Boat Routes

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green_infrastructure.png Boat Routes
2011-09-04 01.54.18.png

The pier at Temple Of Supreme Fishiness

Owner nosefish
Contributors Glen Team, shypixel, 14mRh4X0r, thesprazzzler, Anna_28
Category Infrastructure
Public? Yes
Started August 2011
Coordinates X=N/A
Dimension Overworld
Map Link nosefish loves to explore by boat. After countless hours of sailing, he realized that he could make a large part of the map accessible from his Temple Of Supreme Fishiness by digging just a few short canals to connect major bodies of water. Players have since marked several interesting routes with buoys and plans to expand the network over time.

After finishing the Great Circle and Lothendal routes, as well as some branches, nosefish undertook an epic voyage to navigate their whole extent. Read his account of the journey here.


Dear builders, when building roads or rails across water, make sure to leave spaces at least 3 blocks wide and 2 blocks high to allow boats to pass.

  • In order to be able to successfully navigate these routes, your render distance should be set to at least 4. When making, make sure to place buoys every 64m or less.
  • Blocking the boat routes or meddling with the buoys is grief. Should you find any kind of damage on your travels, please tell a mod or admin about it.

Completed Routes

Boat route map as of 2013. See the latest route with the Boat Routes overlay on the map.
Great Circle boat route
Junction Giant Cookie
Narrow passage
Arriving at Ocean City

Great Circle Route (Green/White)

Why would you warp to the sights of central Freedonia when you can go all the way round by boat? See all these exciting places from a new point of view:

Ocean City
Junction to Temples Branch
Junction to Sigma Castle
Junction with Samoroth Branch
Junction with Waterfall Branch
Junction to Giant Cookie
Junction with Lothendral Route
Tayrons BioDomes
Obsidian Palace
Project Angel
Central Nexus
Casa de Austria
Junction to south Benjamese Empire
HillValley & Epicaria
Ocean City

All branches of the Great Circle are marked with white buoys.

Pier at Mycelia

Lothendal Route (Orange/White)

Explore the wild lands of Freedonia's east and relish the sights of ancient Port Dhal, or attend a game of Pigchinko at Lava Town. If you are feeling adventurous, go all the way to Mycelia in the eastern ocean.

Junction with Great Circle Route
Linsa Canal
Emucraft (unmarked branch; why would you want to go there anyway?)
Junction with Shypixel Route
GodlyCheeze's Asian Temple
Port Dhal
Lothendal Wood & Stone Company
Al Wahat
Edge of the World Pier
Shypixel route

SlowRiot Route (Red/White)

Go from Spawn to the Central Nexus by boat! You could, of course, just go through the South-East Nexus, but where's the fun in that? In a boat, you will pass lots of interesting places along the way:

Spawn pier
Cheese's Show Room
Central Nexus

Acsidol Route (Yellow/White)

"hey the water at your beach house is turning to ice" - bubba_basti
Because of the then-new snow biomes and the destruction of its original destination, the Acsidol Route had been drastically shortened. With Rutopia having become a warp, 14mRh4X0r planned a route through the eternal ice.

Ocean City
Santana (ship)
Junction with 14mRh4X0r Route

Aeginus Route (Lime Green/White)

Visit the picturesque town of Autumnwood and check on the progress of the construction of UnderWater while you're at it.


Enjoku Route (Purple/White)

Connects the ancient city of HillValley with Bastiansdorf in the far west.

HillValley (junction with Great Circle)
↔ Astro Nova
Junction to north BenEm
Noelle (junction)
Junction to Deckland
↔ Valley of Arches
↔ Junction Holiday Resort
↔ Junction thesprazzzler's Island
Bastiansdorf (Junction with Mushiana Route)

New Venice Route (Light Blue/White)

Journey to the beautiful town of New Venice from the Central Nexus, passing Diamondmall and Artville, with a very quick branch to Greenhaven Village.

New Venice (junction with Snow Golem Route)
Central Nexus

FlyingJellyfish Route (Magenta/White)

The ultimate adventure: cross the vast Freedonian ocean in your tiny boat, explore a mysterious temple on a jungle island, discover underwater caves and ravines, admire large-scale artwork at StatuePark, attend a lecture at Avalon University, navigate treacherous swamps and winding rivers, and when you're done, have a cool drink at the NewHaven Ocean Bar.

Novum Culta
Junction to Banhammer Island
Kangaroo Islands
Rose Island
Junction with Statues Branch
Forsaken Island Village
Junction to Forsaken Island
↔ Xandronia Oil Co.
↔ Pinktopia
Cloud City
Junction to North Of Nowhere

Sprazz Route (Black/White)

Travel to Melouthous from the Enjoku Route - with branches to Game City and MountJackal.

Enjoku Route

14mRh4X0r Route (Blue/White)

Travel the mountainous route between the Acsidol and Sprazz routes and visit the scenic Birchwood

Junction with Ascidol Route
Nexus Hub North-East (Red) 1
Diamond Hill, Cherath & Eiremall
Junction with Birchwood branch
Shypixel's Gorges
Junction with French-Speaking City (Red/Brown)
Game City
Junction with Sprazz Route

Mushiana boat route at Flower Farm
Buoys being stored at Sporangium Lord__Reginald's lighthouse

Mushiana Route (Pink/White)

Also known as the Anna Route

Connecting from Novum Culta and the FlyingJellyfish Route to the southern and western sections of the map, all the way to New Haven and the FlyingJellyfish Route again.

Construction beginning from Mount Nyan, made by Anna_28 with help from MusheyRoom, MIAGT and others.

The Mushiana Route goes around the map creating a giant circle with the FlyingJellyfish Route.

Novum Culta
Diplomat Highway
The Library of Babel
Baker's Edge
Darkshadow Village
RED Branch
Jackal-Corp HQ
Pie Island
Cascade Hotel
Sandy Bottom Nexus Temple
Shaver Island
Sandy Bottom
Pogo Island
nikta's private island
Pink Forest Branch
Twin torches
Flag of Switzerland
Flower Farm
Explorer's Island
Mount Nyan
Tal Rasha's Tomb
Fourth Bay
Acacia South jungle temple
Acacia Glade
Ponn Village
Southern Outpost cibrage's village
New Eden Branch
Czech it out!
Sugar Branch
RobbiePitt's Pyramid
Acacia Rivers Branches
Acacia Roads
Highest Natural Block Draco297's place
Port Lochrainn
Temple of the Gods
Waterboy0048 Mining Co. Mesa Division
GodWall Branch
The McDonald's superfajter's place
Cammo11 & Supervoge11's Isle
Janlyn Branch
Ivy Estates
Fakestaff HQ
Winter Branch
Snappy&s 3D Pokémon Statues (Zekrom)
Spring City
Lavender Isle
Monumental Tower
Maywell village
Nyfitsa's Island
Bastiansdorf thesprazzzler's fishing shack
Mushiana Harbour at Project MOON
Agarsted, formerly Aeston South Outer Islands
Bastillia Isle
Gamelous Isles
Cobble Port and Aeston Harbor of Refuge at Aeston Isle
Tedster Island
↔ Junction with Trent Route
New Snak City
Phoenix Isles Stadium
Phoenix Isles
DavyBhoy and alextheplamf's area
New Haven

Newport Route (Cyan/Light blue/White)

This boat route was built immediately after the 2020 map expansion and to have Newport as its main destination. The route runs through many canals, and is in the southwest area of the map. Made by Martin19_12 and snakyman.

Newport (main destination)
Project Eros
Bumble Bee Intersection
Bunker City
The Nest
Carder Bee Intersection
Mining Bee Intersection
Mason Bee Intersection
New Poitiers
New Eden / Mushiania Route

This route also runs parallel with the new 'Intermaria' Route for some distance.

Route modification permissions

If you need to change a section of this route for whatever reason, you can do it, as long as you provide a new connection with a minimum width of six blocks. You also have to add buoys to the new part to prevent confusion.


The Bee branches are made by ChivalricCode.

Amethyst Route (Magenta/Pink)

A boat route through the central southwest area of the map. Made by ChivalricCode.

Nexus Hub South-West (Light-Blue) 2

Snow Golem Route (Snow/Jack o'Lantern)

Zigzagging through the southwestern corner of old Beta terrain, this boat route goes from New Venice to Winterthorn, thus serving as a connection between the New Venice and Mushiana routes. The buoys aren't made of wool, but rather two snow blocks topped with a jack o'lantern, hence the name Snow Golem Route. Made by Daltalf with the help of Txkeykeeper and RainBd.

New Venice (junction with New Venice Route)
Dye in a Fire Arena
Yet Another Tower
Mons Albus
Eevee's Playground
Winterthorn (junction with Winter branch of Mushiana Route and Quarantum Route)

Emerald Route (Emerald Block/White)

Travel from Dragon River Peak City to the Emerald Mall, enjoying the high-quality destinations along the way! This route will hopefully be a helpful addition to the infrastructure in the most Southern region and form a useful connection to allow others to go further in the future. Built by Ren in late 2021, with help from Erttum and Anna_28 in planning. Click here to get a map view of the junction at Dragon River Peak City.

Dragon River Peak City (junction with Syrus branch of the Mushiana route)
Isle of Fallhaven
Emerald Mall

Swedish Route (Blue/Yellow)

Explore the sparsely populated northwestern part of the 1.12.2 expansion. Maybe stop and attend a race at the Mendington Ice Circuit.

New Snak City (and Mushiana Route)
Hedge Maze
Isle of Snak
Snakyman Holding A Giant Salami / Snaketown (junction with Maid Route and Forrrest Loop)
New Sweden
North-west outpost (and Maid Route - Snow Branch)
Map of the Swedish and the Maid Route

Maid Route (Light Green/Green)

Travel in the North Western 1.12.2 expansion area with this line. Starting at the same point as the Swedish Route (near the Snakyman Holding A Giant Salami Statue), Built by Maidy_Yuki on June 30th 2022, and a new extension opened on August 4th 2022 connects the Swedish Route to the Mushiana Route.

Snaketown (Snakyman Holding A Giant Salami Statue)
Isle of Snak (New Forrrest)
Trexlergrad Cuecue2027's Town
Junction with Snow Branch
Misashima Station (Junction inside the Tsukiyama Channels System)
Intersection for Zvarri Branch
Junction to Nexus Borderlands NW2 and Gold Mall
Atlantis Mk.II
Bird City Area Stickysocks2006's base
unknown archipelago
Ruth Island
Tedster Island
Junction with Mushiana Route

Panthera Route (Yellow/Brown)

A boat route in the Northern area of the map. Buoys placed by ChivalricCode and SadieSadie.

North Of Nowhere (junction with FlyingJellyfish Route Boaty McBoat Branch and Mosaic Route)
Nexus Borderland Hub North (Pink) 2
The Redundant Boat Route Project

Yugboat Route (Black/Red)

As far south as you can travel,
tracking along the near edge of the inhabitable world,
traversing deserts and the most inhospitable forests.
Buoys placed by YugRekooh and makjus.
Still growing daily - as fast as I can paddle.

22.5km long at the moment. That's about 17% of the total distance around Freedonia

Checkered_Snowfall_Generation (Landscape)
Yugusuela Island Retreat
ends in ice at the moment.

Gameboy Route (Purple/Light Grey)

Constructed off the western terminus of the Yugboat route and connected to the end of Quarantum route at Eddystone, this route takes players through a wild and untapped region of the 1.12 Southwest border. This route was build by sanixdrill with help from _CodyWolf

Wisła (Red/Black)

Longest river in real life poland. In game it connects little poland with Yugboat Route

Buoys placed by Zao123 and KacperNigg

Simmuel Route (Lime Green/Light Blue)

Explore the ancient southeast corner of the original map with Simmuel's Route, connecting multiple landmark places in the region.

Port Dhal / Lothendal Route
Isle of Muu
Emucraft / Castle City (branch)
Kurai Cho (branch)
Newlands (branch)
Nexus E3 / Townetria (branch)
Nexus SE1 / Waterfall Branch junction
Thurston (branch)
Mistral Valley (branch)
Xandronia (branch)
Aeginus Route junction

For more information refer to SimmConnect's page regarding this Boat Route.


Waterfall Branch (Lime Green/Pink)

Nexus SE1 / Simmuel Route

Note: due to uneven water in this region, it is necessary to disembark and embark on the boat again on the designated platform between Skyline and MonopleVille.

Navarro Route (Blue/Red)

Travel eastbound to the Navarro region, the United Texas Coalition's beloved home! The route takes you both sailing on the high seas and paddling through narrow rivers, and the grandeur of Dubina awaits at the end.

Flyingjellyfish Route (Junction with FlyingJellyfish Route)
New Market
New Cairo

Cake Route (Pink/Light Blue)

This boat route is one of the shorter ones as it primarily serves to connect Cakeville to the existing bout route system. Travel through two American villages in a British server.

Emerald Route (Junction with Emerald Route)
Village of Ballahack
Floral Heights (single-line route)

Mosaic Route (Black)

While this boat route serves as the primary transportation from Nexus Borderlands Hubs to the site of the mashup of Freedonian's builders to make the ultimate mansion chunks, it also connects two of the FlyingJellyfish Routes. The reward for 25 participants was only achieved on 27 December 2022; over 5 months since the event's conclusion by someone who has not even partaken in the particular event.

  • Boat route is displayed with black & white stripes on the map overlay for visuality's sake.
Shackcity (junction with Shack Route)
Chunk City
↔ Nexus Borderlands Red (North-East) 3 / Battlezone
↔ Nexus Borderlands Red (North-East) 2
El Reino Z
Feb Isles/Skyles
Verdantium Isle (junction with Baba Bouy Route)
↔ Nexus Borderlands Red (Northeast) 1
Mosaic Mansion
Untertal (junction with the FlyingJellyfish Route Untertal Branch)
↔ Nexus Borderlands Pink (North) 3 (Pink Tree City)
North Of Nowhere (junction with FlyingJellyFish Route Boaty McBoat Branch)
← Nexus Borderlands Pink (North) 2 (junction with the Panthera Route and Forrrest Loop)
  • Tigris Route (Blue concrete / White concrete)
Mosaic Mansion southeast ↔ Babylonia
Through the ocean of maparts, drive yourself to settlements created from nothing to a large piece of land with creative touches.
→ Nexus Borderlands Hub N2 (branch-off from main route)
↔ Nexus Borderlands Hub N1 fthtjyjy's northern mushroom island
Easter Valley Arena
North Noob Island
Snakyman Holding A Giant Salami (junction with Maid and Swedish Routes)
Project Chunk Fix
Mooshroom Reserve
Maltapple (transfer to the Maltapple Route)
Zeraora & Hijacked_ maparts
← Loopback to Nexus Borderlands Hub N2
↔ Branch off at Untertal
Blue Hill
↔ Connect back at Mosaic Mansion

Shack Route (Blue/Orange)

Explore the Northeast Wilds of the 1.12.2 expansion before entering the Shackcity metropolitan area near the world border.

Delta City
Monkokoro (junction with FlyingJellyfish Route)
Jcgs Town
Donor Isles
WatchTown / Nexus Borderlands Hub E1 (junction with Dirt Route)
New Richmond
Chunk City
Shackcity (junction with Mosaic Route)

Cat Route

Junction with Great Circle & Lothendral Routes
HellStar Bridge
Junction with SlowRiot Route

Doge Route

Junction with Cat Route
Mystery Chair
↔ Junction with Great Circle Route
← Junction with Aeginus Route

Quarantum Route

Explore the edges of the southern world expansion from previous times.

Winterthorn (junction with Snow Golem Route and Mushiana Route Winter branch)
Transgender Pride Bridge
Junction with Mushiana Routes
Rub mapart
The Viking Route
Fort Chuwu
↔ Nexus Borderlands Hub SW2

Ian Route

→ Nexus Borderlands Hub W2
Pumpkin Town

Bier Route

Newcuntington Southeast
Skate702 Base Rebuild

Baba Buoy Route (Green/Orange)

Junction with Flyingjellyfish Route Untertal Branch
Verdantium Isle

Whopper King Route (Blue/Green)

Meridian City (Junction with Mushiana Route Double Branch)

Catboy Route

A shortcut route going from central Freedonia to the south. Connected by 6stooges, revamped by Void42_.

Vizima (connection with the Mushiana Route)
Labyrinth Prison
Trumpton CaptainIceman's builds
(↔ Farm)
The Andromeda Ascendant
Junction with Great Circle & New Venice Routes

Borealis Route

Named after the sub-hardware in use for the server, this route goes partially under the central Freedonia.

Junction with SlowRiot Route
(↔ Hot Air Balloon)
(↔ Castle Noob)
(↔ Nexus East)
Xanpi3000's Mansion
Space Shuttle
Lily Pagoda
← Junction with the Great Circle Route

Mesa Route (Red Chiseled Sandstone / White)

→ Junction with the Bier Route
Å fan (via the Å Fan Route)
Mesa Biome
Chala SuperZPMax's house (Nexus Borderlands E2)

Bellflower Route (Purple/Yellow)

Pioneered by Kendon with assistance from Acesrt, the Bellflower Route leads gallant explorers through some of the westernmost and most grand rivers Freedonia can offer. While there's an abundance of jaw-dropping mountain vistas that could be destinations all on their own, we'd love it if you could give Goosebury a gander as you paddle by.

Junction with Ian Route
Junction with Delightville Branch
Junction with Historical Route

Kmart Route (Red/Cyan)

A very scenic boat route that straddles the West and Southwest borderland regions of Freedonia. It travels through Savannah, Swamp, Ocean, Dark Oak Forest, Plains, various water and lava falls, and so much more. It connects the main Mushiana Route to Kmart - the Saving Place. It was created by alexander12324 and zmdudeman.

→ Junction with Mushiana Route at DankOceanBridge, Treetown
Luxor Isle
← Kmart

Trent Route (Lime/Lime)

Following along a floating path built by 44trent3 from Obernai north to his home and then to the Mushiana Route. Built by Anna_28.

Obernai 44trent3's home
← Junction with Mushiana Route

Ellie's Island Boat Route (Blue/Black)

Links Ellie's Island to Eloto, the nearest Nexus (Borderlands Yellow 1). Cuts through the Navarro Route in 14307 10282. Built by eleanorsilly.

Ellie's Island

Ingermanland Route (Orange/Lime)

The Ingermanland Route originates from Kmart route. The beginning of the path runs through a stone channel leading to a closed river system. Along the way, you can see picturesque expanses and swamp forests. The first stop is Paliapolis. The canals running through the city lead to the river station, where you can stop to relax and take a walk around the city. The Ingermanland Route is a key link in the development of the south-west of Freedonia, and in the future it will be continued, connecting new towns and villages under construction. Urban_Piligrim06 was built.

→ Kmart Route

Mistral Route (Red/Yellow)

The Mistral Route started life as a branch of the Simmuel Route in 2023, but in 2024 it was extended through Mistral Valley with the creation of the Mistral Canal. The Mistral Route connects the Simmuel Route to the Aeginus Route with the heart of the Route running through Mistral Valley.

Aeginus Route
Mistral City
Mistral Valley
Stacey Island
Simmuel Route
Zed Route

Continental Route (Purple/Black)

The Continental Route is a small route intended to connect The Continental, Rimini, and other nearby projects to the boat route network. The route begins at the Continental boat docks (located on the west end of the city) and merges into the Ian Route about halfway across the Blue nexus wedge.

The Continental
Egg Island
← Junction with Ian Route

Dirt Route (Brown/Lime)

Route intended to link Dustoria to a nexus and another boat route.

← Junction with Shack Route and Nexus Borderlands Hub - East (Orange) 1

Baguette Route (Blue/White/Red)

Route made to link Bellefontaine to the Boat Route network.

← Junction with Yugboat Route

Intermaria Route (Orange/Grey)

Explore the diverse landscape of Newsoutheria and Newsouthwesteria, while travelling through a large amount of grandiose cities and cute towns. It was created to connect the sparse towns of this land and make it easier for people to navigate between them. It goes between Laugardalur, where you have a road connection, and Dragon River Peak City, where you not only can access the Nexus, but also follow the Emerald or Mushiana boat routes as well.

The Biggest PP in Freedonia
New Louisville
↔ An undocumented town
Dragon Circle
Coz Town
Dragon River Peak City

This boat route runs parallel to the Newport Route within the city of Newport

Nephal's Cyan-Brown Route (Cyan/Brown)

Starting at Tipoca City and ending at the Western World Border, the route has beginning connections with the Mushiana Route, then continuing down with the Otter & Sandstone Route, crossing the Continental Route, & sharing with a small part of Ian Route. Boat Route Made by Nephal, General Direction of this route is to the West in Borderlands Blue 2 Area.

Tipoca City
Signak Peninsula
Pumpkin Town
Egg Island
Mare City
Jay's Island
Western World Border

The Viking Route (Cyan/Black)

Starting at the Quarantum Route and ending near Little Poland, this route has connected the Newsouthwesteria region with the Ocean and to the boat route network. This route was constructed by 2024vike. Note that this route uses many canals that have been constructed by 2024vike to meet the requirements of a 5 block wide boat route.

Quarantum Route
Swag Mountain
Lighthouse Coast
Kingdom of New Murcia
Little Poland
2024vike's Jungle Island Home


Planned, accessible

These places are already accessible from the network, but the way is unmarked:

Planned, inaccessible

These places could be made accessible with reasonable effort:

How to mark a Boat Route


  • Thorough planning can save you a lot of work. Placing a few wool blocks seems like an easy task, but it's actually quite a difficult and slow process once you get to deep water.
  • After choosing the start and end points, find a route that does not require many canals or even tunnels to be dug on the map.
  • Connect to the existing network if possible.
  • Avoid snow biomes if possible. Note that some frozen areas are no longer snow biomes because of Minecraft updates, and will not freeze again once you've cleared a canal through the ice. Using F3 or minimap mods can help a lot here.
  • The more settlements or points of interest you can connect, the better.
  • Choose a block and colour combination that is not in use. Use just one colour - commonly white - if it's just a short branch off a main route.
  • Find a name for the route. Traditionally, they are named after well-known players who have some connection to them, but you can choose any name you like.
  • Document your progress on the talk page from the planning phase in order to avoid situations where two players use the same colour combination or build parallel routes.


  • A buoy consists of two blocks placed vertically of different blocks or colours with a torch on top, the lower block at water level. The most commonly used blocks are wool.
  • If there is an obstacle on one or more sides so that it's dangerous to pass the buoy there, attach redstone torches to the impassable sides of the buoy.
  • Buoys should be spaced so that the neighbouring ones can be seen with the render distance of 4 chunks. Do not place more or less than necessary to guide players.
  • Buoys should be placed on the same side of the waterway. If you have to place one on the opposite side to mark an obstacle, invert the colour combination, e.g. instead of orange-white on the left side place white-orange on the right side of the way.
  • To place a buoy in deep water, there are four methods:
    1. Build a dirt tower from the seabed up to 1 block below the surface. Place the buoy on top and remove the tower with a shovel starting at the top. A helmet with respiration and/or aqua affinity enchantments helps greatly.
    2. Place a lily pad on the water and place one wool block under it, which will make the lily pad pop off. Place the second block and torch on top of the first wool block.
    3. Wear Frost Walker Boots and walk on ice, breaking ice where you want to place the buoy. Place the first wool where the broken ice was, and place the second block and torch on top of the first block. This method might be messy, however, so make sure not to clog up any boat routes with ice, but the ice should go away naturally.
    4. Simply use /up 2 to place a glass block. Please break it once you are done.


  • Look at the map to see if there is a better way. Building a canal or a tunnel is much more work than simply placing buoys and will slow you down considerably.
  • When digging canals or tunnels, try not to alter the landscape.
  • Canals should be 5 to 6 blocks wide to allow two boats to pass each other. Very short canals may be narrower, but should be at least 3 blocks wide.
  • Tunnels require the same width as canals, and a height of three blocks above water level to allow players to leave the boat without taking damage.
  • Light up canals and tunnels with torches on both sides, at least every 5 blocks.

Dealing with Snow Biomes

Simply lighting it up will not work! High-intensity light does melt ice but does not keep it from forming as it used to in earlier Minecraft versions, so you'd have a canal with patches of ice forming and melting constantly - highly dangerous.

  • Go around if you can; It is incredibly tedious to break all the ice unless with the help of Efficiency pickaxes or ``/heatwave``, and a lot of work to keep the water from freezing.
  • Build a roof, leaving at least three blocks of air above water level. Use glass if possible to make it less intrusive.
  • If there is open water on both sides of the canal, you can place two rows of blocks (snow is customary because it fits the environment) above the ice parallel to each other, from one end of the frozen area to the other, leaving a space 5 blocks wide between them. Remove the ice between and under the blocks. The water will not freeze again, because it can only freeze next to a solid block.


When marking a boat route, you will need:

  • A generous supply of blocks of your choice
  • Many torches
  • Redstone torches - amount depending on the route
  • Dirt to noob tower to the water surface if you cannot use ``/up``
  • Lily Pads to facilitate placing buoys on deep water
  • Logs - compact storage for wood to make workbenches, boats, signs, whatever you may need
  • Shovel to clear underwater scaffolding and dig canals. Efficiency enchantment helps.
  • Pickaxe for building tunnels, rarely for canals
  • Shears to quickly remove misplaced wool blocks
  • One bucket to fill your canals with water.
  • Weapons and armour to deal with mobs. Try to get a helm with the respiration and/or aqua affinity enchantments. Remember that Knockback on swords is bad when fighting skeletons in the water!

Boat route data

Once you are complete with placing buoys, you can record the coordinates of your buoys with the help of the Macro / Keybind Mod. This will require ``/jumpto`` and technical skills, so it is best to leave it to players who know how to do this work. With this process, boat routes will be displayed on the server's Overviewer map.


Boat route data

Any boat routes recorded using Template:BoatRouteData will be automatically added to this category: