First Words of …

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This wiki page was made to be an archive of the first messages sent by players on McO. Feel free to add yours or others!

(If someone has used another account when first joining or had another name then that one counts)

< HY_Turkic> yo im scared of cutting down a tree
< Ghostis_s> wassup
< SlothCubing> hi im new to the servercan anyone me?
< SholQut> clap
< oskw> hi everyone
< ScenarioPlanet> hi
< Void42_> hello
< AppleSilly> hey
< Axilie> I am new here. Is this realy that this is non-gries non-private piecful server?
< cnupdates> I haven't died xd
< DarkMatter3481> where do i have to go to find undeveloped areas
< Acesrt> can we take the stuff in the chests that does not belong to us ?
< Xanpi3000> How is a dude named "I love hitler" allowed :O
< JesusMRS> Toes
< abamacus> wow this is a nice feature!
< E6V> are you allowed to harvest melons?
< 4untochrist> is this the oldest minecraft server?
< Korbs699> it keeps kicking me but i can'r register lmao
< CaptainIceman> whats the website where i can see the whole map
< Crafter_Keegan> Ok see ya
< Mihayrus> okay , thanks :)
< Clomik> bans are perm
< Krenath> Gold sword?
< happy_guy> Thanks!
< 4dre> hi
< Java64Bit> r.i.p
< SalC1> hey
< NightSteak9> Hey folks
< EpicBaby> did someone die near z = -6500? I found your stuff and put it in a chest.
< Kendon> wulf i was a witness and i dont believe she meant any harm
< 1Q12> hey
< TheDemetri> I am inevitable
< Aidan> Thank you :)
< AdoreKitten> no wonder why it is lagging
< FuzbolMC> Dang
< Wr07> hello
< Menschmonster> Hallo
< AJzzix> hey how do you get out of the cave down the rainbow fall near spawn?
< Azeur> does anyone have a town i can join?
< Beeraeka> I cant see anything
< BillionPenny> Hi, I'm new here. Just wondering where it is that new players can start out building?
< Moxieskip> hug
< FishRei> happoo birbday catnip
< cindyslee> yes?
< Cosmic_potato_04> hi
< Daltalf> thanks, I'll be sure to
< Egitto> hi
< fluffythebunnyx> is there like a /seen command
< Freeman77> hi
< goofy_man_lol> dang this server cool
< N_Jareau> hello people
< helpimdeadinside> i wish to vibe
< ibxtoydog> aight why did no one tell me about this server earlier. its so chill
< iandontask> waht
< ImMemelous> my namma memelous
< Inspector_Foix> Hello.
< Jibletz> lol
< Jmancino2> hello
< jriver_15> only 17 players?
< l1npengtul> woah
< ReaperSniper> jesus my laptop cant handle spawn
< MSWindows> gen z kids
< MrSlimeDiamond> Hello!
< Neokrai> jumpscare
< NevadaDream> thank you
< NickolasDiamond> hi
< runarlogi> hallo
< ScenarioPlanet> hi
< sporb> hello
< Freeman77> hi how are you?
< shypixel> hello
< Zymes> wow big world
< GodlyCheeze> hey everybody
< AgentMuu> i don't suppose anyone's built any mob grinders around here
< xxVegasxx> deee
< SavageClown> hello people, is krisstewart here?
< Kiatarie> um....hello everyone...*very confused*
< rtkwe> anyone know a good area to start a new home?
< zfleming1> finally a server that doesn't require some sort of password D:
< Lothendal> someone seems to hate that cactus
< dorn284> is the server lagging for anyone else?
< Machines_Are_Us> what is watershire?
< stromhurst> hey guys, just joined
< SiOtter> wow this is huge
< LewisD95> egister
< laootr_> why is someone in lava at spawn ?
< Edessa> help
< FlyingJellyfish> hi i'm new here
< Ellen124> can i use the trees that are in the city?
< bigred999> Theres a zombie outside my mine waiting for me
< Draglide12> heyo
< darkdiplomat> hello h4X0r  :P
< feb1980> where did my items go?
< PietElite> ummm hi
< copbot1001> slowrioy
< reaxion> that's a massive spawn!
< Draco297> hey one of the blocks on one of my chests was removed
< La_Peep> someone please help I need food and there are no animals
< Eilidh23> np ;)
< AyeMockingBird> hi
< treepuncher755> im just trying to find a good place to build
< aggrievedCanine> I'm bad at this
< Chewy27> hi
< catman4592 holy crud this was all built by hand!??
< ScarClaw72 ty
< ickyacky ayy yo
< witchy1000 I tried that command too but it didn't work.  now it says I have to wait 12 hours to try it again
< doublehelix457 im from planetminecraft, can i have op
< mk59apr hey ho
< Marmo_D> thanks
< BomBardyGamer> whoever put "Edinburgh, England" on this tutorial sign needs to be careful they don't get themselves shot by any scots who come on here lol
< Nii> I did not vote?
< Bustus2110> yo
< boxzy> I believe someone said hello boxzy when I joined a few minutes ago, unless that was a bot.
< 2b2tLegends> Hi
< MrMcBricks> Is everything breakable? I don't want to accidently destroy something.
< runarlogi> hallo
< NHC_THK> hello!
< xmaragd> ReverseDmitry sorry im new and I I'm trying to gather some food
< Jaroslav1997> 0:26AM UTC+3
< Alertray> cмотря будет ли чем заняться
< Veeriss> yep
< 0_ggmaster_0> gg
< wintrysummit> hello
< O_FF> who plays roblox
< BlueBlaziken> disk 11