Soviet Eden

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Time to make New Eden 2: Electric Boogaloo - verydairyman

green_villages.png Soviet Eden
15-12-2019 Soviet Eden.png

Soviet (Gay) Eden

Founder Snakyman verydairyman
Contributors vauxhallmadman
Category Villages
Underground? No
Fortified? No
Public access? Yes
Public build? No
Road link? No
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? No
Portal? No
Coordinates X=-5650
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Soviet Eden, formerly Gay Eden, officially the Eden Soviet Socialist Republic, is a joke settlement that was made for the purpose of mocking New Eden, as the founders were annoyed by New Eden's ability to gain citizens with virtually no effort. Since all of New Eden's housing was owned by the city, the founders jokingly called this "communism," and tried to see if a communist version of the town would do just as well. In this city. citizens must work in the mines to keep their tiny 4x4 houses. The small houses were made to mock New Eden's small apartments. However, this sparked a massive conflict, and the ban of a longtime player.

As of 2020, the original Soviet Eden no longer exists and all that's left of it is a memorial located where it once stood. (see Soviet Eden#Today)


Origins snakyman returns to the fatherland in its new location after he is unbanned.
A memorial of Soviet Eden at its former site; "A hostile town taken down."

Soviet Eden began when Snakyman, verydairyman, and KingServal came together and decided to make an empire. The empire, called The "Freedonian Imperial Federation," was stated to be a way to combat the perceived dominance of New Eden.

The Federation was split into three branches, with Las Vereno gaining the judicial branch, Snaketown getting the senate, and Socorro getting the military. After this was planed, Snaky and Dairy created a town near New Eden to mock it. Originally called "Gay Eden," in a similar vein to Gayton and Gayetria, it was later renamed Soviet Eden.

They got to work making it, building rows of cobble huts to mock New Eden's housing scheme, along with other Soviet trappings such as a gulag. Contrary to popular belief, the town's location was chosen to be close to New Eden, but was also because the founders thought that the location they chose would not interfere with New Eden. The location was actually chosen by verydairyman, although snakyman took most of the heat from people angry about the location. The server began to notice this town. There were two areas of the town built, one was mainly run by snaky and consisted of a canal, a farm, and a mine, and one that was run by everyone else, consisting of the main housing area. A road was built in between the areas. Although claimed many times by its founders to be "just a joke," their actions ignited a storm of controversy.


Just before snakyman was going to hand the town over to New Eden, FlyingJellyfish logged on and declared snakyman had committed grief relating to Soviet Eden. These three reasons were as follows:

  1. Building torches that blocked a nearby wooden house from being able to expand its land
  2. Addition grief of a fence next to a torch
  3. Blockading the New Eden harbor

During the questioning, snakyman appeared to not understand how any of the 3 locations that Jelly showed him was grief, and unexpectedly disconnected due to internet troubles. Jelly made the decision to ban him for grief.


Accessing the wiki, snakyman left these exact responses on why he thought the ban was incorrect:

  1. it was built to make boundaries so that we did not block it
  2. was believed to be a torch built by an ally
  3. the third reason was completely not grief, and was actually just a joke made by snakyman but before he could explain that, his Wi-Fi crashed


Soviet Eden was moved, and the land it inhabited given to New Eden. snakyman remained banned for roughly five months until he was granted an appeal, where he was unbanned on the condition he would not start any more disputes with New Eden.

Community Response

Player reactions

< WaffleNomster - > 
< KingServal - "An Era Ended Today" >
< Boxzy - "I started seeing Snakyman acting like 1Posa1 a week or two ago, he was causing Posa-like drama every day, killing noobs, verbal harrassment and toxic behaviour in general. I said to
Snaky, You are becoming Posa and he denied it. But the events of today seal the deal, he was addition griefing like posa. He denied to the last breath what the whole of chat told him, that its not
funny. Then he tried to sell the grief to his victim, like posa did to Sftsace. Then he argued with the admin what is, and is not grief and was banned, just like Posa." >
< _deckard - "short and sweet, I think snaky was acting the same way posa was, and pushing to see how far you can bend the rules just to make other player's experience on the server miserable
is not advisable. The rules are what has allowed this great community to exist. I am supportive of all players that follow the rules, even trolls, because that's part of survival. I don't know if
that is noteworthy, but those are my thoughts." >
< 1Posa1 - "From chat I saw that he didn’t believe he was breaking the rules And I feel that he may have been banned since people didn’t like him He was tried in a drumhead court
As many are on MCO" >
< SleeplessTheCat - "It’s depressing, I am sad." >
< Tyhdefu - "Life lesson: listen to what the mods say whether thats mods irl, aka police or in mco they are normally right" >
(Let it be known that you have rights. The police are not 'normally right.')
< verydairyman - "When jumping onto the bandwagon I had no intentions in griefing whatsoever. I had never been a big fan of New Eden and I had thought the idea of a communist parody of NE would
be pretty funny. Plans were to build a 7x7 block of block houses and a hole in which you had to dig in order to keep your house. Poking fun at how you had to pay diamonds in order to buy a rebuilt
house in NE. The name Gay Eden was thought of by snaky to follow along the line of similar projects such as Gayton. The area was chosen because of it's location near NE and because it was flat.
The area already had a prebuilt house but I meant to build south of it. Though as I was building the houses far away from the house, snaky ended up building the hole, farms, and storage on the
other side of the house. After building the road between the two areas, we had called wulf over to see if it was grief. He said no. I built sickle and hammers, rocket ship, and a gulag to make it
more Soviet. Snaky had built a "blockade",(sticks in the water) and a sign reading to "stay away capitalist fuckers" or something. The real kicker is the fact that snaky built in land eclypto
had claimed. This is what I agree is bannable. Beside that, I see no issue with the town." >
< Scampi_ - "I wonder if now is a bad time to ask him what he wants on his tombstone at NECROPOLIS..." >
< _WizardDev_ - "After some recollection, even with my feuds and hate of snaky, i must admit that i feel for him. I know what's it's like to be rejected by a community, to be thrashed and left under
the bus, just to be banned after having problems with certain people. It's just sad that I didn't get to know him more. He might have been great, but i missed out on talking with him or being friends."

Personal Accounts

These are accounts of people who have interacted with snak and their thoughts on the matter:

A Snakyman Ally Speaks Up

Written by KingServal December 15th 2019.

Snakyman was a good friend of mine, we had a lot of fun together during my early days on the server. making highways like Route 69, and founding the Freedonia Road Co.. But I don't know what happened to him. We used to be aggressive, constantly killing and raiding towns. But then I stopped and he continued. And yesterday, it culminated into a massive event. We tried to make an empire to balance power in Freedonia, unknowing what will happen in the next 24 hours. I personally didn't support the idea of a town, I believed it was going too far and that we should just make a small outpost or military base somewhere on the shore. All I can say is that bad decisions were made, and I hope everyone can learn from them and not repeat them.

Snakyman Speaks Up

Written by Snakyman December 16th 2019.

okay so basically what happened here was a massive misunderstanding, and this page is very messed up but what happened is as follows. me and dairy were joking about new eden having too many citizens, and then we decided to make a joke town to mock them and test minecraft communism, so we chose a spot we thought would not cause any issues. however as we were building it demetri started yelling at us but we thought he was just being annoying due to him not liking me. Eclypto and demetri later came on and seemed ok with it so we continued construction. Apparently they complained to admins too and before i could explain how the 3 instances of grief were unintentional or just not grief, my wifi stopped so i ran over to a local school to use free wifi on discord but it was too late. Please do not edit this paragraph.


The town is still accessible today. It has been relocated to another area east of its former location. In the original location, New Eden has built a monument to the town, and snaky's canal still exists, and now has a main Boat Route running through it.

See Also