Community Timeline
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- For the official timeline of events such as server upgrades and staff promotions and demotions, see Timeline. For a timeline of server Settlements, see Settlement Timeline.
Welcome to the community timeline!
This is a list of events affecting the server and its players throughout its lifetime. Feel free to put in anything you'd like that doesn’t fit the normal Timeline, which has staff promotions and server updates and the like.
Effectively, this page does not focus on staff promotions and demotions and it is intended to be a comprehensive history of the server using input from the players, to truly represent its community.
Feel free to add any events you feel are relevant, as long as you follow the template!
KingServal but there needs to be like a civilian timeline for actual in game events not promotions adn shit
snakyman bro i made something called a community timeline for that purpose but no one used it
- 4 August 2010 - Minecraft 1.0.15 alpha released - first public release of survival multiplayer. MinecraftOnline server was started by
SlowRiot with
runechan in private testing mode.
- 6 August 2010 - MCO was opened for public.
- 13 August 2010 - Maze was built by
SlowRiot and
Flippeh, based on maze from The Shining movie.
- ? August 2010 - Riot Spawn Castle was built.
- Mount Craftmore was built from August to September by
- 4 January 2011 - NewSeattle is unveiled to the public.
- 17 January 2011 - Olympic Arena for PVP was completed by
KingOfCheeseLand and
- 22 January 2011 - Mod Vault was created.
- 25 January 2011 - Donation system introduced to the public.
- ? February 2011 - Trinity Hall was started by
TBSliver but was never completed.
- 2 February 2011 - Zomon333's Pit of Doom was created.
- ? March 2011 - Pyetopia was founded by
SheriffPyeWipe and
- ? March 2011 - Epicaria was built by
- ? March 2011 - RtkweIsland was built by
- 5 March 2011 - Casa de Austria was founded by
- 6 March 2011 - 150 Hotel was completed by
- 26 March 2011 - Pantheon was completed by
GodlyCheeze and
- ? April 2011 - Underworld was founded by
- ? April 2011 - Obsidian Palace was completed by
- 6 April 2011 - Project Anubis was established, now known as Nexus.
- 7 April 2011 - Facebook page created:
- 26 April 2011 - Project Angel was finished after 17 days of construction. It is a Minecraft copy of Stanford angel scan model built by
- 26 April 2011 - Pikachu was built by
jamexin in NewAtlanta.
- ? May 2011 - Glenfiddich was founded by
- ? May 2011 - Obsidian kit is added
- 15-16 May 2011 - May Unrest, the server was subject to a minor invasion of griefers as a result of postings pointing people to grief the server on a certain well known website.
- 21 May 2011 - The Defence of Okoshima's Hut
- 4 June 2011 - The first Dye in a Fire contest is held.
- 7 June 2011 - The Nothing
- 13 June 2011 - First Lava Town Line of brand new Freedonia Railway System was constructed.
- 18 June 2011 - Nether was enabled on the server for the first time, rendering the Fake Nether obsolete.
- 4 August 2011 - Freedonia celebrates its first birthday with a Cake Party.
- 15 August 2011 - Glen Team was founded by
bubba_basti and
- 28 August 2011 - Construction of the first Great Boat Route was started by
nosefish. This led to foundation of Boat Routes system.
- ? September 2011 - Nether kit added, originally called Hellstone
- 5 September 2011 - One Diamond Plaza, commonly known as Diamond Mall, was opened to the public with its own /warp mall.
- ? December 2011 - Aether kit added
- ? December 2011 - New Haven was founded by
- 5 January - NewLands were founded by
- 9 January 2012 - First experimental broadcast by MinecraftOnline Radio (MCOR).
- 25 January 2012 - To celebrate the anniversary of MCO's donation system opening to the public, the god kit is discounted by £500 (50%) for one day only.
- 27 January 2012 -
5irKarl build's 5irKarl's Home
- 9 February 2012 - Mycelia was founded by
SlowRiot as a village for MCO staff.
- 14 February 2012 -
monk30lol Hosts a very interesting Valentines day party at Spawn.
- 03 March 2012 - MinecraftOnlineFreedonia (MCOF) Steam group created:
- 13 April 2012 - On the occasion of his birthday, a statue of
SlowRiot replaced that of
Flippeh for the day, complete with a pimpin hat by
Palindrome7. Rumour has it he was seen doing a rather Flemmish dance!
- 28 May 2012 - The first issue of the Voice of Freedonia newspaper is published at
- ? July 2012 - San Freedonia was founded by
- 29 July 2012 - MinecraftOnline Radio officially associates with Arecibo Radio to fill dead air, becoming a 24/7 radio station.
- 4 August 2012 - Freedonia's second birthday! Celebrations are had with cake covering Spawn, fun and games, and all players getting /jumpto for the day. The first MCO Awards were hosted in The Glenfiddich Performing Arts Centre.
- 3 November 2012 - Nominations open for the First Annual Freedonia Sham Elections, and the position of mayor!
- 6 November 2012 - Voting begins for the First Annual Freedonia Sham Elections, and nominations close.
- 21 December 2012 - The Apocalypse
- 20 February 2013 - It is now possible to collect Player Heads in PvP.
- 13 April 2013 - Server owner
SlowRiot celebrates his birthday on the server. Everyone at spawn suddenly get super jumping powers, causing massive injury and death to the participants. Superpowers are overrated.
- 2 July 2013 - The third MCO Awards were hosted by
techkid6 and
- 2 January 2014 - One Diamond Plaza was redesigned to its modern state, now fully overground.
- 13 July 2014 - Forrrest was created by
SlowRiot on the edge of the northwest ocean - the farthest warp point from Spawn. This would be the newest warp for 7 years until Farm.
- ? October 2014 - Demigod kit is added (the God kit was already available for more than a year at that point)
- 17 November 2014 -
Charliepeee (known as DarkForcesRebel back then) started building his village, which later got name Charlietown.
- 21 November 2014 - MCO page and ability of voting on were introduced.
- 23 November 2014 - Now players get tokens for their votes for the server. They remained useless for almost 7 years.
- 2 December 2014 - The fourth MCO Awards were hosted by
winx51 and
- 1 April 2015 - The Great Rollback of 2015.
- 5 July 2015 - MCO page and ability of voting on were introduced - the second way to earn tokens.
- 1 June 2016 - TheCampingRusher posts videos on YouTube about a younger "oldest server in Minecraft" anarchy server, without posting the server address. Many users search for and find MinecraftOnline instead.
- 4 July 2016 -
ScarClaw72 begins work on a small vault city known as Project MOON.
- 29 July 2016 - Fakestaff HQ construction started.
- 5 August 2016 - Fakestaff group was officially proclaimed by
treepuncher755 and
- 22 August 2016 - Jibtopia was founded by
- 25 September 2016 - Fakestaff had dissolved, and Treetown was founded by
treepuncher755 and its ex-members.
- 26 September 2016 - Phoenix Isles were founded by
- 25 Friday 2016 - The server has a Black Friday sale where everything is 50% off.
- 23 December 2016 - Glade Nights is completed by
- 29 December 2016 -
Freeman77 founds Silver Lake.
- 24 January 2017 - Verua was founded as a village by
- 29 January 2017 - Mines Invasion causes an influx of new players to the server who'd later become its regulars.
- 19 March 2017 - BenjaminStad was founded by
BenjaminBsuper as capital of Benjamese Empire.
- 1 April 2017 - The /votemod command is added to allow players to vote for new Moderators. 68 new Moderators are promoted by the community and get a blue username.
- 1 November 2017 - Snaketown was founded by
- 20 November 2017 - YouTube channel StudioMoonTV (
MoonIsMyCity) griefs the server and uploads a video. First wave of Czechia and Slovakia invasion. (Czechpocolypse)
- 22 November 2017 - YouTube channel MaTTem griefs the server on multiple alt accounts and uploads a video. Second wave of Czechia and Slovakia invasion. (Czechpocolypse)
- 2 April 2017 - The previous 68 new Moderators are now normal users again.
- 2 April 2017 - The /votemod command is removed.
- 16 April 2017 - Kanal Town is founded by
- 4 August 2017 - The server celebrates 7 years since it was created. Using the /spawn command gives a random positive potion effect or a chance to get a cake item for the day.
- 28 August 2017 - KSCity was founded by
- 1 April 2018 - The /votemod command returns and 99 new Moderators are voted by the community.
- 2 April 2018 - The /votemod command is removed.
- 15 May 2018 - Lemonaid Town was founded by
lemons222 (aka AyeMockingBird) and his alts. It may be counted as the first major attack of EPU.
- 6 June 2018 - Aqua Snake War in Aquaton starts, FHE started
- 9 July 2018 - New Wood was founded by
space24 (now known as
- 4 August 2018 - The server celebrates 8 years since it was created, hourly gifts give special birthday items and the /spawn command creates fireworks while giving useful potion effects or cake.
- 9 August 2018 - The server gets blacklisted by Mojang, temporarily running with a different domain name. This results in the end of the Legacy Donation System.
- 20 August 2018 - The server is removed from the Mojang blacklist.
- 6 October 2018 - Bear Town was founded by
- 22 November 2018 - El Lugar, now known as Las Vereno, was founded by
- 11 February 2019 - Mistral Valley is founded by
CaptainIceman and
- 10 March 2019 - Freedonia Road Co. was formed by
KingServal and
- 1 April 2019 - The /votemod command returns and 156 new Moderators are voted by the community.
- 3 April 2019 - The /votemod command is removed.
- 7 April 2019 - Socorro was founded by
EastDakota, and
- 5 May 2019 - Verico was founded by
- 23 May 2019 - 2b2t YouTuber FitMC features MCO in a video as an example of a (his words) "stagnant server" which set off a three day invasion of tourists as well as griefers looking to exploit the confusion.
- 27 May 2019 - New Eden was founded by
- 20 July 2019 - 50 years since the first human stepped foot on the moon was celebrated, spawn lake being converted to a moon crater with a spacesuit Flippeh Statue.
- 4 August 2019 - The server celebrates 9 years since it was made! Hourly gifts give special birthday items and the /spawn command creates fireworks while giving useful potion effects or cake. Cake is also set up at spawn.
- ? October 2019 - Token system instated, and existing "Donor" levels become "Legacy Donor" levels. The "Donor" role is also introduced, with the single green star.
- 30 September 2019 - Picture Contest September 2019 results announced in Shatlantis.
- 15 November 2019 - Dragon River Peak City was founded by
- 14 December 2019 - Freedonian Imperial Federation was founded by
KingServal, and
verydairyman based on forgotten Benjamese Empire.
- 14-15 December 2019 - Soviet (Gay) Eden foundation and territorial dispute with New Eden, resulting in the second ban of
- 16 January 2020 - North Of Nowhere was founded by
- 26 January 2020 - 2b2t YouTuber
SalC1 made a video on Freedonia about MinecraftOnline on 30 January 2017. YouTube's algorithm recommends it to everyone again three years later, bringing an invasion of many griefers and tourists. This invasion is dubbed the SalC1 Invasion.
- 14 March 2020 - Bedrocco Empire was founded by
verydairyman and
KingServal to replace the Freedonian Imperial Federation.
- 1 April 2020 - April Fools' Day! For some bizarre reason, the server is rolled back to Release 1.4.6 with a world backup to match, and ubiquitous laggy mayhem ensues.
- 2 April 2020 - The server is reverted to its pre-April-Fools'-Day state and thus brought back to Release 1.7.10.
- 4 April 2020 - 2b2t YouTuber FitMC features MCO in a video showing the April Fools' day damage at spawn and the surrounding areas. This sets off an invasion of tourists, as well as many griefers. Because of this, the server hits the player cap of 120 players for the first time in MCO history. Admins and mods do their best to deal with inflated numbers of players for the next few days.
- 6 April 2020 - Baker's Edge is founded by
bucketsofwasps and
- 12 April 2020 - Server hits 200,000 unique players.
- 14 May 2020 - This Community Timeline created by
- 30 May 2020 - Verico Post was founded by its chief editor
Beeraeka. News are distributed through their Discord.
- 2 June 2020 - Newport was founded by
snakyman in the new land expansion shortly after his unban.
- 23 June 2020 - Server undergoes maintenance, and Freedonia and its plugins are temporarily turned off, with Freedonia 2 taking its place for a short period of time.
- 4 August 2020 - MinecraftOnline turns 10 years old! Hourly gifts give special birthday items and the /spawn command creates fireworks while giving useful potion effects or cake. Cake is also set up at spawn. In addition, all users are given the /jumpto command for the day. Donors with the /firework command were give /firework mco and /firework cake to celebrate the special occasion. As this was the 10th birthday, events were held in celebration. These events were Capture the Flag (Held at the New Eden Stadium) and The MCO Awards (Held in the Glenfiddich Performing Arts Centre).
- 12 August 2020 - Spawn Beautification Project was initiated by
- 13 August 2020 - Barrow was founded by
- September 2020 - Charlietown is revived and expended by
SenatorApple and
RobotReaction, being new owners, it soon received a Nexus link.
- 20 September 2020 - Finland was founded by
- 16 October 2020 - Georgetown was founded by
- 27 October 2020 - Montegaux was founded by
SenatorApple and
1Catnip, soon receiving a Nexus link.
- 6 November 2020 - War of Finland occurs resulting in the brief bans of
KingServal and
- 29 December 2020 - Emberrest was founded by
- 31 December 2020 - The Visitor Center is updated. The old visitor center is replaced by a design by
xArches, and
- 08 January 2021 - Heese 69 is founded by
- 06 March 2021 - The Endsurrection begins.
- 1 April 2021 - The Endsurrection Event reaches its peak as Ender Lord Flippeh's attempt to merge the overworld with the end is thwarted.
- 4 April 2021 - Server hits the player cap of 120 players for the second time in its history, a year after the first one.
- 4 July 2021 - MinecraftOnline shifts to a temporary Minecraft 1.16.5 server to let players explore and enjoy Holidonia for a much-needed Staff holiday, with a temporarily much-reduced set of rules. This also makes it much easier for the Staff Team to relax, and to perform maintenance on Republic's systems which is difficult to perform while the main server is running on Freedonia.
- 4 July 2021 -
sm0ney5 is the first ever player to join Holidonia.
- 6 July 2021 - TikToker camman18 posted a TikTok video about MCO. The video quoted some info from the wiki and use it out of content trying to frame the server having "Dark Secret". The video attracted many new players to join the server and players needed to constantly explain there is no such "Dark Secret".
- 21 July 2021 - The First Holy Church of Yan is constructed, signifying the start of a new MCO Religion with more churches being built in the following years.
- 4 August 2021 - MinecraftOnline turns 11 years old! The /store command is introduced. Hourly gifts give special birthday items and the /spawn command creates fireworks while giving useful potion effects or cake.
- 4 August 2021 -
Hirudo6 becomes the first player to purchase a kit with the /store command.
- 25 August 2021 - Freedonia expands! Receiving new 1.12.2 terrain, new structures especially Strongholds.
r9q lights the first naturally spawned end portal.
- 3 September 2021 -
Ren and
Nofleet begin building the Emerald Mall.
- 12 September 2021 - Boat Race was held for the first time in years by
Anna_28 on the SlowRiot Boat Route.
swissm4n became the best boat driver and won it.
- 18 October 2021 - A new warp is added for the first time in 7 years! With Forrrest no longer the newest warp, the Farm is commissioned to feed all freedonians after a massive collaborative effort between
Krenath, and others.
- 21 October 2021 -
Txkeykeeper and
4untochrist form the United Texas Coalition.
- 30 October 2021 - The first implementation of PenguinDungeons on the server, bringing players the first dungeon event Halloween Harvest dungeon in /warp Farm.
- 9 November 2021 - El Reino Z was founded by Chilean youtuber
ZetaSSJ, attracted hundreds of new players.
- 11 November 2021 - Server hits the player cap of 120 players for the third time in its history during the ZetaSSJ Invasion.
- 27 November 2021 - Introduction of Donor II and Black Friday Sale. Give armour stands poses, wear items on your head, and more!
- 30 November 2021 - Freedonia went down for an emergency database maintenance, running a 1.18 Java Edition server in its place for 13 hours. Players enjoy killing zombies, especially
AlTheChan who has slain 1000 of them.
- 9 December 2021 - The second dungeon Event, The Fight Before Christmas, is hosted in Winterthorn. Players who use the MinecraftOnline Resource Pack are able to see the custom textures for mobs and event items. A new feature was implemented: items dropped from mobs can only be picked up by the player that killed the mob, until moments before the item despawns. This was done in response to feedback from the first Dungeon Event.
- 9-10 December 2021 - The Log4Shell exploit was discovered, which affected both MinecraftOnline and all Minecraft players. To patch it, the server was taken offline temporary with the 1.18 world in its place again -- beautiful lush caves to calm the panic.
- 20 December 2021 - Shackcity was founded by
- 30 December 2021 -
Darkerfly hosted a well-made New Year's Eve party in Newport, although was constantly being disconnected due to Internet issues. Guests meanwhile enjoyed good old MC music, fireworks and potion drinks.
- 31 December 2021 - The German YouTuber
TheFabo made a video about the server. A large amount of German players, both good and griefers were coming to MCO the next few weeks.
- 2 January 2022 - Shulker Ranch was officially opened, based on PenguinDungeons. Here players can use end crystal to summon hordes of variously colored shulkers, each with their own unique ability. This also provides the first renewable source of shulker shells, along with some other drops like glowstone dust, bricks, quartz.
- 3 January 2022 - Emerald Mall officially opens when it is connected to the Nexus System.
- 16 January 2022 - Verico Post Person of the Year Award Ceremony was held by
4untochrist on Mech's Land of Hed Art Squid Game Arena. A lot of attendees, mostly mods.
SenatorApple became the first Verico Post Person of the Year 2021.
- 23 January 2022 -
Otis_Wong finally banned for the sixth (and likely final) time, after igniting a storm of controversy and causing things like the Harassment Petition to start.
- 7 February 2022 - Admins
TheDemetri and
Eclypto18 joined the server and caused some chaos at spawn and hosted wonderful TNT Run in New Eden, killing everyone's FPS and the server itself. New Eden and surroundings were covered with sand remains of blown arena and happy players bodies.
- 21 February 2022 - The United Mistralian Federation is formed.
- 23 February 2022 -
Txkeykeeper founds Dubina, the Capital of the United Texas Coalition.
- 27 February 2022 - Battle of Rimini between League of Angry Towns and Settlements and League of Peaceful Towns and Settlements occurred.
- 5 March 2022 -
leetly accepts
CaptainIceman's invitation for Thurston to join the United Mistralian Federation becoming the first settlement to do so.
- 5 March 2022 - Asinus City was founded by
Azeur, now known as Aurum City.
- 13 March 2022 - The Petrifaction event began, introducing ruined Nexus Borderlands Hubs and Terrain Dragons.
- 2 April 2022 - Nexus System went through total redesign and was completed with 24 functional Borderlands hubs.
- 15 April 2022 - Easter Egg Hunt started at Spawn.
- 16 April 2022 - Easter Event - Easter Bunny Bash dungeon was launched.
- 17 April 2022 - Newport held the Easter Crucifixion event.
- 23 April 2022 - The second Boat Race was held on The Great Circle Route.
swissm4n won it one more time.
- 1 June 2022 - Mosaic Mansion event had started. The goal was to decorate and build an entire Mansion created entirely of different chunks all made from different players.
- 5 June 2022 -
2b2tisFull was banned for posting child pornography in chat. This ban is ordered by
SlowRiot himself.
- 10 June 2022 - Cakeville was founded by
- 14-17 June 2022 - Admins took Freedonia down to perform emergency database maintenance. The June 2022 Temporary Server was created as a result.
- 20 June 2022 - Hastings was founded by
AlTheChan, and
- 5 July 2022 - The 6 year anniversary of Project MOON. In celebration
ScarClaw72 posts a video about the history of the project.
- 23 July 2022 - The Principality of Sprucedale, a micronation located inside Spawn is founded by
- 23 July 2022 - Mosaic Mansion with 54 chunks was finally assembled and got Nexus link.
- 4 August 2022 - MinecraftOnline turns 12 years old, and Donor III is introduced with blocks for /hat, chat reactions and other perks. Hourly gifts give special birthday items, and all rank and kit purchases were deducted by 25% for the day.
E6V became the first user to donate to this rank.
- 4 August 2022 - Tour of Terror event started, with Robot Dragons spawning at Tour locations from the new Historical and Extended tour paths.
- 4 August 2022 - Verico Post - The Freedonian Times Person of the Year 2022 ceremony was held in Emberrest new arena.
Azeur received the Person of the Year title, ceremony ended with a great massacre, loss of many heads and
Beeraeka's notes.
- 4 August 2022 - Batugus Donor Vault is opened for the first time in history, by multiple people who all joined for the 12th Anniversary.
- 13 August 2022 - The in-game Discord channel, after over 21 million messages sent since September 2017, had to be replaced by a fresh one, as Discord was unable to index new messages in the channel. The historical channel is kept as a read-only archive channel.
- 20 August 2022 - The 2022 MCO Awards Ceremony is held in Glenfiddich, the first since 2020; see detailed results on the Awards page.
- 26 August 2022 - The results for the 2022 Photo Contest (held between 3 - 20 August and hosted by
Beeraeka and
ScarClaw72) were announced;
SketchyPixel wins out of 55 players. See the entries and results here.
- 30 September 2022 - Massive alt accounts' attack on server. Around 200 bots tried to join at the same time. MCO was full for half an hour.
- 4 October 2022 - Relay bot between Discord and IRC was completely replaced from MCO_Discord to Silly by
- 19 October 2022
Ken_the_Foxxo founds the city of New Market.
- 22 October 2022 - Delta City Disaster dungeon is released featuring Delta City with new zombie monsters. Making Zombie Horses and Giants obtainable. Dungeon remains available like the Shulker Ranch.
- 22 October 2022 - "Zompkin" Pumpkin Zombies (Husks) appear in the Delta City dungeon temporarily for Halloween. Right clicking one that wears a jack-o-lantern with a nether star transforms it in to a Pumpking (Wither) boss.
- 25 November 2022 - The server has a Black Friday / Cyber Monday sale where everything is 25% off.
- 25 November 2022 - Donation option added for additional /posestand save slots.
- 17 December 2022 - The Fight Before Christmas dungeon returns, and crafting recipes are added which make Snowflake items useful for summoning the Frost Golem miniboss.
- 28 December 2022 - A new feature allows anyone to summon Terrain and Robot event dragons on the Central End Island with the use of the event crystals.
- 28 December 2022 - Delta City Dungeon is updated to include zombies which can contain New Years Fireworks for the new year event.
- 4 January 2023 -
snakyman announces the formation of The Newport Empire.
- 7 January 2023 -
ScarClaw72 livestreams the grand opening of Project MOON.
- 9 January 2023 - A security backdoor is publicly acknowledged and safely resolved by the admin team[source].
- Player
IconPippi, who had secretly been ban evading on the account
Caesena was banned for creating the backdoor and injecting programs giving them access into the server through their role as a server developer.
- A few days later,
r9q and
Selimbits were banned for knowing about the backdoor and benefiting from it.
- Player
- 11 February 2023 -
Fit made a video about the server backdoor acknowledged earlier. This led to a large influx of new players and DoS attack the same day - server was down for around 5 hours.
- 12 February 2023 - Independently,
SalC1 made a video about different server problems, which added a second wave of players influx, what became Double Trouble Invasion.
- 20 February 2023 - Sandy Shades was founded by
4dre and
- 5 March 2023 - Babylonia was founded by
- 10 - 11 March 2023 - Massive database failure. Main server is down, temporary server on 1.16.5 was set for a half of the 11 March, known as Notdonia.
- 11 March 2023 -
Kendon and
E6V were married. The ceremony was held by
doublehelix457 in the Church of the Shack.
- 5 April 2023 - Redstone and Craftbook Contraption Building Competition is hosted until 5 May 2023 by
doublehelix457. The winners are
JesusMRS, and
- 11 April 2023 - Easter Valley Arena becomes accessible from spawn event pad, with new cake mobs and Power Paws bunny boss that rarely dropped a wearable item which increases luck.
- 1 May 2023 - After months of planning and building, The Brick Mall opens in Newport.
- 5 May 2023 -
Korbs699 and
JesusMRS were married. The ceremony was supposed to be held by
NickolasDiamond, but for work reasons, it was instead held by
NedHuman in Valheim.
- 15 May 2023 - MinecraftOnline goes down again for more maintenance on the servers database. Roughly lasted for 12 hours.
- 5 June 2023 - The Bee Dungeon is opened to the public, with Bee variants, Honey Slimes, and special Pride Sheep featured for the duration of June.
- 27 June 2023 -
WonkaOil420 was banned for the fifth time for grief.
- 29 June 2023 - The first ever Dernal Park Climbing Competition is held. The winner is
Bartek_kx and
Cosmic_potato_04 comes in 2nd place.
- 2 July 2023 - 2023 MCO Meme Competition is hosted by
LordOfTheShadows, where users posted MCO related memes and were then voted by others. The 3 winners were
Azeur, and
- 28 July 2023 - Storage reaches maximum capacity, and emergency maintenance is performed for several hours.
- 29 July 2023 - 2nd climbing competition held in Dernal National Park,
Bartek_kx wins and 2nd place is won by default by
- 30 July 2023 - Server maintenance is conducted, and the server is whitelisted for two hours, while player information is migrated to a new format with UUID, and inaccurate information is fixed.
- 2 August 2023 - A Capture The Flag tournament is hosted by
EpicBaby at New Eden Server Arena, with assistance from
- 4 August 2023 - The Donor Vault in Batugus is opened for the second and third time in its history.
- 4 August 2023 - The 2023 Portal Build Competition is hosted until the 16th of August by
Teaacup, and
- 4 August 2023 - The Celebrations Skin Contest is hosted until the 16th of August by
Void42_ and
- 4 August 2023 - MCO turns 13 years old. Hourly gift includes birthday cakes, and /goto and /unstuck are made public for everyone to use during the event.
- 6 August 2023 -
Java64Bit and
podd were married. The ceremony was supposed to be held by
Void42_, but it was instead held by
NedHuman near
podd's base.
- 9 August 2023 - The Competitive Fishing Event is hosted until the 22nd of August at an event nexus pad by
- 10 August 2023 - The Hunt mystery chest is solved by
FuzbolMC, and
bartek_kx would also solve the mystery hunt a few days later.
- 28 August 2023 -
Headmate and ( ??? ) were married. The ceremony was held by
Luigifan100 in Stolen Town.
- 3 September 2023 -
George_Mann is banned by admin
Void42_ for building highways through multiple player builds without permission, to the delight of many. (Heruvian Interstate Project).
- 20 September 2023 - The Great Lakes & Kanal Town Museum celebrates its 5th anniversary with a party and special T-Shirts.
- 15 October 2023 - The seventh MCO Awards were hosted by
Luigifan100 and
- 24 November 2023 - Donor IV is introduced.
- 1st December 2023 - The Fight Before Christmas dungeon returns for a 3rd season.
- 18 January 2024 - The winners of the 2023 Holiday Skin Competition are
Kendon and
- 31 January 2024 - Two rounds of chess that lasted several hours were played in Kanal Town:
SholQut versus
SiOtter (SiOtter wins by checkmating his opponent) and
Cosmic_potato_04 versus
Clomik (draw by agreement). The games were watched by
Cosmic_potato_04 and
- 3 February 2024 - Newport leader
snakyman was assassinated by
Java64Bit and
FuzbolMC after getting a strength boost from
Krenath because snakyman ran his mouth in chat until Krenath had enough.
- 3 February 2024 -
snakyman declares war on
Java64Bit and
FuzbolMC due to them obtaining illegal strength potions and killing him.
- 10 February 2024 - The Astral Fracture event started, with Astral_Monarch_Flippeh back to conquer the end.
- 10 February 2024 - The Forêt d'amour dungeon start, for the Valentines day celebration.
- 27 February 2024 - Player and former Moderator
_Daata makes their announcement of quitting the server and being banned by
Java64Bit as per request, and griefing.
- 28 February 2024 - The Bunker City-Freedonian Commonwealth Conflict comes to an end.
- 22 March 2024 - Mistral Valley receives a Nexus Connection after 5+ years. It is located at South East Yellow 2.
- 1 April 2024 - Kanal Town's annual birthday celebration ("Kanal Days") would begin.
- 7 April 2024 - The Freedonian Neuturalizers declare war on
Aidan as a result of the purchasing of Rimini.
- 10 April 2024 - Former moderator
Luigifan100 is banned after being exposed as a groomer and sexually harassing a multitude of players.
- 17 April 2024 - The First Issue of The Mistral Times Newspaper is published!
- 28 April 2024 - The Snow Bumps Tournament takes place in the Mistral Arena. It is the largest organized spleef tournament on MCO in many years, consisting of 16 participators and many spectators. The winner was Team Kanal Town.
- 8 May 2024 - Admin
MattyQ appears after being gone for 4 years, a welcomed comeback!
- 10 May 2024 - Tentton is founded by
helpimdeadinside. The town gets a Nexus connection only a few hours later!
- 12 May 2024 - The Donor Vault is opened for the third time ever!
- 13 June 2024 - The Glowstone Mall in Mistral Valley receives a Lions Slot Machine before opening. This is the first slot machine added in 5 Years!
- 19 June 2024 - MCO's Newest Mall Opens in Mistral Valley called The Glowstone Mall. An opening ceremony of Spleef games and prizes was held to honor the Grand Opening.
- 27 July 2024 - Users
wintrysummit, and
xseco are able to naturally skip the night by sleeping in a bed during the midst of an hours long technical attack on the server.
- 27 September 2024 - Server is closed for maintenance after its storage filled up more quickly than expected, which was further accelerated from a series of DDoS attacks started a day prior. Temp server would eventually become MinecraftOffline, the unofficial anarchy variant of MinecraftOnline.
- 14 December 2024 The 2nd Snow Bumps Tournament takes place in the Mistral Arena, consisting of 16 participators and many spectators. The winner was Team YouTube (
Aidan &
ScarClaw72. Custom Efficiency X Shovels and Books are given to the top three teams.
- 10 January 2024 -
SiOtter &
Abamacus transmit the servers first telegraph message between Kanal Town and White Rock. Message is sent using American morse code and the newly developed C.O communication system.