Astral Fracture

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"The evil Astral Monarch Flippeh wants to take back the End, and we must stop them" - Cosmic_potato_04

"Astral Monarch flippeh drank spawn lake :(" - Java64Bit

The Astral Fracture was the third event in the Flippeh Fam saga. Consumed by a desire for vengeance after the defeat of 16.png Ender_Lord_Flippeh almost three years prior during the events of the Endsurrection, 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh devised a plan to remove Freedonians and their builds from The End dimension for once and for all. A keen manipulator, 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh planted the knowledge of Astral Crystals and their mesmerizing properties into the minds of countless Freedonians, luring them into going great lengths to craft these newly-discovered crystals and place them in their builds, under the misguided belief that it would bring them great power and fortune. Little did they know, however, that these crystals actually held the power to summon terrifyingly powerful Astral Dragons, prepared to vanquish any Freedonian who dared to be so hubristic as to defy the wishes of the Flippeh Fam. It has been rumoured, however, that each time one of these dragons is defeated, space will fracture and gradually populate Freedonia's darkest dimension with the end gateways that were once mysteriously missing...

Events Astral Fracture
Astral Fracture.png

The Astral Fracture logo.

Creator Admin team
Start Date February 9th, 2024
End Date March 10th, 2024
Location The End
Public? Yes


  • /dragon query could be used to see if an Astral Dragon was currently available to battle, or how long until one would be available.
    • The cooldown was originally four hours.
    • The cooldown was later changed to a random amount of time between seven and nine hours to make gateway creation less frequent and prevent the fights from always being at the same times each day.
    • The cooldown was changed shortly after to be exactly nine hours, which made it easier to predict when the next Astral Dragon fight would be.
    • In the last 48 hours of the event, the cooldown was reduced to four and a half hours to ensure that exactly 100 gateways would be created before the finale.
  • /dragon summon would bring an Astral Dragon to a nearby Astral Crystal.
    • Astral Dragons could not be lured to areas too close to the central end or an end gateway; this command would also indicate if a location was suitable.
  • Upon defeating an Astral Dragon, space would fracture, thereby forming an end gateway that leads back to the central end.
    • The end gateway would form where the Astral Crystal was placed, which was also where the dragons would perch during battle.
  • /dragon claim could be used by one of the players present after a Astral Dragon is defeated in order to give everyone nearby a chance to obtain collectible participation rewards.
  • An Astral Crystal could (and and still can) be crafted with the following recipe:


Name Description Availability / Rolls / Drop Rate Base Item Info
Gateway Fragment Large amounts of cosmic energy radiate from within 50% Popped Chorus Fruit Given to those near an Astral Dragon when it was killed
Lucky Gold Lunar New Year of the Dragon 2024 1 roll with + 1-2 rolls per Luck 20% Gold Ingot
Astral Dragon Eye 1 roll with +1 roll per Luck 50% Eye of Ender Dropped by Astral Dragon upon death; can only be picked up by the player who dealt the final hit
Astral Dragon Wings 11% with + 3% per level of Looting* Elytra
Astral_Monarch_Flippeh's Head 100% Player Head Dropped when 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh was killed; can only be picked up by the player who dealt the final hit
Astral Dragon Eye Defeated Astral Monarch Flippeh and his Astral Dragons
MinecraftOnline Astral Fracture Event
Server-wide one-off gift Eye of Ender Given to all those online after 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh was killed on the final day of the event

*Like other dragons, the Astral Dragon will always drop an elytra, but it has a chance of being Astral Dragon Wings. A regular Dragon Head will also always drop like other non-Ender dragons.



  • The dates below are based on UTC.
  • The players listed below who summoned the Astral Dragons are based on who owned/placed the Astral Crystals, and not who ran /dragon summon; these tend to be easily confounded so please be sure to correct any errors.
  • The players listed below who dealt the last hit to the Astral Dragons were logged in chat, relays, and the "Fractured Space" overlay on the online map; this is not to be confused with the player who ran /dragon claim.
  • The specific coordinates of the Astral Dragon fights listed below are based on where the Astral Crystal was placed/where the end gateway generated at the end of the fight.
  • Astral Dragon fights with (parentheses) around them occurred very shortly after the preceding one as a result of various mysterious anomalies; additional end gateways were not generated in these cases.

January 12th, 2024

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< Aether_King_Flippeh> Hello Freedonians!
< vini55505> Golden axe
[DSC] < MSWindows> I'm having a true holy shiot moment
[DSC] < DanThePilot02> msg 1strider yes go back to your wonderful 2020 acting
< 4dre> dwhanldwanw
< uhmwhat> Meow
< happy_guy> oh hi there
< vini55505> Hey blue name guy
< Ghomik> omg hi aether king flippeh
< JCobbler2012> Flippeh?
[DSC] < DanThePilot02> Aether?
< Ghomik> how goes i
< Moxieskip> well that is disconcerning
< JCobbler2012> he returns
< Ghomik> it
< Proper_Noun_> Flippeh stop being a beta male cuck
< Acesrt> Aether_King_Flippeh :o
< Neokrai> hi aether king flippeh real
< Proper_Noun_> Get yo money up coward
< 1Strider> Ok fine DanThe9/11Pilot
< Stedley> Aether_King_Flippeh?
< AlphaAlex115> lmao
< Proper_Noun_> When do we die Flippeh?
< bartek_kx> im surprised that relayed lol
< JCobbler2012> Ghomik
< Proper_Noun_> Is this the part where the entire server fucking dies
< Ghomik> hi
< JCobbler2012> irl discord friend is here for a few days
<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Shut up Aether King, I'll take this one
< Ghomik> omg its astral monarch flippeh
< Proper_Noun_> Oh god more of them
< Nephal> thank you
< 1Strider> Ahh Flippeh.
[DSC] < Erttum> event incoming c:
< Nephal> just checking this place out
< Acesrt> there you go!
<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> I will be coming for you all, to take back what was lost from Ender Lord Flippeh
< Ghomik> OH NO

January 28th, 2024

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<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Ender_Lord_Flippeh did not do enough to protect his realm, I will not make the same mistake
< SiOtter> you could do a borg spehere
< JamesSev> based
< SiOtter> oh shit event time
< bawest> oh true
< _Daata> who tf is that
< Crafter_Keegan> :o
< AlphaAlex115> i have to head
< Anna_28> na not event time, that's next month
< SiOtter> ah?
< Anna_28> Astral Monarch Flippeh is just taunting us
< AdoreKitten> ya next month
< SiOtter> teaser then?
< Erttum> silly flippeh
< AdoreKitten> very much
< bawest> event is soon(tm)
< polyonymy> little does he know, we like being taunted...  xd
< Erttum> we all know mco isnt gonna fall to you just like it didnt fall for the other guys c:
<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> I will fracture the space around your creations that have infected this astral plane
< JamesSev> go off king
< _Daata> shut you cunt
< Erttum> the plot wouldnt make sense if you destroyed the server
< AdoreKitten> imagine insult flippeh
< SiOtter> we gotta protect the server tho
< Anna_28> Ender_Lord_Flippeh had tried to build strongholds in the overworld to take over, and had sent ender dragons to attack spawn
< Anna_28> his defeat opened up 1.12 and the new end
< SiOtter> aether then???
< Ken_the_Foxxo> who
< flameburrito> were prob gonnat have to fight nether to get 1.19
< JamesSev> ken do not disrespect kid named flippeh
< bawest> Maybe the aether will be opened when astral_monarch_flippeh is defeated.
< Ken_the_Foxxo> huh
< Anna_28> Terrain_Master_Flippeh tried to destroy the Nexus teleportation system which was reaching out across Freedonia
< Anna_28> his defeat opened up the borderland hubs and restored them from ruins
< _Daata> anna stop taunting him
< _Daata> im not in the mood for an event right now
< Ken_the_Foxxo> bro shoulda just made pipe bombs and kaboom them smh
< Anna_28> the event isn't right now :P
< AdoreKitten> daata event wont be happening until next month
< Anna_28> just giving context for some people
< AdoreKitten> 2 diff event iirc
< Anna_28> some people may want to prepare for the event
< Erttum> i wonder how many flippehs are gonna try and fail to destroy mco c:
< Erttum> i think theres a whole canon of them
< cap2468> so wait, there's gonna be another flippeh invasion event?
< JamesSev> flippeh heese arc
< AdoreKitten> hundreds ert
< polyonymy> I like the cohesive story...  :)
< AdoreKitten> yes cap
< flameburrito> not flippah from neter
< Anna_28> there were also those Robot Dragons which didn't seem to be related to the Flippehs, but were targetting well known locations which are tour spots
< cap2468> interesting
< AdoreKitten> ah yes anna
< Anna_28> the Robot Dragons were probably based off the Terrain Dragons
< bawest> I really wanted to build a lucrehulk-class battleship but then I realized its 500m high. :/
< cap2468> I remember the robot dragons, but the endsurrection was during one of the periods where I took a break
< AdoreKitten> wow baw
< cap2468> it sounded fun tho
< bawest> wait no its 1km high
< Anna_28> wonder what defeating Astral Dragons would unlock
< AdoreKitten> end?
< Ken_the_Foxxo> a gateway to your mom
< bawest> clearly the aether.
< Anna_28> there is actually an Aether Flippeh

February 2nd, 2024

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<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> You should never have built in the end. Soon I shall reclaim it!
< abamacus> CursedMan1 do you have enought shulkers?
< Cid_HG> Bringing villagers out to the end?
< Crafter_Keegan> :o
< Acesrt> *~**GG**~*
< Acesrt> :o

February 7th, 2024

  • The event is teased a fourth and final time, with an ominous message from 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh, written in Latin:

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<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Tempus est prope praeteritum tempus visitare...
< vini55505> confirms it
< vini55505> Hi flippeh
< Amirxia> heyaaa like i die with all my diamonds soo somone cn give me some?
< runarlogi> silly flippeh
< RebelCommander7> uh who the heck is Astral_Monarch Flippeh?

February 9th, 2024

  • The event begins at Krenath's dome in The End with the first Astral Dragon being summoned by Anna_28 at 2908,67,-3051 and the final hit being dealt by cnupdates, but with some errors occurring that prevented rewards from being given; 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh proceeds to leave a message in chat in response to the first Astral Dragon's death:

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<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> You may have defeated this dragon, but that is only the beginning!
  • The (second) Astral Dragon is resummoned by Anna_28 in the same location as the first, with rewards being given as intended after ScarClaw72 deals the last hit.

February 10th, 2024

February 11th, 2024

💬 Chat Logs [Toggle]

<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> I am far more dangerous than you can imagine! You have not seen anything yet!
< Aidan> :OI
< DarkMatter3481> its a squishy smite sword pinata that does 0 damage
< abamacus> :o :p
< Void42_> rose giant sword
< Aidan> you can never succeed in your nefarious plans, flippeh
< abamacus> didn't know we got new sword also
< Erttum> mr flippeh can i have your rep cookie? c:
< abamacus> that is a good outfit
< Aidan> you will be brought to your knees by the citizens of freedonia
< Aidan> and sentenced to 40 consecutive hours of mandatory olivia rodrigo listening
< SiOtter> flippeh is mad that terrestrial lord flippeh divorced him in favour for nether lord flippeh and his hot stuff

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<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Be ready for more.
< Nappolleon> Uh oh
< Ghomik> oh boy
< eleanorthesow> creepy
< Nappolleon> Okay ill put away my stuff
< legi0ner> oh noes
< snapper87> hi
< Wr07> s/more/the weight of my massive balls/
[IRC] <CanaryBot> <Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Be ready for the weight of my massive balls.
<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Your dreams will be shattered.
< Nappolleon> Still need dyes?
< Ghomik> BRO
< Wr07> s/Your dreams/Your balls/
[IRC] <CanaryBot> <Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Your balls will be shattered.
<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Be ready for another dragon, weaklings
< eleanorthesow> 2b2t griefer confirmed????
< 2b2tLegends> real
< Ghomik> i just woke up from my 3 hour sleep
< DarkMatter3481> tp me pls
< Wr07> dragon summon
< Ghomik> fuck of astral monarch flippeh ur weak af

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<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> You have no chances, I will make the fight harder for you, say goodbye to your bows!
<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Poison is coming!
<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Don't you dare!
  • After the thirteenth fight, 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh makes a few more comments, including a what seemed to be a threat to Wr07 in response to his trolling:

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<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> This is not the last you'll see of my dragons... but good fight.
< legi0ner> so bright💀
< SpookyTowel> echoes of victory ring throughout the land
< Wr07> s/dragons/balls/
[IRC] <CanaryBot> <Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> This is not the last you'll see of my balls... but good fight.
< 2b2tLegends> ne rien casser ne pas cheater
< Ghomik> stfu Femboy_Twink_Flippeh
< 2b2tLegends> et il y en a aussi un de plus
< VexnoTheFox> >->
< eleanorthesow> can't claim
< eleanorthesow> smh
< Ghomik> it was claimed already
< legi0ner> smh
< legi0ner> me too
<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Wr07 don't mess around, I have powers...
< AdoreKitten> ya
< Nappolleon> What does claiming the dragon do?
< AdoreKitten> lol
< Wr07> s/powers/large balls/
[IRC] <CanaryBot> <Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Wr07 don't mess around, I have large balls...
< Ghomik> s/powers/cum/
[IRC] <CanaryBot> <Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> Wr07 don't mess around, I have cum...
  • The fourteenth Astral Dragon is summoned by Ghomik at 3589,116,169, with ClonLP dealing the last hit.
  • A while after the fourteenth fight, Wr07 reaches 600 hours of playtime, and strangely, 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh reluctantly congratulates him; perhaps he sees himself in some of Wr07's mischievous mannerisms? It is possible that only time will tell:

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< RomoBen12> gg
< Egitto> gg
< vini55505> gg
< Game_Geekz0> gg
< EpicBaby> *~**GG**~*
< Sh0l> gg
< SEZERZ_899> gg
< Wr07> ew
< Cinnamonrollez> where can I start a map art
< Cosmic_potato_04> *~**GG**~*
< maurermz2> gg
< Neokrai> gg
< Blacknightmon> *~**GG**~*
< vini55505> Sloth is just kidding
[DSC] < SlothCubing> gg
< Mihayrus> gg
< seasickcres> GG
<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh>
< VexnoTheFox> QwQ
< dreambullenjoyer> fellas I am playing on a mac
[DSC] < SlothCubing> or am I vini?
< Crafter_Keegan> lolo
< Wr07> Ah theres my bitch
< Sh0l> Cinnamonrollez, do /map and search for a spot where it wouldn't interfere with others things
< VexnoTheFox> weeeeeeeee
< vini55505> Sloth he's crying
< Wr07> Flippeh fight me bitch

February 12th, 2024

February 13th, 2024

February 14th, 2024

  • The thirty-first Astral Dragon is summoned by abamacus at 3457,63,3417, and similar to the previous fight, the (thirty-second) and (thirty-third) appear after its defeat, with FuzbolMC, FuzbolMC, and Chipoff dealing the last hits to each, respectively.
  • The thirty-fourth Astral Dragon is summoned by Anna_28 at -1204,93,2952, with Cromwell2103 dealing the last hit.
  • The thirty-fifth Astral Dragon is summoned by Anna_28 at -2800,128,2800, with 4dre dealing the last hit.
  • The thirty-sixth Astral Dragon is summoned by abamacus at 3633,61,-1029, with Neokrai dealing the last hit.
  • Potentially as a result of 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh's powers being depleted too quickly from the unanticipated excess of Astral Dragon defeats, in addition to the fabric of spacetime growing increasingly unstable from the end gateways appearing all over The End, the minimum amount of time between Astral Dragon summons changes from the original four hours to a much longer and randomized seven to nine hours.

February 15th, 2024

February 16th, 2024

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<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> You shall all falter before I run out of dragons!
  • The forty-third Astral Dragon is summoned by abamacus at 3648,66,-2355, with ClonLP dealing the last hit.
  • Freedonians begin to notice that the water of spawn lake is mysteriously draining, with some, remembering the events of years gone by, speculating that it may be a sign of impending doom...

February 17th, 2024

February 18th, 2024

February 19th, 2024

February 20th, 2024

February 21st, 2024

  • The fifty-fifth Astral Dragon is summoned by Acesrt at -3035,64,-961, with GiannisN5 dealing the last hit.
  • Manifesting them from the very fabric of the Fractured Space, 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh seeks help from the Chaos Ghasts: variants of Ghasts previously encountered during the Endsurrection and Petrifaction which do not cry, and contain Ender Crystals with the capacity to heal dragons; their creation, however, seemed to decrease the radius of the Fractured Space around end gateways from 1000 to 500 blocks and stabilize the minimum amount of time between Astral Dragon summons to exactly nine hours.
  • The fifty-sixth Astral Dragon is summoned by abamacus at -4046,118,2832, with stecklyashka dealing the last hit.
  • The fifty-seventh Astral Dragon is summoned by ClonLP at 4284,58,-2133, with LinuxHacker101 dealing the last hit.

February 22nd, 2024

February 23rd, 2024

February 24th, 2024

February 25th, 2024

February 26th, 2024

February 27th, 2024

February 28th, 2024

February 29th, 2024

March 1st, 2024

  • The seventy-ninth Astral Dragon is summoned by Aidan at 2068,65,340, with orchunter88 dealing the last hit.
  • The second layer of water mysteriously drains from spawn lake...
  • The eightieth Astral Dragon is summoned by Ghostis_ at 2934,111,-2117, with cnupdates dealing the last hit.
  • The eighty-first Astral Dragon is summoned by Aidan at 422,65,1957, with Aidan also dealing the last hit.

March 2nd, 2024

March 3rd, 2024

March 4th, 2024

March 5th, 2024

March 6th, 2024

  • The ninety-second Astral Dragon is summoned by Aidan at -2130,65,-635 with the intention of engaging in the first (and ultimately, it seems, the only) solo fight of the event; aside from a few brief interruptions from unaware players, the long battle unfolds as intended, and Aidan eventually deals the last hit.
  • The ninety-third Astral Dragon is summoned by SholQut at 3424,66,1674, with bartek_kx dealing the last hit.
  • The ninety-fourth Astral Dragon is summoned by abamacus at -1657,63,-3624, with abamacus also dealing the last hit.

March 7th, 2024

March 8th, 2024

  • The ninety-eighth Astral Dragon is summoned by Anna_28 at 1650,64,3400, with Anna_28 also dealing the last hit.
  • The third layer of water mysteriously drains from spawn lake...
  • The ninety-ninth Astral Dragon is summoned by bartek_kx at 1897,64,-2528, with bartek_kx also dealing the last hit.

March 9th, 2024

  • The hundredth Astral Dragon is summoned by Cosmic_potato_04 at -3984,66,-794, with Cosmic_potato_04 also dealing the last hit.
  • The fourth and final layer of water mysteriously drains from spawn lake, and the remaining sand develops a golden, yet somehow ominous lustre; meanwhile, the pillars and pathways in the central end island take on a similar look, and the increasing impatience of 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh seems to cause a decrease in the minimum amount of time between Astral Dragon summons from nine hours to four and a half hours...
  • The hundred-and-first Astral Dragon is summoned by cnupdates at -2730,64,628, with DarkMatter3481 dealing the last hit.
  • The hundred-and-second Astral Dragon is summoned by KMS_Koln at 850,65,-2300, with DarkMatter3481 dealing the last hit.
  • The hundred-and-third Astral Dragon is summoned by bawest at -746,66,2515, with XxFIREDRAGONxX dealing the last hit.
  • The hundred-and-fourth Astral Dragon is summoned by ClonLP at -800,64,-4100, with Chipoff dealing the last hit.

March 10th, 2024

💬 Chat Logs [Toggle]

<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> My patience is running out. It is time for me to strike the very heart of the End dimension and revoke your access, personally.
< LordOfTheShadows> RAHHH
< Chipoff> oh no
< FuzbolMC> O_O
< Axilie> rip
< QwortyXDee> ???
< 2b2tLegends> You were literaly 5 seconds away from being banned Imbar1kk glad you typed that out in time
[DSC] < Crafter_Keegan> 👀
< LordOfTheShadows> KILL
< 4dre> jdwpawmma
< Cinnamonrollez> :O
  • In his final act of hostility, 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh attacks the central End island after summoning four regular Astral Dragons and manifesting himself as a fifth one that is far more powerful:

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<16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh> It is time for the final fracture!
< FuzbolMC> gate closed O_O
< Aidan> :o
< XxFIREDRAGONxX> oh look bread steve
< Cinnamonrollez> WTF
< LordOfTheShadows> maybe it's taking forever to respawn
< Cinnamonrollez> can someone teleport me back
< LordOfTheShadows> OH SHIT
< Chipoff> AAAAA
< soarlan> WOAH
< SenatorApple> damn
< QwortyXDee> WTFFFFFF
< Ghomik2> AHHH
< techkid6> OH HI THERE
< _where_> OH SHIT
< RileyManMassey> oh fuck
< SlothCubing> WHAT
< hugoemmanuel421> OMGGGG
< soarlan> HELLO THERE
< Neokrai> omg
< Axilie> o_o
< ggjepasa> AA
< XyvernVII> omg
< 4dre> AA TOO FAST
  • ScenarioPlanet deals the last hit to the first Astral Dragon of the final battle (and hundred-and-ninth overall).
  • cnupdates deals the last hit to the second Astral Dragon of the final battle (and hundred-and-tenth overall).
  • FuzbolMC deals the last hit to the third Astral Dragon of the final battle (and hundred-and-eleventh overall).
  • Aidan deals the last hit to the fourth Astral Dragon of the final battle (and hundred-and-twelfth overall).
  • After losing 80% of his health, 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh loses the ability to maintain his Astral Dragon form, and to everyone's shock, ominous forces potentially relating to a rift in spacetime cause him to split into two separate humanoid versions of himself, through mechanisms perhaps not too dissimilar to those that initially gave rise to the ten members of the Flippeh Fam after Flippeh himself inexplicably disappeared and seemingly split into them many years prior.
  • cnupdates deals the last hit to the first humanoid 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh.
  • LordOfTheShadows deals the last hit to the second humanoid 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh.
  • With 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh definitively defeated and Freedonians beginning to celebrate by forming a giant conga line around the End's exit portal, the mood quickly shifts as a rapidly-expanding rift in spacetime is observed on the horizon and everyone begins to realize that this must be what 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh meant by "the final fracture"; moments later, everything goes dark, hearkening back to when 16.png Ender_Lord_Flippeh took Freedonia down with him after his defeat during the Endsurrection.
  • While suspended in the interdimensional purgatory as they had been many times before, the consciousnesses of countless Freedonians experience a collective epiphany: 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh's intention was never to physically destroy their builds in The End, but to fracture spacetime enough such that he could revert The End's contents to an earlier point in history before any Freedonian had set foot there; one could only hope that the Astral Monarch was defeated in time to prevent this plan from coming into fruition.
  • Upon developing the ability to physically re-manifest themselves into reality, the Freedonians who had just defeated 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh find themselves not only relieved by the modern End still being intact, but also pleasantly surprised by the realization that most of the Legacy End's contents had almost seamlessly merged with it after them having been lost since the finale of the Endsurrection almost three years prior; in summary, it seems 16.png Astral_Monarch_Flippeh was defeated so swiftly and forcefully that it not only preserved the modern End, but restored that which had been lost to his predeceased brother; with these revelations, a celebratory and gleeful air spreads throughout all dimensions of Freedonia, and spawn lake refills itself with water.