” |
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![]() DOOR 🚪 | |
About | |
Known as | Qworty / Russ / MX / MXQ / Qwist / Qw / RussCat |
Gender | Male |
Location | South-West of France |
Nationality | Russian & French |
DOB | -01-9th |
Occupation | Making boat towers at spawn until a mod destroys them |
In Freedonia | |
First joined | February 11, 2023 |
First building | My house in Valheim |
Kit level | ***** Diamond |
View profile and statistics |
Hi, I'm RussCath! I am a franco-russian catholic guy and this is my story, here, at MinecraftOnline. I hope you enjoy this wiki page!
Mostly known for
Valheim town staff
As I was a very active citizen in Valheim, I once asked Korbs699 to become town staff by sending him a message in Discord saying: ''Hi, I would like to be a member of the town staff. I can speak French and Russian, so I can translate everything. Also, I have a lot of ideas like the ice road or the town hall''.He didn't responded me directly, but just gave me the town staff role in the Valheim discord.
Former Doorism active member and temporary leader
A couple of days after Doorism was created, I joined this religion created by vorvaa (AKA
OGvorva) and I spread it by writing ''DOOR'' and ''PraiseTheDoors'' everytime someone mentionned a door, even if it was not related to Doorism. On October 9th 2024, I was even elected by the doorists as Leador of Doorism and got demoted by
OGvorva on December 2nd 2024 because I pinged @everyone in his discord server to organize a bounty against
cnupdates because he stole my Italy countryball. Now I've left this religion due to personnal reasons. However, I kept my spruce door skin as I find it unique and quite original.
Founder of Bellefontaine
On February 29th 2024, I founded a French-speaking city with Anubis773,
ggjepasa and
laootr_. It was a small city with around 15 citizens, but there was much effort put into it, especially the terraforming and the Town Hall construction. The city officially died on October 3rd 2024 due to
ggjepasa's ban and general inactivity in Bellefontaine.
RussDome creator
The RussDome is my own base I started to build in August/September 2023 and wich is still under construction. It is a glass dome with a total of 8 available appartments wich I sell for 20DBs each. It is also the home of Jann, my wolf, who's name references to the singer ''Jann''. [UPDATE: Jann got killed by Ghomik (AKA
Clomik) on March 4th 2025.]
GunCat2 and
skyfrost33 helped me with its construction.
Most active member of the Anti-Saunaism movement
As confirmed by commmonnn, the creator of Saunaism, I am the most active member of the Anti-Saunaist community. I've said many bad things about this religion and I don't regret it: lying to new players to get their stuff and make them leave the server forever isn't that cool as they think.
Notice from commmonnn: "We try to always say to players that they should go in, but with no things in their inventory, but they mostly don't listen to that anyways and burn their stuff. I understand that fact, and I'm actively trying to fix the problem."
Mentionned @Admin twice in less than 5 minutes in the MCO Discord. DO NOT ATTEMPT
Context: I was at at the train station and I was bored, so I decided to go to the #ingame chat in the MCO Discord. I was wondering, if someone did ping the admins ever before, and what would happen if someone does so.
RussCath> Did someone ever try to mention @Admin? (Hope I won't mention them as I put a "?") [ORIGINAL MESSAGE DELETED]
RussCath> OH SHIT
AdoreKitten> you did
Axilie> You fool
AdoreKitten> ban ban ban
Krenath> Hm.
RussCath> NOO
AdoreKitten> lmao kren reply first
Duran3838> LOL
ScarClaw72> Oh my god its krenath
AdoreKitten> kren he accident ping all admins
ScarClaw72> how could u
Clomik> erm
Then, I wanted to tell why did I ping the admins in #media-sharing: I wanted to post a screenshot of what my message was supposed to look like, but it went wrong and I accidently send the message I was just supposed to take a screenshot of.
RussCath> *sends the message he just wanted to screenshot by accident* [ORIGINAL MESSAGE DELETED]
RussCath> SHT
RussCath> IM SO DUMB
RussCath> Ok its probably my last words on this discord
RussCath> Id just like to say that im sorry im sooo dumb
rtkwe> *sends me a GIF with a guy shooting lasers from his eyes*
RussCath> I just wanted to screenshot the message and send it by accident
RussCath> It didnt displayed in red but it pinged anyways
rtkwe> *sends a GIF with Thanos saying "Gone, reduced to atoms"*
rtkwe> jk it's fine
RussCath> TYSMM i promise u wont do this mistake again im rly sorry it was really by accident
DarkMatter3481> @Clomikrole situation again?
RussCath> Wdym?
DarkMatter3481> *tells me how
Clomik mentionned the admins for the same reason as me*
TheDemetri> *sends a GIF saying "I'm going to destroy you"*
Time played achievements (MM/DD/YYYY)
1st joined - 02/11/2023
10 hours - 02/19/2023
20 hours - 02/23/2023
30 hours - 02/25/2023
40 hours - 03/06/2023
50 hours - 03/13/2023
60 hours - 03/19/2023
70 hours - 03/23/2023
80 hours - 04/02/2023
90 hours - 04/08/2023
100 hours - 04/19/2023
200 hours - 06/24/2023
300 hours - 09/11/2023 :skull:
400 hours - 02/23/2024
500 hours - 05/29/2024
600 hours - 10/21/2024
700 hours - 02/11/2025
800 hours - 03/05/2025
''Cake day'' achievement - 02/11/2025
Nickname history
QwortyXDee: December 21st 2022 – May 19th 2024
MXQwisT: May 19th 2024 – January 14th 2025
IBoughtAProperty: January 14th 2025 – February 13th 2025
RussCath: February 13th 2025 – now
Likes / dislikes
Likes :
• Europe
• History
• Giving diamond stuff to random players at spawn
• Mocking cnupdates because he's newgen (he joined 1 day after me)
• Speaking english with a funny russian accent in vc
• MASSIVE builds
• And do you know what else is massive ?
• Telling people I’m franco-russian and flexing about it
• Killing Mishpixel by building traps under his feet when he logs off
• Connle (only Anubis773 and
ggjepasa can understand)
• Repeating every funny message in the chat
• Messing with /jumpto
• Making random stuff (example: building a wall and copying the WHOLE song "I love Poland" on it)
• Music
Dislikes :
• Timeout bugs
• When players try to kill you for no reason
• Saunaism
• Youtube invasions
• School
My relations with other MCO players
Friends :
- Mishpixel, my best friend in the whole internet I met here, at MinecraftOnline.
- vorvaa, my first friend at MCO. He is the reason of why I'm playing here.
- laootr_, nice french guy I met in Valheim, we spend much time in VC together. I miss him.
- Korbs699, also known as the Valheim founder, we spend much time chatting and he helped me a lot in early 2023.
- HeyHasio, nice and helpful person, even if she's not very active.
- Acesrt, helped me in early 2023, I discovred that she speaks french by accident lol.
- Le_Lorrain, built a garden for me in early 2023 and them became part of Bellefontaine.
- Biscoteau, funny french guy who builds very well. He's not very active because of school.
- cnupdates, chill guy from ikea, likes to edit wiki pages.
- Anubis773, funny french annonymous who helped me a lot with Bellefontaine.
- ggjepasa, sometimes cool, sometimes annoying. Hated by
AppleSilly. (banned)
- NDidou, really nice guy, author of the "truc chelou".
- InEgypt, my IRL best friend.
- SorryAnneaux, very kind and helpful person.
- McAlkis_11, greek player who speaks french incredibly well!
- _712, after he got unbanned, we founded a city together and spend much time in VC. He's a really cool guy!
- JCobbler2012, we often kiss each-other at spawn for absolutely no reason lol.

- JesusMRS, helped me with my cobblestone farm in Avier.
- SholQut, helped me in Valheim in early 2023, good luck for your studies man.
- FreezeItMC, helped me to get a revenge against
- stecklyashka, Helped me a lot all-along my journey on the server.
- commmonnn, even if he's Saunaist, he's still a nice and helpful person as he contributed to my museum and to this wiki page.
- pendzai, another french guy I like chatting with.
- DodoChart, also a french guy I met because of
- Heisenlukas, we used to be ennemies but we became friends... somehow. He's a really nice and kind person and it's always nice to chat with him.
Ennemies :
- eleanorsilly, became... different.
- Egitto, taliban supporter, radical islamist, new player scammer, bullies people by killing them multiple times to force them to give Egitto their land.
- Luigifan100, do I really explain why I hate him ?
- comradeaglarion, tells everyone to kill themselves, insulted the Bible multiple times.
- Clomik, Christianophobe, killed my dog Jann, accuses me of "transphobia". He kills people who don't have the same politic views, and calls them "retards". He also tried to kill me with
xmaragd. He finally killed me on March 5th and got all my stuff. Update: he killed me again 3 days later, which caused me to leave the server.
- xmaragd, helped
Clomik to kill me. 1v2, fair enough.
- ScarClaw72, also helped
Clomik and killed me multiple times.
- bartek_kx, gave ender crystals to
Clomik, which permitted him to kill me.
- Marwan, started insulting literlly everyone for absolutely no reason. I'm wondering what happened.
I joined the server and I asked in the chat "who wanna play with me ?" After a few moments, OGvorva replied that I can join the Fort Vorva, also called Vorville. After a few days, I met
Leo_Belgicus, he speaks french, so I didn't have problems to talk to him. He suggested to me to send a message to
Korbs699 for joining Valheim. I became its town staff on the 23rd of February.
I also met ILoveHeyHoli,
Acesrt, and
Wonder045397. That's how I met my best friends of MCO. But I have an enemy too:
Clomik. I also joined The Door Religion, and I believe in Door God.

I destroyed a mountain with Korbs699,
laootr_ and
Wonder045397. I also finished building an enormous house, it is now the town tavern. I met a new friend:
I started to dig 4 chunks near Avier to build an enormous farm. I also caught 2 villagers. They will be used for a villager farm. I met Le_Lorrain, and he built a garden for me. I built unesso tunnels under Valheim and the french district of Valheim with
NDidou, but he stopped playing on MCO.
I couldn't connect because my PC was broken. I repaired it in June.
I dug 4 chunks and built an enormous tower, called the Bone Tower (because it was made of bone blocks). There will be a lot of farms. I built the carrot farm. I was bored and I copied the song "I Love Poland" on signs in Valheim. I also met Biscoteau and we played a lot together. I visited his town, owned by
Tigersmash, Nyancity.
I got amazing holidays in Russia, and i couldnt connect to MCO beacause i had to use a VPN to use services like Spotify due to the sanctions.
Same as July 2023.
I had VISA problems so I couldn't return in France to study. I came back to MCO and started building my base with Mishpixel. Its a big glass dome near
OGvorva's museum.
Couldn't connect because of IRL problems.
Again, still couldn't connect, so same as October 2023.
Again, same as the previous two months, October and November 2023.
My birthday! But still have IRL problems D:
I finally came back! After finishing my base near OGvorva's museum, I created my own town, Called Bellefontaine. It's a french-speaking town with an amazing community of french speakers. Feel free to visit it when we’ll get a nexus! I also created a discord for MCO French-speakers, come visit it !
I started to build Bellefontaine with Anubis773,
Le_Lorrain and other members of Bellefontaine. We built a fountain, a town hall and other great stuff for our city.
I only connected on April 1st to collect the April fool’s diamond, but I could no longer connect beacause of PC problems (again) OH MY PCÆÆÆÆÆÆ.
I was inactive on MCO beacause of OH MY PCÆÆÆÆÆÆ problems again, but I could play sometimes in a PC club. Didn't build anything massive (and do you know what else is massive !?), but I've changed my account nickname from QwortyXDee to
MXQwisT on May 19th and joined MCO with my new nickname for the first time on May 22nd.
I’m FINALLY back but my PCÆÆÆÆÆÆ is still broken. I had to go to a computer club to play on MCO. However, I did a lot of things this month: first of all, I bought Minecraft to my best IRL friend - MXTwisT (He is supposed to have a door skin like me but it’s not shown on the wiki for some reason). My friend
ggjepasa unfortunatly got banned again so I had to revive Bellefontaine with
Anubis773 and
MXTwisT and
SorryAnneaux' s help. Together, we built street lamps on every Bellefontaine’s street. We also finished the interior of the Town Hall by adding a Mayor floor and a meeting room built by
I didn’t play on MCO very much, although I did make a few builds in Bellefontaine like the St. Qworty lake (by NDidou) expansion, or the steak farm in Bellefontaine’s town hall basement.
Same as July, I didn’t play very much on MCO because I was too busy existing (I did it 24/7, it’s very hard). However, I had built an appartenant in Leninsk after the town staff reincluded me into the city (I got banned previously due to a sniper duel with Mishpixel). I also helped my best friend
MXTwisT to build his house in Bellefontaine.
Because of school and other IRL problems, I couldn't connect to MCO. I officially ended Bellefontaine by announcing its death because no one was active anymore.
My skibidi ahh PC got rizzed up again so I couldn't play... againnnnn...
Couldn't play because of my awesome PC but I survived the NNN.
My PC was still broken until I FINALLY repair it and I could connect a bit.
FINALLY 2025!! I've made a lot of progress in my base (see screenshot) started my first ever mapart, killed my best friend InEgypt (AKA
MXTwisT) many times, got the diamond kit and changed my nickname to
IBoughtAProperty on January 14th to troll
First of all, I made a hard decision: I officially left Doorism on February 10th, since the religion died long ago and also because of other IRL stuff. On February 13th, I changed my account's name to RussCath (even if
AdoreKitten wanted to steal it lol), which means Russian Catholic. I’ll most likely keep this name for a while. I also made a lot of progress on my base, adding a circular shape for my future chest room and building an aquarium all around it. Finally, I met
_712 (previously known as
0w20). He has been trying to appeal for an unban via the MCO discord by asking like 10 times a day if an Admin was online, which was not often the case. Then, on February 16th when I saw that
Anna_28 was online, I directly messaged
0w20 to let him know that an admin was available. Then, he appealed and got unbanned, leading to the legendary 0w20’s quote "tanks". Together we founded [we didn’t choose the city’s name yet] which is based on a central canal, connecting the river to the ocean.
I got into a huge conflict with Clomik because he came to my base, emptied all my unlocked chests, and finally, killed my dog Jann, which lead to the end of our friendship. He killed me once, and I lost all my gear that I had for 2 years. I didn't give up, and mined for hours to make myself some new equipement. Then, I came to
Clomik's museum to ask for peace, but he just wanted me to put boats in his museum to display it in the wiki, to humiliate me. I refused, and he killed me with an end cystal, making me lose over 25 diamond blocks I spend many hours to get. I asked him why, but he didn't want to answer. I left the server, and I don't know if I will ever come back.