This page was created by feb1980 on April 13th 2021, 3:21pm CST. It has the birthdays of all those who listed them on their user page.
So far, 239 days out of 366 are listed, with 389 birthdays spread across. Currently, the one month with the most birthdays is July at 43, while March 23rd is the day with the most birthdays at 6. The days of February 1st, March 22nd, April 20th, July 15th, October 16th, December 12th and December 18th are all at 4 birthdays each. April 13th is at 5 birthdays.
January (35 Birthdays)
- January 01st: Werdnaz
- January 02nd: TheDarkrai85
- January 03rd: MatthewIteWafius, Bustus2110
- January 06th: pie8225
- January 08th: Mr_Fudgy, Swissm4n
- January 10th: SkyRunnerFR, Yufukuai, Freskooo
- January 11th: Ya_Boi_Wil
- January 13th: Jigoku_Samurai, Madjock999
- January 14th: Quikmerc, sanixdrill
- January 16th: Freeman77
- January 17th: Smugshrug
- January 18th: Ascendedblade, Takiek
- January 19th: eevee_27
- January 20th: Roook, SurrealZero40
- January 21st: Mixcoatl77, WaffleNomster
- January 22nd: DropperOfRivia, gamerTM1234
- January 23rd: Cpt_Waterbubble
- January 24th: retrorandom
- January 25th: AzureEmerald, Wolf_War
- January 26th: Gricer1326, l1npengtul
- January 27th: Michael_Pay
- January 30th: KingServal
- January 31st: eleanorthesow
February (31 Birthdays)
- February 01st: Brussel345, Fit, IKeeG_Coolboy, danielrezaie
- February 03rd: AKSoapy29, XxFTFreakxX
- February 4th: Txkeykeeper, _bigtex_
- February 07th: Videogame57
- February 08th: Dragacane, Cookiegamer500
- February 09th: Pojoj
- February 10th: CaptainIceman
- February 11th: Monsoonman, Whitewater4444
- February 12th: Stromhurst
- February 14th: TheHardNar, WalrusGumboot47
- February 15th: DjPRZ
- February 17th: BenjaminBsuper, Starstier
- February 18th: MightyAtlas, Teaacup
- February 19th: Eey, Daltalf
- February 20th: TTuge
- February 23rd: Thebirdman567
- February 25th: Ibxtoydog, ScarClaw72
- February 27th: Markrafter9
- February 28th: DB_Frostmine, S_hach23
March (36 Birthdays)
- March 01st: Raflamar
- March 03rd: AshlynnFoxxo
- March 05th: Theofficialmiga
- March 06th: Ickyacky, ThatLimitBreaker
- March 07th: BaldObama
- March 08th: Nosefish, Creepy85
- March 10th: LordOfTheShadows
- March 11th: 1Catnip
- March 12th: AppleSilly
- March 14th: Zmdudeman
- March 19th: Rage3does, Scampi_, WonkaOil420
- March 20th: Codetoil
- March 22nd: Bucketsofwasps, Jolamar, Snthetic, Up5
- March 23rd: Comixnik, Eilidh23, RedTrexler, Spektra02, Titangamer1216, Winx51
- March 24th: Andy294, StanDudek, TheSynthPunk
- March 25th: 2b2tLegends
- March 26th: TheATrap, Atomica67
- March 28th DB_Frostmine
- March 29th: Ladebbie
- March 30th: Mrpringlehead
- March 31st: Bhugoz
April (38 Birthdays)
- April 03rd: Le_Lorrain, Netrom5, Acesrt
- April 04th: Caisworld
- April 05th: Smaugthegreat107
- April 06th: Doctorne, SadieSadie
- April 07th: Kakashi_sensi
- April 11th: BryBer
- April 12th: RealEksandell, Zhekas
- April 13th: Feb1980, SlowRiot, SnappyMuppetman, Thesprazzzler, Link03
- April 14th: BenPotter8, Kingcammy150, R9q
- April 15th: Imperial_Crise
- April 16th: Marcuszodiak, NedHuman
- April 19th: AggrievedCanine
- April 20th: PIXELMASTER1523, Rinsai, Luigifan100, frisout
- April 21st: Avanlance, Jingish13
- April 22nd: Almightykey123, Game_Geekz0
- April 23rd: KayLeeC13
- April 24th: AQZZE16
- April 26th: Supertec
- April 28th: Tayo_bag, Theschlozmeister
- April 29th: Amazing_Andy20
- April 30th: Marioguy588
May (31 Birthdays)
- May 02nd: JosephWalsh18
- May 03rd: 14mRh4X0r, YourSelft487, FuzbolMC
- May 04th: Nikta, Pretzel33
- May 05th: BURGURSHOT, Leah_Starcraft
- May 06th: awasedo, Berselius33
- May 08th: DosMiniDoc, XThisDude
- May 09th: SleeplessTheCat
- May 13th: Xanpi3000
- May 15th: Fmxstick
- May 16th: DaataFX, Sporb
- May 17th: 32Vache, STL_Ninja17, Pikol
- May 18th: Helpimdeadinside, Techkid6
- May 20th: Shypixel
- May 21st: JRP2234
- May 22nd: Decoder1
- May 23rd: Robbybnonelikeme, NevadaDream
- May 29th: XXOakTheTreeXx, Slime_tiger, RainBd
- May 31st: Madmaxx2010
June (30 Birthdays)
- June 01st: Notch, Senbonzakura
- June 02nd: Jimmyd93
- June 04th: Lambda65
- June 06th: Ken_the_Husky, SoreCapybara227, Chompsky_Honk
- June 07th: Embolalia
- June 08th: DanThePilot02
- June 09th: 1212ra
- June 10th: Skybirdthing, Zfleming1
- June 11th: Sejdin57, TomWithAGun
- June 16th: Bowbee
- June 17th: EnderDan01
- June 18th: NickolasDiamond
- June 19th: 88NK, MeltedPurple
- June 20th: Blacktroller235, Marmo_D
- June 21st: Inspector_Foix
- June 22nd: Glepusik
- June 23rd: EastDakota, TheReal1BK
- June 25th: lacrosse1991
- June 26th: Smudja
- June 27th: MysteriousDvD
- June 28th: Kayla93
- June 29th: MrSlimeDiamond
July (43 Birthdays)
- July 01st: Alkarius_Endgame
- July 02nd: BastetFurry
- July 04th: Hermesbird, SomeMex
- July 06th: Dethshok, Triplejx3, Candarush
- July 07th: Y_Bonn
- July 10th: DystopianSoul, Flamehaze97, Woodedd
- July 12th: Bob_Oats, SunflowerCrab, TheDemetri
- July 14th: 667, Poge, burrochile
- July 15th: DazMaTaz, Estrios, HDiddy1982. Taylor71503
- July 16th: IconPippi, ExtreemToukan
- July 17th: Icooliam, S_man232, Crafter_Keegan
- July 18th: TEllins, Max_Tech
- July 19th: Adeptuswixus
- July 20th: Yabashiri
- July 22nd: verydairyman
- July 23rd: Nerdman, Puppier, Waterboy0048
- July 24th: KS_Life, Steppenwolf
- July 25th: Jcgminecraft, Jossps
- July 28th: Enjoku, Glow90
- July 29th: VanishTool ( SailBird)
- July 31st: Joshlong56, PassiveFriendly, Plexaryked
August (34 Birthdays)
- August 01st: Tommy71394
- August 03rd: 44trent3, Ali4555
- August 04th: Ardoom1, Fthtjyjy
- August 05th: GeekyCreeper, dunechan
- August 06th: Tylergz
- August 08th: Szymon98453, snakyman
- August 09th: Biab
- August 10th: Mrsprinkly
- August 12th: JimyHendricks
- August 13th: KhaosCAW
- August 16th: BluDudd
- August 17th: Jenna_Tailia
- August 18th: 1235_John, AlTheChan, podd
- August 19th: Thorope, Zakaron27
- August 21st: Mister_Paranoya, CH_2011
- August 22nd: Crazyrecieve
- August 23rd: RubberDuck116, EpicBaby
- August 24th: Catman4592
- August 25th: Hobby_boy
- August 27th: Jibletz, RobotReaction, SmackAttack86
- August 28th: 1vs1me
- August 31st: Andreaslag
September (27 Birthdays)
- September 01st: KingKipgal, SnapJaw
- September 05th: Ted1246
- September 07th: EpicKittyXP, JZTech101, ZJTrayGamingYT
- September 10th: Pieapple42
- September 11th: Mrelectron, Trrnit
- September 13th: Missingcupid, berta713
- September 16th: Broncoskip
- September 17th: Void42, cosmic_potato_04
- September 18th: Frosty_Diamonds
- September 19th: ahri_29
- September 22nd: MrPoothtick
- September 23rd: Gnid, M_Fujiwara
- September 24th: Mystila
- September 25th: 4untochrist
- September 26th: Drathus42, AthenaDaMemelord, HistoriaEloton
- September 27th: Chewy27, AiacosMX
- September 30th: HeavyWeaponsOrk
October (27 Birthdays)
- October 01st: Unkle_Genny
- October 04th: Quizlibet
- October 06th: Prince__Valiant
- October 07th: Thonykidd
- October 08th: Fraccu
- October 09th: Williambriscoe
- October 11th: MSWindows, Moxy_11
- October 12th: DavyBhoy, ReactingManiac
- October 14th: RuneChan, cladderback
- October 15th: Nari1102, Toothwind, Zomon333
- October 16th: AlexFD, AndreyDio, ImSickOfYoSh, JSS_gamerpro
- October 17th: KevinGriffioen
- October 21st: Kosnag, NightSteak9
- October 22nd: Xircila
- October 24th: Sebastianawesome
- October 25th: Krenath
- October 28th: BiSaXa, Spektra02
November (23 Birthdays)
- November 06th: Beeraeka, Agente_F
- November 07th: Hirudo6
- November 10th: XArches
- November 12th: Liastrae, Cndx
- November 13th: Fire13
- November 14th: Jaysax_, Sftsace
- November 15th: Blader331, Dinosaur_Rider, Jonathan_Ayres
- November 16th: Ellen124
- November 18th: Blaz0135, Darkdiplomat, BillionPenny483
- November 19th: MCTogs, Palindrome7
- November 20th: Pie_Man5000
- November 24th: TheGolum
- November 27th: NHC_THK
- November 28th: WindowsXPuser
- November 30th: MazeFrame
December (43 Birthdays)
- December 01st: NickEter
- December 03rd: Krisstewart, PoppySeedMuffins, Thaelo
- December 05th: Hit1205
- December 06th: ADHD_Autism, Captbunzo
- December 07th: Le_clasheur_123
- December 08th: Zunkz
- December 09th: Ertum
- December 11th: 4dre, FistOfVengeance
- December 12th: Violet_Apathy, TheGriffinLord, Zuroa, ScenarioPlanet
- December 13th: CrazyLep
- December 15th: AriVB, Dashmercatp
- December 16th: Oskuro
- December 17th: Funnysean
- December 18th: Dizi, Strayonesobbing, Zaek21, Neokrai
- December 19th: Martin19_12
- December 20th: Floorboards, MusheyRoom
- December 21st: Hyperluminous, Adora_The_Witch
- December 24th: Neofuturism
- December 25th: CarysRune, Excalibur_NUMNUM, Falling_Knife
- December 26th: Jamexin
- December 27th: BlueishRose, ThatSpottedOwl, Oskw
- December 28th: Anna_28, Vezxin, Clomik
- December 30th: ChivalrousWeasel, CosmicLatte
- December 31st: Eclypto18, Stedley