Newport Empire

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Organisations Newport Empire
2023-01-12 01.35.41.png

The Creamlin, the headquarters of the Empire.

Leadership snakyman and Newport
Headquarters The Creamlin 2.0
Founded 4 January 2022
Public? No
Status Active

The Newport Empire is a league of cities in MinecraftOnline centered around Newport. It primarily operates in the region of New Cascadia, which encompasses most of the 2020 Southwest expansion. It is joined by the Greater Ternary Empire as of 2/2/22. The empire facilitates communication between the cities in the area, and maintains huge amounts of roads, canals, and other infrastructure in the region.

Notable Members

Member Cities


Enclaves refer to member cities that are in the Newport Metropolitan Area. This generally refers to all settlements in the 2020 southwest expansion. Current members are:


Exclaves refer to member cities not in the Newport Metropolitan area that are affiliated with the empire. Current members are:

Newport Metropolitan Area

Newport was the first settlement with a nexus in New Cascadia, and it has sparked various builds and settlements outside of the main city area that are dependent on Newport and its Nexus. Generally players who live here like to help with builds within the city and infrastructure in/around it as well. Many of these areas were made during the June 2020 expansion, and the only link to their area was a road or nether road from Newport. They generally have good infrastructure connections to the city. Not all of these settlements are affiliated with the Empire. Some of these settlements include:

Wandering Loop Trail

The Wandering Loop Trail is a road system that connects many cities in the area. It is currently being expanded to connect all enclaves of the empire.