Oasis of life

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Henloooo! :D

green_settlements.png Oasis of Life
Oasis! .jpeg

Oasis of Life

Founder getplayerhead.sh?RainBd&16.png RainBd
Contributors Please look at member list
Category Settlements
Underground? No
Fortified? No
Public access? No
Public build? No
Size north to south 300m
Size west to east 300m
Road link? No
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? Yes
Portal? No
Coordinates X=4309
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Quick DISCLAIMER: this base was NOT meant to be a town OR will be a town, it is just a chill place for mah frends! :D -RainBd ✦✧+ With that in mind, enjoy da Oasis of Life wiki page! :D (photo's will be added soon)



A very cool sunrise!
a sunrise! :D










⭒How it all started ⭒

After the Heaven On Sea Nexus was removed due to getplayerhead.sh?NickolasDiamond&16.png NickolasDiamond doin bad stuff with getplayerhead.sh?Excalibur_NUMNUM&16.png Excalibur_NUMNUM.

RainBd didn't want to continue working on some projects there becouse she didn't have any good reson to continue do to a bit time consuming procces of getting to HoS, She decided to jump off the jgo mountain, get a boat and drive off the new chunks.

without a drivers lisence ofc lol

After 20 minutes of doing weeeeee on da boat, she saw the chunk border, it had granite, andersite, diorite... She just loaded 1.12 chunks!

★ ★ ★

★ ★ ★ ★

After she set foot on the 1.12 chunks, she decided to go forward, and reach the world border, in almost 50% on the way to the world border, she got out of the forest and saw a very nice generation with a: Lake, Mountains, plains and most importantly The Flower Forest.

In ave of this generation she decided to set up there a base.

The new beginning of a ,town,

After few weeks of gathering stuff to the place, she invited some of her buddies! The buds are:

getplayerhead.sh?Lost_boyq&16.png Lost_boyq

getplayerhead.sh?Nofleet&16.png Nofleet

getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten

getplayerhead.sh?Lost_boyq&16.png Lost_boyq asked if he may make a smole home there, with getplayerhead.sh?RainBd&16.png RainBd happly accepted and pointed out where he can make one, then she went on to build a light house wich is still not done ◩ yet ◪

A few people in the chat asked if a new town is being made to wich getplayerhead.sh?RainBd&16.png RainBd replied: nope, just a happie place with mah frendz! :D

Days have passed and more and more regulars started to meet getplayerhead.sh?RainBd&16.png RainBd and most of them recived an invintation to the place!

Soon enough, a preety large group decided to check out my base, and boi getplayerhead.sh?RainBd&16.png RainBd never saw that much peeps in her base at the time that she just questioned if this is real. But dw, she is fine now...

Aight enough history, time for da Floooowahs! :D

Member List! :D

¹ getplayerhead.sh?RainBd&16.png RainBd :D (Da flowah godess of fun and happyness! :D )

² getplayerhead.sh?Lost_boyq&16.png Lost_boyq ( a boi who is lost! :D )

³ getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten :3 (aww an adorable kitten!)

getplayerhead.sh?Nofleet&16.png Nofleet :] (a very cool bean! :D )

getplayerhead.sh?Daltalf&16.png Daltalf :D (Dalltaftaltfatalaftla-man! :D )

getplayerhead.sh?Microcosms&16.png Microcosms :> (microooocosmoos :3)

getplayerhead.sh?NHC_THK&16.png NHC_THK :D ( chooo choo! :D )

getplayerhead.sh?Darkerfly&16.png Darkerfly :3 (flyyying darknesss of FuUUUUuuUUn :D)

getplayerhead.sh?ClonLP&16.png ClonLP (a clon of LP!)

¹⁰ getplayerhead.sh?2b2tLegends&16.png 2b2tLegends (he like plane go NyoooooMMM)

¹¹ getplayerhead.sh?Ren&16.png Ren :D (da stonkz man)

¹² getplayerhead.sh?Erttum&16.png Erttum :D (ert da bum da tum bum tum! :3 )

¹³ getplayerhead.sh?Jaysax_&16.png Jaysax_ ( Jayyyyyyy without a saxophone! :D)

¹⁴ getplayerhead.sh?NickEter&16.png NickEter (Nick eater xP)

¹⁵ getplayerhead.sh?Mechman007&16.png Mechman007 (MechBearman who likes heads! :D)

¹⁶ getplayerhead.sh?KajetaniFranek&16.png KajetaniFranek ( a cool guy who likes sheepies! :]

¹⁷ getplayerhead.sh?4untochrist&16.png 4untochrist (He is bacc! :DDDDDDDDDDD)

¹⁸ getplayerhead.sh?SenatorApple&16.png SenatorApple ( <= He cool! :D)

¹⁹ getplayerhead.sh?BlueBlaziken&16.png BlueBlaziken (Blue bla blu da da be da bo ♪ ♫)

²⁰ getplayerhead.sh?RobotReaction&16.png RobotReaction (Beep boop! :D bep bop bap! :>)

²¹ getplayerhead.sh?Freeman77&16.png Freeman77 (He likes to explore mco! :O)

Now imma make some cool screenshots, brb! :> -getplayerhead.sh?RainBd&16.png RainBd

Now Imma Talk About Some Pets :>

If you visit the place, you may notice that a good 99% of Oasis Inhabitats areeee... (Drumroll) Animals! :DD

All kind of difrent mobs, i will list them down below:

- Cattos :3

- Doggos :OOO

- Piggies :>

- Bunnies :DDDD I love bunnies!

- Birbos (Parrots) :]

- Mooshroom (StrawBetty :D)

- Llamas :>

- Donkeys 'v'

- Skeleton Horses :D

- Horses :]

- Sheepies! :DDDD

- Guardian ( Bloopie :D)

- Magma cube (Gobu :)

List of projects :>

Yeh, imma put this here for fun

-The Underground from Undertale; located in the mountains, a work in progress

-Make the mountains a bit more over grown

-Bunny pen; for my bunnies, I also want to get all bunny variants that exist in minecraft

-terraform the flower-forest to make it look more nice

-make a husk farm for sand;glass;sandstone and red sandstone (wip)

-remake all homes and actually plan out stuff