Flippeh Fam

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"This is getting out of hand! Now there are 10 of them!" - getplayerhead.sh?TheGriffinLord&16.png TheGriffinLord

The Flippeh Fam is a "family" of Flippehs and are often the main antagonist of lore-based events. Each Flippeh's personality varies as well as what they rule over. Little is known about them, but they all seem to be some type of demigod. So far only one of them has attempted to take over Freedonia. More information about each Flippeh can be found below.

Members with associated events

🔮 Ender Lord Flippeh

Visual of Ender Lord Flippeh by getplayerhead.sh?LordOfTheShadows&16.png LordOfTheShadows.
  • Full Minecraft Name: Ender_Lord_Flippeh
  • Abbreviated Minecraft Name: EnderLordFlippeh
  • Event: Endsurrection
  • Dominion: The End
  • Personality: Arrogant, Dictatorial, Dramatic, Entitled
  • Status: Deceased

⛰️ Terrain Master Flippeh

Visual of Terrain Master Flippeh by getplayerhead.sh?LordOfTheShadows&16.png LordOfTheShadows.
  • Full Minecraft Name: Terrain_Master_Flippeh
  • Abbreviated Minecraft Name: MasterFlippeh
  • Event: Petrifaction
  • Dominion: The lithosphere
  • Personality: Abrasive, Blunt, Crass, Obstinate
  • Status: Deceased

🌌 Astral Monarch Flippeh

  • Full Minecraft Name: Astral_Monarch_Flippeh
  • Abbreviated Minecraft Name: MonarchFlippeh
  • Event: Astral Fracture
  • Dominion: The fabric of space
  • Personality: Elitist, Pretentious, Posh, Snobbish
  • Status: Deceased

Temporal King Flippeh

  • Full Minecraft Name: Temporal_King_Flippeh
  • Abbreviated Minecraft Name: KingFlippeh
  • Event: Temporal Rift
  • Dominion: The fabric of time
  • Personality: Capricious, Deranged, Enigmatic, Lyrical
  • Status: Alive

Members that have only appeared in chat

The information below consists of inference and speculation based on the limited amount of information currently available pertaining to these characters; it is therefore subject to change.

🍬 Candy Khan Flippeh

  • Full Minecraft Name: Candy_Khan_Flippeh
  • Dominion: The biosphere
  • Personality: Cutesy, Mischievous, Playful, Silly
  • Status: Alive

🔥 Nether Baron Flippeh

  • Full Minecraft Name: Nether_Baron_Flippeh
  • Dominion: The Nether
  • Personality: Apathetic, Lazy, Solitary, Vexatious
  • Status: Alive

🕳️ Null Prime Flippeh

  • Full Minecraft Name: Null_Prime_Flippeh
  • Dominion: The void
  • Personality: Artistic, Eloquent, Fastidious, Suave
  • Status: Alive

🦠 Ooze Emperor Flippeh

  • Full Minecraft Name: Ooze_Emperor_Flippeh
  • Dominion: The pathosphere
  • Personality: Chaotic, Filthy, Noxious, Repulsive
  • Status: Alive

🌊 Marine Ruler Flippeh

  • Full Minecraft Name: Marine_Ruler_Flippeh
  • Dominion: The hydrosphere
  • Personality: Intellectual, Moralistic, Stoic, Wise
  • Status: Alive

🧊 Glacier Commander Flippeh

  • Full Minecraft Name: Glacier_Commander_Flippeh
  • Dominion: The cryosphere
  • Personality: Chilling, Creepy, Insidious, Ominous
  • Status: Alive

Members that have been retconned

☁️ Aether King Flippeh

Appearances between events


  • The dates below are based on UTC
  • The timeline below aims to document any appearances of Flippeh Fam members in between major lore-based events; for appearances during or leading up to such events, see their respective pages.

May 25th, 2021

  • In the wake of the Endsurrection about two months prior, the remaining members of the the Flippeh Fam convene and make themselves known to Freedonians for the first time:

Chat Logs [Toggle]

<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Oh Boy
<getplayerhead.sh?techkid6&16.png techkid6> ... hi
<getplayerhead.sh?Darkerfly&16.png Darkerfly> huh
<getplayerhead.sh?The_Jackal_249&16.png The_Jackal_249> Uh... hi?
<getplayerhead.sh?ReactingManiac&16.png ReactingManiac> wait a min
<getplayerhead.sh?ReactingManiac&16.png ReactingManiac> is that Flippeh
<getplayerhead.sh?ServL&16.png ServL> that's a lot of flippeh
<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> I can't believe that fool went and got himself killed
<getplayerhead.sh?Krenath&16.png Krenath> Oooh, I like that color.  It contrasts with mine pretty nicely
<16.png Terrain_Master_Flippeh> Lmfao I know right?
<getplayerhead.sh?ReactingManiac&16.png ReactingManiac> is that the guy from the Flippeh statue
[DSC] <getplayerhead.sh?Darkerfly&16.png Darkerfly> it show as steve on discord so u guys better get someone to have then name xD
<getplayerhead.sh?techkid6&16.png techkid6> O_O
<getplayerhead.sh?The_Jackal_249&16.png The_Jackal_249> wtf
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> a pink colour would be cool
<getplayerhead.sh?NetherLordRiot&16.png NetherLordRiot> Well, well, well.
<getplayerhead.sh?Krenath&16.png Krenath> Awright, what the hell
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> its my favorite colour
<getplayerhead.sh?NHC_THK&16.png NHC_THK> heya
<getplayerhead.sh?Darkerfly&16.png Darkerfly> hi nhc
<getplayerhead.sh?Erttum&16.png Erttum> ohai nhc
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> hi
<getplayerhead.sh?BenPotter8&16.png BenPotter8> wb nhc
<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Candy_Khan_Flippeh> I guess that mean we need to pick up where that baffoon left off :3
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> cool
<getplayerhead.sh?ServL&16.png ServL> baffoon
<getplayerhead.sh?NHC_THK&16.png NHC_THK> Pink!
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> im jelous XD
[DSC] <getplayerhead.sh?nikta_&16.png nikta_> candy khan flippeh...?
<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Nether_Baron_Flippeh> You all go ahead, I am going to sleep in...zzz
[DSC] <getplayerhead.sh?nikta_&16.png nikta_> smh
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> DEMON
<getplayerhead.sh?techkid6&16.png techkid6> So many colors :o
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> give everyone a custom colour
<getplayerhead.sh?Darkerfly&16.png Darkerfly> does Flippeh have split personality
<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Aether_King_Flippeh> SMH why are you so lazy
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> '/rainbow chat
<getplayerhead.sh?techkid6&16.png techkid6> Our chat plugin literally doesn't support that o.o
<getplayerhead.sh?techkid6&16.png techkid6> I would know, I wrote the damn thing…
<getplayerhead.sh?The_Jackal_249&16.png The_Jackal_249> O.O
<getplayerhead.sh?Krenath&16.png Krenath> If it did, I'd be abusing it to color my text
<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Null_Prime_Flippeh> It looks like it's time to get the FAM back together
[DSC] <getplayerhead.sh?eevee_27&16.png eevee_27> oo here’s the flap dest board
[DSC] <getplayerhead.sh?eevee_27&16.png eevee_27> video0.mov
<getplayerhead.sh?techkid6&16.png techkid6> The... fam?
<getplayerhead.sh?Krenath&16.png Krenath> He did not seriously say 'fam'?
<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Ooze_Emperor_Flippeh> Thats right prettyboi, the whole FAM
<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Marine_Ruler_Flippeh> Our time is soon, but don't worry...
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> times out
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> how can i get a coloured name?
<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Glacier_Commander_Flippeh> You'll know when :}
<getplayerhead.sh?WhoStoleMyCandy&16.png WhoStoleMyCandy> Hello!
<getplayerhead.sh?Darkerfly&16.png Darkerfly> lmao that name
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> ?
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> HELLO
<getplayerhead.sh?Darkerfly&16.png Darkerfly> Miles u dont
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> oops caps
<getplayerhead.sh?Darkerfly&16.png Darkerfly> it just the admin playing around
<getplayerhead.sh?LordOfTheShadows&16.png LordOfTheShadows> Ah shit
<getplayerhead.sh?Erttum&16.png Erttum> ohai lord
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> im asking
<getplayerhead.sh?MilesHis&16.png MilesHis> not expecting
<getplayerhead.sh?LordOfTheShadows&16.png LordOfTheShadows> I swear to god if you flippeh's try to pull the same shit your dearly departed ELF tries
<getplayerhead.sh?LordOfTheShadows&16.png LordOfTheShadows> *tried
[DSC] <getplayerhead.sh?eevee_27&16.png eevee_27> ingame relay name colour sync wen
<getplayerhead.sh?techkid6&16.png techkid6> When Discord supports it.
<getplayerhead.sh?LordOfTheShadows&16.png LordOfTheShadows> I will ram my sword into each of your stomachs.

December 31st, 2021

Chat Logs [Toggle]

<getplayerhead.sh?606e2ff0-ed77-4842-9d6c-e1d3321c7838&16.png Marine_Ruler_Flippeh> I feel a disturbance.....
<getplayerhead.sh?WildezzHund&16.png WildezzHund> i want to know whats in the chest
<getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten> what the heck
<getplayerhead.sh?snthy&16.png snthy> wtf
<getplayerhead.sh?JoseNew&16.png JoseNew> the hell
<getplayerhead.sh?Alleskoenner&16.png Alleskoenner> StarrProGamer09 wo bist du?
<getplayerhead.sh?Selimbits&16.png Selimbits> hey anyone else notice the glass blocks at spawn
<getplayerhead.sh?DaAlex135&16.png DaAlex135> lol
<getplayerhead.sh?snthy&16.png snthy> that's just weird
<getplayerhead.sh?ChivalricCode&16.png ChivalricCode> break block over chest that is not yours -> ban
<getplayerhead.sh?Jaysax_&16.png Jaysax_> did you read the rules WildezzHund?
<getplayerhead.sh?Wichtel25&16.png Wichtel25> brauche dringen essen verhungere fast HILFE!!!
<getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten> who triggered flippeh?