MinecraftOnline CopyPastas
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This article is a list of the copy-pastas that are or were previously widely used on McO.
Personal Quotes
“ | I sit behind bars in a damp dungeon.Sitting unwillingly Young eagle.
” |
- Arguably the most popular McO copypasta, this was used In reference to ex-moderator
ibxtoydog's room 101, which resembles a damp dungeon.
“ | Mechman’s car
” |
- A small typo by Mechman007 about his "car" being on his keyboard. It was his cat, who many referred to as his car because of this.
“ | Hey I'm sorry! I encountered a situation on Discord where someone with a very similar name to your profile attempted to deceive me Instead of reporting the deceptive user, I mistakenly reported your account, I'm really sorry it was all an accident i didn't mean it.
” |
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- A quote used by the Discord scammer Song-Mu on stolen accounts like
NightSteak9 and
_SkyFalls to trick people into thinking they were reported to Discord.
“ | How is going
” |
- A Runarism which occasionally includes a typo. A common response to this is "Is going/gong good".
“ | 1 man bannanande me i wan refund unbanana mee imediajtly i angry tense1983 mod activat i smesh kiboard
” |
- The highly eloquent, mature response of MatteoZoda to their ban from MCO. This moving piece can be found on Reddit.
- Translation: One man banned me. I want a refund. Unban me immediately. I'm angry. I'm Tense1983, mods. I'm active here, and I'm smashing my keyboard.
- The player attempted to appeal on Discord on January 2022, pinging the whole moderator team at once, begging for the Appeal role. Legends say that they still smash their keyboard occasionally to this day.
“ | da ting
” |
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- The Discord logs go as far back as 19/09/2017, with the first person to ever say this (in the Discord) being Sicroto.
Greetings & Reactions
“ | Smh my head
” |
― '
- Commonly used by MCO players, where "smh" means "shaking my head".
“ | SoonTM
” |
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- A common reference to the long-awaited 1.12.2 update, which was always said to be occurring "soon" for many years. Now used when referring to anything that has only an astronomically low chance of occurring soon, if ever.
“ | Ohai
” |
― '
- Originally said as a shortening of "Oh Hai!" by
The_Jackal_249. It then became widely used by pretty much everyone, and became somewhat of a meme, so much so, that someone added a function to a bot to count how many times "ohai" has been said.
“ | Any Askers?
” |
- A rather rude meme that made its way to McO and is now commonly used as a "reaction" to Discord messages that nobody asked for, along with some that people did ask for. glares at
“ | Ok And?
” |
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- Related to above; Used as a term used when nobody asked for a certain message. Although it did not originate from McO, it is still commonly used.
“ | I am going to skin you alive.
” |
- Commonly said to
Aziroeth by Spektra in response to something cursed that they or someone else may have said.
” |
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” |
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- A set of greetings used by Aziroeth and Scampi_. If you call either one of them either of these things, and you are not one, nor the other, they will both hunt you down.
Addenum from Azi: I probably won't hurt you for calling me Fishbowl. Probably.
“ | JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
” |
- A phrase used by ibxtoydog and Spektra as a greeting toward
1235_John. The amount of exclamation points can vary from time to time.
“ | spek tra
” |
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- Usually followed by
Spektra02 saying "nik ta" in return to nikta.
“ | Double You Three.
” |
- A nickname that may not make sense. This is what Spektra calls
warrior_three. In response, W3 usually calls Chloe "Klo EE" as a way to get back at her.
“ | !tx
” |
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- A “command” in which Daltalf uses to call out
Txkeykeeper on ingame and Discord, while Tx use !dalt. Several players call others with !<short nickname> when they join the game.
“ | SlimTimond
” |
- A nickname that Selimbits gave
MrSlimeDiamond as a joke.
Spektra02 now calls him that regularly.
Terms & Names
- A misspelling of /jumpto.
- A meme referenced whenever /jumpto is mentioned.
- A misspelling of /spawn that can get you into big trouble. Blame
doublehelix457 for this monstrous idea.
s replaced with th
- A joke that spawned from the
command on the official Discord which replaces the "s" in players' names with "th". It was used as an alternative, sillier form of the !list command. However, some players actually picked it up, and regularly used as a legit way to refer to people. For example,swissm4n would be called "thwiththm4n". First used by
Dark Secret
- A rather humorous "meme" which came from a certain video made about McO, in which the creator of the video purposely took a couple of lines from
Void42_'s Wiki page out of context. This spiraled out of control, and went so far as to even gain the attention of the admins, after which they renamed the "Shadow Realm" voice chat in the official Discord to "Dark Secret" while jokingly saying that for every ten pounds donated, they'd increase the channel bit rate by a single bit per second.
- "Dark secret" usually refers to things that are hidden from or not known by the public, but once known may brew huge trouble.
42,069 bans
- A long-running joke in the community referring to the rather high ban count. Some players had even said that they would purposefully break the rules in order to be this coveted ban number.
- Players celebrated when this ban count was reached on 30th October 2021 (UTC). Rumours have it that some staff intentionally aimed for this ban number.
- The amount of money that
SalC1 donated during his livestream of a questionnaire with
doublehelix457, a part of the Double Trouble Invasion. This money, however, was delayed due to a demonetisation of the stream by YouTube. This was later resolved and the money was sent to the server, but the incident is still talked about afterwards, and players jokingly say that they'd donate this amount just for entertainment.
- A portmanteau of the word "Admin", and a shortening of YouTuber "
MoonismycityYT" username, "Moon", commonly used as a joke targeted toward
- A joke nickname trend started by
AlTheChan when he changed his Discord nickname to "AlTheMemeInspector".
Demetri is moon.
- A reference to
TheDemetri's Czech-ness and likening him to infamous banned player,
Cigar Sheep
- One of the ""worst"" "memes" ever, which spawned the 7th November Dramas. Started by
runarlogi saying "Cigar Sheep" several times in chat, with other users following him.
MCO Ban Speedruns
- A joke concept in which a player attempts to get banned from the server in the shortest time possible.
External Copypastas
“ | I just looked at your profile I didn't realize you were a lady. (And a beautiful one at that) I try my best to respect women. Maybe you could even add me on PSN and we can play some games together. We could play GTA, overwatch, Minecraft, maybe even a little COD. add me xXx(name)xXx. Sorry about my name. My cousin made it a while back. He is not a good person like me and does not carry my values. Good day ma'am.
” |
― '
- A lesser-known but still very humorous copypasta used all throughout Discord and other chat services. First used on the McO Discord by an unknown person attempting to "hit on"
Prince__Valiant, being taken as a joke by a vast majority of players. Soon enough players starting to use this as a copypastas, pinging each other in the process as part of the joke.
Page created by Leah_Starcraft and
- The copypasta has to have been used on McO's many chat relays at least once. Telegram, IRC, Discord, who cares, it just has to have been used at least once.