Project Unihome
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Project Unihome is a project that was started by rorhl, and is currently maintained by
Headmate. It is a house with a simple premise, one player, one block. Every block is placed by a unique player.
Its coordinates are at -14445 16693, it is located within Stolen Town.
(listed in order of participation)
First layer
Annika_Hansen (white wool)
Luigifan100 (iron ore)
ickyacky (coal block)
clake70 (redstone ore)
maurermz (emerald block)
Headmate (iron block)
sporb (orange glazed terracotta)
1Q12 (lapis block)
NickolasDiamond (diamond block)
MonkeSniper221 (sea lantern)
4dre (red nether brick)
Erttum (pink shulker box)
podd (white concrete)
BryBer (dark oak fence)
Cosmic_potato_04 (sponge)
l1npengtul (sticky piston)
Xanpi3000 (black concrete)
Was accidentally removed, and replaced with a block byJesusMRS
doublehelix457 (tnt)
2b2tLegends (chest)
Kendon (cobblestone)
rorhl (birch wood)
butternutbamboo (emerald ore)
Moxieskip (quartz ore)
Stelloz (obsidian)
Jmancino2 (white wool)
FuzbolMC (dirt)
Acesrt (emerald ore, first duplicate)
Second Layer
warrior_three (cyan wool)
CervicalCanal (blue wool)
ibxtoydog (noteblock)
1235_John (red mushroom block)
SlimeLizard (cyan stained glass)
OGvorva (piston)
eevee_27 (orange stained glass)
Egitto (brick)
laootr_ (pig spawner)
Okibdoki (orange stained glass, second duplicate)