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green_cities.png Skylandia
Founder dunechan
Category Cities
Underground? No
Fortified? Yes
Public access? No
Public build? No
Road link? No
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? Yes
Portal? No
Coordinates X=-22626.158
Dimension Overworld
Map Link


Skylandia is a planned megacity built entirely upon airships and floating islands. It’s location will be above Aether City, the capitol of the Republic of Freedonia. Its entrance will be a waterfall flowing into the Petersburg river. The current state of this project is unknown due to the collapse of Aether City.


The main aesthetic of Skylandia is steampunk/dieselpunk. Since Minecraft 1.12.2 doesn’t have copper, the current materials will be mostly iron blocks, concrete, and terracotta. If MCO updates to 1.20, an effort will be made to replace outdated building materials.

How to help contribute?

If you would like to contribute, Ask dunechan if you can join the building team. Please be aware that you have to be semi experienced in building to join the project.

Housing plot prices

Since the city will be hard to build and hard to get to, prices for plots of land will be VERY expensive, but worth the price. The estimated average price will be 1 to 5 DBs (Depending on size) There will also be several commercial, industrial, and farming plots for the same price or more.

Build code

Skylandia will have a strict build code, prohibiting the use of many materials in buildings.

-No wooden buildings, the main blocks to be used for buildings are smooth granite, smooth andesite, stone bricks, and bricks. Terracotta and concrete are permitted only with permission from the Skylandia building team.

-No dirt houses, this one doesn’t need explaining. (This includes any natural material. Example: Netherrack, Stone, Sandstone, clay, etc.

-No cobblestone only builds. it just looks ugly, please don’t build these.

Any build found violating the code will be removed with permission by moderators.