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User Raflamar

A Masked Figure

Known as Raflamar / Raf / Raphael_Lamar
Gender Male
Location Midlands England, UK
Nationality British
DOB 2004-03-1st
In Freedonia
First joined 24 March 2019
First building Sanctaphrax
View profile and statistics


Watching videos on 2b2t, Raflamar was led on by videos of MinecraftOnline. He'd already owned two accounts, MyMateMinecraft (2013, now reclaimed/renamed to Fitzwilliam_Leys) and BlueSlimeGamer (2015, deleted). But had access to neither. A few days in and he'd purchased his third account, with the choice in names between Demetrios and Raflamar from his Elder Scrolls Skyrim files he chose the latter.

It was the better choice, as this was when Demetri and ReverseDmitry were regulars. On March 24th, 2019 he'd not only bought his account, but made his iconic "Mask" (not a whiteboard, RainBd) and joined the server at 15:10 or 03:10pm. Exactly when as boxzy achieved 700hrs of time.

Preferring the relaxed, traditional survival to anarchy or minigames, Raflamar became a regular.

"Lag" - Raflamar's first word in Freedonia, 15:26 or 03:26pm.

So you're probably wondering, what was the first thing he did? Instead of joining a town, exploring or building his own place. He took over an abandoned building! Fixing the windows, mining for recourses and lighting the place up with torches. Converting the old tree farm into a melon farm. And he was not subtle about this. Reported by Imperial_Crise and confronted by then moderator DragonsTail, Raflamar was evicted. Moving his belongs to the nearby river, he built his first base and named it Sanctaphrax.

Over a year later player BillionPenny would start construction on BillionPenny Tower in early October 2020. Within spitting distance of Sanctaphrax.

During this time he would interact more with the playerbase, specifically Unkle_Genny (when his name was Genny_Flo). Who would show Raflamar his spawn Nightclub.

Weirdly enough it was Imperial_Crise who would invite him to the newly founded Crown's Landing, which would become Raflamar's first settlement.



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Settlements joined

Wiki's that I’ve Made/Edited


Group selfie taken by AriVB
2020-06-06 20.29.46.png

Group selfie taken by Raflamar
2020-06-06 18.46.18.png

Raflamar's Land June 6th 2020
06-06-2020 Raflamar’s Land.jpeg Leah_Starcraft Riding a Horse
2020-08-03 Leah Riding a Horse.png

August 4th Group Photo
2020-08-04 Birthday Group Photo.png

Announcements Group Photo
2020-08-04 ScarClaw72's Announcements Group Photo.png

Winning Team of Capture The Flag
2020-08-04 21.26.22.png

The Pilgrimage's End
Winx51's Pilgrimage End.jpg

Performing Arts Center
Performing Arts Center.jpg