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User dunechan

Sand person

Known as dune, dunechan
Gender Female
Location Lafayette, Indiana
Nationality American
DOB 2004-08-5
Occupation Student
In Freedonia
First joined September 2021
First building Base in a hill outside of spawn
Kit level *** Iron
View profile and statistics

About me

I really don't know what to put for myself so I'll just put a list of my accomplishments on MCO

-Founded Aether City, The Republic of Freedonia, the Freedonian Ice Highway project, the Skylandia building project, Rapture, and the Freedonia mapping project.


Discord: mrinternet09

I’m open to all DMs, just don’t send anything inappropriate or illegal. I might block you if you do. Also please don’t harass me, it’s crazy that I even have to say that. You can also contact me on the Republic of Freedonia’s discord server, but only join if you’re interested in becoming a citizen. I recently changed my username to dunechan so if you need me ingame just ask me in chat.





-Retro gaming

-Pride flags at spawn


-Exploring old bases



-Trolls, they brighten my day :)



- Griefers




-2b2t queue

-Dirt houses

-uneven builds

-"I AM THE MAIN CHARACTER" type of people

-Obnoxious/NSFW map art
