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This timeline only includes details of events related to ZJTrayGamingYT himself, and does not include anything related to other people's actions, such as joining one of his groups, or becoming a mayor of a town. For information about those events, please refer to their group pages, town pages, their user pages, or the text summaries of groups, towns, and other things listed in my GUI.

Scroll down to view the whole timeline!
This uses the original text from my original wiki page!



March 2020

March 9th, 2020:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT joins MinecraftOnline for the first time under the username "ZackC42."
  • ZJTrayGamingYT says his first message on MinecraftOnline, that being, "hello."
  • ZJTrayGamingYT visits Spawn for the first time, with GiovanniRug.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT is interrogated for the first time, and is given his first warning by Eclypto18, for breaking wool over a chest, to try and get the supplies inside.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT dies for the first time.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Getting Wood Minecraft achievement.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT visits the Diamond Mall for the first time, with GiovanniRug, and shows it off while recording.

March 11th, 2020:

March 12th, 2020:

March 14th, 2020:

March 16th, 2020:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug, tried and failed to murder new player Haruki_Z, who was safe due to the spawn protection. Even though they tried to coerce Haruki_Z to the borders of spawn protection, they failed.
  • After the failure to trying to murder Haruki_Z, ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug, wanted to duel SleeplessTheCat. Even though and ZJTrayGamingYT was very hesitant at first, he wanted to take a go at it, even after being warned against it by Unkle_Genny.
    • < Unkle_Genny> Giovanni, I don't think you know what you're about to get yourself into XD
    • < Unkle_Genny> Sleeps is an angry, angry PVPer
    • < Unkle_Genny> I wish you luck
  • SleeplessTheCat had full enchanted diamond armor, and ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug had only full iron, so they bailed. While they were doing this, they spotted SmileGG, and they started following him, in an attempt to kill him. Unfortunately, because of the lag, SmileGG outran them.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug find a player named AlphaPr3dator8. When he went to leave, they started chasing him to get a quick kill, but because of the lag, when ZJTrayGamingYT attempted to kill him, he timed out.
  • After ZJTrayGamingYT rejoined and lost him again, GiovanniRug finds another player to fight, agracefulhobbit, who had full enchanted diamond armor. That doesn't stop GiovanniRug, who charges after him with full iron and an enchanted diamond sword, with ZJTrayGamingYT begrudgingly chasing agracefulhobbit with GiovanniRug into the Central Nexus, where he eventually escapes.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT is suggested a duel by GiovanniRug, where the two then friends would test their skills, but ZJTrayGamingYT consistently declines. This eventually leads to the idea of The Blood Arena.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug originally wanted to go spawn killing again, but they decided to go on an adventure, to a place called CosmicCity. Whilst there, ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug proceed to jump to their deaths many times, for amusement.

March 18th, 2020:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug decide to go back to the jungle near Las Vereno, and use the obsidian that was mined to make a Nether Portal. They spend a while to try to light it, only for them to fail.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug continue to try (and fail) to light a Nether Portal in the jungle near Las Vereno. A helpful mod, bawest, actually lights the portal for them, and they spend a while exploring the Nether.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Benchmarking, Time to Mine!, and Getting an Upgrade Minecraft achievements.

March 19th, 2020:

March 20th, 2020:

March 23rd, 2020:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug decide to go attempt to Spawn kill more players. Whilst at Spawn, ZJTrayGamingYT discovers a Nether Portal and goes through it. There he discovers a part of the Nether Highway System, the Nether South Highway. He explores it for a while, but just takes another portal back to Spawn. When he goes to spawn, GiovanniRug discovers a diamond armored cafe7. ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug begin to plan to murder him. After a long chase into the Central Nexus, into another Nexus Hub, cafe7 was slain by ZJTrayGamingYT.
  • Despite cafe7 actually coming to where he was killed, he got iron armor and his diamond sword back, courtesy of his murderers.
  • Afterwards, ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug just went exploring in the Nether.

March 24th, 2020:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT kills a player named dogeface_emoji.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT has played MCO for 10 hours at this time, under the username "ZackC42."
  • ZJTrayGamingYT uploads the eighth episode in his MinecraftOnline series, Episode Eight, "Cosmic City", chronicling the events relating to CosmicCity on March 16th.

March 27th, 2020:

April 2020

April 3rd, 2020:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT's series on MinecraftOnline has it's tenth episode come out, that being Episode Ten, "Arena Ideas". This episode chronicles the events relating to the beginning of the Blood Arena on March 18th.

April 8th, 2020:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug log on, and immediately notice that they had been ransacked. They then went on to wander around, open some random chests, and steal a bunch of stuff. They then proceeded to mine obsidian, and diamonds.

April 13th, 2020:

April 15th, 2020:

April 17th, 2020:

April 18th, 2020:

April 22nd, 2020:

April 24th, 2020:

April 26th, 2020:

April 28th, 2020:

May 2020

May 16th, 2020:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug, log on after a thirty-eight day hiatus, and basically mess around, doing nothing noteworthy.

June 2020

June 2nd, 2020:

June 27th, 2020:

July 2020

July 9th, 2020:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT joins for the first time under his new, and current username.

The First Hiatus

Between June 27th, 2020, and March 6th, 2021, a lot of things happened to ZJTrayGamingYT. His MinecraftOnline videos were receiving less and less views, and him and GiovanniRug (the series' co-star), were both tired of the game, and the server itself, leaving twenty-one episodes behind them, as they moved onto other things.

Surprisingly, during the second half of July, 2020, and the first days of August, 2020, ZJTrayGamingYT finished up his Minecraft: Survival Island series, along with the last episode of his Minecraft: Back To Beginnings series, with the currently last episode of Back to Beginnings being released on June 29th, 2020, and the finale episode of Survival Island was released on August 6th, 2020.

This was around the last time he played Minecraft on camera for a bit. A player named GunCat2 actually appears in the later episodes in Survival Island, who later created Islandia Tower on the Minecraft Online server. GunCat2 has appeared in many of ZJTrayGamingYT's series, the newest being Kingdom: Two Crowns REVISITED.

All in all, this hiatus between July 9th, 2020, and March 5th, 2021 lasted exactly two hundred thirty-nine days, or seven months and twenty-four days, of not playing on the server. In the nick of time, ZJTrayGamingYT uploaded the twenty third episode of his MinecraftOnline series, Episode Twenty-Three, "The Great Bow Heist", on the one year anniversary to his MinecraftOnline series.


February 2021

February 25th, 2021:

March 2021

March 5th, 2021:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug log on after a long hiatus from MinecraftOnline, and they decide to go to Spawn. They discover it is covered with blocks from The End, and they are rightfully confused. This was a part of the server's migration from Minecraft Version 1.7.10, to 1.12.2, the Endsurrection Event.
  • Later, ZJTrayGamingYT begins to tidy up his place under a new username, and so a mod named Mechman007 thought he was stealing. The mod interrogated him, for the third time in his MinecraftOnline career. Everything was resolved in the end, and ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug, got back to messing around.

March 6th, 2021:

March 9th, 2021:

May 2021

May 16th, 2021:

The Second Hiatus

Between May 16th, 2021, and August 31st, 2021, ZJTrayGamingYT took a break, not just from MinecraftOnline, and Minecraft, but also from YouTube.

On March 9th, 2021, Episode Twenty-Three, "The Great Bow Heist" was released. On April 4th, 2021, the last upload on his channel until his return in late August 2021 was released, being a modded Minecraft video.

For the same reason as the previous hiatus, the time between March and April 2021, in where he didn't make a MinecraftOnline video, was mostly because of boredom of the server. However the time between May and August of 2021, is a whole new story.

During that time, ZJTrayGamingYT has said it was because he was moving, but he also took a break because he was tired of cramming uploads. He was tired of YouTube for a bit. After he came back, he made some new videos for his series.

All in all, this hiatus between May 16th, 2021, and August 31st, 2021 lasted exactly one hundred seven days, or three months and fifteen days of not playing on the server.

August 2021

August 31st, 2021:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug finally arrive at River Island, and they eventually show off the other islands. Whilst rowing their boat around, they encounter BigRobertson, of a new group, LittleRock. They exchange their hellos, and move on. ZJTrayGamingYT later trades half a stack of bones for an island, with an off camera trade deal with BigRobertson of LittleRock. This Island is later named, and is now known as Bone Island.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT achieves the Custom MCO Advancement, Lost Follower.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Not Today, Thank You, A Seedy Place, Bring Home the Beacon, Diamonds!, and Spooky Scary Skeletons Minecraft advancements.

September 2021

September 1st, 2021:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT and GiovanniRug whilst boating in the waters near the Isles of Islandia, discover a light, which leads to a Mineshaft.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT discusses a plan as to why GiovanniRug is gathering so much concrete. This is a plan to connect all of the islands incorporated in the Isles of Islandia, via long concrete tunnels, underwater. The plan was that Islandia Island would be the main hub island, and all would lead back to it, similar to the design of the Nexus. Some progress was made for the plan, as some parts of the tunnels were built, and were shown on camera, but the plan and tunnels themselves are now completely abandoned.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT leaves the mineshaft with GiovanniRug, and records the first footage of the Sand Continent, and shows footage of it's early transformation, and naming.
  • GiovanniRug speaks of plans to turn the fossils he found into a monument ("because three exposed fossils next to each other is rare"), or potentially an attraction site. No one has any documented proof whether he ever made the exposed fossils into a monument, or into an attraction, as none exist.
  • Whilst travelling back to the Sand Continent to give GiovanniRug some steak, ZJTrayGamingYT passes a lit up island, and speaks of how he's like to purchase, and incorporate the island into the Isles of Islandia. He never ended up doing this.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT registers his current username.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Isn't It Iron Pick Minecraft advancement.

September 2nd, 2021:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT begins cataloging his wiki, starting with cataloging everything from March 9th, 2020, to April 15th, 2020, along with the general description, and other misc. things, like a Statistics section.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT has played MCO for 20 hours at this time.

September 4th, 2021:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT continues cataloging his wiki, cataloging everything from April 15th, 2020, to April 22nd, 2020.

September 10th, 2021:

September 20th, 2021:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT continues cataloging his wiki, removing the Statistics section.

September 26th, 2021:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT continues cataloging his wiki, cataloging everything from April 24th, 2020 to June 27, 2020, as well as from March 6th, 2021 to March 9th, 2021. He also catalogs the dates of when he started the wiki in September, and continued to catalog it until much later.

October 2021

October 1st, 2021:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT continues cataloging his wiki, adding the Political Stance section, as well as October 1st, 2021.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT achieves the Custom MCO Advancement, Documenter. For some reason, despite meeting the requirements a month ago, he achieved it on this day.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Enchanter Minecraft advancement.

October 8th, 2021:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT continues cataloging his wiki, adding the All of ZJTrayGamingYT's Projects section, as well as September 4th, 2021, September 5th, 2021, and October 8th, 2021.

October 14th, 2021:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Sweet Dreams Minecraft advancement.

October 15th, 2021:

October 16th, 2021:

October 22nd, 2021:

October 24th, 2021:

October 25th, 2021:

October 28th, 2021:

November 2021

November 3rd, 2021:

November 9th, 2021:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT creates the Controversy, Warnings, and Accused Warnings section, and finishes the Official Warnings sub-section. He began to start the Accused, and False Warnings sub-section, but his internet died.

November 10th, 2021:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT finishes the Accused, and False Warning section, along with the Controversy section. He then cataloged November 9th, 2021, and November 10th, 2021.

November 13th, 2021:

November 18th, 2021:

November 21th, 2021:

The Battle of Islandia and the Third Hiatus

This is a summarized version of events. Please read the Main Article: The Battle of Islandia

Between December 28th, and 29th of 2021, a battle between ZJTrayGamingYT, and GunCat2, and his friends took place. It is referred to now as The Battle of Islandia. It was about the land claims of Islandia Tower, and over whether one of GunCat2's friends could build in Islandia Island's waters. The battle resulted in ZJTrayGamingYT dying 22 times.

After The Battle of Islandia, ZJTrayGamingYT decided to permanently quit making MCO videos for YouTube. Citing the Battle as the main reason behind it's semi-abrupt end. the Battle caused him to have a lack of motivation for making more videos, and so he never ended up making any videos on the server anymore.

Between December 30th, 2021 and April 14th, 2022, ZJTrayGamingYT didn't log onto the server, due to a sort of "ripple effect" regarding the Battle. He found no motivation to rejoin the server anymore, and wanted to sort of move on from it. By April of 2022, ZJTrayGamingYT found motivation to rejoin MCO, and due to a personal fight with GiovanniRug, ZJTrayGamingYT decided to start anew.

All in all, this hiatus between December 30th, 2021, and April 14th, 2022, lasted exactly one hundred fifty days, or three months and fifteen days, of not playing on the server.


March 2022

March 5th, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT creates, and finishes The Battle of Islandia's wiki page, and summarized the other version here. He also catalogs March 5th, 2022.

March 9th, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT's second year anniversary on MinecraftOnline comes and goes, without any fanfare.

April 2022

April 14th, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT, and GiovanniRug decide to part ways, with ZJTrayGamingYT forming a new settlement for himself, and GiovanniRug doing the same for himself. The two decided to make the C42's settlements neutral ground between them.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT traveled far away from the Isles of Islandia, and founded the city of Brikhelm, and formed the Coefficiency, a group that would later house ZJTrayGamingYT's other friends.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT has played MCO for 30 hours at this time.

April 15th, 2022:

April 16th, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT finishes the wiki page for the Coefficiency, and he catalogs April 14th, 15th, and 16th, 2022.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT achieves the Custom MCO Advancement, Re-Teleporter.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Into Fire, and Ice Bucket Challenge Minecraft advancements.

April 17th, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT decided to start building Brikhelm above ground at this time. He starts by creating his Longhouse.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT purchases his Wood Kit for 15 tokens.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the We Need to Go Deeper Minecraft advancement.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT reaches the Reaching New Heights Minecraft goal.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT has played MCO for 50 hours at this time.

April 18th, 2022:

April 19th, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT, and the other members of the Coefficiency work on Brikhelm more.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT finishes building his Longhouse.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT finishes the wiki pages for Brikhelm, and catalogs April 17th, 18th, and 19th, 2022.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Local Brewery Minecraft advancement.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT has played MCO for 70 hours at this time.

April 20th, 2022:

April 21st, 2022:

April 22nd, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs April 20th, 21st, and 22nd, 2022.

April 23rd, 2022:

April 24th, 2022:

May 2022

May 11th, 2022:

May 18th, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT creates the [Category:Massacre] page, and adds a description to the [Category:History] page.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT updates his General Info section to include some of his favorite bands.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs May 18th, 2022.

May 23rd, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT has played for 80 hours at this time.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT creates the wiki page for the C42 Castle Keep.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs May 23rd, 2022.

May 24th, 2022:

May 25th, 2022:

May 26th, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT adds the "Poddpocalypse" picture, and updates the General Info section.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT finds, and names Smältberg.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT founds the town of Smältfell right next to Smältberg.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs May 26th, 2022.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Hot Stuff Minecraft advancement.

June 2022

June 1st, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT reaches the Beaconator Minecraft goal.

June 5th, 2022:

June 8th, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT makes a massive overall to the wiki page, and makes it so every instance of his name (that isn't in building names) is replaced instead with "ZJTrayGamingYT," instead of ZJTrayGamingYT. This isn't needed for this timeline page however, so this has been reverted over two years later.

August 2022

August 5th, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT adds the "LPTS, Maltapple, and Second Midwestern Empire" subsections to Allies/Trading Partners.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT has played for 90 hours at this time.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs August 5th, 2022.

August 12th, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs August 10th, 2022, and August 12th, 2022.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Eye Spy Minecraft advancement.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT has played MCO for 100 hours at this time.

August 16th, 2022:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT replaced old pictures on his wiki.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs August 16th, 2022.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT's wiki page is deleted by Zomon333.

August 18th, 2022:

  • This wiki page is restored, and everything is cleared up.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs August 18th, 2022.

The Fourth Hiatus

Between August 12th, 2022 and September 16th, 2023, ZJTrayGamingYT didn't log onto the server, simply due to a mistake. On August 12th, 2022, ZJTrayGamingYT was in the Nether, exploring, and looking for Quartz. As he was searching, he fell into lava, and almost died, and quickly logged out. Presuming he was close to death, he didn't want to die in the lava, and have all of his items gone, so he decided then and there to permanently quit MCO, to prevent all of his items from being burned.

Between October 2022 and September 2023, ZJTrayGamingYT was dealing with a myriad of personal issues, leading him to focus on all of these new problems and further ignore MCO.

On September 16th, 2023, he decided he would use the few seconds of immunity from damage after logging into a server to his advantage, and relogged over and over again for a total of twenty times, and got to safety, and successfully regained his hearts. He started playing MCO again after his successful escape from death.

All in all, this hiatus is currently the longest in ZJTrayGamingYT's history. It was between August 12th, 2022, and September 14th, 2023, and lasted exactly three hundred ninety-eight days, or one year, one month, and two days of not playing on the server.


March 2023

March 9th, 2023:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT's third year anniversary on MinecraftOnline comes and goes, without any fanfare.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs November 18th, 2022, November 21st, 2022, and March 9th, 2023.

September 2023

September 16th, 2023:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT decides to log onto MCO for the first time in over a year, and is immediately trolled by GunCat2, killing him from fall damage so he loses his items and 38 levels. ZJTrayGamingYT ultimately is able to get his most of his stuff back, but his Nether Quartz, enchanted diamond leggings, and enchanted diamond boots, are stolen. After many pleas to not let this happen, GunCat2 reveals to ZJTrayGamingYT via a private message that the two of them haven't been friends for some time, and that he just wanted to troll him.
  • Deciding not to pursue this further, ZJTrayGamingYT heads home to Brikhelm, and looks around a bit, only to see nothing has changed in over a year of inactivity. Lo and behold, not long later, GunCat2 is waiting for him in the Crypt of Brikhelm, and basically begins to taunt him, and purposely hunt him.

September 18th, 2023:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs September 16th, 2023, and does a general wiki update.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT logs onto MCO and does some work on Brikhelm to prevent people just being able to waltz into the former secret bunker.
  • JCobbler2012 gives ZJTrayGamingYT a set of normal diamond armor, replacing the two pieces of armor GunCat2 stole.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT donates money to MCO and gains the Donor II rank.

September 19th, 2023:

September 21st, 2023:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Getting an Upgrade Minecraft advancement... again.

September 25th, 2023:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT purchases his Iron Kit for 29 tokens.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs September 25th, 2023.

The Fifth Hiatus

Following GunCat2 killing ZJTrayGamingYT on September 16th, 2023, GunCat2 spent the rest of the month trying to hunt ZJTrayGamingYT and his friends, and make their lives miserable. During this time, ZJTrayGamingYT was working on a secret Coefficiency project, the Undercroft, in an attempt to be able to be safe and hidden from GunCat2 and his friends.

On October 5th, 2023, the Undercroft was found by GunCat2 and his friends. They proceeded to do a raid on them, trying to murder all of them. ZJTrayGamingYT logged off after this, fearing that the power that the Coefficiency had before this raid had been reduced to ashes following GunCat2 and his friends' attempts to destroy them, meaning all of the work he had been putting into his new group had been worthless, and ultimately, pointless. He decided to never log on again after this, following the problems that arose.

He held this position for nine months, and came back with a goal of isolation and not being hunted anymore in July of 2024.

All in all, this hiatus between October 5th, 2023 and July 9th, 2024, and had lasted exactly two hundred seventy-eight days, or nine months and four days of not playing on the server.


March 2024

March 9th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT's fourth year anniversary on MinecraftOnline comes and goes, without any fanfare.

April 2024

April 8th, 2024:

July 2024

July 9th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT returns to MCO!
  • ZJTrayGamingYT makes a massive wiki edit, and also catalogs July 9th, 2024.

July 10th, 2024:

July 11th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT makes a massive wiki edit, and also catalogs July 11th, 2024.

July 17th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT makes a massive wiki edit, and also catalogs July 19th, 2024.

July 18th, 2024:

July 19th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs July 18th, and 19th, 2024.

July 24th, 2024:

July 31st, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs July 24th, and 31st, 2024 on this wiki.

August 2024

August 2nd, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT participates in Spleef Rome, and takes screenshots for it.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT catalogs August 2nd, 2024, and creates the Spleef Rome wiki page.

August 4th, 2024:

August 5th, 2024:

August 6th, 2024:

August 7th, 2024:

August 9th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT adds more to the timeline, and fleshes more things out.

August 11th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT adds more to the timeline, and fleshes more things out.

August 14th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT and sanixdrill found Nebulus. Most of the other members of the Black Starwalkers come along and assist in it's creation.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Repopulation Minecraft advancement.

The Sixth Hiatus

Following GunCat2 raiding the newly founded Nebulus on August 14th, 2024, and doxxing threats from GunCat2, former BSW member crogpot, endiveseve, and The_epic_gamer_2, ZJTrayGamingYT decided to permanently quit MCO (at the time) for fear of his safety.

The Black Starwalkers as a group went completely without direction, and ultimately went inactive during ZJTrayGamingYT's sixth hiatus.

He held this position for close to three months, and came back with a goal of finding success through the struggle of being persecuted in November of 2024.

All in all, this hiatus between August 14th, 2024 and November 5th, 2024, and had lasted exactly eighty-two days, or two months and twenty-two days of not playing on the server.

September 2024

September 26th, 2024:

October 2024

October 23rd, 2024 - October 29th, 2024:

November 2024

November 1st, 2024:

November 5th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT returns from his small hiatus, and plays on MCO for the first time in a month.

November 6th, 2024:

November 13th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the The End? Minecraft advancement.

November 18th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Best Friends Forever Minecraft advancement.

November 20th, 2024:

November 24th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT has played MCO for 300 hours at this time.

November 25th, 2024:

November 28th, 2024:

November 29th, 2024:

December 2024

December 3rd, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT reaches the You Need a Mint Minecraft goal.

December 4th, 2024:

December 11th, 2024:

December 16th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT has played MCO for 400 hours at this time.

December 20th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Withering Heights Minecraft advancement.

December 24th, 2024:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT reaches the Zombie Doctor Minecraft goal.


January 2025

January 16th, 2025:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT has played MCO for 500 hours at this time.

February 2025

February 2nd, 2025:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the Remote Getaway Minecraft advancement.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT acquires the The City at the End of the Game Minecraft advancement.
  • ZJTrayGamingYT completes the Great View From Up Here Minecraft challenge.

February 4th, 2025:

  • ZJTrayGamingYT does a HUGE overhaul of his timeline, updating information post-November 2024, and fixing old dates (in 2020 and 2021) to match their actual recording dates, not their upload dates.

(This is still in development. New events may happen, but it could take from hours, to months to catalog them all. Please be patient, and if the information is from a YouTube video, please just watch the video until I complete the article. Thanks - Zack)