Babylonia Courthouse
Babylonia Courthouse | |
About | |
Owner | Doublehelix457 |
Category | Buildings |
Underground? | No |
Public? | Yes |
Location | |
Coordinates | X=10719 Y=70 Z=-14698 |
Dimension | Overworld |
Settlement | Babylonia |
Map Link |
The Babylonia Courthouse is a Supreme Court of Freedonia where admins preside over non-rule breaking cases. As of writing, five trials have unfolded.
Court Services
Get in contact with doublehelix457 for any of these services.
The court can officiate Marriages on MinecraftOnline.
Discord Unban Trials
The court can rule in certain cases of discord bans.
Domestic Disputes
The court can settle Domestic Disputes between players as long as no server rules are broken.
Upcoming Court Cases
abamacus vs. EpicBaby
Harassment Lawsuit
Date: TBD
SkyJackie vs. [REDACTED]
Discord Unban
Date: TBD
932 vs. [REDACTED]
Discord Unban
Date: TBD
Court Cases
Podd vs. Korbs699
Date: Saturday, August 19th, 2023.
Time: 3 PM Mountain Time.
Judge: doublehelix457
Jurors: E6V, Clomik, yourshadowdr, Blacknightmon, bawest, sporb, Stevits1
Prosecutor: Korbs699 and ickyacky
Defendant: podd and l1npengtul (represented by Luigifan100)
Attendees: mittwochs_frosch, MSWindows, JCobbler2012, JCobbler2010, JesusMRS, FuzbolMC, Krenath, Anna_28, SLOWRlOT, Gunner_Bodie, Cosmic_potato_04, Crafter_Keegan, OfficerSteve1, Poddtato, Heisenlukas, Headmate, Kendon, Radiss, 4dre
Accusation: Saying the N-Word in a VC
The court ruled that the defense had no grounds for a ban, as evidence of the crime could not be produced.
Afterwards a massive fight broke out in Babylonia that resulted in many deaths.
Luigifan100 vs. NedHuman
Date: Monday, August 21st, 2023
Time: 6 PM Mountain Time.
Judge: doublehelix457
Jurors: Kendon, SadieSadie, FuzbolMC, Acesrt, AdoreKitten, Headmate, _Daata
Prosecutor: NedHuman (represented by Flip33r and Blacknightmon)
Defendant: Luigifan100 (represented by JesusMRS)
Attendees: Void42_, Void43_, clake70, LovenseLush, Stevits1, sporb, l1npengtul, Ownagecat, podd, Teaacup, Krenath, Clomik, BluDudd, 4dre, nikta_, Java64Bit, CervicalCanal, 2121212121212121, OutboardBag, Chipoff, AllOutWar, Matbot_, MSWindows, cap2468, vini55505, E6V
Accusation: Evading discord chat filters
Verdict: GUILTY
The court ruled that Ned had purposefully tried to evade chat filters and had a history of breaking the discord rules.
Evidence Used In This Case: Ned's Defense: [1] Luigifan100 Prosecution Evidence Doc, Name Redacted Edition: [2] If these docs expire, they can also be found on the Newport Museum Archive Website.
DanThePilot02 vs. SenatorApple
Date: Monday, August 28th, 2023
Time: 9 PM Mountain Time.
Judge: doublehelix457
Jurors: Hrodna, DarkMatter3481, clake70, 4dre, orchunter88, eevee_27, Matbot_
Prosecutor: DanThePilot02 (represented by Erttum)
Defendant: SenatorApple (represented by Luigifan100)
Attendees: Poddtato, Stevits1, Headmate, Void42_, OfficerSteve1, inno207x, MonkeSniper221
Accusation: Posting violent media in discord
The court ruled that the video did not constitute a ban and Dan had made an exceptional apology.
In a shocking turn of events, Luigifan100 has his lawyer's license revoked by the court for gross malpractice of law, a bias towards the prosecution and is also guilty of jury tampering, witness Tampering, harassing a witness, larceny and bribing a juror.
ZJTrayGamingYT vs. AppleSilly
Date: Thursday, November 28th, 2024
Time: 6 PM Mountain Time.
Judge: doublehelix457
Jurors: _Plague_Rat_, YansGaMeCuBe, Marwan, Gonzo20444900, BasilWorld, and Cassilie
Prosecutor: ZJTrayGamingYT (represented by dunechan)
Defendant: SenatorApple (represented by FuzbolMC and Bunsenbaker)
Attendees: Clomik, FearCat, PLSJonathanDavis, cozmicmarios22, SadieSadie, Zomon333, Radis, Jesev, Psychovis, orchunter88, Cosmic_potato_04, helpimdeadinside, MSWindows, Beeraeka, ChatGBT, Marwan, Snowenti, and Spektra_
Accusation: Discord TOS violations
Verdict: GUILTY
ReaperSniper vs. AppleSilly
Date: Thursday, December 19th, 2024
Time: 8 PM Mountain Time.
Judge: doublehelix457
Bailiff: FuzbolMC
Jurors: YansGaMeCuBe, OutboardBag, and kornIssues
Prosecutor: ReaperSniper
Defendant: Ownagecat (represented by jriver_15)
Attendees: Clomik, JCobbler2012, CaptainIceman, viatron, helpimdeadinside, EpicBaby, and cap2468
Accusation: Warranting a Telegram ban.
Verdict: GUILTY
After ReaperSniper ragequitted during the middle of the court session, he rejoined to insult Ownagecat and other players while claiming that everyone was out to get him.
Shortly thereafter, he decided it would be a good idea to spam "BAN ME", which of course, got him banned.