
From MinecraftOnline
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Commands are typed in the game chat, and always start with a forward-slash (/).

Commands available to all players

MinecraftOnline general

A player using the /sethome command.
A player list as produced by /who.
Staff chat in IRC
Sitting in action
/deathinfo command in use


  • /help - lists all server commands available to you in-game.
    • /? - Alias for the above.
  • /who - shows a list of players, sorted by rank and with colour codes.
    • Players with green < > around their names are people you have added to your /friends.
    • Also shows the total player count.
  • /tswho - shows a list of players currently online in TeamSpeak.
  • /calc sum - in-game calculator. Can accept parentheses, sqrt() for square root, s() and c() for sin and cos, etc. Usage is same as standard posix Bench Calculator[1]
  • /id name|id - search for an item's id by name, or look up an item or block name from its numerical id.
  • /ic keyword|IC - search for a Craftbook IC or other sign type by name or function, or look up function from a craftbook IC code.
  • /isplayerbanned - Query the server as to whether a given name is banned.
  • /firstseen - Query the server regarding a given player's first join time and date.
  • /lastseen - Query the server regarding a given player's last login time and date.
  • /timeplayed - Query the server regarding a given player's total time ingame.
  • /history - See previous usernames a player has used on the server or find the latest recorded username for an old username.
  • /players - Gets list of players who have used a particular username. Similar to /history. Click on a name to get the user's UUID, which can then be used instead of a username for commands like /firstseen.
  • /pingme - Requests the server to test accurate latency information - useful for obtaining information about your connection. (requires your router to be configured to respond to pings)
  • /servertime - Finds out current time from the server's point of view. Useful for checking arranged events etc.
  • /wholiveshere - find out whose homes are set in the area within 50 meters. Cooldown of 2 minutes.
    • /wholiveshere [radius] - find out whose homes are set in the area within radius blocks. (maximum is 50)
    • note: uses square check of X and Z coordinates, not straight-line distance; ignores Y distance.
  • /nearestplayer - find out who's closest to you in the game currently. Cooldown of 2 minutes.
  • /deathinfo - find out where you last died, when and how - useful for finding your dropped items, or resuming an elaborate spelunking session.
  • /radio - show what's currently playing on MinecraftOnline Radio.
  • /map - generates a link to the map showing your current location.
    • /map x [y] z [dimension] - generates a map link to the given coordinates. The y coordinate and dimension are optional.
    • /map warp - generates a map link to the given warp.
    • /map help - shows command usage.
  • /discord - gives an invite link to our Discord server.
  • /telegram - gives an invite link to our Telegram group.
  • /reddit - gives a link to our subreddit, r/minecraftonline.
  • /tv - gives a link to our channel.
  • /isplayerbanned player - Displays ban reason for a given player.
    • /reason player - Alias for the above.
    • /banwhy player - Alias for the above.
  • /note list - Displays all formal warnings you have received.
  • /displayinfo - Displays info about items in item frames or armour stands (requires /displayinfo armor_stand)


  • /me action - use third-person expression in chat.
  • /msg player message - privately message a player.
    • /w player message - Alias for the above.
  • /r message - privately reply to the last player who messaged you or you messaged.
  • /staff message - staff request - sends the specified message to all online moderators and admins. Normal players cannot see what they sent, so don't spam the staff chat.
    • /staffme action - staff request equivalent of /me third person expression in chat.
  • /translate language message - translate an English phrase into the selected foreign language. Languages can be specified as full words or as ISO639-1 abbreviation codes.
  • /advertise - allows players to advertise messages in chat.
  • /craftnote your text here - Crafts a note out of 16 ink sacs with your text as the flavour.
  • /ignore player - adds the given player to your ignore list (you will not recieve global chat messages, private messages or Freedonia Advertisement System messages from people who are on your ignore list).
  • /unignore player - removes the given player from your ignore list.
  • /ignorelist - lists all players you have on your ignore list.
The former attendant risks the /wilderness command

Getting around

  • /sethome - mark a location to return to in future. Cooldown of 30 seconds.
  • /home - return to the above marked location. Cooldown of 1 minute, shared with all teleportation commands.
    • /home where - returns the location of your home and a map link to it.
  • /spawn - return to the safe Spawn area. Cooldown of 1 minute, shared with all teleportation commands.
  • /warp warppoint - teleport to a specified warp point. Cooldown of 1 minute, shared with all teleportation commands.
  • /listwarps - show a list of all available warp points in game.
    • /warplist - alias for the above.
  • /warpinfo warp - get information from this wiki about a specific warp in the warps category.
  • /nearestwarp - find out the name and distance of your nearest warp.
    • /nearestwarp warp - find the distance from the warp given.
  • /nearestnexus - find out the name and distance of your nearest nexus connection.
    • /nexus - alias for /nearestnexus
    • /nearestnexus dest|hub|branch - choose to find the nearest destination, hub or branch.
    • /nearestnexus nexus - find the distance from the nexus given.
    • /nearestnexus list - show a colour coded list of nexus hubs and branches.
    • /nearestnexus help - show ingame command usage for /nearestnexus.
  • /nearestplace [warp|settlement|building] - find out the name and distance of your nearest documented location.
    • uses map marker locations generated from wiki pages.
  • /listalias - Shows a list of your currently saved aliases.
    • /listalias player - Lists player's public aliases.
  • /savealias alias - Saves your current location as a new alias for future return.
    • /savealias alias -public -Saves your current location as a public alias that other players can see.
  • /copyalias playername alias - Saves player's public alias to your aliases.
  • /delalias alias - Deletes a previously stored alias.
  • /compass - show which compass direction you're facing.
  • /getpos - gets accurate coordinates for where you're standing.
    • /pos - alias for the above.
  • /acceptteleport - accepts a teleport request from an obsidian donor or moderator.
  • /acceptsummon - accepts a summon request from an obsidian donor or moderator.
  • /clearrequests - Clear all your pending summon and teleport requests.
  • /wilderness - teleports you to a random uninhabited spot in the wilderness. Cooldown of 12 hours.
    • /quarantine - Joke alias for the above.
  • /tour - teleports you to the start of the Freedonian Tour. Cooldown of 1 minute, shared with all teleportation commands.
  • /rules - teleports you to the introductory Rules Hall. Cooldown of 1 minute, shared with all teleportation commands.
  • /st station - Used in the Freedonia Railway System to select the station you want to travel to.
  • /follow - When used on a teleport trail, teleports you to where the trail lead. Cooldown of 1 minute, shared with all teleportation commands.
  • /trails - Use /trails disable to prevent Teleport Trails from spawning, or /trails enable to turn them back on. Use /trails query to check whether yours are currently enabled or disabled.


  • /goodnight - Votes to change the time to morning. If 50% of players type this, night ends.
    • /gn also works as an alias for the above.
  • /setspawner - Sets the mob spawner you're facing to the specified animal or monster.
  • /sit - sit down where you are. If already sitting, stand again. You can also right-click chairs (stair blocks) to sit on them.
    • /stand - stand up from a sitting position.
  • /greport description - Report grief at your current location. Don't forget to give a detailed description.
  • /greportsnear - List nearby unresolved grief reports.
    • /greportsnear [radius] - List unresolved grief reports within radius blocks.
    • /greportsnear resolved [radius] - List resolved grief reports within radius blocks.
    • /greportsnear help - Display ingame help for /greportsnear.
  • /register your email address - Registers you with the server for some perks both in-game and on the website. (including the Control Panel when it is available)
  • /render - Creates a chunky render of your current viewpoint. Gallery
  • /vote - Show your support for the server by voting.
  • /kit fish - Gives you a fishing rod. Cooldown of 4 hours.
  • /getmap [level] - Uses an empty map item in your inventory and gives you a filled map of your current location if one exists
    • e.g. "/getmap 2" will only return a map that is zoomed out twice; level can be from 0 to 4.
    • If multiple maps exist that cover the same location, the oldest (lowest map ID) will be returned.
    • /getmap help - Display ingame help for /getmap.
  • /colours - Displays all colours supported by Minecraft's chat in various formats including Minecraft Colour Codes, Hexadecimal Colour Values, OLE Colours and text.
  • /lightonia - used to interact with Lightonia.
    • /lightonia query (or /lightonia info) - get details about currently active Lightonia instances. Hover over the text returned to get backup names, useful to see the date of the backup which is formatted like freedonia-YYMMDD.
    • /lightonia list world - list available backups (points in time). Click one to get a preformatted select command.
    • /lightonia select world - create a new Lightonia instance (see Temporal Rift)
    • /lightonia invite - while inside Lightonia, use this to invite another player, similar to /summon.
    • /lightonia accept - accept an invite.
    • /lightonia return - return to where you were when you entered Lightonia.


  • /cbrecipes - search for a recipes by name, or look up from CartCraft.
  • /cbpage - in-game book-writing interface.
  • /mcx120 - remote control for ICs.
  • /mcx120list - mcx120 IC list.
  • /mcz120 - remote control for automatic ICs.
  • /mcz120list - mcx120 automatic IC list.
  • /mcx121 - remote control for ICs with password protection.
  • /mcx121pass - password control for mcx121 ICs.
  • /mcx121list - passworded mcx121 IC list.
  • /ic keyword|IC - search for a Craftbook IC or other sign type by name or function, or look up function from a craftbook IC code.

For more information on usage see the Craftbook page.

  • /listmidi - list usable craftbook midi songs.


  • /who - advanced version of ordinary /who command which lists players in-game, now with alphabetical order, colour coding and donor rank prefixes.


  • /lsshopedit - reconfigure existing chest-based player shops without paying for a new shop setup.


NB, must be registered for use of LWC

  • /lwc - Lightweight Chest Protection control command - allows you to lock and unlock chests in different ways.
    • /cpublic - Alias for the "create public" subcommand of the above.
    • /cpassword - Alias for the "create password" subcommand of the above.
    • /cprivate - Alias for the "create private" subcommand of the above.
    • /cinfo - Alias for the "info" subcommand of the above.
  • /lwcwhere - Reports the locations of your lwc chests
    • /wherearemychests - alias for the above.
  • /lwcclear - Clears all protections from your lwc protected chests. For use in emergency, if you've managed to lose your chests, or if they've somehow disappeared but the protection's remained.

Friends List

The Friends List in action!
  • /friends - Displays your friends list, and highlights which ones are online.
    • /friends online - Displays only your friends which are online.
    • /friends offline - Displays only your friends which are offline.
  • /friend player - Adds player to your friends list.
  • /unfriend player - Removes player From your friends list.


  • /reputation [player] - Find out your own or optionally another player's reputation.
    • /getrep [player] - alias for the above.
  • /rep player - Give player positive reputation. This and /badrep share a cooldown of 20 seconds for another player, and 24 hours for the same player.
    • /goodrep player - alias for the above.
  • /badrep player - Give player negative reputation. Shares cooldown with /rep.
  • /repstats - show top ten reputations on the server.
    • /goodrepstats - alias for the above.
  • /badrepstats - show bottom ten reputations on the server.


  • /mail - Check your mail.
    • /pm - alias for /mail.
  • /mail help - Get usage information on the private message command.
  • /mail s player message - send message to player.
  • /mail n - shows the next unread message.
  • /mail r num - shows message number num.
  • /mail d num - deletes message number num.
  • /mail l [num] - list 8 messages starting from 1, or optionally from num.

Commands available to donors

As well as their own commands, donors of each level inherit the commands of the levels below.


  • /firework cosmetic command in-game to summon an exploding firework at your location. Cooldown 2 minutes. (Additional donation options available)
  • /posestand givearms Ability to give armour stands arms
  • /colourarmour to create coloured leather armour. Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "armour" commands. See Donation System#ColourArmour for details.

Donor II

  • /firework large Option to create larger fireworks. Cooldown 2 minutes. (Additional donation options available)
  • /posestand cycle Ability to cycle through poses on armour stands.
  • /hat command to place items on your head - this does not include blocks. Cooldown 2 minutes
  • /wave wave to players.
  • /hide place items in flower pots or juke boxes.
  • /colourarmour has more color options. Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "armour" commands. See Donation System#ColourArmour for details.
  • /flair Set the particle and sound effect created when you teleport somewhere to fire, water, or portal (default)

Donor III

  • /posestand rotate to rotate the limbs of your armour stand in custom positions.
  • /posestand load to recall saved armour stand poses.
  • /hat command to place blocks on your head. Cooldown 2 minutes.
  • /colourarmour to create hex code leather armour. Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "armour" commands. See Donation System#ColourArmour for details.
  • /cartblock to create minecarts with custom block in them. Cooldown 10 seconds.
  • /flair item or block of your choice.
  • /hug to hug players.

Donor IV

  • /posestand changesize to change the size of your armour stand.
  • /posestand togglebase to toggle the visibility of the base of your armour stand
  • /cartblock [offset] which allows you to use an offset for the custom block (offset in pixels)
  • /flair to use flairs on demand.
  • /eat to visually eat what you're holding
  • /showitem to show what item you're holding in public chat.

Kit dependent commands

See the Store page for more information on the different kits.


  • /kit woodtools - Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "tools" commands.
  • /kit leatherarmour - Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "armour" commands.


  • /kit stonetools - Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "tools" commands.
  • /kit chainmailarmour - Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "armour" commands.
  • /descend
    • /desc - Alias for the above


  • /kit irontools - Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "tools" commands.
  • /kit ironarmour - Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "armour" commands.
  • /thru


  • /kit goldtools - Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "tools" commands.
  • /kit goldarmour - Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "armour" commands.
  • /kit misctools - Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "tools" commands. Contains a Clock, Compass, Bucket, Saddle, Bow, Fishing Rod & Shears.
  • /ascend
    • /asc - Alias for the above


  • /kit diamondtools - Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "tools" commands.
  • /kit diamondarmour - Cooldown 1 hour, shared with all "armour" commands.
  • /jumpto - (300 blocks range?)
    • /j - Alias for the above.
  • /heal - Cooldown 5 seconds; will damage you if you use it before it cools down.


  • /teleport player - Send a request to be transported to a player. If they accept, you will immediately appear next to them. Cooldown 1 minute, shared with all teleportation commands.
  • /summon player - Send a request to summon a player to you. If they accept, they will immediately appear next to you.
    • There is no cooldown on the /summon command, but the /acceptsummon has a 1 minute cooldown, shared with all teleportation commands.
  • /tpto x [y] z [dimension] - Teleport to any specific x, y and z coordinates in dimension. Cooldown 1 minute, shared with all teleportation commands.
    • If no y coordinate is given, you will be put on the surface.
  • /tpto alias - Teleport to a saved alias. Cooldown 1 minute, shared with all teleportation commands.
    • /tpto player alias - Teleport to player's public alias.
  • /unstuck - Save yourself from suffocation when you're buried under sand or gravel, or you've teleported inside a wall.
  • /up height - Takes you up a specified height and places a glass block under your feet for support. Careful not to leave glass blocks floating about! Cooldown 20 seconds.
  • /ceil (clearance) - Takes you up to the ceiling, either two blocks below or with clearance distance between you and the ceiling. Cooldown 20 seconds.


  • All available commands work in the Nether.
  • /kit fire - Cooldown 1 hours.


  • All available commands work in the End.
  • /heatwave - melt ice and snow around you. 20 second cooldown.
  • /chill - freeze water and drop snow around you. 20 second cooldown.
  • /drought - dry up water or lava next to your feet. 10 second cooldown.
  • /smoothwater - level out rough water around your feet. 20 second cooldown.
  • /slaughter - kill all mobs around you. 30 second cooldown.
  • /heal player - refill another player's health bar.
  • /feed - refill your hunger bar. 30 second cooldown.
    • /feed player - refill another player's hunger bar.
  • /grassify - turns bare dirt around you into grass. 30 minute cooldown.


  • All Cooldown times are now half the normal value.
  • /kit craftbook
  • /smoothlava - level out rough lava around your feet.
  • /mycelify - turns bare dirt around you into mycelium.
  • /randomgift - gives you a random item.
  • /pet mob [name] - spawns a tamed peaceful mob.
  • /potions - gives you a random selection of positive potion effects.
    • /potions player - applies the potion effect to player instead.
  • /milk - removes all potion effects from yourself or other players.
  • /toast player - Sets player on fire for one tick.
  • /demigod - makes you invulnerable for 20 seconds.
  • /craft - opens the crafting menu without needing a crafting table.
  • /anvil - opens the anvil menu without needing an anvil.
  • /echest - opens the Ender Chest menu without needing an Ender Chest.


  • Commands now have no cooldown time.
  • /god - toggle invulnerability.
    • /god off - turn off invulnerability.
    • /god on - turn on invulnerability.
  • /setprefix prefix - change your current prefix and colour code.
  • /give id/name [count] [data] - summon any number of any items in the game.
    • /i - alias for the above
  • /spawnmob mob [count] - instantly spawn (max 20) of any mob.
  • /givexp amount - give yourself XP instantly.
    • Add "L" to the end of amount to give levels of XP.
  • /time day and /time night - commands to singlehandedly change the time.
    • /time time - change the game time of day (day or night are valid).
  • /tp player - teleport yourself to any player. No permission needed.
  • /tphere player - teleport any player to yourself. No permission needed.
  • /clearinventory - empty your inventory fast - a god donor's inventory can get filled quickly!
  • /wrathofthunder player - Strikes player with lightning.
    • Gold Sword (hold in hand) - Strikes the block (or player) you are looking at with lightning when right clicking.
  • // - Super Pickaxe Enable. The super pickaxe features gives any pickaxe that your holding, the ability to destroy and mine blocks very quickly (instantly).
    • /// - Super Pickaxe Disable. Turns off super picaxe.
    • //sp - help
    • //sp single - Destroy a single block instantly. Item drops.
    • //sp area [radius] - Area mode just destroys all blocks inside a cuboid area of radius. (range 1-5) Affects Multi-Material. No item drops.
    • //sp blast fwd back left right up down - Directional Lines of block destruction. Affects Multi-Material. No item drops.(range 0-9)
      • Eg. //sp blast 0 0 5 0 0 0 - will destroy 5 blocks to the left, from your POV, from where you click.
      • Eg. //sp blast 4 0 4 0 0 4 - will destroy 4 blocks forward, left, and down, creating a cuboid void, from your POV, from where you click.
    • //sp recur [radius] - Destroys an entire area of radius (range 1-5). Only destroys blocks of the same type as the one that you hit. Recursive mode destroys blocks adjacent to the original block, continuing until it reaches the radius. Will not hop gaps. Affects Single-Material. No item drops.
    • //sp shape fwd back left right up down - Directional Lines of block destruction. Affects Single-Material. No item drops.(range 0-9)Shape stays relative to your facing direction.
      • Eg. //sp shape 0 0 5 0 0 0 - will destroy 5 blocks to the left, from your POV, from where you click. Only destroys blocks of the same type as the one that you hit.
      • Eg. //sp shape 4 0 4 0 0 4 - will destroy 4 blocks forward, left, and down from your POV, from where you click, creating a cuboid void. Only destroys blocks of the same type as the one that you hit.

Should you ever find the need to UNDO your most recent super pic disaster.... there's a command for that.

  • //undo - Will UNDO your last super pic (//sp) command. Putting the blocks back in there places. Works on any world editing command such as //sp, /drought, /heatwave, /chill, /smoothwater, /smoothlava, /grassify, /mycelify...etc.
    • Works on flowers if the command itself broke flowers, not the lack of missing blocks below flowers.
    • The //undo command is not to be relied upon. Use this in emergencies only - but don't get into the habit of breaking things and fixing them with undo. It will often break signs, ruin redstone circuitry, break torches, and do terrible things to Craftbook and LionsMod sign-driven systems.

Moderator commands

Notification message when a player has been banned.
Screenshot of chat, demonstrating the results of the /pingme, /cpustatus and /javastatus commands, and a grief alert.

These are commands available only to moderators and admins.

Server information

  • /cpustatus - Query the server for current CPU usage amounts as a percentage of all cores and as a total.
  • /javastatus - Query the server for the java process's current state and memory usage.
  • /playerinfo player - display all info the server has on a player with name player.
    • /whois - Alias for the above
  • /nope info - Checks for protected areas where the staff member is standing.

Grief control

  • /ban player - Ban a specified player. This is the big one.
  • /unban player - Unban a player name - for cases where a typo's been made.
  • /ga - GriefAlert commands
  • /whereis player - Find out player's coordinates.
  • /whereishome player - Find out player's /home coordinates.
  • /home player - Teleport to player's /home.
  • /note list player - List Notes on a player - see its built-in help.
  • /alert player - Display an alert to player to get their attention during an interrogation.
  • /blind player - Blinds a player, can get their attention like /alert or stopping them from griefing.

Getting around

  • /gcheck - Visit a grief alert number, or teleport directly to specified coordinates. Saves your last coordinates for easy return with /ga r.
  • /ga r - Return to your previous coordinates before your last /gcheck.
  • /tp - Teleport to a given player.
  • /tphere - Teleport a given player to yourself.
  • /tpto - Teleport to coordinates or aliases.
  • /ascend
  • /descend
  • /thru
  • /jumpto
  • /tpb - Teleport to appear behind someone, so as not to interrupt what they're doing, or to avoid being noticed.


  • /staff message - staff chat - sends the specified message to all online moderators and admins.
    • /staffme message - staff chat version of /me.
  • /heal
  • /vibecheck player - checks the vibes of a player, applying a nausea effect for a few seconds and sending a message in chat

Admin commands

  • /grcheck - Check and resolve grief reports. Has built-in help.
  • /whobrokethis - Search the current worldedit selection for block breakages in recent logs, and give contextual info.
    • /whobrokethis filter - Search only with an optional filter, for instance /whobrokethis glass to get only glass break events.
    • /whobrokethisall filter - As above, but search all logs, not just recent. May time out at busy times.
  • /signinfo - Searches logs for lines of text for previous signs placed on/at the block the user is facing.
  • /nope - Manage Nope areas. Has built-in help.
  • /weselect x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 - Select the specified area in worldedit.
  • All Worldedit commands
  • All VoxelSniper commands VoxelSniper has not yet been ported to SpongeVanilla.
  • All LuckPerms commands
  • Advanced usage for /note command, including demoting notes - see its built-in help.
  • Advanced usage for /rm101 command, including creating new rooms - see its built-in help.

Partial name matching

All commands referencing names, such as /msg and /ban, can use partial name matching.

For instance, it is possible to private message a player named SlowRiot by any of the following methods:

  • /msg SlowRiot Hello!
  • /msg slow Hello!
  • /msg riot Hello!

A user with the name L33tH4x0r13370mgPwnZ0r3d could be banned simply with:

  • /ban l3 (assuming no other player with the letters "l3" in their name is online)


Partial name matching can only be used for players who are online. Attempting to ban with a partial name match after the player has left will result in an erroneous ban created for the subset of letters given. Therefore it is generally wiser to type player names in full when banning.

An example of a name matching fail.