Little Accident
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Ted1246> did I just create this hole?

The admin-only warp Test1, where admins can practice with potentially destructive tools (and usually get little accidents out of their system). Players are warned to keep a distance from it, as sudden and violent landscaping is liable to occur in the area. This map screenshot demonstrates a selection of little accident remnants.

Little accident involving mob spawners.

A minor incident with the degriefstick.

A crowd gathers around a mysterious bedrock block replacing a sign on the Visitor Centre, a protected area.
A general term of reference for accidents that tend to be far from "little" in reality, usually caused by typos or other dramatic fuckups when using admin tools. Associated with ToneDial especially.
Such incidents usually involve the annihilation or irreversible alteration of large portions of landscape and man-made buildings, the spontaneous creation of horrible ugly unnatural monstrosities, and other misuse of dangerous admin and moderator commands resulting in general crashing of clients and servers alike.
Tools associated with little accidents
- /give
- WorldEdit
- Cuboid
- VoxelSniper
- /entitydata command
- /kill
Notable little accidents
Night of A Million Torches
- Millions of objects spawned causing any client loading the affected chunk to instantly crash.
- Perpetrator:
- Tool: /give
- Cause: Trying to spawn ten million torches, thinking the command would instead produce a single unlimited block as a previous server bug caused it to. It didn't.
- Solution:
SlowRiot locating and deleting the entire affected chunk area.
Canal flood
- Vast area near Spawn flooded.
- Perpetrator:
ToneDial (with a little help from
- Tool: WorldEdit
- Cause: trying to /fixwater adjacent to a waterfall.
- Solution:
chivalrousWeasel and
ToneDial manually draining the overflowed areas.
- Millions of unkillable slime mobs spawned, server grinds to a halt.
- Perpetrator:
- Tool: /spawnmob
- Cause: Thinking that spawning millions of bugged mobs would somehow be a good idea.
- Solution: Backup restore of all of Freedonia.
The Cacticlysm
- Half of Freedonia filled with a giant cactus cube, which spontaneously split apart into cactus items, crashing all connected clients, and finally the server itself.
- Perpetrator:
- Tool: Cuboid
- Cause: right-clicking once at one end of the map, and once at spawn (thinking it was twice at spawn).
- Solution: Killing the server to prevent a disk write, causing loss of all progress since last save.
- Effect: massive portions of Freedonia spontaneously covered in snow.
- Perpetrator:
- Tool: WorldEdit
- Cause: typo (1000 radius instead of 100) for //freeze command.
- Solution:
SlowRiot manually going around and //thawing affected areas.
Stone disc at spawn
- Effect: entire spawn area filled with a giant stone disc at waist height.
- Perpetrator:
- Tool: VoxelSniper
- Cause: Ignoring documented sniper bug where the first click often lands near spawn. Compounded by using a stupidly massive radius for a sniper command.
- Solution:
bastetfurry manually copying over the damaged part from a local backup with the help of WorldEdit.
Canal flood 2
- Effect: Same as Canal Flood 1, except the subsequent cleanup operation drained part of a nearby sea.
- Perpetrator:
- Tool: WorldEdit
- Cause: Same as canal flood 1, plus excessive radius specified when trying to clean up via //drain.
- Solution:
runechan and
SlowRiot manually performing //fixwater over small sections of the affected sea.
The Nothing
Main article: The Nothing
- Effect: Wiped out a number of 512x512 chunks of the world, leaving only the void
- Perpetrator: Not yet publically disclosed
- Tool: VoxelSniper
- Cause: someone tried to delete massive circle using voxelsniper
- Solution:
SlowRiot restoring the affected areas from backup, requiring a server restart. Some massive flat areas remain where chunk replacement failed.
Obby-lievable Redstone Spawn
- Effect: Changed most of spawn's sand and sandstone to redstone block and obsidian
- Perpetrator: Yet to come forward
- Tool: WorldEdit
- Cause: //replace sand,sandstone redstone,obsidian for reasons unknown
- Solution:
Palindrome7 uses //replace to restore the sand and sandstone back to its original state
Dirt Star

The Dirt Star as seen from bellow
- Effect: Created a giant sphere of dirt encasing many floating islands in the town Batugus
- Perpetrator:
- Tool: VoxelSniper
- Cause:
Anna_28 asking for some dirt to build floating islands.
- Solution: Many players hand digging the entire sphere to collect all the dirt blocks.
- Effect: Very very large slimes, very hard to kill. When killed, spawn more... also large... slimes
- Perpetrators:
- Tool: 1.7 NBT-specifying spawnmob command
- Cause: wondering just how big a size-100 slime would be
- Solution: Admins shooting and throwing potions at the slimes for an extended period of time, using modified superweapons, and generally calling everyone in to take a pot shot. Complicated somewhat by SlowRiot throwing invisibility potions at the slimes.
- Effect: Cascade effect of water movement resulting in extreme server lag
- Perpetrators:
- Tool: WorldEdit
- Cause:
Ted1246 trying to drain an area.
- Solution: Server worked itself out after the cascade effect was forcibly stopped, freezing the server for about ten minutes.
Ted1246 feels very very dumb.
The Hopper from Hell
<Krenath> I want to name it "Dennis" <
Krenath> Dennis the Hopper
- Effect: Constant crashing of the server whenever the affected chunk is loaded
- Perpetrators:
Krenath and
- Tool: WorldEdit
- Cause:
Krenath wondering what a hopper that faced all sides would look like, followed by
techkid6 wondering what would happen if you put an item in the hopper
- Solution:
techkid6 rolling back the entire region from backup
The Sheepocalypse
Main article: The Sheepocalypse
- Effect: Vast quantities of mobs; mostly sheep, and some horses and donkeys were wiped from existence, reported by multiple users. It likely wiped out all of the ones in loaded in chunks.
- Perpetrator:
Eclypto18 messing up /butcher
- Solution: Admins and moderators had to manually respawn missing entities, within reason.
Chunks Restored..?
- Effect: Chunks from the Nether and the End appearing in spawn. Unfortunately, a handful of players died from either burning in lava or falling into the void.
- Perpetrator:
- Cause: While fixing a Nether chunk error,
AlphaAlex115 accidentally caused the Nether to replace large parts of spawn. After stopping the server in an attempt to fix this problem, he then replaced the affected parts of spawn with chunks from the End.
- Solution: After his first botched attempt,
AlphaAlex115 used a backup to restore spawn.
Hard Wool
- Effect: 1/3 of wool blocks within a certain radius of
Prince__Valiant's chicken were turned to obsidian. Because of all the block changes, the server crashed.
- Perpetrator:
- Cause: While helping
Palindrome7 tried to turn the wool on their chicken farm to obsidian with /replacenear but messed up the parameters.
- Solution: The server reboot itself up after processing all the blocks. Rogue Obsidian blocks have slowly been discovered by players and mined and replaced.
Southern Migration
- Effect: All loaded entities were moved 128 blocks south, causing many player and mob deaths.
- Perpetrator:
- Cause: 2021-05-29, typo where perpetrator accidentally pressed "e" instead of "s".
- Solution: Many affected entities were returned to their rightful spots.
The Power of Gr@eySkull
- Effect: All dropped items in loaded chunks on the entire server were turned into Diamond Swords with Unbreaking III and about 90% durability, causing many players and staff to think they'd stumbled on a duplication bug.
- (Note: Someone actually did stumble on one at that exact moment, but it turned out to be unrelated and was fixed.)
- Perpetrator:
- Tool: /entitydata command and @e parameter.
- Cause: On 2021-06-29, Krenath was editing NBT data on a single sword item and omitted maximum quantity or range parameters, thus copying the NBT information to all dropped items on the server and converting them to swords.
- Solution: Um... Free swords for everyone?
The Great Wipe
- Effect: Some players and loaded entities were wiped off the face of the map using /kill command. Apple’s intention was to remove some admin NPCs at spawn, with a radius of 10 blocks and a filter to only remove the NPCs, which the server conveniently ignored :)
- Perpetrator:
- Tool: /kill @e
- Cause: typo of command.
- Solution: Manual fixing of entities from backups + inventory rollbacks