League of Peaceful Towns and Settlements

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Organisations League of Peaceful Towns and Settlements
LPTS flag.png

The LPTS flag

Leadership getplayerhead.sh?Link03&16.png Link03
Headquarters Dubina
Founded 28 April 2021
Public? No
Status Inactive

On April 8 2024, Link03 decided to abolish the LPTS after long term inactivity and multiple failed attempts to make the league more active again. This page will stay as an archive for what the league accomplished. Link03 would like to thank all of the members for their support to the league

Democratiam, Pax, Libertas (Latin for Democracy, Peace and Liberty)

The League of Peaceful Towns and Settlements (LPTS) is an organisation similar to that of the United Nations; it is a group of towns that are brought together in an environment where they can propose group ideas, form trade agreements and more.

The organisation currently consists of 33 towns and settlements. Each settlement will soon contain an LPTS Embassy; further details are yet to be discussed.

The Capital

Rimini is the soon-to-be capital of the LPTS. Once constructed, it will serve as a safe haven and a place to coordinate the league's activities

The Rimini project is on an indefinite hiatus and the league has chosen Dubina as a temporary capital and work has been completed on the LPTS HQ in Dubina

How do we work?

The league has two chambers. Each chamber has its powers and representatives. The chambers are as followed:

The House of Representatives

The House of Representatives is made up of all the town representatives in the league (except the volunteers working on Rimini and others). They get to vote on a lot of the basic things. League additions, maintenance, polls, etc ......

The House of Representatives currently has 26 members.

The Senate

All the serious topics are reserved for the senate (e.g integrity of the league, other important things, etc ....). The senate members get decided by elections. Representatives can request an election at any time.

The senate currently has 7 members.

Involved Towns

  1. Charlietown, represented by getplayerhead.sh?RobotReaction&16.png RobotReaction & getplayerhead.sh?charliepeee&16.png charliepeee
  2. Flooferton, represented By getplayerhead.sh?LeilaUwU&16.png LeilaUwU (awaiting proper wiki article)
  3. Riverdale, represented by getplayerhead.sh?Link03&16.png Link03
  4. Catini Catra, represented by getplayerhead.sh?1Catnip&16.png 1Catnip
  5. Saint PetersBurg represented by getplayerhead.sh?Warrior_three&16.png Warrior_three
  6. Cape West Fishing Village represented by getplayerhead.sh?ibxtoydog&16.png ibxtoydog, getplayerhead.sh?1235_John&16.png 1235_John, getplayerhead.sh?Nuboso358&16.png Nuboso358 (awaiting proper wiki article)
  7. Verico represented by getplayerhead.sh?Jriver_15&16.png Jriver_15
  8. MountJackal represented by getplayerhead.sh?The_Jackal_249&16.png The_Jackal_249
  9. United Industries of Switzerland represented by getplayerhead.sh?swissm4n&16.png swissm4n
  10. Austania Nova represented by getplayerhead.sh?_Daata&16.png _Daata
  11. Project MOON represented by getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72
  12. Baker's Edge represented by getplayerhead.sh?bucketsofwasps&16.png bucketsofwasps
  13. The Nest represented by getplayerhead.sh?Yolki_&16.png Yolki_ and getplayerhead.sh?_CodyWolf&16.png _CodyWolf
  14. The Peoples Democratic Republic of Latvia (PDRL) represented by getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks
  15. Mons Albus, represented by getplayerhead.sh?Daltalf&16.png Daltalf
  16. Dubina represented by getplayerhead.sh?txkeykeeper&16.png txkeykeeper
  17. Lake Callian represented by getplayerhead.sh?JCobbler2012&16.png JCobbler2012 and getplayerhead.sh?BoneSlasher96&16.png BoneSlasher96 (latter inactive)
  18. Brikhelm, represented by getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT
  19. Tax Haven, represented by getplayerhead.sh?Blacknightmon&16.png Blacknightmon
  20. Hastings, represented by getplayerhead.sh?cosmic_potato_04&16.png cosmic_potato_04
  21. Talpidae, represented by getplayerhead.sh?helpimdeadinside&16.png helpimdeadinside
  22. Fjellby, represented by getplayerhead.sh?feb1980&16.png feb1980
  23. Verua, represented by getplayerhead.sh?SalC1&16.png SalC1
  24. Monke Town, represented by getplayerhead.sh?ReaperSniper221&16.png ReaperSniper221
  25. Cakeville, represented by getplayerhead.sh?Luigifan100&16.png Luigifan100
  26. French-Speaking City, represented by getplayerhead.sh?le_clasheur_123&16.png le_clasheur_123
  27. Sinar Tempora, represented by getplayerhead.sh?Korbs699&16.png Korbs699
  28. Arch-Warwick, represented by getplayerhead.sh?Justin_Tirrell&16.png Justin_Tirrell
  29. Alaska, represented by getplayerhead.sh?Ken_the_Foxxo&16.png Ken_the_Foxxo
  30. Georgetown, represented by MeterTick
  31. Forest Valley, represented by getplayerhead.sh?NevadaDream&16.png NevadaDream
  32. El Reino Z, represented by getplayerhead.sh?pojoj&16.png pojoj
  33. Greenhaven Village, represented by getplayerhead.sh?ladebbie&16.png ladebbie
  34. Kanal Town, represented by getplayerhead.sh?CarCrasher13&16.png CarCrasher13
  35. Sandy Shades, represented by getplayerhead.sh?4dre&16.png 4dre


This header contains a comprehensive list of the projects and developments of the LPTS.

Freedonia Heritage Site Project: The goal of this project is to highlight the appearance of old server structures and buildings, and advertise them to the general public. (NOTE: This does not give the LPTS permission rights to any of these buildings, we are simply educating people of their existence and promoting them to those who would not know of their existence otherwise) Here is a list of the sites the FHS seeks to promote, with their corresponding wiki link and brief description.

Project Dove: This statue is being built by numerous members of the LPTS who want to show their dedication to ensuring peace and unity between MCO towns. The dove is a symbol of this peace, and a mark on the land of Freedonia to showcase this. The dove is located near Montegaux. Pictures will be attached to this page once the dove has reached completion. We’re almost halfway there!

Government Officials
Leader Senators Representatives
getplayerhead.sh?Link03&16.png Link03 getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper - Dubina

getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks - PDRL

getplayerhead.sh?Luigifan100&16.png Luigifan100 - Cakeville

getplayerhead.sh?Daltalf&16.png Daltalf - Mons Albus

getplayerhead.sh?Korbs699&16.png Korbs699 - Sinar Tempora

getplayerhead.sh?bucketsofwasps&16.png bucketsofwasps - Baker's Edge

getplayerhead.sh?RobotReaction&16.png RobotReaction - Charlietown

getplayerhead.sh?1Catnip&16.png 1Catnip - Catini Catra

getplayerhead.sh?Warrior_three&16.png Warrior_three - Saint PetersBurg

getplayerhead.sh?Nuboso358&16.png Nuboso358 - Cape West

getplayerhead.sh?Jriver_15&16.png Jriver_15 - Republic of Verico

getplayerhead.sh?The_Jackal_249&16.png The_Jackal_249 - MountJackal

getplayerhead.sh?swissm4n&16.png swissm4n - United Industries of Switzerland

getplayerhead.sh?_Daata&16.png _Daata - Austania Nova

getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72 - Project MOON

getplayerhead.sh?Yolki_&16.png Yolki_ - The Nest

getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT - Brikhelm

getplayerhead.sh?Blacknightmon&16.png Blacknightmon- Tax Haven

getplayerhead.sh?cosmic_potato_04&16.png cosmic_potato_04 - Hastings

getplayerhead.sh?helpimdeadinside&16.png helpimdeadinside - Talpidae

getplayerhead.sh?feb1980&16.png feb1980 - Fjellby

getplayerhead.sh?SalC1&16.png SalC1- Verua

getplayerhead.sh?ReaperSniper221&16.png ReaperSniper221 - Monke Town

getplayerhead.sh?le_clasheur_123&16.png le_clasheur_123 - French-Speaking City

getplayerhead.sh?Justin_Tirrell&16.png Justin_Tirrell - Arch-Warwick

getplayerhead.sh?Ken_the_Foxxo&16.png Ken_the_Foxxo - Alaska

MeterTick - Georgetown

getplayerhead.sh?NevadaDream&16.png NevadaDream - Forest Valley

getplayerhead.sh?ladebbie&16.png ladebbie - Greenhaven Village

getplayerhead.sh?pojoj&16.png pojoj - El Reino Z

getplayerhead.sh?CarCrasher13&16.png CarCrasher13 - Kanal Town

getplayerhead.sh?4dre&16.png 4dre - Sandy Shades


Emberrest conflict

The Security Council of the LPTS has voted to condemn getplayerhead.sh?ChivalricCode&16.png ChivalricCode's unlawful siege of Emberrest with the strongest words possible and immediatly demand Chiv to retreat and stop his unlawful actions. getplayerhead.sh?Link03&16.png Link03 IS the rightful owner of Emberrest and HAS the right to kick out getplayerhead.sh?ChivalricCode&16.png ChivalricCode.
