Project MOON Construction

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The Construction of Project: MOON

The following is a timeline of Project MOON's actual construction. ScarClaw72 led the project, with notable help from Mr_Fudgy, tyhdefu, and dozens of others. Each timestamp includes a description of what was accomplished alongside individuals who helped contribute to it.

July 5, 2016 - Plans Are Set In Place

The first tunnel for Project: MOON gets planned out and the project finally starts to take motion. .

On July 4th, 2016, ScarClaw72 decided to start a building project. The next day he enlisted his longtime friend Mr_Fudgy to help start the build. Plans for Project: MOON started to form. The general idea was to create an underground bunker/vault village that would protect its inhabitants from the perils of the likes of raiders and catalytic natural disasters. It would be a safe haven for its inhabitants. Later on, another member was brought onto the team, a long friend of Fudgy's named CrazyGirl3264. The Project is in very early stages, and work will soon begin on the first tunnel of the whole facility. The future site of where the tunnel will start can be seen here, as they get to work on the first bit of construction.

Village Builders

Layout Planning
  Lead Planners: ScarClaw72
  Contributing Planners: Mr_Fudgy

July 7, 2016 - The Main Tunnel

Staring down the first completed tunnel, waiting to be expanded into a T-branch. ScarClaw72 had planned on recording an episode of his Freedonia Exploration Series on this day, and Mr_Fudgy wanted to finish the first tunnel by then. While something of a turnaround, ScarClaw72 agreed and they both went to work. The episode ended up having to be pushed back a day, however after hours upon hours of working (especially with having to fight some heavy block lag delaying a lot of things and Mr_Fudgy always punching ScarClaw72), the first tunnel was complete. Plans for the future layout of the facility are almost complete, and work is still continuing with the project.

Village Builders

The First Tunnel
  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72 and Mr_Fudgy

July 18th, 2016 - The Expansion Tunnels

The planned layout of Project: MOON, designed by ScarClaw72.

After a long tiring while of work, the other tunnels were completed. Following a layout plan setup by ScarClaw72, the tunnels were created to connect all the future rooms of Project : MOON. Also during this time, another person joined the server and the project, a friend of Mr_Fudgy's named SkullBuilderX. While not seeking to live primarily within Project: MOON, SkullBuilderX is contributing while also building a home of his own local to the location of Project: MOON. Work has also begun on constructing a tunnel between his island and Project: MOON

Village Builders

The Expansion Tunnels
  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72 and Mr_Fudgy 
  Contributions: SkullBuilderX

July 20th, 2016 - Skully's Tunnel

A small rail tunnel that connects Project: MOON, Skully's Island, and the Monument of Partnership.

Built as a surprise for SkullBuilderX by ScarClaw72 and Mr_Fudgy, Skully's tunnel while it isn't the prettiest thing was a tunnel that links Project: MOON, the residence of SkullBuilderX, and the monument in the middle signifying the partnership of both locations. If future neighboring structures ever are build, it is likely the railway tunnel will be expanded and connected. Hopes for one day to improve the look and functionality of the railway and its stations do exist, but for now, its left as it is.

Village Builders

Skully's Tunnel
  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72
  Co-Lead Builders: Mr_Fudgy

July 22th, 2016 - The Nether Room

The Nether Room view from the entrance, showing off the very hellish room.

Many thanks to Mr_Fudgy, the nether room came to be a reality and turned out awesome. Although the other end over in the Nether Dimension isn't complete, the portal is functional and linked. In the beginning, ScarClaw72 Pitched in ideas for the floor style, but ultimately Mr_Fudgy took over the build. He was responsible for %85 of the architecture and also making the perilous journey to the nether to get the supplies for it. The Nether Room also owes a huge thanks to Jmancino2 who lit the portal for us.

Village Builders

The Nether Room
  Lead Builders: Mr_Fudgy
  Contributings: ScarClaw72 and Jmancino2

June 23rd, 2017 - The Village Room

The Village Room begins to form. On the far left is The Museum and The Hall of Quotes, beside that, is The Welcome Center. In the far corner is the Cemetery, with the massive building beside it The Manor.

Focus moved to the Village room, and Mr_Fudgy dug out the outline of the massive room. The room had enough of a place carved out to stand and was to be dug from the top down. After an intimidating first glance, theschlozmeister offered to clear it for us but we denied the request as we wanted to do it by hand. The wall across from the entrance actually had to be shortened because it hit the world border as it went further down. The size of the massive room had been underestimated, and progress was forced to slow while the school year ran around. Part of this was due to ScarClaw72 and Mr_Fudgy lending hands to The Anniversary Cake for Freedonia's 6th birthday. But thanks to the help of many people, most notably Bowbyslag who dug at least 40% of the place single-handed, it was completed by the summer of 2017. Mr_Fudgy then took lead with building the actual village, while ScarClaw72 built out a floorplan of the buildings. The Village includes The Manor, The Museum, The Hall of Quotes, The Welcome Center, The Housing, and The Common House.

Village Builders

The Village Room
  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72 and Mr_Fudgy
  Contributions: SkullBuilderX
  Side Contributions Bowbyslag, JZTech101, Willaroob_CC, Lecatzz, and CrazyGirl3264

June 24th, 2017 - The Mine

The main branch tunnel of the strip mine.

During the week where Mr_Fudgy was away, ScarClaw72 visited NHCity for the first time with NHC_THK. A plot was added as ScarClaw72 took an interest in the town and wanted to build a home there. Afterwards, ScarClaw72 showed NHC_THK Project: MOON and he offered to help out. ScarClaw72 let him pick a room to lead the build of and NHC_THK picked the mine. ScarClaw72 came up with the design of it, and they began to make a vertical shaft downwards and built the main shaft that will be the primary tunnel of a strip mine layout. After looking it over Mr_Fudgy rebuilt the staircase due to OCD reasons.

Village Builders

The Mine
  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72 and NHC_THK
  Side Contributions: Mr_Fudgy

June 30th, 2017 - The Land Feud

A view from above the invasion. The cobblestone marks were markings to outline the future borders of Neighbor Luna. The location closest to the camera with the large lava tower was the invading village, that has prevented future plans with Neighbor Luna.

Plans to finally unite the local builds came when 7_I moved in. He moved into a home in The Lunar Vault while also building a house in the nearby vicinity. After that, The Lunar Vault, 7_I's home, The Monument, and Skully's Island were to be united under the new collective Neighbor Luna. Unfortunately, during one of Dethsh0k's many intrusions, Billshields and Pepsolman found their way and began to build an unwelcome home adjacent to Neighbor Luna. Dethshok had been terrorizing the builders for quite a while at this point and had driven them to paranoia whenever he got online. This was partly in due to that he often slaughtered them repeatedly when they were trying to work, and just loitered around intimidating Scar and Fudgy when he wasn't. Bill and Pepsol at the time kind of just hooked on and joined in the terrorizing with the creation of their new town. The uncomfortably close distance made ScarClaw72 and Mr_Fudgy hasten to mark clear borders to protect their home. Unfortunately, these borders were not respected and an extension was made to the newer build that crossed into the future location of Neighbor Luna. A lot of stress, anger, and frustration rose from this.

July 1st, 2017 - The Vanishing of the Stars

On July 1st, 2017, The Lunar Vault vanished from its home, leaving behind the remnants of what was to become Neighbor Luna. No one knows what has happened but ScarClaw72 promises for people not to fret. The stars had not forever disappeared, and someday they shall return.

July 6th, 2017 - Homecoming

A look into the anger Billshields festered after Pepsolman turned away from him.

Just a small glimpse shows the stubbornness and real maturity level Billshields's has inside. Dethsh0k was banned and Freedonia once became a safer place. Many Freedonians were able to rest safely at night. The Lunar Vault returned. The secret of its disappearance was a matter of relocation but due to the recent events it was returned home. Pepsolman following the ban of Dethsh0k, began to apologize for the troubles he had caused for us. Like us, he just wanted to be free from Dethsh0k's harassment and joined with him for his own reasons and also as protection from him. He disbanded the town that was branching into our territory and gave ScarClaw72 ownership of it. Plans on the future of the disbanded town are currently undecided, but the chances are that it will be deconstructed. With many thanks to Pepsolman and a silent hero who kick-started most of this change, The Lunar Vault returned home, Neighbor Luna is in our future, and Freedonia is safe once again.

July 7th, 2017 - The Forgotten Enemy Billshields had nearly been overlooked and he still sided with Dethsh0k and against us and Pepsolman. Due to the complete ownership or the invasive village not being transferred completely, the deconstruction could not take place. An internal feud grew between Billshields and Pepsolman, who really just wanted to make things right for Neighbor Luna. Unfortunately, it appears we are still going to have to relocate, and it will likely occur as soon as a replacement location has been found.

August 21st, 2017 - Relocation & Neighbor Luna

With the school year nearing once again, ScarClaw72 and Mr_Fudgy had seen a lot in the remainder of the summer. The Lunar Vault was relocated, and a new layout and idea for Neighbor Luna were brought to the table. With a border that did more that double the diameter of the original, and with design in mind, massive expansions were made. A bright future lies ahead of us all. A treaty was signed with The Peaceful Society ran by NHC_THK as well.

August 21st, 2017 - The Entrance

A look at the center of Neighbor Luna, where the entrance of The Lunar Vault is located.

The entrance of The Lunar Vault was something ScarClaw72 had been imagining since day one. He for the longest time was set on the idea of using pistons, but then found a new, easier, and more efficient method in Craftbook. Enlisting the help of Markrafter9, the two doors into the vault were set up, and finally it could be sealed off properly. ScarClaw72 Led the physical design, and Mr_Fudgy worked with the material design.

Village Builders

The Entrance
  Lead Builders: Markrafter9 and Mr_Fudgy
  Contributions: ScarClaw72

December 27th, 2017 - The Garden Room

A picture of The Garden Room showing the waterfall, staircase, and the entrance to the backroom right behind the foliage.

While Mr_Fudgy took the lead on Neighbor Luna, ScarClaw72 kept his focus on The Lunar Vault below. ScarClaw72 had envisioned a cylindrical room with a sort of grassy feel to it. While it wasn't exactly what he was hoping for, he is happy with it. He later added a small branch under the staircase to a back room where people can spend some time in peace.

A lot of uncredited help goes to many others who helped dig it too. For both the back room and the main area, Wulf_359 was to thank for the /grassify-ing of the dirt to allow such a build.

Village Builders

The Garden Room
  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72
  Contributions: Mr_Fudgy and Wulf_359

March, 8th, 2018 - The Inverse Aquarium

The Inverse Aquarium as seen from Skully's Island.

A break was taken since ScarClaw72 was participating in a school musical, and Mr_Fudgy took part in a school play. However, in mid-February, ScarClaw72 finally got to work and build a small underwater dome with a diameter of 8m.

This was dissatisfying to them both, so ScarClaw72 used it as an anteroom, and spent the next few weeks building a much larger one with a diameter of 20m and a tunnel connecting them.

Despite working around musical premieres, and final exams for the second trimester, ScarClaw72 had it finished on March 8th, 2018. Wulf_359 was helpful with grassifying the floors of the rooms.

Village Builders=

The Inverse Aquarium

  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72
  Contributors: Wulf_359

March 21st, 2018 - The Library

It's a long way down the verticle shaft of the library to the bottom floor.

Whilst originally the room had been planned as a Disco Room, this seemed both nonsensical as it broke the theme of the entire settlement, and pointless since the BirthdayCake already served this purpose. It was then converted into an Enchantment Room, then later The Library, serving as both enchanting and brewing. ScarClaw72 spent a long time scouring Shypixel Farms, the NHCity Industrial Zone, and trading with other players since he had not realized how many double chests of sugarcane this build was gonna require. After on and off for a week, he works his butt off to make sure he felt satisfied this time around with his build. After some failure to try and find a way to make the whole thing go up, he decided to make a small hidden shaft going down to near bedrock level. This is where the brewing stuff is located and is entered from behind the enchantment tables in the center.

For once the whole room top to bottom was designed entirely by ScarClaw72, and he went all out here.

Village Builders

The Library

  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72

March 30th, 2018 - The XP Farm Mindcrafter_ in the collection room of the XP Farm.

With SkullBuilderX building public farms, as well as Mr_Fudgy dedicating the area between the first and second rungs to farms, the question was brought up about what was supposed to be the Farm Room of The Lunar Vault. ScarClaw72 immediately had the idea to build an XP grinder in its place. He searched for about a week whilst putting the finishing touches on The Library, and found Paladin_Heihachi who sold him a stack of monster spawners. ScarClaw72 then offered to pay him more if he helped build it. Well, Paladin_Heihachi pretty much took lead with the functionality of the grinder and never asked for a dime, making him a true friend of Project MOON. Paladin_Heihachi and ScarClaw72 worked hard digging out the grinder and then setting it up. ScarClaw72 designed the collection chamber completely by himself, and slowly worked his way into designing the upper walkway to at least look somewhat decent without completely having to take down the existing grinder. This kind of ended up happening when it was temporarily closed so Paladin_Heihachi could add in a way to effectively turn it off when not in use, to prevent constant lag. This gave ScarClaw72 a small window to fix some bits, but he didn't go wild with anything. Led by Paladin_Heihachi, pistons and lights were added in. ScarClaw72 and eventually Mindcrafter_ helped fend off the constant spawning mobs so he could work on the Redstone. ScarClaw72 had multiple cases of falling to his demise through the grinder shaft during this process as he tends to do.

Village Builders

The XP Farm

  Lead Builders: Paladin_Heihachi, ScarClaw72
  Side Contributors: Mindcrafter_

April 23rd, 2018 - The Farms

After slowly progressing for months, the farms are completed in April of 2018.

Many of the areas of Neighbor Luna had been ongoing for a while but after a long time, the farms were finally done. Mr_Fudgy took design lead and constructed the circle outlines and created a guideline for ScarClaw72 while he was put in charge of finishing it. It was put a little on hold whilst ScarClaw72 worked on the Helping Hand HQ, but saw it's major growth in April. After trading and digging chestfuls of dirt, making dozens of trips to The Iron Reef, and harvesting and reharvesting all the farms he could find, ScarClaw72 finally was seeing the farm come together. ScarClaw72 was also in charge of crop placement, and once finished looking at the guideline he began to collect and trade seeds of all kinds. BenjaminBsuper was a massive help in collecting carrots and potatoes to a level he thought he deserved to be officially credited. Eventually after torching the whole thing up and being sick of it, Bowbyslag took over and finally finished it. Mr_Fudgy during this time focused attention on a collection room for the XP farm, and also starting to lay out the foundations for the housing.

Village Builders

The Farms

  Lead Builders: Mr_Fudgy
  Co-Lead Builders: ScarClaw72
  Side Contributors: Bowbyslag, BenjaminBsuper

May 29th, 2018 - Amelia's Garden Trail

The beautiful cave-like garden trail.

After thinking to himself about where the project was going, ScarClaw72 finally had a spark of creativity. For the longest time he knew The Garden Room could've been beautiful but he never really knew how he wanted to do it. This is what led to the cylindrical and small room design. But he finally understood what he wanted to do, and he got to work. A hybrid of a cave design, but with a long garden trail mixed with flowers, grass, and small branch offs on the way. After a proof of concept he built in single player, ScarClaw72 grabbed his pickaxe and recruited Paladin_Heihachi to help him dig. The build was put on hold as ScarClaw72 set aside MinecraftOnline for his last two weeks of school, at first to work on a cosplay head he was building, and then whilst he was focusing on his last exams. After his last day of school, he finished it.

Village Builders

The Garden Trail

  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72
  Contributors: Paladin_Heihachi

July 30th, 2018 - Tempora Hortum

Started near the beginning of Neighbor Luna, and ended with the finale in sight.

After what felt like a millennium, the season parks referred to as "Tempora Hortum" were finally completed. The parks had been started very early into the life of the new Neighbor Luna but sat dormant for a long time. The summer was a slow period in which progress wasn't as high as had been hoped. ScarClaw72 had discovered the mod called Schematica that would prove indispensable in building the trees for the parks. Mr_Fudgy had made the raw tree and started some others, but for an unknown reason had neglected to continue work. This was until ScarClaw72 tried making one without the use of schematica and it felt utterly impossible to exactly recreate it. After installing the mod it seemed to make things easier, but the process was still long and tiresome. Eventually ScarClaw72 began searching for an aid to help finish them as well as do the leafing. He did some asking and eventually mk59apr came to help, a renown builder famously known for his work of the giant tree in Treetown. After a month and a half of slow progress, the trees were finally complete marking the completion of the parks.

Village Builders

The Parks

  Lead Builders: Mr_Fudgy
  Side Contributors: ScarClaw72, mk59apr

November 7th, 2018 - Full Circle tyhdefu working hard on the guide circles for Neighbor Luna. Bowbee had begun work on his own server, under the banner of Minecraft Survivor. Mr_Fudgy was becoming a major asset in his arsenal for the project. As time has passed on, Mr_Fudgy has made it clear that once Project MOON is completed, he intends to leave and do his own thing or perhaps even take a break from Freedonia entirely. After him getting sick to death of working on the circles of Neighbor Luna, ScarClaw72 was left with the job in his hands. His motivated quickly faded though as he learned he is probably as bad at circles as he is with his humor. It wasn't rare to see 3-4 failures on a just a single segment, and in the end, he only completed a couple. Mr_Fudgy eventually even announced his official leave from the project, only promising to come back to design the houses when the time comes as well as his existing responsibilities of The Mayoral Mansion and the roofs for other existing buildings. With this in mind, ScarClaw72 needed to look for not only a new person to take over the circle job but also a new partner for the remainder and possible the maintenance of Project MOON. Bowbee, Slime_tiger, and some other people helped with the construction. However, it was tyhdefu who not only stood up and said "I want to be a part of this," but has also shown that he indeed means it with how much progress he has already made. The project finally seems to be back on track, however, a time frame is still unknown for how much longer Neighbor Luna will take.

January 22nd, 2019 - The Infamous Circles & Lines

The home stretch.

After some long months passed, the infamous circles were finally completed at the hands of Tyhdefu. A huge metaphorical badge of honor was given to Tyhdefu for completing the single most frustrating step ever since the excavation of the Village room. Not long after, ScarClaw72 began the painstaking process of then recreating those circles in an image manipulation program, and then to put it simply putting lines through it to divide up where the houses will be. After weeks of putting them together, Tyhdefu promised to help finish off these since ScarClaw72 struggles in this sort of area due to his nature of f***ing up and not noticing until later on. Tyhdefu ended up procrastinating long enough that ScarClaw72 ended up finishing it anyway. Mr_Fudgy stood up again and plans to design the houses in a single player world that can be copied into the server. The home stretch is finally here for Project MOON, and it is very likely it will be completed by the end of the year.

Village Builders

The Infamous Circles & Lines

  Lead Builders: Tyhdefu and ScarClaw72

February 17th, 2019 - The Smeltery

A view of the CartCrafters and the lobby.

Thankfully it didn't take long for the last piece of the vault to be completed. Not long after Scar released his 2019 Progress Update for Project MOON, he got to work and completed the Smeltery. The Smeltery was one of the first rooms started, but it was the last one completed. Originally, it was dug out by Mr_Fudgy before the relocation and was being built like a mass storage room for every item in the game. The room was put on ice, however, as other things were taking priority. Much later into the project, it was converted into a storage room with an item filter with the help of hjk321, but was changed a second time because ScarClaw72 feared to have a storage vault so publicly accessible was not a good idea. The idea then shifted into a room of super smelters, furnaces, and CartCraft setups. ArcticSnide was brought on to design and build the super smelters, but also helped significantly in the digging of the room. ScarClaw72 began working on the walls and ceiling, and eventually working on the little lobby area. He made some attempts to dig out the ravine but was feeling his inexperience in cave terraforming, so he looked for another helper to take the lead with the dig. Eventually, Genny_Flo agreed to help out, and after the passing of some time, a cool cave was dug out, although some workarounds had to be made since it ran into the village room.

Village Builders

The Smeltery

  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72
  Co-Lead Builders: - Tyhdefu
  Side Contributors: - hjk321 and ArcticSnide

March 19th, 2019 - The Archipelago

Plan's are laid out for The Archipelago, overlayed atop Journey Map. Mr_Fudgy promised to get around to designing the houses still, but with him getting even busier ScarClaw72 decided to stop waiting and begin work on an idea he had a while back. The Mushiana Boat Route was set up to link with Project MOON, but with the only suitable place for a harbor to be built, Skully's Island, being sealed off inside Neighbor Luna, another place had to be chosen. The Archipelago was chosen as the third massive part of Project MOON, and offered not only the addition of some new locations but also a break from the strict circular design present in Neighbor Luna. The Archipelago received its name from the chain of islands located just outside Neighbor Luna to the southwest. With the help of some bridges, these islands could be a great expansion opportunity. Scar got to work setting a plan out for the islands, offering a connection to the boat route, room for embassies, and more. Some of these ideas did change as work began, an example being how embassies replaced what were to be offsite houses as marked in the initial plans.

Village Builders

The Archipelago Plans

  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72
  Contributors: Tyhdefu

April 30th, 2019 - The Harbor

A view of the harbor as it stands now, conflict over.

The last month of college was a bit busier than previous for ScarClaw72, but things did come around for the first island in The Archipelago. With the Musiana Boat Route already as far built as the Saikyo, Scar thought it would be best to do the harbor first. It also worked out as he thought it'd be easier to take on a medium sized island first so he could make good progress, while also getting a hand on things. The "Lodges" mentioned on the plan were changed, to include a welcome center, tavern, and some dormitories for non-resident visitors. The island, as did the rest, needed to first be terraformed before any construction could be completed. The island received a makeover, including a flattening, and a lot of edits to its shape. The harbor received a load of sand and docks. Cobblestone sea walls and two small beacons for ships were built making use of the two small offshore islands. Plenty of helpers surprised Scar when they did a lot of the island flattening for him overnight. Genny_Flo was brought in again for his terraforming skills and worked to build the cliff that the welcome center sits atop. The Tavern was built, and the rest of the buildings by ScarClaw72 himself. During the construction, however, an account named Kalirad built a large offensive Nazi Bambi just outside the harbor. This posed not only a problem for connecting a boat route but also just served as a regular nuisance. The incident was almost reminiscent of The Land Feud, and Scar wanted to avoid needing another relocation, so he made contact with Kalirad and tried to work out something. While a deal was being worked out, an Admin banned him under the discovery he was an alt of the infamous grief group EPU. Before this, a wall had been constructed during the long deal-making process to block out the sight of the art, and also the territory buoys were built around the entire project to properly mark boundaries for the project. After Kalirad's banning though, Anna_28 sunk the build into the water, but leaving it intact. This was good enough that Scar and Genny did then take down the wall. It wasn't long before the island was completed, and focus then moved to the largest, newly dubbed "The Hub Island".

Village Builders

The Harbor

  Lead Builders: - ScarClaw72
  Side Contributors: - Genny_Flo

August 9th, 2019 - The Hub Isle & The Monument of Heroes

A view of the Hub Isle from the bridge connecting to the Monument of Heroes.

The Harbor was originally a testbed for ScarClaw72's terraforming skills. These would really put to the test when we was tasked with fixing and remodeling the gargantuan island into something more nature-like. Flattening, rounding, patching up chunk errors, and adding a beach were all required if things were to go according to plan. After a week of nothing but dedication toward the feat, it was completed and offered a much better looking product than the original. Another player, PIXELMASTER1523 after finally getting his computer to run minecraft again, popped on to see a heavily progressed Project MOON. Scar enlisted him to help with The Hub Island. Used as an aid in construction, and a outside perspective for design decisions, he overall contributed significantly to the Sol Tunnels Hub building. Parts of these included the floor design, layout ideas, and construction aid. After a few weeks the building was completed, but the island had much more to be done. Scar then focused on the trails that would cover the island, which served a purpose to navigate and also seperate the island into smaller sections so he could plan out the garden. This garden would change into more a forest as giant trees were erected over the island, matching the scale of the building and almost dwarfing the Harbor by comparison. To help balance this out, The Monument of Heroes was constructed on the middle island. This was according to original plan for the Archipelago. It was first depicted in Project 303, and originally built on the now defunct server Crafting Madness. Some bridges were added, and even a gazebo inspired by Fable’s Bowerstone Lake

Village Builders

The Hub Isle & Monument of Heroes

  Lead Builders: - ScarClaw72
  Contributors: - PIXELMASTER1523
  Side Contributors: Martin19_12

September 3rd, 2019 - The Local Embassies & Anna Tree Island

The map of the now completed Archipelago.

After much work and tedium, The Local Embassies islands were completed. These islands were originally slated to hold extra housing, but were changed up for embassies when the idea was thrown Scar's way. Work began as usual by terraforming the islands. The original "Fishing Hut" area was turned into the Anna Tree Island thanks to the help of the only and only Anna_28. Bridges were built connecting the islands, and plots were layed out for future usage by people wishing to represent their town or organization on Project MOON's soil. While the map room of the Sol Tunnels won't be coming post update for a few different reasons, pretty much everything else was completed. Scar made a final push to finish The Archipelago in an all night stream during labor day of 2019. To this, he was successful. Thanks to the small help of Pixel and Slime too of course.

Village Builders

  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72
  Contributors: Anna_28
  Side Contributors: PIXELMASTER1523 and MrSlimeDiamond

September 21st, 2019 - The Moonhouse & The Boat Route

The Moonhouse as seen from the Monument of Heroes.

Although The Archipelago had been "completed", there were some more additions made following ScarClaw72's cool off period. After discussion, Scar handed off the duty of terraforming the underwater zone of the beach to Martin19_12. He succeeded much to the satisfaction of Scar. After the idea of rebuilding Lakeside's lighthouse in New Eden was shot down by most of the residents, Scar began playing with the idea of adding it into the Archipelago. A completely artificial island was built with the help of Dianthiauwu. After the scale of the lighthouse proved to be unbalancing for the islands as a whole, a more fitting idea replaced it. The construction of the server’s first Moonhouse was completed, using the design of Scar’s home in Neo Tokyo. With no intention of building any bridge to it, Scar with some help of PIXELMASTER1523 and denisbrave360, dug out a long tunnel with a rail system from it all the way to the Garden Room inside The Lunar Vault. Finally, after ScarClaw72 received the go-ahead from Anna_28, he continued the Mushiana Boat Route from Saikyo, up through The Mushiana Harbour, The Archipelago’s bridges, and up to the mainland. The job was admittedly sloppy, leaving Scar to feel the boat route isn’t safe any further in his hands.

Village Builders

The Moonhouse

  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72
  Contributors: Dianthiauwu

The Moonhouse Tunnel

  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72
  Side Contributors: PIXELMASTER1523 and denisbrave360

The Mushiana Boat Route

  Lead Builders: -{{user|ScarClaw72}

November 2nd, 2019 - The Foundations

The official map of Project MOON, located in The Village Room.

With the Christmas animation of Winterthorn for 2019 in production, progress was predicted to fall into a slump as it did in the years prior. Instead, progress ramped up drastically thanks to some newfound motivation. The housing was long slated as the finish line for Project MOON. Some new things have queued up for after this milestone, but it is still nonetheless a milestone. The prospect of building 108 foundations of 18 different designs seemed absurd from the get-go, so ScarClaw72 devised a method to make building the houses the easiest it could be. The first half of the two-stage process would be using the infamous circles to finally lay out the foundations for the houses. These would be used to act not only as the ground for the houses to be built on, but also to solidify the shape template way down so in theory building the houses should be a breeze. With an end goal, Scar got to work and inquired many other people to join his, as this would sure to be the last opportunity for players to get their name into the history books of the project. As such, many players came to help. As work progressed, out of the blue Mr_Fudgy announced a return after his year-long departure to help and see the ending of the build's journey. AQs time rolled on, with the help of many but most notable walteratt. the foundations were completed on November 2nd.

Village Builders

The Foundations

  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72
  Contributors: walteratt
  Side Contributors: TheGolum, strayonesobbing, thebirdman567, boxzy, jossps, and MrSlimeDiamond

January 9th, 2021 - The Moon Season

2020 was a rough year for everybody for a variety of reasons, including ScarClaw72. Faced with a forced retirement, a plethora of personal life issues, and the eventual contraction of Covid-19, progress on MOON halted for most of 2020. After finishing the 5th installment of Merry Christmas Freedonia, Scar made plans to shuffle up the formula of Exploring Freedonia for it's 4th season. Alongside exploring the server, progress on the megaproject would be featured. Taking notes from his 11 week experience of BuildTheEarth, replay mod timelapses became a part of the weekly episodes. After completing the wall foundations for six of the largest houses in one week, Scar regained faith in finishing the project before year's end, and potentially even the 5th anniversary of the project.

January 2nd, 2023 - XP Farm Upgrades

The new, massively upscaled spawning chamber.

By the time 2023 rolled around, the XP farm is Project MOON was approaching five years old and it desperately needed an upgrade to be viable in the modern landscape of the server. Even when it was built, it wasn't a high end design- going for a more performance friendly version. Its spawner-in-water chamber design was vastly restricted by tps though, meaning in less than ideal amounts of lag it would significantly suffer. With a desire to upgrade it to reflect Project MOON's more large-scale presence and scale in the world of Freedonia, ScarClaw72 sought out the best of the best of XP farm builders, AdoreKitten. A few weeks later, on fairly short notice, work began and was completed within two days. The new farm boasted 20 more spawners, totally 84 after the retrofit and a much larger spawn chamber. It can now be seen sticking out of the ocean floor below.

Village Builders

XP Farm Upgrade
  Lead Builders: AdoreKitten
  Co-Lead Builders: ScarClaw72

January 7th, 2023 - Grand Opening

Everyone who helped contribute to Project MOON over the years.

As the years passed by, work slowly progressed and the deadlines kept getting delayed. Work was constant, but it was also ever-lengthy. For the most part, it truly came down to just a handful of people who made it possible. ScarClaw72 worked hard to design each of the buildings in single-player and create schematics to be used online. George_Mann was the first to heavily aid in the year of 2022, although he would burn out and only return in the later months. After asking the UTC for help, JimyHendricks, Cosmic_potato_04, Luigifan100, HistoriaEloton, and Txkeykeeper together helped finish the apartments in the outer rings and finally allowed for Project MOON to open it's doors publicly on January 7th of 2023.

Village Builders

Neighbor Luna Housing
  Lead Builders: ScarClaw72
  Co-Lead Builders: George_Mann
  Contributings: JimyHendricks, TxkeyKeeper, Cosmic_potato_04, HistoryEloton, and Luigifan100.

January 12th, 2023 - The Theater

February 15th, 2025 - The Trophy Room