.54.png

Isometric view of the newer expansion of the city.

Founder dunechan
Contributors sanixdrill (Mayor)
Category Cities
Underground? No
Fortified? Kind of
Public access? Yes
Public build? No
Road link? Yes
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? Yes
Portal? Yes, kind of
Coordinates X=-22669
Dimension Overworld
Map Link
Second known image of the Fort Raven castle in its first few months of construction.
The completed castle in July of 2024, an insane difference between the original render and this screenshot is shown.
This is the earliest image of the Fort Raven castle, as it shows the unfinished roof above the entrance. There may be even older screenshots that have yet to be found.


The town that would become Aether city was originally started in late 2021 or early 2022, but was later renamed to New St. Petersburg in early 2024. Only recently was it called Aether City. It is now the capitol city of the Republic of Freedonia. On 8/29/24, Sanixdrill built the tallest complete building in all of Aether city! Due to this monumental achievement, he has been awarded with full ownership of the Aether city harbor offices. Currently, Aether City is the most influential and active city on the west border, and will probably always be. Aether city has had it’s ownership shifted to Sanixdrill after dunechan after a raid on the city.


How to join?

Just ask Sanixdrill if he’s online, or you can ask dunechan if she’s online.

Members: dunechan (Founder) sanixdrill (Mayor) Acesrt Cozmicdudes22

Ways to come here:

  1. Goosebury: If you take the nexus to Goosebury, you can walk west towards the Sea of Mare (Large body of water near goosebury), and take a boat directly to Aether city. Difficulty: Hard, Safety: 8/10, Distance: Long, Time: Medium
  2. Nether route: If you go to the west border of the Nether, you can go through a portal to the West Border Station and a short road will lead you here. Difficulty: Hard, Safety: 4/10, Distance: Medium, Time: Short
  3. The Continental route: If you go to the Nexus Borderlands hub - west (Blue) 1, you can take a boat to The Continental, Navigate a massive ocean, then stop at Pumpkin Town/Mare City to walk to Swampton, then it's only a short walk to Skylandia, which is right next to Aether City. (Note - Make sure that you use /map to know where you are going) Difficulty: Medium, Safety: 7/10, Distance: Long, Time: Long.
  4. OG Route: This is by far the longest and hardest route, and it is also the one that dunechan took to originally get to the region. You start by walking along the walkways above Cartwheel Tower, and Underworld. Eventually after walking for long enough, you leave the original Freedonian world generation from 2010/2011, and start entering newer world gen. Eventually after an even longer time walking, you enter the 1.12.2 expansion where you get slightly closer. (Note - At some point you will have to go off road, because the highways from cartwheel tower diverge into another direction at some point.) Close to the end, you will enter a large mesa biome or jungle that is hard to navigate, but not impossible. Difficulty: VERY HARD, Safety: 2/10, Distance: EXTREMELY LONG (Pack a lot of food), Time: VERY LONG.
  5. Ice Highway route; Go to the goosebury nexus, then walk southwest until you see a little balcony hanging off of a cliff. There are stairs next to it to get up. Use the crafting table to make 2-3 boats (Just in case your boat disappears) by then just ride your boat along the highway until you get to aether city. This is the recommended route, as this is the safest and shortest out of all.

Until we get a nexus, these 5 routes should help you get here.


-Fort Raven: The oldest standing building in the city, 99m tall (2022-2024)

-Lake Mary reservoir: Man-made lake and river.

-Ravenholm Observatory

-Aether City historical center

-Falkien (Pronounded Falken) Bridge

-Aether City Sign

-Mother of Freedonia (Under construction)

-Sanixdrill’s tower (Tallest building in all of Aether city, 128m tall)

-Victory Square Tower (Under construction)